The Bastards of Winterfell (A...

By piewoman101500

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Note: The first three-four chapters are very rough, but it does get better as it goes on. Ned Stark rode ho... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Eight

126 7 1
By piewoman101500

Raven's POV

"Come now, Lyanna, you know this one." I admonished as I read over the parchment in front of her. Specifically, the blank space where an answer should lie, "It is probably the most interesting fact about your house. How did Rodrik Stark win Bear Island from the Iron Born?"

"It sounds ridiculous," she muttered under her breath, picking at the wooden table

"Aye, but sometimes history is just that." I nodded encouragingly, "Do not second guess yourself. You've got the answer."

Lyanna took a deep breath as if she were answering one of life's greatest questions, "A wrestling match."

"There you go, cub." I cheered, gaining the attention of the few working in the courtyard, "Then Rodrik gave the island to your ancestors and the Mormonts have been loyal to House Stark ever since."

"Still sounds ridiculous," she shrugged

"Twas the way of Northermen, little one." I shook my head fondly at our culture

"Raven?" a voice spoke from behind me

"Yes, Harold?" I asked, turning in my seat to face the guard, "What can I do for you?"

"Lady Maege has requested your presence in her solar," he informed

"Alright," I acknowledged, standing from the table, "I better go. Harold, would you do me a favor and sit with Lyanna while she finishes her lessons for today?" the man looked between me and the Mormont, fear shining in his brown eyes, "Oh, come off it Harold, she won't bite. Right?" I finished with a wink to the little lady

"I make no promises," the girl deadpanned

"That will have to do," I said quickly, walking away from the two

"Raven!" Harold squawked 

I turned, now walking backward through the courtyard, "She's got two questions left. All you have to do is ensure she fills them out and get the parchment to me when she's done."

"You owe me!" he called back

"I will get you a biscuit from the kitchen when you hand over the parchment." I laughed, "An even trade." I turned, finding I had reached the entrance to the main castle. I walked up the solar as I had many times before, raising my hand to knock on the large wooden door.

"Come in." a voice responded from the other side

I entered the space, closing the door behind me as I made my way to stand in front of the desk, "My Lady, Harold said you wanted to see me?" 

"Please have a seat, dear." her face grim as she gestured to the empty chair beside me. I did as told, "I fear the news I have for you must be told with a heavy heart."

"My Lady?" my brows creased in worry

"Raven," she took a breath, "King Robert is dead."

"What?" I was shocked, to say the least, "How?"

"They are calling it a hunting accident. He was gored by a boar."

"'Calling it'? Do you believe differently?"

"I have no proof, but I wouldn't put it past Queen Cersei to do whatever it took to put her son on the throne." she sighed, "There's more." I nodded for her to continue, "Your father has been arrested."

"For what crime?" in my outrage, I stood from the chair and began pacing in front of the hearth

"Treason." she stared at the parchment in her hand, "They say he conspired with Robert's brothers to deny the thrones to Prince Joffery."

"My father is the most honorable man I have ever known. He would never betray King Robert." my fist clenched and unclenched at my side, "And what of my sisters, Sansa and Arya? They're in King's Landing too." I willed my voice not to shake. Gods, they must be terrified. I ran a hand through the fringe across my forehead

Lady Maege tracked my movement with her eyes, "You will not hear a disagreement from me, Lass. And as for your sisters, I have not heard anything, but I am sure they'll be treated gently. Please, sit, Raven. There is more I'd like to discuss with you." I once more did as told, retaking my seat and taking deep breaths to quell the rage festering in my chest. She looked uncertain of her next words, "Your brother has called his banners to march to King's Landing."

"Of course he has." Robb had been itching to do so when I returned home two months ago, now he had a legitimate reason, "Will you be aiding the cause, Lady Maege?"

"Aye, and I will be riding down there myself. Your father is a dear friend and I must believe there are no truths to the accusations against him."

"Thank you." I nodded, "I must inform you I have already pledged my sword to my brother to fight beside him."

"That explains the suit of armor you had forged when you returned." Her eyes narrowed on mine, "Did he know something like this would happen?"

"As we're already going to war with them, there is no harm in telling you." I sighed, "A mercenary was hired to murder my little brother before he woke up. He injured Lady Stark but was quickly taken down by my brother's wolf. The blade wielded by the man was found to be far too fine for a man of his status and Lady Stark is convinced the Lannisters hired him."

"Why would they do that? Your brother is no older than Lyanna." her tone softened at the mention of her daughter, "What cause could they possibly have to kill him?"

"Lady Stark believes Bran saw something he was not meant to see in the tower and was pushed out of the window because of it. When he didn't die, they sent someone to kill him." 

"Does your father know of this?"

I nodded, "I believe so. She was on her way to tell him when I returned to Winterfell."

"That might very well have been the catalyst for this whole farce." Lady Maege shook her head, "No time to dwell on it. We both have got to get our affairs in order if we're to ride to war."

"Apologies if I overstep with this question, my Lady, but do you mean to put Lyanna in charge of the island?" I asked

"Do you believe she is ready?"

I shook my head gently, "She's too young, but it is what has to be done."

The older woman nodded, "I am sure Lord Stark will be putting young Brandon in his seat while he is away."

"Aye, and Maester Ludwin will be at his side advising him."

"As Sir Wallace will be here."

I sighed, "They deserve to be children, if not for a little while longer."

