Scooby Doo: "Whispers Of Crys...

By LoneWriting2021

2.8K 109 23

In the quaint town of Crystal Cove, a new mystery-solving duo emerges, unveiling secrets that lie beneath the... More

S1Ep1: Beware The Beast From Below
S1Ep3: Secret Of The Ghost Rig
S1Ep4: Revenge Of The Man-Crab
S1Ep5: The Song Of Mystery
S1Ep6: The Legend Of Alice May
S1Ep7: In Fear Of The Phantom
S1Ep8: The Grasp Of The Gnome
S1Ep9: Battle Of The Humungonauts

S1Ep2: The Creeping Creatures

298 14 1
By LoneWriting2021

Late at night, the family's sedan rolled into the deserted town of Gatorsburg, its headlights casting an eerie glow on a weathered sign that read "Welcome To Gatorsburg." The family, bewildered by the desolate scene, couldn't help but question their surroundings.

"Are you sure this is New York City?" the wife asked, peering out at the dilapidated buildings.

"Absolutely," the husband replied, trying to sound confident. "In fact, I think that street over there is Broadway."

As they pulled into the rundown Gatorsburg Gas station, the husband sighed and stepped out of the car. "Hello? Anybody there?" he called out, his voice echoing in the stillness of the night.

Unbeknownst to him, the family's dog, Puddles, darted out of the open car door, prompting the daughter to follow. Puddles froze near some overgrown grass, growling at a hidden presence within. Meanwhile, the husband struggled to figure out how to operate the ancient gas pump.

As Puddles bounded into the overgrown grass, the daughter instinctively reached in to retrieve him. Her hand brushed against something sticky, and a pair of red eyes gleamed in the darkness.

"Gator man!" she screamed, yanking her hand back and sprinting back to the safety of the car.

"Sweety, there's no such thing as-" the husband began, but before he could finish, the Gator man lunged out of the shadows with a menacing snarl. "Gator man!" the husband shouted, scrambling into the car as two more gator-like creatures appeared.

With a surge of adrenaline, the husband floored the gas pedal, the tires screeching as the car tore out of the gas station. They only paused long enough for Puddles to leap into the back seat before speeding away, leaving the mysterious attackers behind.

Ethan POV:

I found myself in the living room with the rest of the gang. Fred had officially invited me to join their mystery-solving group, and I gladly accepted. It was a good opportunity to reconnect with Fred, as our brotherly bond needed some attention.

Outside, the rain poured heavily, punctuated by subtle flashes of lightning. I paid it no mind as I headed to the kitchen to make some tea. While waiting for the water to boil, Velma joined me.

"Hey, geek," I teased, stifling a yawn born from the dullness of the day.

"I'm not a geek. I'm just more knowledgeable than everyone else," Velma shot back, opening the fridge to grab a drink. "I know I'm smarter than you," she taunted, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Is that so?" I replied, preparing my cup of tea. "Well, if you were truly smarter, you'd be better at keeping your secret relationship with Shaggy under wraps," I added with a wink before strolling back into the living room.

After an hour or two of mind-numbing boredom, I found myself flipping through the pages of a book. Velma, clearly feeling the same, spoke up.

"I am so bored. We haven't had a good mystery in I don't know when," she complained.

Daphne let out a loud sigh. "I think I've read every magazine in the house," she lamented, then noticed a magazine stuffed in the couch. "What's that?" she asked, reaching for it.

Fred, noticing her movement, jumped up, trying to prevent Daphne from finding it, but she managed to snatch it away from him as he tumbled over the couch.

"'Traps Illustrated," Daphne read aloud, her face contorting in disgust. "Freddy!"

"I, uh, I read it for the articles," Fred stammered, taking the magazine with a guilty and embarrassed expression on his face.

I couldn't help but chime in, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Sure you do," I teased, earning a sharp glare from Fred.

