THE BAD GUYS IN: Madagascar 3...

By BiancaSantana880

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when the bad guys who are still criminals before they reformed plan to kidnap the king of versies in monte ca... More

Africa and the big heist
Infiltrating Monte Carlo
hide out in a traveling circus
Circus Zaragoza
Trouble in rome
From bad to worse
Fur power
Convincing vitaly
From Bad to worst
The greatest thrill of all
The grand finale

training for the big show

409 5 1
By BiancaSantana880

Then Dubois arrived at the hospital with the chief, "thank you for coming cousin" Dubois says.

"Well you did see you knew where the bad guys are, and if you are right, then this means I can finally catch them" the chief says.

"Trust me dear cousin I know exactly where they are, they hitch a ride with the circus along with a couple of missing animals" she kicked the doors open, "Attention! I have found our lion! He is hiding with the circus!"

"Circus? What or how?" The chief was baffled.

" no need to worry dear cousin, we find ze circus, we find ze lion, and when we ze lion, we find ze bad guys" but her men were hospitalized.

"Which is why o need your help, you knew the bad guys, you know everything there is to know about them...but first" she shoots the lights and starts to sing.

"Non! Rien de rien... Non! Je ne regrette nen... Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal!" Her singing was healing her men.

"Non! Rien de rien... Non! Je ne regrette rien... Car ma vie, car mes joies Aujourd'hui, ça commence avec toi!"

Meanwhile with the circus, everyone tries to find a new passion.

But before they could, vitaly Gia and Stefano comes up with princess.

"Attention everyone" vitaly calls for them and they all stop and turned.

"Come on, Maurice, give it to me!" Mort begged when Maurice was twirling ribbons.

"I want to welcome a new member to our circus, meet diamonds the acrobat cat" vitaly shows them princess.

At first the animals stared at her but fall victim to her cuteness.

First the horse walk to princess, "she is cute" one horse says.

"So precious" said another and another, "so adorable"

Then the elephants rubbed her head and the dogs awed at her,

When Alex and the crew approached her, the bad guys stand close besides her.

"Hey there sweetie" Alex waved.

"Aw you are just the cutest I wanna pinch her cheeks" Gloria was in awed by her.

"I'm Alex, welcome to the circus" Alex tries to shake her hand but wolf grabs her and pushes her away from him.

"She actually can't talk right mis, she's new and nervous, got to go bye bye now, you might wanna stay away from them" wolf says.

"If I had to guess, you two front like each other do ya?" Princess made an obvious guess.

"How did you know?" Wolf asked then he looks down at her necklace trying to take it.

"It was quite obvious by the way he was looking at you" princess says.

"Alright do practice should start in a few minutes" wolf says.

"But I don't know anything about trapeze" princess grunts.

"Well if you wanna quit kitty cat go ahead then again you'll have to go back home to big daddy" wolf teased then he walks off with her necklace.

"More boomstick, Rico! I really want to fly!" Stefano wanted to try cannonball.

"Are you really going to shoot yourself out of that thing?" Marty was unsure about it.

But princess wasn't done with him, she marched and got in his face.

"Now see here Mr. Wolf, you may be a criminal that doesn't mean you must push me aside"

"Aw sweetheart it's cute how you can threaten me but remember I can have you kick out of the circus" he bends down.

"Says the wanted criminal who uses cheap disguises and second rate plans for a heist, so intimidate me all you want but you're just living a sad life where no body loves you" she turns her back and walks off.

Everyone laughs at wolf, then she turns revealing she took her necklace back.

"Wolf was stumped as he checks his pockets, "wait how did she-" he was puzzled.

"I'm not as dumb as I look" princess says and walks off.

"Oh, she got you good" webs says.

"That child is sneaky manipulative cunning intimidating, she's smart, she's so smart, she is just-she's like-like-" wolf was furious.

"Like a small version of you" webs says.

Then wolf realized it as he turns to his friends who looked surprised.

"What?" Wolf says.

"Well, she is kinda like a smaller version of you" webs says.

Then wolf realizes it, "she's cunning, smart, it's like looking into a mirror, she's like a mini me....its kinda impressive" wolf admits.

"I've always dreamed of doing this, from time I was a little pup, to be a human cannonball! Except, you know... a sea lion cannonball" Stefano says as snake slithered over.