She reached across her desk and took my hand in hers, "So did you and your brothers." I didn't take a genius to know which brothers she was referring to, "You all had to grow up far too quickly."

I sighed, "It is the stories the Gods have written for us. It does no good to complain or try to rewrite them. All we can do is see them to their ends."

"Well said, my dear." she released my hand and leaned back in her chair with a heavy sigh, "Now, does that story have any plot that indicates who can take on the task of continuing Lyanna's teachings?" she cast a small grin at me

I returned the grin, "It just might."


"You did what?!" Jacline shouted as we packed for my trip. Lady Maege advised no more than a handful of articles that would be carried from camp to camp and washed in whatever body of water we encountered.

I winced, "I merely told Lady Maege that you would be a great fit to replace me as Lyanna''s teacher." I said, gently removing a tortured tunic from her grip

"Why in the Seven Hells would you tell her that?"

"Jac, your father has been Winterfell's librarian for nearly two decades. You grew up surrounded by the great works on the history of Westeros. I know you have what it takes to teach Lyanna everything in my stead?"


"Jacline," I set my hands on her shoulders, "you have believed in me since you taught me how to do needlework. Let me believe in you for a change."

"That girl will eat me alive." Jac panicked, "And what of the sword work? I don't know a thing about any of that."

"Lyanna has calmed down quite a lot since we got here," I chuckled, "And don't fret, Lady Maege said she will have Sir Wallace do it. He will not like it, but he will have no choice"

She was quiet for a moment, "You truly believe I can teach her?" 

"With my whole heart, my friend." I smiled, "Besides, it's not like you will have much else to do with Harold and I gone." I huffed a small laugh

Jacline pulled me into an embrace, "I will miss you dearly. You are so much more than a friend to me Raven. You're family."

I gripped her just a bit tighter, "As are you...sister."

"Sister?" she tried the word out on her tongue as she pulled away, "I like the way that sounds."

"It goes without saying that I will miss you just as dearly. You, me, and Harold can have a proper send-off tonight, just as my brothers and I had before we left Winterfell."

"What are you volunteering me up for?" Harold asked, announcing his presence at the entrance of my chambers

"Your mother never taught you to knock before entering a lady's bedroom?" Jac teased as he entered

"Point me to that Lady and I will apologize." He smirked

"Well, to answer your question, you ass-" I laughed, "-the three of us are going to drink tonight. Consider it a send-off to war."

Harold nodded, "And a hearty send-off it will be." he moved toward the door

"Not too hearty." I called after him down the hall, "I will not be carrying you to your chambers."


I returned to my chambers later that night after escorting Jacline and Harold to their quarters. The three of us did not drink nearly as much ale as the boys and I had what felt like years ago, but we did have a good time. A proper send-off for the two of us who would be fighting for the North.

Once the door was closed behind me, I noticed the small pile of parchments sitting on my bed. I stepped closer to find a note lying beside it,

"In light of our conversation today, I thought you would like to have these.

                                                                                                                                    - MM"

"MM?" I inquired aloud, "What could Lady Maege have possibly left me?" I reached for the first parchment on the pile. I recognized the handwriting immediately but had to check the broken seal to be sure. I sank into the edge of the bed and read:

"Greetings Lady Maege, I have received your letter seeking assistance in finding a teacher for your daughter. While Winterfell has none to spare, I have an idea of a similar nature. As you probably have heard, in a short time I am to become the Hand of the King. With my departure imminent, I must find placement for my eldest daughter Raven Snow. Though I wish I could, I cannot leave her in Winterfell with my wife and sons. She had no formal training as a teacher, but I have watched Raven help her siblings through countless lessons with the grace and patience of any Septa or Maester. She is the only person who can truly get my Arya to sit still and focus on her work. Despite her standing in life and treatment at the hands of others, she is wonderfully smart, beautifully kind, and honorably fair. I believe Raven would be a valuable addition to your house.-"

I had to pause there, quickly wiping at the tears I hadn't noticed gathering in my eyes. It wasn't as if my father was a cold man, the furthest from it truly, but seeing his thoughts on me written out in front of me struck something within. I took a deep breath before continuing with the letter

"-I ask this of you, not as your Lord, but as your friend and as a fellow parent. I wish to keep my daughter in the North and as close to her brothers as possible. She should not have to continue to pay for my sins. Please write back with your answer.

                                                                                                                                                                Lord Eddard Stark

Lord of Winterfell and Warden in the North"

I reread the penultimate line, "She should not have to continue to pay for my sins."

A lovely sentiment, but I would always be paying for his sins. I recalled a conversation I'd had with Arya. I'd told her I'd had a better life than most in my position, and it was true, but there were many in Winterfell and to an extent Bear Island who would always look down on me. If not for my baseborn status, then for the simplest fact that I was a woman.

I sighed, staring down at the remainder of the pile of parchment. I knew I ought to have gone straight to bed, but being able to read my father's hand was comforting. So I made my way through the stack, taking in every swoop, swirl, straight line, and doted "I" as my father warned Lady Maege of my direwolf and informed her of my companions. And it was with the final parchment in hand that Jacline would find me the next morning. I would tuck the letters into the top drawer of my desk prior to leaving for safekeeping.

As I rode out with the Mormont Army, Harold and I at Lady Maege's sides, I sent a prayer to the Old Gods and the New that those letters would not be the last of my father's writing that I would lay eyes on.

We would save him or level Westeros in the process.

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