Fire & Flame | Klaus Mikaelson

Von ShanayaSalvatore

184K 6.6K 2.2K

'he set fire to the world around him, but never let a flame touch her' [BOOK ONE OF LILY FORBES] [THE VAMPIRE... Mehr

fire & flame
act one
twenty one
act two
twenty one
twenty two
act three


2.3K 107 36
Von ShanayaSalvatore

13. Bringing Out The Dead

Elijah stood infront of Lily and Klaus, wiping his bloody hand with a cloth and observing both Lily and Klaus's facial expressions, both the werewolves looked extremely shocked seeing the noble original in front of them, but the small smile on Lily's face wasn't missed by Elijah either, she was shocked seeing him but she was also happy, unlike his brother who was just shocked, not ready to face his brother just yet.

"You both look surprised to see me" Elijah observed, "So it wasn't either of you that removed the dagger from my chest".

"You look like you could do with a drink" Klaus told his older brother, knowing he was furious with him, "And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?".

Before Klaus could process anything, Elijah ended up punching him in the face, he then grabbed him and shoved him through the door, breaking the door and the glass around it.

"Easy, I just finished renovating" Klaus said, glaring at his brother, he then rushed towards him and slammed him through a table.

Lily let out an annoyed sigh seeing the antics of the two originals, "Vampires" she mumbled, shaking her head at the two men.

"You know, you have every right to be mad at me" Klaus said, looking at his brother who was still laying on the floor, "But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family".

Elijah stood up and rapidly punched Klaus before kicking him over to where the other coffins laid, an enraged Klaus opened one of the coffins and took out the dagger from one of his brothers, just as Elijah speeded over to him, Klaus placed his hand on his throat and shoved him against the other coffin.

"Don't make me do this to you again, Elijah" Klaus warned, holding the dagger above his head.

"Come on, use it, I dare you" Elijah said, "You'll have Kol to deal with".

Lily, realising all of this was getting out of hand, walked over to the brothers and shoved Klaus away from Elijah, "Cut it out!" she snapped, looking between the two vampires, "You two are brothers, start acting like it for gods sake!", Klaus looked at Lily, who gestured her head towards Elijah, "Talk to him, Klaus".

Klaus took a deep breath and looked behind Lily to where Elijah was standing, "Mikael is dead".

"What did you say?" a shocked Elijah asked his brother, thinking he must have heard his brother wrong, there was no way their father, who had chased after them for over a thousand year, was dead.

"I killed him with his own weapon, he's gone Elijah, forever" Klaus informed.

"Then why do our family remain in these coffins?" a frustrated Elijah asked, "Finn for over nine hundred years, Kol for over a century".

"Because of Stefan Salvatore" Klaus revealed, "He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them, there are things that you do not know about our past Elijah, our mother's death, things I never wanted you to know, but I'm ready to tell you know, I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me", Klaus walked over to a table and dipped the dagger into the pot of white oak ash.

"What are you doing?" a confused Elijah asked, as Klaus walked back to his brother Kol's body and once again put the dagger through his chest.

Klaus turned back to Elijah, "Always and forever" he reminded, "I need you to stand by my side, be my brother, help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again".


"Caroline, why are you forcing me to come with you?" an annoyed Lily asked, as Caroline dragged her into the hospital.

"Because our father is in the hospital, Lily" Caroline reminded, rolling her eyes at Lily's obvious hatred towards their father, "And you haven't even checked on him once".

"He's your father" Lily retorted, "Not mine, he doesn't want me as his daughter".

"That's not true" Caroline defended.

"Yes it is, Care" Lily said, "But don't worry, I don't really care about him either, so can I leave now?".

"No" Caroline said, shaking her head, "You're not leaving, I'm going to prove it to you that dad loves you as much as he loves me".

"He loves you? Really?" Lily asked, "I didn't know people who loved us tortured us".

"He thought he was helping me" Caroline whispered, her father torturing her after finding out that she was a vampire still hurt her.

"God, stop defending him Caroline" an annoyed Lily snapped, "That man doesn't deserve it".


