Can I Keep You? (1D fanfic)

Par MEJ_2020

4.1K 82 10

Together at one time now brought back together again but for a different reason she has been put in a coma, t... Plus

Flashback to yesterday?!
Three other voices
Goodbye for good?
Waking up
I cant protect you! (Just Harry's POV)
Harry drunk (Louis POV)
Back at the hospital
Alone time
Protecting Her
Because I love her
What ifs
Unfinnished ending

Phone call

782 13 3
Par MEJ_2020

I look out the window thinking out loud
"One more hour that's all I need to last one more hour then he'll be awake" I hear the door open and crash shut. I run to the closet close my eyes, and wait for it to start.

"Where are you?!" He yells through the house.

I stay quiet trying to become invisible, one more hour that's all I have to last. I hear the door crash open to the room. I sink farther back in the closet. In a few moments it closes again but I wait. I hear the tap for the bath to turn on and decide it was safe enough to crawl out.
I quickly run to the phone and dial my ex's number.

"Hello?" His British accent, one I could point out a mile away.

"Can you come pick me up?" I ask, my voice shaky, not sure I could survive the hour.

"Sure where are you?"


"What?! Megan, I thought I told you to stay away from him! Ugh, I'm on my way" he hangs up the phone in a hurry, leaving me alone so I go back to the room. I didn't know it but the tap had shut off.

"Who was that?" He asks, his voice slurred and smelling of beer.

I jump when I see him at the doorway, "No one." I say, my voice starting to shake. I slip by him into the room and move closer to the window. I was a story high off the ground but anything is better than him. Then a picture of my brother comes to mind, I back away from the window and look at my chances with hand to hand combat. I size him and then myself, then him again, my chances aren't good but I have a chance.

"Dont lie to me bitch, who was that?!" He moves more into the room and closes the door behind him.

"No one!" I say back starting to shake harder.

He moves closer, "I'm going to ask you one last time slowly, who, was, that?" I look in his eyes, the deep, hard eyes unfeeling. I look away refusing to answer him again.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yells as loud as his slurred voice would let him. He grabs my cheeks and forces my face towards his, I still wont talk.

My physical chances against him are dimming. I feel him drop me but land a blow to my left shoulder. I fall to my knees but don't scream, that's what he wants."Scream, why won't you scream?!" He kicks my side; this time I couldn't hold it in, I scream loud and long.

"There, now doesn't that feel better" he says with a smirk leaning over my limp body.

I hear the door open downstairs but can't scream anymore, instead I make out a loud groan, my vision starts to blur from the kick to the side. Sleep, to sleep would be nice, I say to myself drifting my eyes closed. I hear the door slam open and watch his long brown hair and his strong fist fly.

The fist makes contact with Max's face, but Max was more sober than I thought; he counter attacks with a blow to Harry's forehead. I scream in protest finding my voice, but he doesn't stop. I gather my adrenaline left, hold my ribs with my arm and jump on his back, startling him giving Harry time to stand. Just then I feel him stumbling backwards and losing balance, and feel my body helplessly falling with it, not having time to fall the other direction, suddenly being slammed into the wall behind him, everything turns black.
"What the hell where you thinking!" Is the first thing I hear when I wake up in the hospital bed. I look over to see Harry,
his hands caressing his temples and sitting in a chair by the window.

"Nice to see you too," I say trying to sit up, I'm stopped by wires and a terrible ache below my rib cage, I gasp at the pain.

"Now what are you trying to do?" He asks sarcastically, looking up and staring at me knowing very well I hate lying down with no purpose. He watches me as I helplessly try and sit up myself. I notice a bandage on his left eyebrow but ignore the question that went with it knowing the exact answer.

"You going to stare or help?" I ask instead.

"Doctors orders were to stay lying down in bed for a week so I'm going to stare for now."

I roll eyes, "Since when do you take orders?"

"Since my friend is lying in a hospital bed with a bandage around her." He simply says back.

I try and raise the bed but it didn't work. I stop to think of that word. Friend, did I still want him as a friend? I did call him for help. I ponder the word.

"Need anything?" he asks standing from the chair he was sitting in by the window. I look over at his perfectly built body and shake my head no, "Well, I'm going to go get some food, I'll bring you something up for later ok?" I nod my head yes still staring at his abs which you could completely see through the shirt. He leaves and I watch him go.

What the hell are you thinking Megan? He's not taking you back. I say to myself, but the way he said my name when he was on the phone made me think otherwise. Remember your the one who dumped him. But why? Why did you dump him? I can't even remember all the details of the breakup. It was something along the lines of he never took things seriously, and he never had time for me. It wasn't very fair of me because it was his job that required him to be gone so much, and I knew what I was getting into with that kind of relationship.

I hear a knock at the door,"Come in." It opens to my brother standing in the doorway looking terrified.

"What the hell did you do!"

"C'mon not you too. Who told you? Harry..." He nods and comes to stand next to my bed. Harry enters next, "You told my brother?!"

He freezes when he hears me yell but then relaxes when he realizes the question. "Yeah, I knew he would want to....." I cut him off.

"No, I mean yes he would want to know but I called only you for a reason, I didn't...."

"Didn't what Megan?" he asks this time cutting me off and setting the food down on the table next to the bed, "Didn't want to worry him? Well a little late cause guess what, he was already calling my place asking where you were before you called."

I sigh and turn my head towards my brother. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was going." I say

"It's okay" he says moving my bangs from my eyes. " The good news is your safe, the jerk will no longer be a threat." He says smiling.

I look over at Harry who was sitting back in the chair next to the window and eating away at his burger. "What did you do to him?" I try and sit up and almost got it before my brother out his hand against my chest putting me back down on the bed. "What the hell did you do!" I yell.

He looks calm, why does he look so calm, what exactly did he do? "Calm down and I'll tell you." The calmness of his voice infuriates me more but I calm down. " I didn't kill him, I should've, the bastard was this close to it, nope, after he finished knocking you out he was so dizzy that when he came at me again all I had to to was step to the side and he knocked himself out in the bed. Next all I had to do was tie him down to make sure he stayed, call the police, and get you to the hospital."

"Why do you care for that idiot anyways?" My brother asks

"Because that idiot was my former husband, or do you not remember the last four months?" I flinch my ring finger where a shadow of a ring is fading. My brother looks at the floor and Harry flinches at the memory.

"Yeah four months of total hell" he mutters, I give him a scowl.

"Where were you the last four months?" I ask. I immediately knew I shouldn't have asked because when I did his head immediately dropped.

"I was waiting for your call. I didn't.... I didn't think it was going to hurt, I just thought, I though it was something that was going to blow over."

I turn my head not wanting to see if he was crying. I knew if he started crying so would I. The nurse comes in to check on how I was doing, I tell her I'm fine and try sitting up again. The nurse comes over and presses the button on the side of the bed and it slowly moves up, I sigh relived and thank her, she nods and looks over at Harry, "Your'e lucky sir, another moment in the state she was in and you could've lost her."

Harry looks up and thanks her, his voice is shaky but he clears it, she nods and leaves.

I open my mouth but close it again.

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