Castlevania Nocturne: A Guard...

By TriforceofWisdom

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The sequel to Castlevania: Of Darkness and Light. Emmaline Tepes always believed in guardian angels, people... More

Act of Retribution
Angel of the Ocean Waves
The Parting Storm
A Guardian's Promise
Farewell to Good Company
The Provincial Life
New Beginnings
Author's Note
Dracula's Legacy
Lioness and Cubs
Mentor and Pupil
Love In a Time of Revolution.
The Mal'akh of Machecoul
Mother and Daughter
Author's Note
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Hall of the Angels
Light at the End
Author's Note
Protector of the Realm
Author's Note
Miracle Maker
The Visitor
Baby Bat
Eyes Unclouded
A Vampire's Nature
The Sires
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Striga and Morana
Blood Price
Heart of a Vampire
A Vampire's Promise
Author's Note
Ange Gardien
The Peacekeeper
History Makers
The Fires of Revolution
The Old Orchard
An Opened Door
Angel's Duet
Bonus: La Seine: Castlevania Nocturne Version
The Malbeast.
La Velue
Forgotten Memories
The Pitfall
The Vampire Hunter
Author's Note

The Hunt

192 12 1
By TriforceofWisdom

Edited 2/23/24

A frantic knock on the door woke us up.

I immediately jumped out of bed, pulling my dark cloak over me with the dagger in my hand.

"Stay back!" I halted my daughter, who came running to the door with her unsheathed sword gleaming in the firelight. Emma obeyed staying away from the door, her body rigid and tense, ready to leap forward and strike at any moment.

The knocking hastened, followed by a desperate cry. Slowly I creaked open the door, gripping my knife behind my back.

"Madame! Madame help us!! Oh God please!!!" A bloodied man begged.  Two humans stood at the door wounded and traumatized. A young man and  woman. The  woman was crying as the man pressed a wet crimson cloth against her neck. She bled profusely and nearly collapsed. I asked no questions and  hurried them in, helping carry the bleeding woman into the infirmary and laying her on the sick bed.

"Let me see her wounds." I told them. Slowly the man let off the cloth from her neck, revealing the extent of of her injury.

Fuck!!! I swallowed the curse behind my teeth. I knew a vampire bite anywhere. The  young man babbled panicked at me, begging me to save her despite his own injuries. "Keep stanching the wound." I ordered the man, hurrying to the cabinet with the anticoagulant moss.

"Mother what has happened?" I heard Emma's footsteps come running in before I stopped her. "I need you to stay back and out of sight!" I commanded her in Romanian. "It's  a vampire attack! I don't want them seeing you and panicking." Emma halted. "What can I do?"

"Activate the ward on the door and keep watch! Do not engage if you see anything!"

"But Mother if they-!"

"Not now Emma!" I went into nurse mode, quickly collecting the dried moss and steeping it in water. Once the moss filled like a sponge, I told the man to remove the blood-soaked cloth, pressing the moss against the bitemarks on her neck and holding it there.

"Vampire saliva has a natural anticoagulant that keeps the blood flowing." I  pressed the moss against her neck. "This moss does the opposite, it helps staunch the wound and stop the bleeding. Once that is under control I will stitch the wound and tend to yours." I always try to explain how my treatments work so they can understand what I was doing. It was a more modern world, but many people still clung to superstition  because that is what they knew. Explaining how medicine works takes away the mysticism that might attract suspicious eyes.

Once the woman's neck stopped bleeding, I padded it with anesthetic. "This might hurt a little but it will stop the pain." The woman cried at the sting but was still. The man  took  her hand and watched me suture the bite marks. Once the wound was stitched, I pulled up an antibiotic shot. "Do not worry. This is an injection that will prevent fevers." She twitched at the shot, but was otherwise fine.

"She's going to be fine." I reassured them once the suturing was done.  The man and women wept freely, thanking me. "Think nothing of it. She's lucky to have survived a vampire attack. You both are. Now let's see your wounds. Not too serious. A couple of good gashes that shouldn't be hard to stitch up."

I worked on treating the other human. Mother, can I come in? Emmaline cautiously asked through telepathy. Yes, my dear. All is well and they have calmed down. I'm sorry for shouting.

They didn't react when Emma came into the room, at least not in fear.  They watched her, intrigued by her gold eyes and beauty.  "I guarded  the door and there was nobody outside."

"Thank you Emmaline." I sighed. "This is my sister who hunted vampires in the American Revolution ." Their gaze cast on her in awe. Emma greeted them plainly before asking if I needed anything. "I think we are good for now." I confirmed.

Emma yawned and stood by the door. "The sun will  rise soon . If there are vampires hunting, they will not bother us in the daytime."

"Yes. You should be safe to travel." I  nodded to the  humans.  "What happened, if  you do not mind me asking?"

The man spoke. "We were returning  from the tavern  when we were ambushed." He pulled out a silver knife, a cross, and a small vial of holy water from his coat. "It is necessary to carry weapons against vampires when you are traveling at night. That is how we were able to fight them off. I stabbed one with the knife and the cross, then threw holy water at the other two. That is how I  stopped one from feeding on Jeanine." He took the bitten lady's hand.

"Where were you attacked?" I questioned.

"In the abandoned church outside of town.."

"Too close for comfort." I murmured. "Do you remember what they looked like?"

"They were all dressed in dark clothes. We believe they were marauders targeting anyone straying outside the safety of the commune."