"Are you Caroline and Lily?" Dr. Meredith Fell asked, interrupting the argument that was about to happen between the two sisters.

"Yes, Dr. Fell, hi" Caroline greeted, reading Dr. Fell's name tag, "Elena told me you helped out my dad".

"I did, do you think you can get him to be a little more grateful?" Meredith asked, "He spent the night threatening to get my medical license revoked for saving his life".

"Don't take it personally" Lily said, "That man doesn't do well with kindness".

"Stop" Caroline warned her sister.

"Am I wrong?" Lily challenged.

Caroline shook her head at the werewolf, suddenly regretting bringing her along, she then turned back to an amused Meredith, "I'm sorry, our dad's a little set in his ways" she said, ignoring Lily's glare for calling Bill her father, "Um, he's spent his whole life hating vampires so--".

"So he's not psyched about it being vampire blood that healed him" Meredith finished, "Yeah, he made that clear, I'm sorry, my bedside manner sucks on no sleep".

"No worries, you're actually pretty tame, I'm much worse on no sleep" Lily assured, making Meredith chuckle.

"So can we take him home?" Caroline asked.

"I signed his discharge papers late last night just to shut him up" Meredith informed.

"Oh, I--he didn't call or anything" a dejected Caroline said.

"This is the man she was defending" Lily mumbled, her hatred for Bill increasing.

Meredith looked at Caroline, "That's gotta be hard" she said, "When your dad hates the one thing you can't change about yourself", both Caroline and Lily looked at Meredith in confusion, wondering how she knew what Caroline is, "I make it my business to know who the vampires are in this town, medical curiosity, I don't blab".

"Yeah, we've had our ups and downs" Caroline said.

"Mostly downs" Lily whispered, making her sister elbow her in the stomach, "Ow! Bitch!".

"Cow" Caroline said.

Meredith laughed at the two sisters antics, "Tell your dad I said, you're welcome" she said, before walking away from the two Forbes girls.

"Now can we go?" Lily asked Caroline.

"Yeah, let's go" Caroline said.

"Thank god" Lily said, following her sister into another corridor of the hospital where Elena stood.

"That was fast" Elena commented, as the two girls walked over to her.

"Yeah, he's not here" Caroline informed, dialing her father's number on her phone, "He was already discharged, and she seems perfectly nice, by the way, a little intense, maybe, but I think it's sweet you wanna make sure Alaric's not dating a total psycho".

"He's my family, I have to look out for him" Elena said, as Caroline placed her phone on her ear.

"Stop talking" Lily suddenly told Elena, as both her and Caroline's super hearing caught a familiar ringtone.

"What?" a confused Elena asked, wondering why did the two sisters suddenly looked so worried.

"I can hear Bill's ringtone" Lily informed.

"So can I" Caroline said.

Caroline and Lily exchanged worried looks and immediately the two sisters set off towards the ringtone, both wondering why was Bill still in the hospital if he was discharged last night.

While following the sound, both Lily and Caroline ended up infront of the medical supply closet, Caroline opened the door and the two sisters, followed by Elena, walked into the supply closet, they passed the many shelves and walked towards the last shelf where to their shock laid Bill Forbes, a knife in his stomach and his throat cut.

"Oh, my god, daddy, daddy, dad" Caroline cried, as her and Lily rushed towards Bill's body.

"Please don't be dead" Lily whispered, tears welling in her eyes, "Please don't be dead".

"Oh my god" a shocked Elena whispered.

"Don't be dead, oh my god" Caroline pleaded, she removed the knife from Bill's stomach and threw it to the side.

"Come on, Bill" Lily cried, shaking Bill, "Wake up, please, wake up!".

"Caroline, Lily, he has vampire blood in his system" Elena reminded the two hysterical girls.

"What?" a shocked Caroline asked, completely having forgotten that fact in her panic, before Elena could repeat what she said, Bill Forbes let out a gasp and his eyes flew open.


"I compelled the nurse to stay out of this room" Caroline informed, closing the blinds of the room they were hiding in for now, "You'll be safe here".

