Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami...

By DuskJS1

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This is the story of how Kuro Ookami came to be. We meet the Hellhound-Ookami Hybrid and his adventures. Kuro... More

Energy types Reveal
1) My name is Kuro Ookami
2. Down in a Helluva-verse (X Helluva Boss)
3. Cafe Fued
4. Welcome to I.M.P
5. Tall and Blue feathered
6. Similar Species
8. Loo Loo Land
9) I can turn human!?
10) Memories and Pacts
11) Training Part 1
12) Training Part 2
Upcoming Prequel
13) I'll Help You Out
14) Harvest Moon Festival, the enemy revealed
15) Unveil The Reversal Technique and One Secret
16)Truth Seekers with a settlement Part 1
Truth Seekers With a Settlement Part 2
New Prequel

7. Darkness Arises

170 2 0
By DuskJS1


A quiet sharp voice is heard from the darkness surrounding our hellhound-hybrid. Kuro is in an empty space surrounding him, everything black. Kuro turns quickly according from where the sound had been heard from.



Kuro: *gasp and turns* who's there? what is this energy I'm sensing, it's not...life-like.

Kuro tries to load his hands with his Ookami energy just how Dusk had trained him to but it didn't seem to work and suddenly a dark and red figure appears from the distance. It comes closer and closer until he stops right in front of Kuro. He stood scaringly still, not wanting to move and not knowing what the black entity will do next. 

Kuro felt something crawling inside his arm, the entity was fusing with him. He tried to shake it off with his Ookami energy but failed.

Kuro: What is this? *grunts*

Kuro started to get a headache and he couldn't control his now-weak body, he felt so weak that he couldn't be able to get up from the sheer force this entity was giving him. His eyes started to go black with red pupils. 


Kuro felt his whole body hurting himself making him scream to the top of his lungs but seemed that no one could hear him, the entity completes his doing and Kuro lets out a burst of dark energy.


Kuro awakens in fear, breathing heavily and felt as if the nightmare was real. He checked his arms they were fine, he placed his hand on his face all around to feel if everything was fine. It was.

Kuro:"I guess everything seems fine"

Loona grunts as a sign to tell Kuro to be a bit more quiet.

Kuro looks around reminding himself that he's not home anymore, he's in another world, one helluva-verse. 

Kuro:"what time is it?" *checks the clock* "7:10 AM, looks like time does flow in the same way in another universe as Daidem said."

Kuro tries to get out of the room seeing Loona sleeping on her bed curled up. Kuro walks out of the room quietly seeing Blitz sleeping on the sofa (couch) with the TV on showing horses running on the screen.  

Kuro thinking: "Looks like this is bacon, eggs, and sausage. Hmm, maybe an english classic brekkie. I guess I could make breakfast for them just a little favour for helping me yesterday."

Kuro starts to cook breakfast for the gang the nice aroma went around the room both Loona and Blitz were awaken but the tasty aroma that was filled in the air. 

Blitz: *wakes up*"Oh-wa" *sniffs* "what's nice smell?"

Loona walks out of her room

"Is that you cooking Loona?"

Loona: "No"?

Both Looked at each other in confusion and turned towards Kuro who was in the kitchen with 2 ready plates filled with food you'd find in an English Brekkie.

Loona: "That looks tasty" *drools*

Kuro: "Hmm? oh,  you guys are awake, cool. You guys wait buy the table I'll serve brekkie in a minute"

Both Blitz and Loona sat down at the table waiting for their breakfast.

Kuro places down 2 plates of an English Breakfast both of them looked in awe at what's in their plate and then his own.

Blitz: "I don't think I seen a brekkie like this in hell before, it sure looks great!"

Kuro: "I had this a few time back home, seem like I managed to memorise it."

Loona and Blitz took a bite...

Loona: "Oh f*ck, this is really good",

Blitz: "No kidding, this is the best breakfast I ever had."

Both were scarfing down the breakfast leaving the plate clean.

Kuro: "Oh my, you really like it?"

Blitz: "mhm" *looks at watch* oh sh*t M and M are about to arrive at work, we should get going.

Kuro managed to wash the dishes in a flash before Loona and Blitzo left the apartment. They all went down the apartment into the IMP van. Blitzo turned on the ignition starting the engine and drove off to the office

# made in March 2023#

Kuro sat in the back with Loona. He looked outside of the car window seeing all the imps in the streets. It's almost like back at home he thought.

Kuro looked at his hands trying to remind himself of what he had dreamt last night. 

Kuro: "if felt too real to be dream...who was that" *to himself*

Loona turned to Kuro: "You said something Kuro?"

"Oh no, I was just talking to myself, I sometimes do that"


Loona looked at Kuro in concern

Loona: "Kuro, I heard you get up in such a panic this morning, you were breathing heavily".

Kuro: "You were awake?"

Loona: "I get up quite early, you know just to scroll on my phone"

Kuro: "Fair enough, I do that also"

Loona: "Anyways, did you have some sort of nightmare?"

Kuro looked down on himself, "I guess so, but it felt too real as something was inside of me and just awakened."

Loona looked at him in confusion.

Kuro: "It's hard to explain, but I saw something that was very mysterious and dark"

Loona: "Maybe it's some sort of future stuff, idk, got that from a few shows"

Kuro: "Hmm... you might be not far I guess."

