SIN | Rhea Ripley | Dark, Spi...

By HJaneRipley

116K 4K 3.5K

Katarina lives a very different life. Protected profusely and living by the orders from her Father, she has n... More

PART ONE | Spasibo
PART TWO | Deja Vu
PART FIVE | Unsafe
PART SEVEN | Chastity
PART NINE | Sleeper
PART TEN | Marry
PART FIFTEEN | Distraction


2.3K 87 52
By HJaneRipley

I walked inside the theatre with more nerves than I'd like. Clinging close to my bag, I rounded into what I knew the huge stage was, and started walking down towards it.

There was a few people standing around and chatting in groups, and some more workers shuffling around them, working on sets and things like that.

I noticed Louis in the group, and thankfully he noticed me too, turning around and smiling. "Speak of the devil!" She says to the people near him. "This is our wonderful 'Zoe'" he introduced me. "Otherwise known at Katarina."

"Hi, just Kat is ok." I said to the few people surrounding us.

Louis introduced me to a few of the cast members, taking time to make sure we were comfortable with one another. He even introduced me to the accent coach who I'd be working with a lot unfortunately.

We were backstage, and he was showing me to what would be my dressing room. Well, co dressing room. "Here, is the co stars dressing room. Fit with mirrors, a small lounge and kitchen. Two seperate bathrooms of course." He laughed and opened the door to reveal the amazing space.

"It's gorgeous." I examined.

"It's fairly humble compared to some other theatres-"

A toilet in the dressing room flushed, behind a door and then it opened, a man with long brown hair coming out, smiling.

"Kat, this is your co-star, Ollie." Louis introduced us.

We shook hands and he was really sweet, welcoming me and telling me to take up any space in the room I wanted. At one point, he complimented my accent and made a joke about it which made me laugh. I really thought he was great.

Chatting between Louis and Ollie for a while, he recommended we settle in and meet back out on the stage in 10 as they would begin their introductions properly.

I set my bag up on a spot on the counter, and Ollie sprung himself up on the counter nearby. "So tell me about yourself then. We're gonna be spending a lot of time with eachother." I went to answer but he was too eager and happy, which was sweet. "Well do rapid fire questions alright. I'll ask, you answer. Then you ask and I'll answer."

I smiled. "Sure."

"Nickname?" He started.

I shrugged. "Kat. Favourite food?"

Ollie smiled at my question. "Anything from Taco Bell. Better nickname?"

I smiled and looked at the wall a second. "Katie. Give me a better nickname?"

Ollie only had to think a second. "Kitty." He grinned because it was horrible and he knew it was horrible. "Age?"

I moved on quickly. "22." And shot it right back. "Age?"

"26." He answered. "Give me a nickname?"

I laughed because this wasn't very getting know questions. "Jesus." I said without thinking. "Because of your long hair." I clarified which he must have respected because he nodded impressed. "How long have you been an actor?"

Jesus did some maths in his head quickly. "3 years. Same for you?"

"This is my first job." I replied. "Favourite singer?"

"Ooo, good one. Um, Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Favourite colour?" He said.

I didn't know the singer or band, but made a note to look at it later. "Purple." I replied, Rhea coming to my head just a second. I realised it must have been a while since Louis left. "10 minutes?"

Ollie hopped off the counter. "Definitely." We walked towards the door and he opened it for me. "Great getting to know you. After you, Kitty." He tried his best not to crack up at the nickname and I hid my laugh too.

Getting to the stage, we spent the next few hours going over protocols, how things would work, and introducing ourselves. Louis made sure everyone was prepared and handed our scripts, which we would have to begin going through, as rehearsals would begin soon.

As Louis was talking, I flipped through the script, reading a few parts. He recommended we go through and highlight our lines, that it made it a lot easier to know and read. A majority of my lines were with Ollie, or just by myself. I didn't realise Ollie must dance as well, because we had a dance scene together. As well as... a kissing scene.

I skimmed past that for now, wanting to come back to that later.

I only had 1 singing number with Ollie too, who I knew could sing well.

Overall, I think I can do this. I felt confident.

After the meeting, I chatted with a few of the other cast members, getting to know them. Then I explored the backstage area a little, ending up in the seamstresses room. "Hello?" I introduced myself to the woman there, who greeted me so sweetly.

She showed me the sort of costumes I'd be wearing, which were simple but beautiful. Especially for my dance number. She ended up taking my measurements so she could begin working on them as soon as possible. She was amazing, I was so inspired to sew.

In the hall, I rounded a corner and abruptly ran into someone, who spilt their entire cold juice down the front of me. "Oh fuck. I'm sorry, love." He apologised.

"No-no, it's really fine."'I tried to reassure him I had a change of clothes in my bag.

"Love? Who are you calling love baby?" A woman came from where the man was, and I recognised her from the meeting before. She was staring at me a little, and i didn't get to meet her properly because she seemed to avoid me. She wrapped her hand around the male, glaring at me again.

"Um." This was awkward. "Im Kat, I haven't met you guys." I tried to be nice.