"My wound is completely healed" Bill said, looking at his neck through the small mirror present in the room, he grabbed his jaw, "I need something to eat".

"Look Bill, why don't you just relax for a moment" Lily said, "Sit down and take a breath".

"I can't, I'm too wired, my pulse is racing" Bill said, pacing back and forth, "It's the effect of my body wanting to transition".

"Maybe Dr. Fell can give you something" Caroline suggested.

"She's done enough" Bill snapped, not wanting Meredith's help, because of who he was in this mess in the first place.

Elena entered the room, "I called your mom" she informed Caroline, closing the door behind her.

"Thanks" a grateful Caroline said.

"Mr. Forbes, did you see your attacker?" a curious Elena asked.

"I didn't see anything" Bill replied, "I tried to sneak out the back exist, someone came up from behind".

"Forget the attacker, right now that's not our priority, if we want you to live, we need to get you a blood bag" Lily told Bill.

"I'm not gonna drink any blood" Bill stated, with a shake of his head, making both Lily and Caroline look at him in disbelief, wondering if he knew what not drinking blood meant for him.

"You have to, you died with vampire blood in your system" Elena reminded, "If you don't feed and finish the transition into a vampire then you'll die".

"I understand how it works" Bill said, "And that's what I'm prepared to do, now get me out of this hospital, I smell blood everywhere".

Once Bill walked out the room, Caroline and Lily exchanged worried looks between them, yes it was true Lily and Bill shared a complicated relationship, but that did not mean Lily wanted Bill to die, instead the thought of Bill dying actually made Lily's heart hurt much more then she'd ever thought it would.


Elijah opened the front door, "Niklaus, our guests have arrived" he announced, seeing Damon and Stefan on the other side.

"Damon, Stefan, Elijah tells me you seek an audience, very bold" Klaus said, seeing the Salvatore brothers enter the dinning room, "Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?".

Damon turned to Elijah, "It's better to indulge him" Elijah said.

"I didn't come here to eat, Klaus" Stefan stated, "In fact, I didn't want to come here at all, but I was told I had to, because you would hear us out".

Klaus chuckled, "Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides, the choice is yours".


Damon, Stefan, Klaus and Elijah sat on the dinning table together.

"Thank you, love" Damon said, as one of the girls Klaus compelled for tonight poured him a glass of wine.

"You lost your appetite?" an amused Klaus asked Stefan after seeing him not eating.

"Eat, I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home" Damon said.

Stefan gave both Klaus and his brother a forced smile and proceeded to pick his knife and fork up.

"That's the spirit" Klaus praised, "Isn't this nice? The four of us dinning together, such a treat, is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?".

"Well, I knew how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier" Damon said, winking at Elijah.

"Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the centuries, but we always make it through" Klaus informed.

"Kind of like you and Rebekah, right?" Stefan taunted, "Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her".

"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother I've already come clean to Elijah" Klaus revealed.

"Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad?" Damon reminded, "Might want to dial down the judgement till dessert".

"We're here to make a deal, Damon" Stefan said, "Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses".

"I'm just saying, we have a long evening ahead of us, pace yourself" Damon warned.


Elena, Caroline and Lily sat on the stairs of the Forbes porch together.

"So did any of you hear back from Tyler yet?" Elena asked the two sisters.

"Nope" Lily replied, staring ahead.

"Me neither, and I've left messages for him everywhere" Caroline informed, "So does Alaric really think that Dr. Fell did it?".

"He doesn't know what to think" Elena admitted.

"And what do you think?" a curious Lily asked, wondering if Elena also thought Dr. Fell did this to Bill.

"I wish the girl Alaric liked wasn't in the middle of all this" Elena said, "He deserves to be happy, but, yeah, she looks guilty, that's why I told your mom".

Caroline nodded her head, she then glanced at her house, "Our mom's in there sitting with our dad" she whispered, she let out a small chuckle, "I don't think they've been in the same room this long since mom brought Lily home", Caroline looked at Elena, "Is there any chance that Tyler did it?".