"So have I" snake said.

"ls it dangerous?" Marty asked.

"ls it dangerous? Yes, of course it's dangerous!" Stefano says.

"Of course it is idiot" snake says.

"Now, are you sure about this?" Marty asked.

"Come on let the seal have his fun" snake said.

"I'm sure" says Stefano.

"'Cause if blowing up is your thing, then you in the right place" marty says.

"Si. That's means yes!" Says Stefano

"Ready for launch?" Skipper asked.

"Ready for launch!" Stefano says.

"Fire in the hole!" Skipper shouts.

But Stefano spits out the tnt realizing his mistake "Wait!" Bur he got shot and hits a wall hanging in a cliff, "AAAAAAAHHH!!! Mamma mia! Help-a me!"

Narth panicked, "Rico! Get the cannon ready! Same charge!"

"Fire in the hole!" Skipper says.

"Whoa! Ah! Ah! Whoa! All right! Ha-ha! Yeah! Woo--" as Marty got shot, he flew in the clouds, right into a rainbow.

Then he hits the wall, unaware because he was on cloud 9.

"Marty! I'm so glad you're here" Stefano says.

"Whoo! I was flying! I was effin'-L-Y-in'!" He says in a dreamful tone.

"I'm proud of you, but... ...I don't think I can hold on much longer!" But Stefano was losing his grip.

He uses a rope to get them down safely, "Oh, yeah, right. Sorry about my enthusiasm. Here, wrap this around you. All right, I got you! I got you! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Forget about being part of the herd! I'm gonna be part of the flock! l'm going to fly, baby!"

"Oh, yes! What a triumph!" Stefano laughs.

Then shark and piranha were putting on clown makeup, princess saw.

"Wait, I thought you said you were the strong man" she asked piranha.

"Yeah, but being a clown is so much fun" piranha smiled.

And once they were done, they get up and walk with daggers in hands.

"And what is it exactly is your act gonna be" she asked.

"We're gonna be throwing daggers at each other" shark says.

"Is it even safe?" She asked with worried.

And then as they threw daggers, wolf and vitaly saw princess was standing by the knife throwing target and the two clowns started throwing at princess.

"GUYS WATCH OUT!" Wolf shouts.

Then vitaly panicked, then the knife heads towards her, princess looked and vitaly grabbed her by her arm, pulling her away.

"Look out" he says.

Then a flashback plays with the teenage tiger in the same situation princess was in, he pulls her away.

"You have to be careful, you almost got hurt" he looked concerned at the tiger.

"Sorry papa, I just wanted to try the right rope" she says.

"Ok, just please be careful ok Angelina" he puts his claw on her but the flashback ended with it just being princess.

"Uh, ok but my name is diamonds" she reminds him and he snapped out of it realizing he called her a different name.

"Right right, diamonds, you...keep up good work" he leaves.

"Oi, what's he doing?" Bobby yelled.

"Hand over that circus, Freddie!" Says frankie.

"I'll have my blue guts for garters!" Say freddie.

And as the dogs fight, Alex stops them, "Hey, hey, put your weapons down. Guys, chill out. Cute and cuddly's obviously not your thing"

"He's got us pegged" says freedie.

"I got a better idea. Show 'em, Rico" they turn to Rico who holds a remote.

They see Jonesy in rocket shoes, "Aah! That was great!" He flew off.

"Flippin' 'eck!" And they all loved it.

"Rocket shoes!" Bobby yelled.

"I want to try that. Come on!" Freddie says.

"Jonesy! Jonesy!" Frankie calls him.

And as Alex walks off, he gets startled by Gia, "Whoo. Hey. Hi"

"I admire how you have inspired these animals" she says.

"Oh. Thanks" says alex.

"And what you said about passion, it was like poetry" gia says.

"I love passion and poetry. They go together, really. I mean, I know they don't rhyme" he tries to impress her.

"Trapeze is my passion!" Gia says, "and I want to do it with you and diamonds"

"Terrific. I look forward to seeing you up there" alex says.

"You can teach me!" She asked.

"What?" He was surprised.

"Teach me" she says again.

"Well, I've always been kind of a solo act. So that kind of rules that out" Alex gives her reasons not to teach her.

"Well if a nine year old can do it so can you, but I wonder if you actually do trapeze" Gia says.

