The Dragon's Legacy

Par _Savren_

111K 5K 19.6K

What if Maegor the cruel had a son? A raven haired prince. Born to carry the legacy of his father and grandmo... Plus

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - M
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six - M
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two

Chapter Thirty-One

1.1K 54 389
Par _Savren_

After nearly a month of travelling by horse and camping wherever he could, Daemion finally reached Jin.

He wore a cloak that he had stored on the back of his horse and pulled the hood over his head and hair.

With his dark clothing, black leather coat, and black cloak and black leather gloves, the only revealing part of Daemion was his face.

He walked in the city. The city was not much different from the Golden City's structure, but yet it was a new world. As if the best and worst of men walked the streets of Jin. Either men of the royalty, or who men who would feast on their own young.

Daemion walked thé rather large street of Jin. There were not many silk shops like they were in Golden City, but merchants roamed the street with their goods in hand.

Daemion kept walking around, hoping he would find this "Peral of Jin" all by himself, without the bother of asking someone.

But after half a day Daemion approached a man behind a counter in a butcher shop. "Forgive me, would you happen to know where the Peral of Jin is?" Daemion asked The butcher.

The man looked up and studied Daemion's face in silence and then looked the other way and pointed down the street.

"Thank you." Daemion spoke and walked down the street that the man had pointed at.

After some time of walking, Daemion reached the bottom of the street, where he could see the blue ocean. He looked everywhere around him, trying to find either wherever this Perle of Jin is, or just ask someone who might know where this place is.

After awhile Daemion found a red wall of a massive establishment to lean on. Bunch of dark skinned beautiful women were standing only a few feet away from him in front of the door of the establishment of what appeared to be a brothel.

Suddenly a man walked to them and handed them some bronze and then women giggled and grabbed his hand and led him inside of the establishment. But it was what the man said that caught Daemion's attention.

"Truly perles..." the man laughed as he followed the women.

Daemion walked in the middle of the street and raised his head "I'll be damned..." Daemion whispered to himself as rose his head and read the sign of the brothel:

"Perle Of Jin"


Is every brothel looks like this?! Daemion thought to  himself shocked at the sight of the beauty of the brothel.

The brothel was designed in colours of red and gold. The carpets that were on the ground were made of the finest silk. And a strange scent that flew through the hallways, which smelled like lust. And women present wore heavy make ups and their seductive way of words, emptied any man's bag of coins.

To Daemion's surprise, women of all colours were present in the establishment. From Yi-Tish to silver hair Valyrian with purple eyes.

As he walked around he covered his arms and body under his cloak and sat on his knees in a corner, trying to curl up so he would not attract much attention to himself until he could ask someone who worked in this establishment for directions. Hoping that none of these fine women would approach him to offer their services.

After minutes that felt like hours, a lady with hair of colour gold, with revealing clothing that exposed much of her body walked up to where Daemion was curled up, she leaned down and observed Daemion's face, and gently pinched Daemion's cheek red.

"Yea cute thing? You looking for work?" The lady asked. Daemion could smell the alcohol on her breath.

Daemion smirked softly and slowly stood up and towered over the lady. "I would look fantastic in your outfit! Am I hired?" Daemion spoke amused as he removed his hood and let his long Raven hair fall in front of his brood shoulders.

"You're a man?!" The lady spoke in disbelief as she looked at Daemion from his boots to his head.

"Come on dully, you blind? Ain't no woman or no man I know as tall as this cute fella." Another lady who was sat by a large stomach man spoke as she looked Daemion and the lady next to him. "He certainly is prettier than you and your kind."

"Piss off." The lady spat at the sitted girl and looked up to meet Daemion's deep violet eyes. "So you want a woman?"

"Well, I am looking for someone specific you see." Daemion spoke with a soft smile.

"Mhm?" The lady hummed with a drunken smile studying Daemion. "Which girl has caught your eyes?"

"I'm looking for a Lady Lisha." Daemion spoke with a smile. "Would you mind fetching her?"

The fake smiles and soft eyes died on the woman's face. "She is busy."

"I am sure she can make time." Daemion spoke as he tried to maintain his smile.

"I said she is busy." The drunken lady spoke sharply. "Either find another or stop taking a willing-to-pay customer's place."

"I'm afraid I can't–"

"Are you deaf?" A man spoke loudly from behind Daemion, cutting him off. "She is busy."

Daemion pressed his lips together before forcing a smile on his face. "I assure you, friend. There is no need for this." Daemion spoke as he turned to face the voice.