Lily looked at her sister in shock, "Do you even realise what just came out of your mouth?" she asked, wondering how Caroline could think Tyler would do something like this.

"If Klaus was trying to mess with Elena and he's sired to Klaus and--I mean he does everything that he's told" Caroline reminded.

"Let me stop you there" Lily said, "Klaus has nothing to do with this, that I can guarantee, and something tells me neither does Tyler".

"I can't just let my father die" Caroline whispered, "I'm gonna force him to feed".

"You can't do that Caroline" Lily whispered.

"What else am I supposed to do, Lily?!" Caroline snapped.

"Respect his wish" Lily said, ignoring Caroline's anger, knowing she wasn't actually angry, she was sad and was turning her sadness into anger, "If he doesn't want to turn, you can't force him to".

"I hated him so much for what he did to me" Caroline cried, "So much, now all I wanna do is save his life".

"Me and Bill never got along, we always went back and forth with each other" Lily said, a few tears falling down her face, "But today, I want him to live because the thought of him not being in my life, of us not arguing over something pointless, hurts beyond repair".

Caroline grabbed her sister's hand and squeezed it in comfort, she then turned to Elena, "What was the hardest part for you?" she asked, "When you lost your dad?".

"Realizing all the things that he wouldn't be there for" Elena replied, tears in her eyes as well, "The things that, you just need your dad for, you know?", Caroline nodded her head, as tears rapidly fell from her eyes, Elena scooted closer to the Forbes vampire and pulled her into a hug, while one of Caroline's hands still held on to her sisters.

"Hey", the three emotional girls looked infront of them after hearing a new voice.

"Hey" Caroline greeted, realising it was Matt, she stood up from the stairs and hugged the Donovan boy.


"Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?" a curious Elijah asked.

"I don't know, ask Damon" Stefan replied, confusing the original, while Klaus let out an amused chuckle.

"I'm sorry, you missed so much, uh--trouble in paradise" Klaus informed his brother.

"One more word about Elena and this dinner is over" Stefan warned.

"Hey, you know what? Probably best just to keep Elena in the do-not-discuss pile" Damon said, Klaus put his finger on his lip, but amusement were shown clearly on his face.

"You're probably right" Klaus agreed.

"Yeah" Damon whispered.

"It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelganger is still so strong" Klaus said, he looked at Elijah, "What do you say, brother? Shall we tell them about Tatia?".

"Now, why should we discuss matters long since resolved?" Elijah asked, not wanting to talk about Tatia.

"Well, given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line" Klaus said.

"We're not going anywhere, Elijah, please" Damon insisted, "Do tell".

"When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia" Elijah remembered, "She was an exquisite beauty, every boy of age desired to be her suitor, even though she'd had a child by another man, and none loved her more than Niklaus".

"Oh, I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much" Klaus reminded.

"Wait a minute, so you both loved the same girl?" an amused Stefan asked.

"Our mother was a very powerful witch" Elijah informed, "She sought to end our feud over Tatia and so she took her, Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed a spell which turned us into vampires, Tatia wouldn't make a decision between the two of us so for a time, Niklaus and I grew estranged, harsh words were traded, we even came to blows, didn't we, brother?".

"But in the end, we recognised the sacred bond of family" Klaus continued.

"Family above all" Elijah stated, holding his glass up.

"Family above her" Klaus agreed, clinking his glass with Elijah's.

Elijah and Klaus's words caused Damon to glance at his brother who was busy glaring at Klaus.

"You know Klaus, Mystic Falls is a place where history tends to repeat itself" Stefan reminded, "Who knows, maybe once again an innocent girl is about to be trapped between the two original brothers".

Klaus glared at Stefan, he knew who he was hinting at, and he didn't like it one bit, "History doesn't always repeat itself Stefan".

"It does here" Stefan said, "From where I'm sitting, it's obvious to me that once again a girl is going to die because of two originals".

Klaus and Elijah glanced at each, Stefan didn't have to say a name for them to know he was talking about a certain Forbes werewolf, but Klaus refused to believe that his brother had any sort of feelings for Lily, while Elijah refused to believe the Mikaelson will lose someone else because of their own fault.