"Oh, I actually do do trapeze" Alex says.

"Show me!" Gia asked.

""Show me"? What are we, five?" Alex says.

"I am five, yes" gia says.

Meanwhile Melman was too nervous about dancing he didn't realize he was climbing to the tight rope.

"Dancing. All you're doing is moving and not getting anywhere. I mean, the music totally throws off my timing. You want excitement? Ha-ha. Check it out. Who's on a tightrope, huh? Who's on a..." then he panicked, "Aaah! I'm on a tightrope! I'm on a tightrope!"

Gloria was dancing when she heard melman was in trouble, "Melman! Oh, my gosh!"

"Help me!" He screamed as she climbs up.

"Baby, hold on. Hold on. I'm coming right now!" Gloria says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" He tripped and his neck caught on the rope.

"Melman?!" Gloria says.

"Aah! Aah! Aah!" He groans.

"Calm down, Melman" he gets back up.

"I'm going to fall and break all of my neck!" He was scared.

"Just look at me. Look at me. All eyes on me" but gloria tires to clam him.

"Okay" he looks at her.

"Come to me" she says.

"I can't" said melman.

"it's just like dancing, Melman. Two steps forward, one step back" gloria says.

"I can't dance, OK? OK? There, I said it" melman finally admitted.

"Maybe because you've never tried" gloria says.

"No, I have tried. I practiced in private because you dance so well" melman says.

"You practiced? For me?" Gloria was in awed.

"Yes, but it's no use. I never know what to do with my arms" melman says.

"Hold it. That part is so easy, Melman. OK? 'Cause all you have to do is put them around your partner. See? Two steps forward. One step back" she helps him.

"I'm dancing. I'm dancing!" And the next thing melman realized he was dancing on a tight rope.

"Two steps forward. One step back" Gloria says.

"We're dancing on a tightrope!" Melman says.

"You're great" Gloria says.

"I'm dancing!" Melman says.

It was time for princess to practice but as she looks up she starts to look worried.

Wolf passed by but he noticed, " hey what's wrong?" He asked.

"It's just-there's a reason why I didn't wanted to do trapeze...I'm-I'm afraid of heights" princess stuttered.

Then snake slithered by, he snickered, "well then I guess you should pack up and say goodbye, that is if you relay don't wanna go back home" snake laughed and so did wolf.

But then wolf noticed how distraught princess was, how scared she looked, it had him concerned.

So as princess feels sick, she noticed wolf taking off his coat and rolled up his sleeves.

"What are you doing?" She was curious as he hands his coat on some hay.

"I'm gonna help you practice, well come on" he climbs up the ladder and she was nervous,

Once they get to the top, princess gets nervous when she looks down to see how high they were, she was about to quit when she bumps into wolf.


"Oh hey hey, it's ok" he assured her as he takes the handle.

"Have you ever done this before?" Her curiosity gets the best of her.

"How do you think we steal things" he smiled.

"Uh-" princess was still unsure till...

"Relax it'll be fine, look look look, watch me" he jumps down, swings and he somersaults in the air and lands on the other side.

"See, it's as easy as that" he shouts from the other side.

Princess grabs the bar but looking down, she feels her heart racing in fear but got blocked out by wolf.

"Come on it's your turn, don't worry I'll catch you" he says.

So princess takes a deep breath and she jumps off, she screams and as she lets go, wolf grabs her by her waist and pulls her closer, she was shaking but soon that fear went away when she saw wolf smiling at him.

"See I told you I catch you, ok let's go again but this time jump when I swing back ok" he takes the handle and as he jumps off, swings back and jumps on another bar but he wraps his legs around and he swings back to princess.

She jumps down and as she swings towards him, she jumps but he purposely misses and she went falling down.

"AH!" She panicked but then she bounced on the net and she holds on tight to the bar, her fur raised up and she was shaking from the bar.

Then she heard wolf laughing and she glared at him, "I'm sorry, it was so funny I had to do it" wolf laughed.

Then when I was her turn to catch him, he jumps but she misses purposely.

"Oops" she smiled.

"AH!" He screams,

And as he fell, he bounced on the net while screaming and he bounced back up and holds on tight to the bar.

He was shaking looking down as he kept his grip tight and he heard princess laughing was she sitting on the bar like a swing.