"Im Dylan, this is my girlfriend Madison." The male said. "We are actually yours and Ollie's understudy's."

"Oh." I nodded. "Well it's great to meet you two, that's- that's pretty amazing you guys both got picked to be the under-"

"Come on, baby. Let's go to our dressing room." Madison spoke up rudely and started tugging her and Dylan away.

What just happened...

I was still in a state of shock with Ollie got my attention from down the hall. "Oi Kitty! They got egg sandwiches in here." He shouted excitedly.

I smiled and went to where he was. It was some sort of catering room, laid out with a lot of foods and drinks.

"This is amazing." I took a sandwich and bit into it. As I did, I realised I should text Rhea. It'd been a while.

Kat: Hey, Rhea. I'm doing great so far, just so you know. How are you? 😊

I tucked my phone back away and listened to Ollie tell me about his history of dance, and he was so experienced. He was incredibly talented, I couldn't wait to dance with him.

I was on the way back to our dressing room, ready to start going through some lines and scenes with Ollie, when Rhea messaged me back.

Rhea 🖤: That's amazing, princess. I'm so happy for you. I'm really great, just worried about you. Is everyone kind?

Kat: Everyone is amazing. I'd love for you to meet them. 😇

Rhea 🖤: I'll try to come in and see you Sunday afternoon? Do you think that will be ok? I'll be back by 4.

Kat: I'll find out, but I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm sure there are some wrestling fans here! 😉

Rhea 🖤: Haha well you find out for me and let me know. I'll be seeing you Sunday sometime, I miss you already.

I smiled and put my phone away, beginning to go through some things with Ollie.

It was getting to the late afternoon, and we had a goodbye meeting back up by the stage, which basically wasn't a goodby meeting. Louis handed out timetables for everyone, and who needed to be here and when. He wanted to rehearse with people individually, as well as let me people rehearse privately, like Ollie and I, we had to make sure our chemistry was perfect.

The next 2 days for me, we're going to be spent with Ollie. While everyone else would be rehearsing together, we had to read lines together and develop a relationship, so we were comfortable and felt safe and trusted eachothers. Between those though, I'd be with the accent coach, trying to face my Russian out...

When the day concluded, I pulled out my phone to text Rhea when Ollie spoke up. "You live nearby?"

"Oh, yeah, fairly close. 5 or 10 minutes, maybe." I said.

"Want a lift tomorrow?" He offered.

I scratched my head. "I um- I actually don't have a license, can you give me a lift now?"

Ollie smiled and laughed. "How don't you have your license?"

I tried to shrug it off and grabbed my stuff. "Thank you."

"Anytime, Kitty." He giggled and led us to his car just on the street.

On the way back to... I didn't know if it was my home, but that's what I was beginning to call it. I messaged Rhea.

Kat: Ollie is going to drive me, he's my co star. Really kind 🥹

Rhea 🖤: I'll decide that. He drives safe?

I squinted a little, because she didn't seem very happy by my message. Maybe she was just worried, I can understand why.

Kat: Very safe. ❤️

Rhea 🖤: Ok, Kat. Lock the doors when you get back, ok?

Kat: Got it 😈

I was having a field day with all of these emoji's....

Rhea 🖤: Don't give me that emoji. Makes me think you're up to something...

Kat: 👹

Rhea 🖤: 🍆

I tried to find a better emoji, which wasn't hard because that one was boring. An eggplant?

Kat: 🪩

Rhea 🖤: Alright. You win, Malysh. Text me later.

I hid my big smile, when Ollie pulled up to the front of the house, he looked at it curiously. "Beautiful home. You live here alone?" He sat back. "That sounded very creepy, I promise I'm not a creep, I was just wondering because it looks expensive and-"

I laughed. "My-" I didn't know what she was. She was my girlfriend right? I figured it was best to tell him anyway, Rhea would make herself known soon I am sure. "My girlfriend lives here too."

Ollie nodded. "Cute. Is she an actor too?"

Well, in some way she was. "She's a wrestler." I told him. "For WWE."

Ollie's mouth opened. "What? Are you serious, Kitty?" He was so surprised. "Who is it? You know I need to look it up now." He pulled his phone out and opened the internet search bar up. "I don't watch it but I still wanna know. I actually don't know if I believe you."

I smiled because he was adorable. "Rhea Ripley."

Ollie focused on typing her name into the phone and pressing enter. A second later, multiple images came up of my... of Rhea.

"Nah." Ollie shook his head. "You're lying, you're not..." he laughed. "You can't convince me that's your girlfriend."

I felt a little offended. "And why not?"

Ollie laughed. "That just seems impossible! Don't get me wrong, she's hot, and so are you, so you could definitely bag eachother... But just... I don't believe it! Not until I see her with my own eyes."

I grinned because now I really wanted her to come in Sunday. "You'll meet her one day and you'll see I'm not lying." I said smartly.

"Alright alright, Kitty. I'll wait for the day." He smiled as I hopped out of his car. "I'll be here 8:45am!" He told me and I waved as I went inside.

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