Damon looked down at his phone and realised Bonnie had messaged him about her and her mother, Abby's progress on opening Klaus's sealed coffin.

Getting closer.
Need more time.

"So why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?" Elijah said, gaining Damon's attention.

"That's very simple, Klaus gets his coffin back" Damon offered, "In exchange he and the original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever, to sweeten the pot, we'll even let you take Lily with you, and me, Stefan and Elena live happily ever after, no grudges".

"Leave Lily out of this deal, Damon" Stefan snapped, glaring at his brother.

"You really think after what you did she's going to stay here with you?" Damon snapped, glaring back at his younger brother.

"I don't care if she trusts me or if she wants to be my friend or not, but we're not using her in this deal" Stefan stated, "End of discussion".

"I hate to say this, but I agree with Stefan here, Lily is not part of this deal" Klaus said, "And about Elena, I don't think you understand, Elena's doppelganger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me", Klaus leaned forward, "I will never leave her behind, and if Lily refuses to leave this town, leaving her behind is not an option either".

"You're attached to a girl who will never let herself getting attached to you, Klaus" Damon warned, a smirk forming on his face.

"Don't worry about me being attached to Lily, worry about you being in love with your brother's girl, worry how for one girl you're ready to ruin the Salvatore's brothers and their epic bond" Klaus retorted, making Damon's smirk fall, Klaus grabbed his glass of wine and stood up, he  leaned against his chair and looked at Stefan and Damon, "Now, say I do leave Elena here, under your protection, what then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies, caught between your feuding? You see each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her, and that is simply a delusion, gentleman, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is, the two of you".

"I'm gonna get some air" Damon suddenly said, Klaus's words actually managing to get to both him and Stefan, making both of them wonder if Elena really was better off without them.

"Let me deal with this" Elijah said, standing up and following after Damon.

Once both Damon and Elijah had left the room, Klaus looked at Stefan, "All this talk has made me thirsty" he said, looking at one of the compelled girls and gesturing for her to come closer, "What do you say, Stefan? Can I interest you in a little after-dinner drink?".

Klaus moved the girl's hair to the side and bit into her neck and started drinking her blood while Stefan watched on.


"Mm, delicious" Klaus praised, letting the now dead girl fall to the floor, "Aged to perfection".

"Well" Stefan said, standing up from his seat, as Klaus wiped his mouth, "I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening Klaus, is to drive a wedge between me and my brother".

"Oh no, you're doing that well on your own" Klaus retorted, "Because of Elena, you're gonna lose your brother and you only have yourself to blame".

"You know that the same things applies to you and Lily, right?" Stefan said.

"What are you on about?" a confused Klaus asked.

"You said that me and Damon are the worst things to happen to Elena, and you know what, that might be true, but you and your family, Klaus, they're the worst thing to happen to Lily" Stefan stated, "As long as you and your family are in Lily's life, she's always going to be in danger, people are always going to use her to get to you and you're going to let them, because though Lily might be willing to go against everyone for you, a egoistic person like you will never do that for her".

Klaus glared at Stefan, however he could say anything to him, Elijah and Damon reentered the room.

"What do you say, Klaus?" Damon asked, "Time for you to put something on the table, we've made our offer, now you counter".

"Okay" Klaus said, he looked at Stefan, he didn't like the way he was so sure that because of his family Lily will always be in danger, "I offer Elena's future happiness, you see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot and to fall in love with a human, maybe that nice football player, the blond one".

"Matt Donovan?" a disgusted Damon asked, "Really?".

"Yeah, why not?" Klaus asked, "They'll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family".

"And continue the Petrova bloodline" Stefan realised, "Every few hundred years, you'll have a new doppelganger to drain and never run out of hybrids, right Klaus?".

"Consider it a small return on my investment in her well-being" Klaus said, "See, after you hand me back the coffin, I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life, you know it's what's best for her, so, what do you say, Stefan?", Klaus walked over to his fireplace, "Do we have a deal?".