Fred gulped and quickly changed the subject. "It's where I got the idea for this little beauty," he said, pointing to the trap he had constructed by the front door.

"Who do you expect to trap outside your front door?" Velma asked, genuinely curious about Fred's peculiar contraption.

At that precise moment, the doorbell rang, triggering the trap, and I heard the unmistakable sound of the postman being ensnared by it. "Oh, great," I muttered, heading to the front door and opening it to find the postman hanging upside down.

"Package for Fred Jones," the postman said, holding a brown package.

"I'm his brother, so I'll take that," I stated, accepting the package and closing the front door. I handed it to Fred, who then activated the lever to reset the trap. As I walked away, I couldn't help but overhear the postman's pained thud as he hit the ground. "Hope that doesn't lead to a lawsuit," I muttered to myself.

After Fred placed the box on the table, I took charge and opened it. Velma swiftly grabbed the letter inside, and as she read it, she gasped. "It's from Mr. E," she explained, just as a strangely timed lightning flash illuminated the room, followed by a rumble of thunder.

"'Saved this for a rainy day. Enjoy,'" Velma recited the words from the letter.

Daphne hugged her arms together. "Mr. E gives me the creeps," she said, glancing in my direction. "Be careful searching it."

"Yeah, because who knows, maybe I'll find a bomb to end my existence," I retorted sarcastically as I began to sift through the contents of the package.

I pulled out a handbag with a design resembling a gator, which caught Daphne's eye. "Scratch that, cute purse," she remarked, reaching for it, but Velma snatched it away before she could grab it.

Fred took note of the label and read it aloud. "'100% pure gator made in Gatorsburg.'"

"Gatorsburg?" Scooby inquired, clearly unaware of the reference.

"But that's impossible," Daphne objected. "Gatorsburg hasn't manufactured gator products in decades."

"Not since the gator mines dried up," Velma added, interjecting with her knowledge.

"Gator mines?" Scooby asked, shaking from fear as another ominous thunder and lightning flash went off.

I decided to share what I knew about it. "Gatorsburg was founded in the 1800s when a group of prospectors searching for gold struck something more valuable-Alligator," I explained.

Velma took charge, delving further into the history. "Gatorsburg had more alligators than anywhere in the world, and overnight it became a boomtown."

I joined in, adding, "The town became famous for its gator skin products. Then the gator wells ran dry, and Gatorsburg became a ghost town." I finished, explaining, which seemed to surprise Velma. "Told you I was smart," I teased, noticing a hint of a blush on her face.

"Like, it says it was made in Gatorsburg," Shaggy mentioned, clearly puzzled.

Scooby sniffed the bag. "Smells new," he informed the group.

Fred clapped his hands together. "Gang, we have a mystery on our hands."

"Oh, sweet Christmas, finally," Velma expressed, clearly excited.

Everyone sprinted out the door, but I paused to witness the trap activating and ensnaring my friends. After quickly resetting the trap, I helped everyone up and guided them to the Mystery Machine to embark on our exploration and uncover the details of this intriguing new mystery.

After enduring a lengthy car ride, Gatorsburg appeared precisely as one might expect for a half-abandoned town, disgusting and squalid. Fred proposed that we split up to investigate the area, and I grabbed my flashlight and set off on foot.

In the periphery of my vision, I noticed Velma becoming visibly irritated with Shaggy for lavishing more attention on Scooby. I decided to intervene. "Velma," I called out, capturing her attention, "would you like to search with me?"

Velma let out a sigh. "Yeah, I'd appreciate that," she replied, walking over to join me. "Thanks," she muttered as we began to explore.

"No problem," I whispered in response, my flashlight flickering over what seemed to be a fleeting movement in the darkness. I chose to disregard it and focused on scouring the area for potential clues.

After a thorough search, Fred declared, "Let's go, gang. There's nothing to trap here. It looks like Mr. E sent us on a wild goose chase."