"You should've see the look on your face, it was priceless" she laughed out loud made wolf smiled.

They swing towards each other then as they both let go at the same time, princess lands on top of the bar swinging and wolf holds on to the other bar and he jumps to the other side.

Piranha and shark could hear them laughing they watch as princess swings to wolf, he wrapped his legs around the bar and he reached out for her.

When she jumped he grabbed on to her arms, she looks up at him and they both smiled at each other.

He threw her to the other side and webs was swinging on a web when she bumped into princess back.

"Oh" princess gasped as she caught webs in her paws.

"Sorry about that kid, I was swinging on my web, I was thinking about doing a Tarzan act swinging on my web" web says as princess puts her on her shoulders.

"It's ok, but you should really add that to the show I think it'll be amazing" princess says as she begins to jump down.

"Really? You think so" then webs jumps off.

then suddenly snake got shot out of cannon, he bumped into princess pushing her off.

"Ah!" But then before she could fall, snake caught her with his tail and wrapped his neck around the bar.

She looked up at him, he looked right down and they both smiled.

"Sorry about that" snake says.

"Hey, Mind throwing her over her" wolf shouts at the other side.

Careful snake swings her back and forth then he throws high up and as she fell, wolf caught her by her waist, he puts her down and they both smiled.

Wolf didn't know but when princess smiled at him, something inside him was tingling, like a warm sensation.

"You uh-you did great" he lets her go ignoring that warm feeling.

"Thanks, I uh-I think I'll go take a cat nap" she climbs down then wolf felt his tail wagging, he panicked and tries to stop it.

Then on the other side of trapeze it was Alex and Gia's turn.

"Ok that was great, now would you mind leaving it's our turn now" says Alex, wolf looked annoyed and he climbs down.

And when princess got down she heard clapping and sees the other animals loved her performances.

She didn't see where she was going and accidentally bumps into vitaly who had this look on his face that reads sadness.

He looked upset as he was starting to get another flashback.

"You uh-you did good today" he says.

"Thanks" princess says who was odd by him.

"I am...very proud of you, I always been proud of you, to have you in my life" he grabs her shoulders and sees a young tiger in her then he snapped back to reality.

"You...keep up the good work and cover up, it's cold outside" vitaly zips up an old sweater on her.

"OK. Ha. Hoo... All right" Alex says.

"So when do we get the jet packs and aquatic cobras?" Gia asked.

"This is a beginners' class, and that's a pretty advanced maneuver" says Alex.

"Okay, how do we begin?" Gia asked.

"it's a bit complicated unless you understand the whole pitch and yaw... arc and gravity. All that stuff, which I won't bore you with. OK" Alex stalled.

"Do you need a push?" Gia gives him a push.

"No. Just watch and learn! Whoa! Whoa!" It was pure dumb luck he made it but hanging by his teeth.

"Like that?" Gia did the same thing.

"That's one way of doing it, sure" his teeth slipped as as he swings back, he hits the bar and he falls landing on the net and grabs on tight to the bar.

"You use a net!" Gia was surprised.

"Yes! Trapeze americano. We use the net" akex lied.

And Gia repeated the same thing, "Trapeze americano!"

But the practice had became so much more, the other animals start to notice.

"Look at him go!" Freddie points.

Alex jumped as he starts to get the hang of it but then he missed but was caught by Gia and they both landed, Gia almost fell but Alex caught her pulling her closer, something magical sparked between them.

"Wow!" Gia was amazed, they marty was shot at them and the three of them fell in the net bouncing.

"E bravo! Bravissima! Hey, Vitaly, maybe you even do two hoops, no?" Says Stefano.

But vitaly had a look on his face that said otherwise.

It had a mixed if concerned and worried, meanwhile after all that wolf was back to his old tricks, he sneaked into train and he finds princess sleeping on a pile of hay.

But as she slumbered he tries to attempt to steal her necklace.

He bows down, reaches out for her necklace...but suddenly something inside was keeping him from doing it, it's like a good side of him was telling him.

But the main reason was his peaceful princess, how innocent she looked, how...beautiful she was.

Wolf struggled forcing himself to steal the necklace but then he remembered the fun they had, how she laughed, so he gave up and sighed then he covers her with shark's jacket.

He rubs her head, then he felt that tingling again, he also felt a strange presence.

It was the guys, they were behind him looking concerned.

