
By jmarley96

47.6K 1.1K 151

Enemies to lovers Two women in an office always compete for the top spot. There is constant arguing between t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

1.7K 37 1
By jmarley96

Drew's POV

How can one person change the whole dynamic of one's life?

I had rules for a reason.

To prevent this from happening again and yet, this one slipped through the cracks.

I've been a mess ever since she left.

I can't even talk to her.

I feel like everything I've done up until this point has put a burden on her and that's the last thing I want to do.

I sigh.

This is the problem with falling for headstrong women.

I always seem to get in their way.

Anna has been coming by and helping me out a bit more lately.

I didn't tell her what was going on but she said she could tell I was upset about something.

"Either you need a new mattress or something's got you down in the dumps. Penny for your thoughts?"

I shake my head as she gently rubs her fingers through my hair while I go over some folders.

"Can you drop these off next door please? I'd really appreciate it."

She tilts her head at me and takes the folders from my hand.

"You know, we are still friends Drew. You can talk to me."

I look up at her and she softly caresses my cheek with her thumb.

We were technically friends before she ended up in my bed.

She's a really good person and I think I forget about that sometimes considering the things we do in my bed.

I just don't think my complicated relationship with our new sales manager is the best topic considering how many times she's tried to be in her shoes.

"Thanks Anna. I'll keep that in mind."

She nods and kisses the top of my head before going over to Valentina's office.

I lean back in my chair and sigh as the clock on the wall ticks away.

The time reads 6:45 pm and most of the office is long gone.

I go over to the mini fridge and pour myself a drink as I look over that the make shift bed on the couch.

The thought of going home is unsettling.

Mainly because it reminds me of when she was there.

God I must sound crazy.

I barely know this girl yet she's captured my world.

My stomach growls and I sigh as I fish a couple dollars out of my pocket.

I ordered DoorDash but with all of the traffic and the time of day, everything is slammed.

It won't really bother me if the food is cold, but I'm not sure how long I can wait before I start to feel ill

The vending machine in the break room has hot pockets so that should hold me over for a little bit.

I make my way over and as I'm scanning the selection, I hear a pair of voices off in the distance.

"I don't think that'll be necessary. I still have some work to finish up and I really don't want you to have to wait up."

I tense up a little at the sound of her voice.

It's not that surprising that she's here so late but it is a bit odd for him to be.

"Aw come on doll. Why don't you take a break? I'll make sure you have a good time."

I scoff as that wanna be Casanova tries to make a move on here, but it's not my place to say anything.

I'm about to go back into my office when I suddenly hear an edge to his voice that causes my blood to heat up.

"Most women don't say no to me."

Val's POV

This guy is a total creep.

I just wanted to print some papers and he just popped up outta nowhere.

"Well as you can tell, I'm not like most women so if you'll excuse me."

I go to walk away but he grabs onto my wrist and squeezes pretty tight.

The cool demeanor he had before has been replaced with a sinister sneer that makes him look like the villain from every movie.

I thought he was a decent guy, but it seems like what Drew said before is true.

"Are you stupid or something? I will-"

"Hey. What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

My eyes widen as I hear that commanding voice.

I haven't heard it in so long, I almost forgot how it sounded.

He tenses for a moment and curses under his breath before releasing my wrist and straightening himself up.

"Evening boss. I didn't realize you were still here."

She steps in front of me blocking his view and glares at him as she holds me behind her.

She's pretty tall for a woman so they're eye level with one another as they stare at each other.

"I should be asking you the same thing. Why are you bothering miss Sanchez? She clearly doesn't seem interested in entertaining you tonight."

He scoffs and crosses his arms.

"Oh? You must want her for yourself."

She narrows her eyes at him and I can feel the anger coming off of her by the second.

"Watch your mouth."

His eyes widen and I can visibly see him shrink in size as he take a step back.

"Oh come on boss. I was only fooling aroun-"

Before her can even finish his sentence, she has her fist balled up in the collar of his shirt as she get right in his face.

"If I see you anywhere near her again, I will personally see to it that you're on the streets by morning. Now get out of my sight."

She forcefully shoves him back against a cubicle and i watch as he scurries off out of the building.

She scoffs and heads back towards her office as I stand there stunned.

I knew she had some power here, but that guy looked like he might shit himself.

She also must be pretty strong to throw him around like that.

As she starts to pass me, I gently touch her arms to stop her and almost forget how to form words as our eyes meet.

It's been almost a week since I've seen her, let alone been this close to her.

"Thank you for that. I really appreciate it."

She shrugs.

"Don't mention it."

With that, she continues on towards her door and as she does, I get the smaller whiff of booze coming off of her.


I peek into her office as she enters and see a couple
Of bottles on her desk as well as a change of clothes draped over her couch with a blanket and pillow.

Has she been staying here?

"Drew? Is everything okay?"

She looks up at me and has this confused look come across her face as if she didn't understand how I got in.