I climbed into the back of the Mystery Machine. "Ah, yeah, more like a wild Gator chase," Shaggy quipped, chuckling at his own joke.

As Fred turned the key, an ominous clicking sound filled the air, and the van showed no sign of starting. I grabbed my flashlight and hopped out to pop the hood, while Daphne inquired, "Can you tell what the problem is?"

"Yeah," I replied, shining my light into the empty compartment. "See that hole there? There should be an engine there."

Suddenly, a bright light from behind nearly blinded us as a tow truck pulled up, and a formidable-looking mechanic emerged. Ominous lightning crackled in the background, setting an eerie scene. "You kids are in some serious trouble," the mechanic declared, his tone stern and unwelcoming.

"Oh boy, he's an old, half-bald mechanic," I muttered, sensing the gravity of the situation.

The mechanic strode forward, fixing Fred with a harsh glare. "Care to tell me what you're doing in Gatorsburg?" he rudely demanded, grabbing Fred's shirt.

Daphne stepped in, explaining, "Our van broke down."

"Maybe you could take a look at it. You've got the hands for it," Fred suggested, attempting to defuse the tension.

The mechanic tightened his grip. "Why the heck should I help you?"

"Because you're a mechanic," Velma sarcastically remarked.

I subtly positioned a baseball bat over the mechanic's shoulder. "And you might want to let go of my brother before things get nasty for you," I coldly threatened, my protective instincts for my brother kicking in.

The mechanic slouched his shoulders in defeat. "Touché," he grumbled before heading to the front of the van to inspect it. After a moment, he closed the hood. "Here's your problem, engine's missing. I'm going to have to order one from Crystal Cove."

"Seeing as that's over 3 miles away, it won't arrive until morning," the mechanic explained, concluding his examination.

"So, you're saying we're stuck," Shaggy said, his voice tinged with fear. "In this creepy Gator town all night long?"

As everyone attempted to call their parents, it became clear that no one could come to pick us up. I decided to approach the mechanic. "Don't suppose you know of a nearby hotel?"

"My sister Greta runs the best in town," he replied, pointing toward a hotel at the end of Gatorsburg called "The Drowsy Gator." "Oh, and a word of advice, don't leave your rooms," he warned before getting into his tow truck and driving off.

"Understood," I replied, eyeing the hotel nervously before mustering the courage to enter with the rest of the group. As we stepped into the reception area, I couldn't help but notice the unsettling display of taxidermy alligators. The sight made me shudder, and I quickly averted my gaze while Fred rang the reception bell.

After receiving no immediate response, Fred rang the bell again. Finally, a scratchy voice emanated from the corner. "We ain't got no rooms," the woman, whom I assumed to be Greta, croaked, her voice grating on my ears.

I gestured toward the "Vacancy" sign. "It says 'Vacancy,' though."

Greta leaned against the wall, idly toying with her hair. "Well, that sign's broken," she muttered.

"But it's a painted sign," Velma interjected, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Clearly annoyed, Greta groaned and turned to face us fully. The sight that met my eyes was enough to make me want to retch and scrub my eyes with bleach. The woman turned and shouted, "Gunther, we've got guests!" as she licked her lips in a manner reminiscent of an animal.

In the background, a man was playing a piano covered in alligator skin. He rose from the piano bench, moving in a sinuous manner that made my skin crawl. "Well! Hello!" he greeted us, and I felt an overwhelming urge to flee.

"This is my son, Gunther Gator," Greta introduced him, playfully caressing his face. "And I'm Greta Gator."

"Your last name is Gator, and you live in Gatorsburg?" Shaggy inquired, finding the situation rather peculiar.

"What a coincidence," Scooby remarked, also sensing the strangeness of the situation.

Greta smirked. "Yeah, quite the coincidence," she said, as she and Gunther began to chuckle softly.

"I want to get out of here," I whispered to Fred, but he firmly grasped my arm, signalling for me to stay. "This is awful," I muttered under my breath.

