A Friend of Another Friend

By bb2410

33.6K 1.4K 483

Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Seven

959 50 6
By bb2410

-Misty's P.O.V.-

It was silent as Jenna ushered those words to Alex who was standing so still if you hit her with a baseball bat across her head I doubt she would have flinched. I could feel the tension in the room as everyone held their breaths.

"It's so funny you're the one calling me that, Jenna." She said softly.

Jenna began to laugh but was cut short by Jenna's outburst.


The force that came out of her when she said was enough for me to take in a sharp breath. I looked over to Tess who was looking at Alex like she's never seen her before. This was true. Alex, she was always nice, bubbly, sweet, and generous to everyone she meets. But this Alex she was different. She was bad-ass, mad, and ready to fight at the first punch.

We all waited for what Jenna was going to do. She seemed surprised by the little outburst she got from Alex, but immediately covered it up with a smile.

"If you think you can push past me...try." Jenna said as if Alex wouldn't do it. She crossed her arms over her chest. Alexandra didn't need to be told twice she shoved Jenna out of the way pushing her perky body off to the side as she stormed out of the house. It was dead silent in the movie room you could hear a pin drop.

Jenna picked herself up quickly trying to recover herself from the push. She gave us all death glares but stopped right at me. I wasn't going to let a white bitch push me around that was one thing about me, I may be shy around groups of people, but if you dare to humiliate me anywhere I won't hesitate but shut your shit down. Alex was my best friend she needed to be protected by all three of us so what good is a wimp who backs down from a fight? I stared her down with my eyes making sure she was uncomfortable.

After a while she looked away from me. She moved away from Jayden and walked around the room to where the rest of the guys were. The moved back at impulse to her.

"So what were you guys doing in here?" She asked.

Ron scoffed like it was joke or something and responded. "Uh...we were feeding cats what do you think we were doing...twister." He pointed to the mat we were all sitting on now. She snarled a little, took a quick look to Jayden and dropped her bag on the nearest chair available.

"Whatever I want to play." She said throwing off her coat.

"I'm leaving." I said abruptly getting off the floor and grabbing my jacket bag and swiftly heading for the door.

"Yea, me too Alex is my best friend and I can't stay in a place where she's going to be disrespected like that." Chrishell got up grabbed her things and walked over to my side. Tess got up as well and gave the boys a sad look but in a more of "how could you tolerate her?" and we all left without another word.

I could hear Chase curse for the back and say, "Really, Jen what the hell is wrong with you!" I didn't even smile at his sudden realization because it took someone to get hurt for him to get it. Hopefully the guys got as well.

Outside we found Alex standing in the cold a block or two away from the house. We immediately comforted her.

"Alex." We just hugged her because I knew everyone found the term "Are you okay?" annoying. Like, no she wasn't okay she stormed out of the house. She took in our hugs and I could tell she was holding back tears. She shuffled inside her sweater pocket and threw Chrishell the keys to her car.

"You guys go on without me, I just need a little time to think." She told us.

We all gave her an outraged look.

"Dara, we're not going to leave you in the cold and the dark by yourself they're are creeps everywhere." Tess said. Dara was the second nick name we gave to her it suited her well too. Sometimes they called me Sierra-Mist just to piss me off, but that was besides the point we all agreed we weren't going to let our friend freeze to death out here. But I knew Alex needed her time so I turned to Chrishell and Tessly.

"Guys go on without us...please." I looked into their eyes so they could understand that I would take care of her and they didn't need to worry. They nodded their heads slowly and gave Alex and I a hug before they headed back to the car. We watched them walk back for a little bit before we turned the opposite direction and walked.

"Misty-." Alex began but I cut her off.

"Don't worry about me, Alex you need your time just act like I'm not even there." I said showing her that I was going to keep my mouth shit.

She smiled sadly. "Thanks." she replied. We walked a couple more blocks down. It was peacefully quiet and the air felt refreshing during this time. The moon wasn't out but thousands of stars twinkled throughout the skies shining brightly for all of to see. I looked over to Alex who looked lost in thought and I found myself drowning in the same pool. My thoughts swam to my family, my life, Jayden and Jenna. She was poisoning that poor boy. People like her sucked the life out of men, made them work until their was nothing left, manipulated them like Larzaro. Was it that they were to blind to see their faults? They couldn't be blinded by love because I saw none of it anywhere around them.

It was quiet for who knows how long when Alex stopped in front of a house. I couldn't see much of it if at all. The lights were turned off and all I saw was a very big silhouette. I think we were well past Greek street. Alex looked at the house with longing and then anger brushed upon her. I wanted to ask her what that house was to her, but I wanted to respect her privacy.

She slowly turned her head to me. "Come on, Mist were going to be late for classes tomorrow." She smiled.