"I'm fine. I'm busy so..."

I walk over to her desk and see even more bottled hidden underneath it.

This is bad.

How long has this been going on.

"Drew...are-are you staying here?"

Her eyes are blank as she looks up at me.

I can tell what she's thinking but I know that the spark she once had is now gone.

And it's all my fault.

She looks down at her desk and sighs.

"I can't go back..."

I tilt my head and sit on the edge of the desk as she absentmindedly flips through some files.

"Can't go back where Drew?"

Suddenly her hands stop moving and she just stares of into space.

"I can't go back there, because it reminds me too much of you."

She sighs and closes the folder she was working on before grabbing her coat.

"W-where are you going?"

"Out. Stay here if you want but I'm going for a walk."

I bite my lip and feel my heart racing.

I can't let her leave.

If I do, she might not come back.

Before I can even think, I run up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist almost knocking her over.

"Valentina? What are you doing?"

I tighten my hold on her and bury my face in her back as she tries to turn around and push me off.

"Valentina seriously. You're being ridiculous. Let go of me!"

I shake my head and look up at her pouting as she tries to push me off.

"I'm not letting go until you tell me what's going on? Why are you staying in your office? Why do you smell like you just stumbled out of a bar? Have you even been eating?"

Her eyebrows furrow as she looks down at me.

Her eyes are mixed with confusion and anger for a moment before I see a slight twinkle in them.

She chuckles.

"That's what you're worried about? Have I eaten?"

I nod my head and watch as she starts to laugh.

"And you're not letting go until I answer you?"

I nod again and she shakes her head.

"As stubborn as always."

She turns around in my arms and I feel my heart flutter as her arms encircle me.

The warmth of her body pressed against mine sending waves of emotion through me.

Tears well in my eyes as I bury my face into her chest.

Oh how I've missed just being able to touch her.

As I'm basking in the feel of her, my heart begins to race the second she starts to pull away.

"Not yet!"

I hold on a little tighter and she chuckles, running her fingers through my hair.

"Lets sit."

I nod my head and we separate but I keep hold of her hand as we step over to the couch.

We both take a seat next to each other and for a moment there's silence.

She actually looks a little nervous and im honestly unsure of what to say myself.

I thought I wanted to be independent and grow on my own but I don't think I can spend another moment away from her.

"I've been eating."

I lift my head up at the sound of her voice.


She nods rubbing the back of her neck as she tries to look anywhere but at me.

"I've been eating. And tonight is the only night I've really drank. There's just a lot going on right now and I wanted to take the edge off."

I sigh, relieved that she's not spiraling into disaster.

She's worked too hard to get to where she is and I'd hate to have a hand in ruining that.

"I'm glad to hear you've been eating but I don't think drinking is the best solution to your problems."

She scoffs and leans back into the corner of the couch.

"And what do you suggest I do princess?"

I roll my eyes but hearing her call me that actually fills me with a few butterflies.

"Well have you tried talking to someone about what's going on?"

"What like a shrink?"

I shake my head.

"No just, a friend. That girl seems to be in your office pretty often."

She raises an eyebrow at me and I curse myself for letting my tone slip out.

"That girl has a name. It's Anna. And she's been helping me as best she can but I don't really want to talk to her about this."

I lean into my own corner of the couch and nod.

"I bet she has. Anyways-"

She chuckles and I give her a confused look.

"What's so funny?"


She finally meets my eyes and I can see how tired she is.

I don't think she's actually been sleeping.

And they're so full of sadness I just want to wrap her in my arms and make it all go away.

"You tell me you like me but then tell me that I'm a distraction and that me being around you is going to hurt your future. So I stay away. I do everything I can to give you what you want and yet, you get jealous over a girl you don't even know? I don't get it."

I sigh and cover my face with my hands as her words ring in my ear.

I haven't been fair to her at all.

I know what I told myself I was going to do here but...things change.

I reach over and gently take her hand in mine.

My thumb lightly brushes over the top of her hand before I place a soft kiss to it.

"I'm so sorry for putting you through this drew. I was a fool chasing a dream that I don't have to reach alone."

I reach up and gently caress her face.

"I miss you. I've wanted to see you for so long but I knew you were angry with me. Calling you a distraction was cruel. You mean so much to me that being away from you has been making me crazy. I just sit around hoping you'll burst into my office and call me princess or something but you don't."

A slight smile forms on her lips as she eases closer.

"I thought you hated when I called you that?"

I roll my eyes and shrug as she gives me a goofy look.

"It grew on me. Don't make it weird."

After a moment, we both laugh and I can feel the air lighten around us.

She takes my hand and softly kisses the top of it as she ponders her next words.

"I miss you too princess. I don't want to be apart either but we can't just rush into things. One day at a time okay?"

I nod my head, tears welling at the bottom of my eyes as I wrap my arms around her neck.

One day at a time sounds great.

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