Greta led us to our rooms, but not before laying down three strict rules: separate rooms for boys and girls, a requirement to stay in our rooms regardless of any sounds we might hear, and a strict no-pet policy, which meant Scooby would have to spend the night in the Mystery Machine.

"I find it absurd that a hotel named after alligators doesn't allow pets," I remarked, feeling irked by the situation.

Greta fixed her gaze on me, her droopy features looking even more unsettling. "No exceptions!" she bellowed, her fist clenching in frustration.

As Scooby began his descent downstairs to leave, I noticed the fear in Shaggy's eyes. Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, I said, "I'll go keep him company."

"Are you sure?" Velma asked, concern evident in her voice.

I shrugged, scratching the back of my head. "I used to sleep in it back when Dad kicked me out for being a menace," I explained as I walked down the stairs to catch up to Scooby. "I'll keep you company, buddy."

Scooby seemed to relax at the offer. "Thank you," he said gratefully.

Velma POV:

As I stood in the bathroom, delicately enhancing my eyelashes to make them stand out, Daphne appeared in the doorway, wearing a curious expression. "Is there something different about your bangs?" she inquired, her eyes filled with intrigue.

Adjusting my glasses, I replied, "I raised them by half a centimetre to accentuate my forehead," before stepping out of the bathroom and making my way to the door. "Toddles," I murmured as I opened it.

"Where are you off to?" Daphne's voice held a tinge of concern beneath her curiosity.

Thinking quickly, I offered a vague excuse, "I wanted to go check on Ethan and Scooby; they might be feeling a bit scared." With that, I hurried away, leaving my true intentions shrouded in mystery.

Ethan POV:

I sat in the Mystery Machine, unable to sleep, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts and possibilities. Scooby lay in the middle under a blanket, his trembling form visible beneath the fabric.

"Scoob," I said, trying to distract myself from the unease creeping in, "can you tell me why you're always so afraid?"

"I don't know," Scooby replied, looking away. "It's just easier to be scared than to be brave."

I sighed and reached out to gently rub his head. "Scoob, I believe you're brave. You just need to believe in yourself more," I reassured him, hoping my words would bring him some comfort.

A loud thunderclap echoed through the night, accompanied by subtle noises of something slithering in the darkness outside. The unsettling sounds grabbed my attention, sending a shiver down my spine. I instinctively tightened my grip on the handle of my bat.

In a sudden burst of lightning, a grotesque gator-woman creature appeared, snarling fiercely against the window shield. Scooby reacted by leaping out the back, and I swiftly followed suit, bounding out and sprinting toward the hotel.

As I made my escape, two more gator creatures emerged from the bushes, causing Scooby to turn and run back. I drew my bat, raising it defensively as I faced the two creatures, while keeping the gator-woman in my peripheral vision.

Engrossed in her pursuit of Scooby, the gator-woman seemed preoccupied, allowing me a moment to focus on the approaching creatures. As they advanced, I dodged and rolled out of harm's way, causing one of them to collide with a pole. The second creature leaped onto the hotel wall and then lunged at me.

I waited a few tense seconds before swinging my bat, connecting with the creature and sending it flying into the side of the Mystery Machine. "Scooby, come on!" I shouted, urging him to join me, and he responded by sprinting in my direction.

As Scooby bounded from the Mystery Machine, I caught him mid-air, and we hurried into the hotel, slamming the doors shut behind us. I quickly shoved a metal rod through the handles, hoping to buy us some time.

As the three gator creatures broke down the hotel doors, I urged Scooby to leave the front desk and join me. Together, we raced up the stairs and burst into a room where Fred and Daphne were. Placing my back against the door, I strained to listen for any signs of danger while Scooby explained what had happened.

Suddenly, the door pressed against my back as one of the gator creatures attempted to force its way in. Startled, Scooby leaped and accidentally tackled Fred off the bed, causing the lamp to shatter and leaving us in the dim light of sporadic flashes.