Stefan walked over to Klaus, confusing his brother, "What are you doing?" Damon asked, really hoping Stefan wasn't about to accept the deal.

Stefan ignored Damon's question and instead shook Klaus's hand, making a smile form on the original hybrid's face.

"Nice try, Klaus" Stefan said, "But no deal".

Hearing Stefan, the smile on Klaus's face fell and anger took over, so in response he ended up breaking Stefan's hand, he then kicked him in the back of his knee, causing Stefan to fall to the ground, Klaus then grabbed Stefan's hand and stuck it in the fire.

Seeing his brother in pain, Damon immediately tried to stop Klaus but Elijah quickly speeded over to him, he put his hand over Damon's neck and slammed him to the wall, stopping him from helping Stefan.

"What are you doing?" Damon choked out, but Elijah didn't say anything, and Stefan's painful screams filled his ears, "Stop!".

Klaus looked at Damon, "Bring me the coffin before I burn him alive" he threatened.

"I'll get it" Damon said, finally giving in after realising if he didn't give Klaus what he wanted then Stefan would die.

"Go with him, brother" Klaus told Elijah, as Damon walked out the room, "You keep him honest, and when you return, I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family".


"Hey" Bill greeted, seeing Lily enter her room, where he stood.

"Hey" Lily greeted, a confused look on her face seeing Bill standing in her room, looking at the picture of her and Liz that was placed on her bedside table.

"We have no photos together" Bill whispered, regret obvious in his voice.

"You never liked taking pictures with me" Lily whispered, taking a seat on her bed.

An emotional Bill sat next to Lily, "That's not true Lily, it wasn't that I didn't want to take pictures with you, I was just afraid".

"Of me?" a confused Lily asked.

Bill nodded his head, "It was easy being Caroline's father, because I always knew what was going on in her head, but you Lily, I never could figure out what you were thinking, but I guess that's my fault, I never really let myself get to know you".

Lily looked at Bill and realised his breathing had suddenly gotten really heavy, "Are you okay, Bill?".

"I'm tired" Bill admitted.

"Do you want me to get Caroline?" Lily asked, realising Bill was running out of time.

Bill shook his head, "No, I want you to stay here with me".

"Why?" a confused Lily asked, "Why are you trying to be my father now, Bill?".

"I always wanted to be your father, Lily" Bill admitted, "I just never had the guts to admit it, I was too afraid of failing you, I let my fear take over me and pushed you so far from me that even if I tried to I couldn't fill that gap, I know you think I hate you but I don't, I love you Lily, you're strong, you're beautiful, you're good".

Lily shook her head, tears welling in her eyes, "I'm not good, I'm anything but good" she whispered, as Liz and Caroline walked through the doorway.

"Yes you are" Bill insisted, "I know what you are Lily, both you and Caroline are good, because even after everything that's happened to the two of you, both of you are exactly who your mother and I hoped you'd grow up to be".

"Don't go" Lily whispered, tears streaming down her place, "We can fix our relationship, just don't go".

Bill pulled a now sobbing Lily into a hug, "Parents aren't supposed to outlive their children, Lily", Lily cried even harder hearing Bill's words, while an emotional Liz side hugged a sobbing Caroline, "It's okay, this is life, this is what it means to be human".


"Go ahead, kill me, I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin" Stefan breathed out, his hand still in the fire.

Klaus removed Stefan from the fire and grabbed him by his collars, "You really have given up, haven't you?" he asked, "Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?", a furious Stefan shoved Klaus away from him, Klaus looked behind Stefan, where both Elijah and Damon stood, "Elijah" a confused Klaus said, "Why haven't you left?".

"Well, where are your manners, brother? We forgot dessert" Elijah said, as one of the compelled women stood next to him, a covered tray in her hands, Elijah removed the cloth from the tray and revealed the two daggers.

"What have you done?" a shocked Klaus asked.

"What have you done?" Elijah retorted, "See, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises Klaus, we're doing this on my terms now", just as Elijah said that, his and Klaus's youngest brother, Kol Mikaelson walked between Damon and Elijah.