The man had a large stomach but yet muscular arms of a sailor, was sat in the company of two beautiful women, but along with him sat the skinniest man Daemion had ever seen.

The fat man hissed through his teeth and stood up. He was tall, Daemion noticed.

The fat man walked up to Daemion with his back strengthened, trying to pose an intimidating figure. But his false bravery fell from his face as he stood only a few steps away from Daemion. Only now he realized that the Raven Prince was taller than most men he had seen, standing taller than everyone present in the establishment apart from the few Tyroshi customer who were deep in their cups. The man eyes ultimately fell on Dark Sister on Daemion's waist.

"Damn you're ugly." Daemion hummed as he looked down to meet the fat man's eyes, and he saw the fat man's bravery turn into uncertainty.

"The fuck you said, pretty boy?" The fat man yelled. Another four men stood up behind the two men's back.

"I'll cut your fucking hair and sell it along with your coat." The fat man spat in anger as his round face started turning red in anger. "But I'll keep your sword! After I cut your fucking head with it!"

"Well then." Daemion spoke softly as he looked down and his grip on Dark Sister's hilt tightened. "Come and get them." And unleashed Dark Sister and slashed half of the fat man's face.

The fat man fell on the ground and as he held his slashed nose and cheek as blood spilled out of his wounds, he screamed like a dying pig.

The skinny man next to him ran to Daemion sloppy as he held his small but pointy knife up his head, which Daemion dodged and as he dodged slashed the man's ribs. As the man fell to his knees, Daemion shoved Dark Sister in his heart from his back so hard that he heard as the man's backbones break by the sheer strength of his blow.

As Daemion pulled Dark Sister out of the man's back, the next man punched Daemion's cheekbone with all of his might, to which Daemion jumped back as he felt his head spinning.

he wiped the drop of blood that fell from his mouth and looked at the wiped blood on his black glove and smirked to himself and then looked at the man who had struck him. Not bad... Daemion thought to himself.

The man who had punched him unleashed his sword and attacked Daemion. Daemion also ran to him and Dark Sister clashed with the man's sword. Daemion pushed Dark Sister against the clash with all his might until the man's own blade was on his own face. With one more push, half of his face alongside his left eye was cut by his own blade.

As he screamed in pain Daemion stood up and shoved Dark Sister in his open mouth as he was screaming, the point of Dark Sister coming out from the other side of the man's head, silencing him as he choked on the blood that was gathered in his mouth.

Two men attacked Daemion, Daemion landed one punch on the man on his right face with his left fist and smashed the hilt of Dark Sister on the other man on his left's face and shoved the point of Dark Sister in the throat of the man he had punched.

As he pulled out Dark Sister from the man's throat, he walked to the man who still rubbed his face where Daemion had landed his strike with the hilt. The man desperately looked at the one young man remaining, hoping he would strike. But the youngest of the group chose running rather than fighting.

As Daemion pressed Dark Sister to the man's face, a woman's yell was heard. "What the fuck are you doing in my establishment you cunts?!"

Daemion turned his head and faced the woman. A small Yi-Tish woman, with exotic makeup on her face and thin clothing which revealed some parts of her breasts and thighs with hair that was coloured in colour of dark red.

"Lady Lisha I presume?" Daemion asked as he cleaned the blade of Dark Sister with the shoulder of the man who looked at him in fear, still rubbing his face.

"Who's dog are you?" Lady Lisha asked bitterly as she looked at the dead bodies. "You better pay up for this you mad bastard or I–"

"I believe this will suffice." Daemion cut her off and reached for a small bag in his leather coat and handed it to Lady Lisha.

Lady Lisha weighted the bag in the palm of her hand for a minute and then looked at Daemion. "What you want?" She asked coldly.

"I am here to collect a large debt." Daemion spoke.

"All we have here is women." Lady Lisha spoke.

Daemion hummed and reached for his pocket and took out the bag of rubies and showed off the bag.

Lady Lisha's eyes slightly grew large and smirked to herself. As she reached for the bag, Daemion put it back in his coat. "The debt." Daemiom said simply.

Lady Lisha bit her bottom lip in anger, but did not say anything. "Follow me." She spoke coldly.


As they walked outside of the brothel, they began walking into the heart of the city, but suddenly Lady Lisha turned in an ally, which Daemion followed.

After a while of walking into the dirty and long ally, they reached a barn.

"Their so called leader of these unwashed goats is in there." Lady Lisha spoke.