I backed away from the door and climbed onto the bed, gripping my bat tightly for defence as we braced ourselves for whatever might come next.

In the sporadic flashes of light, the menacing eyes of the gator creatures swarmed into the room, eliciting a terrified scream from Daphne as she sought refuge behind the bed. "No!" Fred shouted, reaching to pick her up and protect her.

"Oh, Fred," Daphne marvelled, clearly touched by his actions.

"My scrapbook!" Fred exclaimed, momentarily dropping Daphne to retrieve the book, and I could see realization dawn on her face.

"Bet you feel stupid now, don't you?" I muttered, swinging my bat at the creatures and driving them backward.

Trembling with fear, Daphne clung to Scooby. "This is it. There's no escape."

Fred placed a hand on my shoulder. "I've got an idea," he said, holding up the bed comforter. "Quick!"

Understanding his plan, I swiftly grabbed the comforter and tossed it onto the creatures. They shrieked and struggled with the fabric, providing us with a momentary diversion. Seizing the opportunity, the four of us bolted out of the room, our screams echoing through the hallways as we fled in terror.

I followed my friends into another room, where we unexpectedly encountered Velma and Shaggy. Scooby instantly jumped onto Shaggy, showering him with affection, while Velma looked on, clearly perplexed. "What's going on?" she asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Gator people," Daphne exclaimed, as Fred and I positioned ourselves by the door, hoping to keep the mysterious creatures out.

"Come again?" Velma tilted her head, clearly struggling to comprehend the situation.

"Gator people are chasing us. Do you want a puppet show while we wait?" I replied, my tone tinged with annoyance and sarcasm.

The room fell silent, and we strained to hear any sounds from outside. Suddenly, Fred whispered, "I think they're gone," but before he could finish speaking, the electricity flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness.

Suddenly, one of the creatures broke through the window, causing Daphne to fall and scramble away in terror. The snarling creature loomed over her until Velma swiftly grabbed the curtain pole and struck it repeatedly on the head, allowing everyone to dash into the bathroom.

Shaggy and Scooby screamed in panic as Shaggy pointed behind me. I glanced back to see the gator-woman emerging from the bathtub. Reacting quickly, I swung my bat, hitting her and creating an opening for us to flee the room, following my friends.

We all pressed our backs against the wall, watching in fear as the two gator creatures advanced toward us. Fred whispered, "Move toward the door slowly," urging the group to take cautious steps.

As I approached the door, mere inches from the handle, a third gator creature burst through the floor, seizing Velma's leg and dragging her down.

"Velma!" I shouted, reaching for her desperately, with Shaggy joining me to pull her back up. With a combined effort, we managed to rescue her, but the force knocked me back, and Velma landed near me.

Locking eyes with Velma, she said, "Thanks," feeling grateful for her safety.

"Don't mention it," I replied, expressing my relief.

Pointing at Velma's leg, Shaggy exclaimed, "Zoinks!"

On Velma's leg, we discovered a hand glove, which she promptly kicked off. It landed on the face of one of the gator creatures. Fred observed that it looked like a costume, and the gator creature tore the glove to pieces.

I burst out of the room with the gang following closely behind, and we emerged outside the hotel. Fred suggested that we push the van, utilizing the downhill slope to escape Gatorsburg. I joined the others in pushing the Mystery Machine down the hill.

As the van began to roll, Scooby managed to turn the wheel, altering the van's direction. I leaped onto the Mystery Machine just in time to watch the gator creatures fade from view as we sped away, eventually giving up the chase as we exited Gatorsburg.

Fred gasped, a realization dawning on him. "They weren't trying to eat us. They just want us out of town."

"But why?" Daphne asked, her confusion evident.

"It seems they're trying to keep us from uncovering their activities," I suggested, sharing my opinion. "I don't believe those were real gator creatures."

Fred rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "If we're going to solve this mystery, we'll have to return to Gatorsburg," he declared with determination in his voice.