I smiled back. We found the nearest bus stop and took a trip there. Alex and I remained quiet and just watched the city life flash before our eyes. Sometimes it was easy to forget your problems when all you have to do is look outside and there is this whole other world looking back at you.

When we arrived home we said our good-byes and called it a night.


"Whats going on over there?" Chrishell asked pointing over to the east school yard were there were tons of stands with bright balloons and guys and girls walking in and out of the area smiling and holding many papers and goodies.

"Please tell me its food." My eyes widened and watered at the thought.

The girls and I decided to grab some lunch today after school and that was cool with me since I didn't work today and everyone else wasn't busy we were just walking around school searching for a food joint.

"It's not food, rush has begun." Alex said.

We all turned to look at her with confused stares.

"Rush?" We all repeated.

She nodded. "A period of time when sororities and fraternities are looking for fresh faces in their chapters, so girls who want to join go through all this bidding and initiation." Alex answered pretty professionally.

"Wow, you're really smart how do you know this stuff?" Chrishell asked absently.

She bit her lip. "I just remember reading it somewhere." she said softly.

"Well, lets go check it out." Tess said grabbing and pulling us towards the place, we were all protesting the way there, but as soon as we saw them handing out goodies we were sold.

"Join Tri-Delta a sister hood of sweet hearts." The gave us a pamphlet and some sweet goodies to go along with them.

"Come to Gamma Phi Beta the best sorority in Indiana." A girl shouted and gave us all these nice things.

We ended up spending a half an hour watching and touring the place full of life, and smiles. Sure seemed nice. Down the road we saw some of the fraternities coming into view. They weren't as "colorful" as the girls but they still had a decent amount of guys around them listening to why their frat was the best.

As we progressed and moved around we noticed Delta Sigma Phi's table coming up and we all knew to pretend and ignore like we didn't see them at all, but that was really hard because Chase was yelling out to Tess and she was trying really hard to pretend not hear. Chase abandoned his brothers and ran over to us and smiled.

"Hey guys planning on joining a sorority?" He asked.

Chrishell and I shook our heads but Tess frowned and glared down Chase.

"So what guys like you can get into our pants?" She asked. There was no trace of joking in her voice and Chase's smile diminished almost completely.

"No, we weren't going for that." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Look, guys sorry about what happened yesterday it was completely uncalled for." he said. He watched are unmovable faces and tried another tactic.

"The guys feel really bad about it." he said.

We stared it him. "That's great, Chase." Tessly began walking the other way and Alex and Chriss followed her. I stayed behind for a little bit. He looked at me.

"What did I do?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "Chase, you're a good guy as far as I've seen, but you have to understand when someone comes after my friends its vital that we protect our friends." I brushed a stand of hair falling into my face.

"And if it means cutting off anything negative to do so...we'll do it." I said I looked over at the Delta Sigma table and saw that Jayden was looking over at me, I turned back to Chase and shrugged. "Sorry." I spun around and caught up with the girls heading towards the exit.

As we were leaving it so happened that out luck ran out because guess who was coming down the road.

"God, is there any other way out here?" Tess looked around for a closer escape.

There were none.

"If we turn back now, we'll look like pussies." Chrishell noted.

So we awaited the impact. Jenna's eyes caught ours and a devilish smirk played onto it. I wanted to puke when I saw that.

"Are you guys going to join a sorority?" She stopped near us along with her barbie doll posse. We all had snarls on our faces.

She didn't wait for our answer. "Here's a brochure for Alpha Chi Omega." She handed us each one and I was tempted to rip it up right in front of her face.

She smiled cheerfully and proceeded to walk on.

"We won't be joining a sorority." Chrishell muttered.

Jenna bumped shoulders purposely with her. "Of course you won't they wouldn't let you in." She commented then she proceeded and shoved Chrishell's papers all over the floor.

I was automatically over at Chrishell stopping her from punching the shit out of Jenna.

Chrishell was fighting me to let go, but I firmly held her.

Jenna had a smirk on her face. "Pathetic." She stated.

Maybe fingers could slip a little I shook my head I won't let my friend get suspended or expelled for hurting someone.

"You little bitch if you think you can low-blow somebody like me you got your head twisted in a fucking knot, don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me again or my friend Misty won't be holding me back." Then she picked up the brochure Jenna gave to her, shredded it to pieces and threw in her face. Jenna staggered back a little and we did the same to her and her posse and we walked away from this joint.

"Can you believe her? She was like they won't let you in." Tess said imitating Jenna's perk voice.

Alex laughed. "What would we do without you guys?" She asked us.

"Subject to Jenna's presence." She huffed. She was still angry about the papers.

"I just wish we had a way to get back at her." I suggested.

Alex stopped abruptly. "We can." She said.

We all stopped and looked at her confusingly. "We can." we repeated.

She nodded.

"We make our own sorority!" She said.


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