"Kol" Klaus whispered, suddenly looking afraid of his own siblings.

"Long time, brother" Kol greeted.

Klaus stepped back from Kol, he then speeded over to the daggers when one of the daggers was grabbed by someone, "Finn" Klaus whispered, seeing his oldest brother, "Don't--Aah!", Klaus yelled in pain as Finn stabbed him in his hand with a dagger, Klaus once again tried to flee but this time his way was blocked by his little sister, "Rebekah".

Rebekah stabbed Klaus in the stomach, "This is for our mother" she said, pushing Klaus back into Kol, who immediately restrained him.

"You're free to go" Elijah told the Salvatore brothers, "This is family business".


Bill laid on Lily's bed, his eyes closed, while Lily and Caroline sat on either side of him, each holding on to his hands.

Lily focused her hearing on Bill's heart beat, and immediately started crying harder when she realised his heart was no longer breathing.


"I like what you've done with the new place, Nik" Rebekah said, grabbing a vase and throwing it on a painting on the wall, causing the painting to fall.

"I wanted it to be for all of us" Klaus whispered, "A place we could all call home, a place we could all be a family, none of us would ever have to be alone again".

"Well, you're right" Elijah agreed, walking away from Klaus, "None of us will be".

"You're staying behind" Finn told Klaus, walking over to Elijah.

"We're leaving you Nik" Rebekah informed, standing next to Elijah with Kol, "Right after I kill that doppelganger wench and convince Lily to come with us, then you will be alone, always and forever".

"If you run, I will hunt all of you down" a furious Klaus threatened.

"And then you'll become everything you hate" Elijah said, "Our father".

"I'm the hybrid!" Klaus yelled, "I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you".

"You will when we have that coffin" Elijah threatened.

Before Klaus could say anything, the door to the Mikaelson opened and in came a woman Klaus didn't think he'd ever see again.

"Mother" a shocked Rebekah whispered.

Esther ignored all her children and walked straight to Klaus, "Look at me" she demanded Klaus, who after gathering some courage, looked into his mother's eyes, trying not to show any signs of weakness, "Do you know why I'm here?".

"You're here to kill me" Klaus whispered.

"Niklaus, you are my son" Esther reminded, "And I am here to forgive you", Esther faced the rest of her kids, "I want us to be a family again".

"Klaus?", Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah looked towards the front door once they heard a familiar voice, Klaus immediately looked concerned seeing a devasted Lily standing there, looking confused seeing the three new faces in the room.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked.

"Is everything okay, Lily?" Elijah asked.

"Who do I have to hurt?" Rebekah asked, as her and her two brothers took a step towards the werewolf who had unknowingly created a place in all their hearts, for a second completely forgetting about their mother's return.

"Um, Bill, my adoptive father, he--he's dead" Lily whispered, tears streaming down her face, "And honestly, I don't even know why I'm here, I just couldn't be home, I'm really sorry, I think this is the wrong time, I'll leave".

"Wait" Klaus said, rushing over to Lily and grabbing her wrist before she could leave, "You don't have to leave, stay".

Lily looked at Klaus, the next moment she hugged Klaus, tightly, "It hurts" she cried, "I don't why, but it hurts so much Klaus".

"Shh" Klaus whispered, running his hand through Lily's hair, "Cry it out little luna, I've got you".

While Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah got busy with Lily, they completely missed their two brothers looking at the Forbes werewolf in confusion, wondering who she was and why did she barge into a house made for their family like it was her own, while Esther looked at Lily with a knowing look on her face, she knew who she was, she was the girl Ayana had made sure Klaus found to fight his darkness, a girl that would have to die just because she chose to get close to her son.


Presenting 2x13 of Fire & Flame!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Lily stopping the fight between Klaus and Elijah?

Thoughts on Lily and Caroline discovering Bill's dead body?

Thoughts on Stefan's words about Lily, Klaus and Elijah?

Thoughts on Stefan's words about Lily always being in danger because of her association with the originals?

Thoughts on Klaus forgetting everything and comforting Lily over Bill's death?


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