As our gang snuck into Gatorsburg, we made a startling discovery, the town had been peddling fake Gator products made from poor imitations of animal skin. The revelation brought everything full circle, as Fred's smirk hinted at his readiness to spring a trap.

Eager to play our parts, Shaggy, Scooby, and I prepared to act as bait. From our vantage point, I spotted three fake gator creatures loading boxes onto a boat. I silently counted down from five, then thrust my hand downward to signal our move.

Shaggy couldn't help but blurt out, "Like, dude, you gator freaks," before following up with an insult, "You're like the ugliest crocodiles ever."

Annoyed, the gator creature on the boat hissed, "Who are you calling a crocodile?"

Not one to miss a beat, I chimed in, shouting, "Crocodiles are way better than alligators," further provoking our adversaries.

The Gator-woman let out a piercing scream, "Get them!"

As Shaggy, Scooby, and I made a dash to escape, we led the three gators past strategically placed belts on the ground, ready to ensnare them. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Fred and Daphne swiftly pulled on the belts, causing them to wrap around the gators' legs and hoist them off the ground as the mechanism kicked into action.

In the meantime, Velma skilfully operated a forklift, positioned to catch the gators in three separate cases. As the gators sprang off a trampoline, Velma calculated precisely when to hit the brakes, causing the cases to roll onto the ground and ensnare the gators within them. Simultaneously, the belts wrapped around the boxes, sealing them shut.

After the successful capture, Shaggy, Daphne, and I each perched on an individual box, while Fred, with his classic scrapbook in hand, remarked, "Old 45, gets them every time." Daphne shook her head disapprovingly, clearly not a fan of the scrapbook.

Shortly after, the sheriff and his deputies arrived, and Fred wasted no time in unmasking the three gators, revealing them to be none other than Grady Gator, Greta Gator, and Gunther Gator. Facing the gang, they confessed that, with the extinction of real alligators, they had resorted to producing fake gator products to make ends meet. 

Their creation of the Creeping Creatures was an attempt to deter anyone from uncovering their scheme. Gunther, in a final display of defiance, sneered, "We would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling juveniles and your unauthorized investigation of our synthetic Gator products."

Sheriff Bronson's anger flared as he processed the revelation. "So, this gator stuff is fake?" he barked, visibly upset, and it was then that I noticed he was wearing a fake alligator tracksuit. "I paid a fortune for this tracksuit."

Seeking to offer comfort, Velma apologized, "Sorry, sheriff."

Exhaling a long sigh, Sheriff Bronson realized, "I gotta get out of this suit. This fake gator doesn't breathe, I'm starting to smell a little funky." He then ordered his deputies, "Arrest them."

As the deputies drove the gator family away, Sheriff Bronson prepared to leave when Fred dashed forward, calling out, "Wait, Sheriff. Can you give us a ride? The Mystery Machine isn't-" His words trailed off as the Mystery Machine suddenly roared to life.

Shaggy's nerves got the best of him as he trembled with fear. "Like, there's no engine in the Mystery Machine! It's haunted," he exclaimed.

Curious, I popped open the hood and discovered a note attached to the top, signed by Mr. E. Alongside the note, a brand-new engine had been installed in the van. I grabbed the note and read its contents: "Hope you had a good time in Gatorsburg, but be warned, there are more mysteries to come. This is only one piece of the puzzle."

"Puzzle? What's that supposed to mean?" Fred questioned, clearly confused by the cryptic message.

Shaggy, with his arms wrapped around his chest, remarked, "I've got a feeling we're gonna find out."

Closing the hood, I climbed into the van, ready to depart. As I settled in, my thoughts drifted, and I couldn't help but ponder the mysterious message. My heart raced, and for a moment, I found myself contemplating the bond I shared with Velma. Though I've always considered her a dear friend, perhaps in time, the true nature of our relationship would become clear.

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