"Wolf we need to talk" snake slithered in, "I know we agreed that after London we get back home and leave the kid here....but now we're not so sure anymore"

Then wolf was relieved, "well I'm glad someone said it"  he gets strange looks from everyone.


"Look I know we planned to leave after London but you know...hehe, after seeing the kid today, she is amazing she really does remind me of me but I don't know if we can do this you know, leave her to the circus and go back to the life of crime, stealing robbing heisting" then he sees everyone was agreeing with him.

"We get how you feel wolf" webs says.

"We gotten close to the kid too, I mean just look at her" shark says as they all look at her.

"So cute" he cooed.

"So adorable, I'm gonna miss her laugh and smile" piranha says.

"She's so....full of life, so much love, she makes me feel like...I can be more then a criminal, but what are we gonna do" snake asked.

"I don't know?" Wolf asked.

"Well you might wanna see this wolf, look what I found" webs pulls on princess arm and rolls up her sleeve, "brace yourselves"

They were in shocked to find bruises on princess wrist, "what? How? What happened?" Wolf was horrified the most as he touched the bruises delicately.

" do you think we should asked her" webs asked but wolf just covered the wrist up and brushed her fur back.

"No, not now, let's not wake her, let her sleep for now, later when she wakes up we'll wake her"

But that wasn't the only trouble they were gonna have, Alex just finished when skipper approached him.

"Psst, Senorita Bell-bottoms. Tenemos una problema grande" skipper spoke in Spanish to not blow their cover.

"Qu? Qu grande problema?" Alex asked.

Then he sees through binoculars that Dubois was hot on their trail.

"Oh, no! She's onto us!" He was disguised as a flower along with the penguins.

"Don't make it any easier on the psycho" skipper shushed him.

"What are we gonna do?" Alex panicked.

Skipper suggested "We'd better vamoose... pronto"

"But we're not ready. We're in the middle of rehearsals" Alex reminded him.

"Then why don't you lilt over, grab your peduncle, and kiss New York good-bye?" It didn't look like they had other options.

Wolf was at the circus, far ahead he sees princess practicing with the rest of the bad guys.

"Hey, we got a problem" Alex says as he pulls wolf aside.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"We need to leave like right now" Alex says.

"What? Why, we kinda in the middle of rehearsal" wolf turns to princess.

"Look, there is the si women named Dubois and she's out or get us" Alex says but then wolf looked back at him shocked.

"What? Are you kidding me, that women is after us too" wolf says.

"What? Anyway need to leave now, get everyone and everything and get on the train" Alex says

"Are you sure we are ready?" Stefano asked as they immediately got on the train.

"Of course we're ready! Born ready! Ready steady! Come on, let's go! Let's go, go, go, go, go!" Alex says.

Wolf walked up to princess, "hey" she says.

"Hey" he smiled nervously and takes her hand.

"All right, you heard the cat. Move it! Come on! All aboard! Grab your luggage and drain your bladders. lt's going to be a long ride!" Skipper says as the animals get on board.

The bad guys ran with princess, "do we have to leave no she was feeling worried about something.

"Are you kidding yes, better now then later" wolf says.

"But shouldn't we practice some more" princess says.

"What? You were great today, I say we're ready then ever" wolf says.

"But what-" but he cuts her off.

"Time to go" wolf says.

Snake slithered on the train, the shark grabs piranha who grabs webs and they jumped on, then wolf got in last, he turns to princess, picks her up by her waist and helps her up.

"Ok we're ready Alex" wolf shouts.

"All right, everybody, let's blow that promoter away!" Alec says then everyone cheers.

"London, here we come!" Says melman.

"Sunshiny London, yes!" Marty says.

It at the back of the train, vitaly opens up an old wardrobe door.

But soon he gets flashback s of that dark day, the voices of the crowd chanting his name echoed in his head.

"Vitaly! Vitaly! Vitaly! Vitaly!"

Then a young girl's voice played in his head as if he was reliving the moment.

"Papa" she screamed his named.


Her screams echoed in his mind and in the reflection of his eyes showed a young tiger's arm reaching out as it fell.

"NO!" he heard his own scream coming from his mind, then he shuts the door.

He panicked, he was suffering from PSTD, but it was something, like an old past, a reason why he won't go through the hoop, can he face it again.

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