He looked in the buildings passing by.

"Blitz, how long left to we reach to the office?"

*driving* "we're still a bit far from the office"

"Aight, imma have a quick nap, my head's kinda hurting, wake me up when we get there"

Loona looks at Kuro snoozing he was sleeping like a log.

"He sleeps so peacefully, kinda cute not gonna lie" Loona thought.

Kuro started to sleep whilst the car was running

A few minutes later Kuro woken up.

*yawns* "Oh, looks like we're here"

Kuro opened the door stepping out only to find out that everything was dark again he started to panic and looked around to see if anyone else was there.

"guys?...Blitz?...Loona?..." no response, "I guess I'm back here then"

Kuro felt a really dense negative energy around him, he quickly reacted to it and fought it off, no effect. He looked around and realised that he didn't anything. 

"pitiful... you're just like him...."

Kuro and looked around to find who said that.

"Who's there? I can hear you, so whoever you are just come out already."

"Oh? You're even for confident than him"

"W-Who? I don't know who the hell you're talking about?"

Kuro looked behind him seeing a hotspot of dark energy idling in the air in front of him.

"What is this? this energy feels so negative"

"Creepy huh? It's about time I show you"

The energy manifested into a shaped that was similar to Kuro, only he had red and black eyes.


Kuro stood in shock to hear his name called out.

"Who are you? What is this place?"

"Hmm? Haven't I told you? My name is Cerberus"

"As in the demon God? Doesn't he guard gates?"

Cerberus grunts in annoyance "Don't test me punk, I don't only guard gates like some pet, I am what is called the King of Hellhounds. And by the way, we're inside your mind. I'm simply using a fraction of it to speak to you only when you're sleeping".

"But why am I now just seeing you?"

"Simple... you're mature and plus wanted to make a few conditions with you".


"Or should I say tasks? In order for you to stay alive in hell I need you to do a few things."

"As if, I don't even know if you're trustworthy"

"Is that how you're gonna treat me after I am the one keeping you alive."


"Hm, that got you listening. Now try to understand this, your body obviously isn't tied into this universe which could've resulted to your death in the next few days if it wasn't for me. "

"What are you talking about?"

"As a demon god, I am full of dark energy, this specific energy allows beings like hellhounds to stay alive anywhere, in any underworld."

"Wait, any underworld?"

"All universes have an underworld in order to balance of good and bad, this why universes are always stable. However, because those Last Reality Punks brought you from the overworld in your universe to here, it wouldn't really benefit this and your universe, my energy which is inside you is keeping you stable in this universe".

"That's quite understandable"

"Remember that one incident when you were in Year 7, you took out a group of bullies."

"Yeah, I remember, almost got excluded for a term".

"That was actually my doing."


"You're anger allowed me to take over for a bit and maybe used a little bit of my dark energy to take them out, don't worry they're still alive"

"That explains why I couldn't remember doing it, hold on, dark energy, Dusk mentioned of specific Dark Energy called hmmm, what was it again, ahh, that's right...Jigoku Energy".

"Not bad, he really did taught you a lot."

"Now that just reminded me, how did Dusk managed to use Jigoku energy if he isn't a hellhound?"

"Now that's something I am confused of as well, it does make sense that he is just carrying the hellhound genes therefore somehow awakening them to use Jigoku"

"I mean he is my brother after all".

"And your other one can also handle Jigoku as well"

"Other one?"

"Hmm? Dusk hasn't told you? ha! He obviously wants me to stay out from taking over him aswell"


"You idiot, I'm talking about your other brother"

"Yoru? But he's a Lycanroc-Ookami"

"No...He is almost like you, three species to be exact, half hellhound and half Ookami, maybe a touch of Lycan also. So now, you have 2 hellhounds in you clan, crazy innit? Why do you think he wears an eye patch, I don't know? You figure it out".

"*Acknowledges it* Why are you telling me this?"

"hmm, doesn't matter"

"So what do I have to do now?"

"Your new group of I.M.P, they like to kill targets, and those targets are often evil therefore-"

"Have Jigoku energy"

"you're learning quite quickly"

"But I thought only hell species have it"

"true, but some with the true evil intent will have Jigoku energy. And try get a few imps if you can as they have the most dark energy, but I highly doubt Blitz would have any underworld targets".

"I guess that makes sense. But... what if I don't do what you say?"

"Then you'll definitely die here in this universe as the Jigoku energy you have isn't enough since you grew up only with Ookami energy. Oh...and I'll be using you a vessel a few times if needed"

"You mean you going to take over my body".

"Only for a moment, but I can't do it forever, your Ookami energy won't allow me. It's like a computer virus that just gets wiped by the antivirus and comes back when the time is right. Also my Jigoku techniques will be shared with you to use when doing what I say, you may use them to fight as well". 

"Oh, thanks I guess."

"So you ready wake up now? You might feel yourself breathing heavily for a few seconds"

"huh- " *sliced*

-Dream ends-

Kuro finds himself back in the van breathing heavily awake.

Loona: "Kuro, man again? These nightmares must be something huh"

Kuro: "I might as well get used to it"

Loona: "Anyways we're here"

Kuro got out stretching.

Cerberus to Kuro's mind: "remember what I said."

Kuro's mind: "Yh I got it".

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