Daemion hummed to himself as he looked at the barn. Daemion handed her the bag of rubies.

Lady Lisha walked away but suddenly stopped and spoke. "You know... A group of sellswords have been visiting our place for a week or so. From what my girls tell me, they look for a new master." Lady Lisha spoke. "And from what this unwashed goat told me and by the looks of you, I think you want more men then whatever this goat has."

Daemion thought to himself. Amethyst does need more men... Daemion sighed.

"How many men are these sell swords?" Daemion asked curiously as he turned his body toward her.

"400 Men more or less." Lady Lisha spoke.

"Do they have a man in charge?" Daemion asked.

Lady Lisha nodded.

"Will you talk to their leader for me to meet me here tonight?"

"Of course, one would do anything for money." Lady Lisha spoke with a smirk as she presented the palm of her hand.

Daemion's face fell, but regardless he handed her ten-piece of silver coin. Lady Lisha kept her palm open as she waited.

Daemion bit his tongue and handed her two gold dragon coin.

Lady Lisha smiled as she raised her chin. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"I'm afraid I can't say the same, my lady." Daemion hummed.

Daemion stood in front of the average-height man with long brown hair and bright green eyes. The man nodded his head before Daemion. "Toothless Tommy." The man introduced himself. "So you're the man who slew Satler, the monster of Magadan." Toothless Tommy hummed as he looked at Daemion.

Daemion looked at Toothless Tommy's mouth. "I see you have teeth as white as pearls. Why do they call you Toothless?" Daemion asked.

"Skinned a man with my bare teeth m'lord. Folks said I ain't got no human teeth so I oughta be toothless." Toothless Tommy spoke as he cleaned his nose.

Daemion hummed. "Where are the men?"

"Hunting and sleeping out of this stinking pile of a city. People of it be looking at us weird." Toothless Tommy spoke.

"Alright then. You go to them. I must speak with another later tonight. If I do not return by midnight, ride south. In a month of riding, along the shore, you'll find a camp with a crimson banner. Throw yourself at the Empress's feet and you will say that pledge yourself to her and her cause and you will be at her disposal." Daemion spoke coldly. "Do you understand me?"

"They wasn't wrong. Ya ain't human." Toothless Tommy spoke as he pulled his nose up. "I hear ya, boss man."

And with that Toothless Tommy walked out of the door.

Daemion slowly opened his eyes as he heard the barn's door was clashed open.

"You the man sugar bun Lisha said that wants to meet me?" Daemion heard the man speak.

The man was tall but not as tall as Daemion. His skin was darker than Modread's scales. His head was skin shaved with a broken nose and a thick red mustache on his thick lips.

"Hm." Daemion hummed as he studied the man. "Aren't you tired of spending the little gold you make on brothels?"

"Listen, pal. I ain't got no clue who you think you are. But I promise I won't hear your horseshit about what my men and I do. You know who I am?" The man spoke sharply as his stomach trembled at the end of every word he spoke in fury.

"Do you know who I am?" Daemion asked with an amused smirk.

"No! I ain't got no shit to give about it either!" The man spoke loudly in anger.

"Then we are even." Daemion laughed.

The man roared as he reached for his small axe on his waist and attacked Daemion. As he raised his axe to smash it on Daemion's head, Daemion dodged it and put all his might in his fist as he punched the man in the jaw. Causing the man's eyes to roll as he tried to maintain his balance.

Daemion punched him in his broken nose, which caused the man to fall on his back. Daemion unleashed Dark Sister and shoved right next to the man's face, cutting his cheekbone in the process. Daemion placed both his hand hands on the top of the Dark Sister's hilt.

"Listen to me, little boy. I couldn't care any less about what you do or what you wish to do with your pathetic life. You or any of your men..." Daemion spoke as he leaned the blade closer to the man's red mustache. "...But fight by me, serve and call  the woman that I fight along with mistress, and I promise you... you will have enough gold that you can drown half of it in the ocean but still have enough to spend for fifty years. And more than anything, you will serve a mistress who is worth the serve." Daemion finished calmly. "Are you willing to ride with me or not?"

The man looked at Daemion with fury and slowly stood up and looked up at Daemion. After a few minutes of looking at Daemion's face, he smirked as he clenched his jaw. "You have a fire in you, kid. You take no shit. I like it. I ride with you."

Daemion nodded his head and offered his hand to seal the deal. The man looked at Daemion's hand... And then spit in his own hand and offered it to Daemion. "Sly." Sly introduced himself. "Just Sly."

Daemion looked at Sly's hand, and while he didn't wish to shake that hand, grabbed his hand and shook it. "Daemion. Daemion Targaryen."

"The Bastard Dragon?!" Sly's eyes grew. "You ain't got no clue the bounty they've put on your head across Stepstones to summer sea and orange shore, do you?!"

"Be careful now Sly...." Daemion smiled as he squeezed Sly's hand so hard that Sly's face squeezed in pain. "... I'm not afraid of dying but it doesn't mean that I don't like keeping my head on my shoulder."

Sly pressed his lips together. "I ride with you and you alone Black Dragon." Sly spat as he pressed his teeth together to not give Daemion the satisfaction of how much pain Daemion was causing. Which he failed.

Daemion smiled. "Then find your men and find me and my men outside of the city."


Amethyst watched as Modread flew in the sky.

It has been nearly two month since Daemion left for Jin. Amethyst knows better than to worry for Daemion but yet she can't help but to worry for him.

As she walked by her tent in a circle, she thought to herself of her next move. We need a base. A stronghold. To maintain hold our feet as we fight. Amethyst thought to herself. But for that I need men... I hope Daemion has managed to find his men.

"Amethyst!" Zhea yelled. "An army of thousand are approaching our camp!"

Amethyst felt her body freeze in fear. How did BuGai found us?! She wondered nervously, but yet she took in a deep breath and walked to her tent.

"What are you doing?! Get on horse and ride away!" Zhea yelled at her from the outside of the tent.

Zhea took her sword from the tent and walked out. "No! If I am to die I will die with my head high! I will not throw my dignity away for one extera day!" Amethyst yelled bitterly and unleashed her sword.


Amethyst stood in front of her camp, and held her sword as her hands trembled. She took in a deep breath as she saw the riders got closer and closer.

But suddenly the riders stopped. In her confusion as she looked at them. Perhaps they are trying to rain fire upon us? Amethyst wondered to herself.

But then she saw three riders rode to her. One got off his horse and removed his cloak.


"Empress." Daemion spoke as he approached her and grabbed her hand, and raised it to his lips, and softly kissed the back of her hand. "Daemion." Amethyst smiled softly at the sight of Black Dragon. "I see your task has been a successful one."

"Yes. I've brought you your men." Daemion spoke with a soft smile as he turned and gave the other two riders a look.

The other two got off their horses and kneeled before Amethyst.

"Allow me to introduce: Toothless Tommy, the leader of men from Stepstones." Daemion spoke as he introduced the fair-skinned brown-haired man.

"Me'Misteress." Toothless Tommy spoke.

"And Sly the sellsword and his men." Daemion spoke as he turned his eyes to the dark-skinned man with slashed cheek and red mustuche.

"Of what company?" Amethyst asked Sly.

"No company my Empress. Simply men who wish to put food in our stomach and our bags be full of gold." Sly spoke. "And if gods are kind... to die with a sword in hand."

"Be welcome." Amethyst spoke strongly.

"May I speak with you, Empress?" Daemion asked formally.

"Yes. Please follow me." Amethyst spoke and walked to her tent, and Daemion followed her.


"I'm glad that you have returned safely Daemion." Amethyst spoke with small smile as they entered the tent.

Daemion smiled softly as he looked at Amethyst. "Forgive me that it took too long."

Amethyst smiled but as she leaned on the map of Yi-Ti on her table she spoke with a serious tone. "I see you have brought more men. Good. What have you promised Sly and his men?"

"Gold." Daemion spoke. "And in return, they have told me of things. They say BuGai has officially being reconzied as the new God-Emperor."

"You have a 1000 men." Daemion spoke as he pointed at the a small castle on the map of Yi-Ti. "Sly spoke of this castle. That the lord of it is a merchant... Though he has strong walls and a mountain on it's back, he does not have enough men to gurd it... But it means we must ride for three months for us to get there."

"But it will put distance between us and the Golden City. I know BuGai, he will not send his army away from his capital... We can take the castle and store the men in our new base." Amethyst spoke as she thought. "When we settle in the new base we must send word of my claim and intentions... We need every ally we can get."

"Yes!" Daemion spoke with a smirk. "We will strengthen your army there and gather allies once we take over that mountain castle."

"The Lord-merchant either will either join our cause once we have his castle, or he will die." Amethyst spoke as she looked at Daemion.

Daemion placed his hand on top of Amethyst's hand and smiled warmly. "I know you will lead us to victory Amethyst."

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