"Sounds like it." I nodded. "If they were marauders, they'll have a nest in the area to hide from sunlight and lick their wounds." I peered out the window. "You should be safe  to go home. Don't go anywhere else and if somebody notices your injuries, which they will, tell them you two strayed  far from home and nearly suffered the consequences. What were you two doing out there?"

The couple paused, embarrassed. "It was a beautiful night and we wanted to be by ourselves....." The man answered sheepishly.

"Ah I see. Well, next time pick a closer place for a make-out session. Not in an abandoned church on the outskirts. Woods can be teeming with vampires, especially on a moonlit night."

"We will." Jeanine turned to Emma, who kept silent listening the entire time. "If you are a vampire hunter, you must stop them."

"The situation will be resolved. I promise you." I reassured them. "You should be fine taking the main path. Do not stray anywhere else, you hear? Go straight home."

"We will." The man affirmed. "Thank you so much, Madame."

Emma and I watched them leave. "Jeez, I wasn't expecting that tonight. They are incredibly lucky to be alive, and smart enough to carry weapons."

"You sure they will be safe  traveling home?" Emma asked.

"Yes." I said, pinching my brow and scratching the back of my head. "There hasn't been a vampire attack in these parts in over  ten years. They're getting braver, venturing this close to town. Three marauders. Em.....where's Vance?"

"He's perched on the roof as a bat. Mom...he wouldn't attack......!"

"I would if I was hungry enough." His voice echoed and he entered the house. "But  I'm full, and  that wasn't me. You're mother's right. Marauders, just like in the colonies and probably under the protection of some wealthy high standing bastard."

"The only one wealthy like that around here is the Marquis." I said. "But he's on good terms with the Abbot, as far as I know."

"Maybe that's something to look into." Emma suggested. She jolted at another knock on the door.

"It's Tera." Vance placed a hand on her arm. "I told her we had a predicament and might need help. She wasn't thrilled to see me but she came as fast as she could."

I answered the door, letting Tera and the two children in. " I thought it was safer for them to be with you." She apologized.

"No, that was good thinking. Hey kids! Make yourselves at home." I welcomed them.

"We heard there was a vampire attack!" Richter held his training whip. "Let us help you destroy them!"

"Whoa hold your horses Belmont. We're figuring that now."

We sat together at the kitchen table and discussed a plan of action. There wasn't much to figure out, and the plan was simple; attack the vampires while they were dormant in the daylight before they could  recover from their wounds.

Emma volunteered for the job. " Vance and I will go together. We'll track them from the abandoned church and ambush them in their sleep. They'll not expect an attack during the daytime, especially not by anomalies like us."

" We should still take heavy precautions." Vance advised. "Vampires hate surprises."

"Of course." Emma agreed.

" You shouldn't." My stomach churned. "You'll be in danger. Tera and I will go instead."

"She's  right." Vance stated plainly before Emma could protest. "The plan is to sneak up and destroy them unaware. They'll scent  you two  the moment  you step in a five mile radius of them. Us? They won't suspect a thing."

Emma held my hand. "We'll be fine, this isn't our first time hunting marauding vampires."

I clutched her hand in mine. "Please be careful Em. Vance, keep her safe."

"I swear I will." Vance beat his heart with a fist.

It wrenched my heart to see her leave with Vance. Her cloak around her shoulders and sword at her belt. Tera held my hand. "Vance is right." I murmured to her. "They'll scent a Mal'akh and a Mage as soon as we're in the vicinity, but a vampire and a dhampir hybrid will slip right under their noses."

"We  have to trust them." Tera said. "And I believe in them. I believe in her."

"So do I."

Neither of us noticed the kids slipping out the back door to follow them.


Emma heard Richter and Maria catch up to them long before they called out. "Go back to Amalie's house, children. We'll deal with this." Emma ordered them without halting.

"You'll need help, let us go with you." Richter followed after her.

"No. You and Maria stay here." Emma stopped them.

"But we can fight!" Maria persisted. "You always said we were stronger together, and together we can help you kill those vampires. We've trained well enough that we're ready! We're just as good as fighters as you are!"

"Not yet." Emma put her foot down. "There will come a time where you'll show your mettle as protectors of the land, as a Belmont." She looked at Richter. "And a Magician." She turned to Maria. "But that time is not now, you are still children and have much to learn. Now go home."

Vance shooed the children off as if they were straying goats. "Run along kids! No need to wet your swords just yet! Wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves."

"We wouldn't get hurt." Richter persisted, following them. "Not if you're around to protect us."

"Not happening." Emma said firmly.

" Please! This is our chance!" Maria begged. "You wanted us to learn how to fight  vampires, Em, well this is the perfect opportunity. Why bother teaching us anything if  you never let us put our skills to work?"

"You're both children." Vance answered. "An Em's right. You still have much to learn. Don't worry, one day you and your Belmont brother will give every vampire within a hundred miles a run for their money." He glared sternly at the children. "I'd turn your butts  around and walk back home if I were you. You do not want to agitate your otherwise patient mentor, especially her. She'll make you go home with the rise of her voice."

Emma stood and watched intently the children walk the other direction, until they were out of her sight and earshot. "Let's go." Emma turned to Vance.

The abandoned church lay on a desolate hill rising above the forest floor, south of Machecoul. The surrounding kirkyard littered with graves and crumbling statues. The church itself weathered with vines. Standing apart from the church was a decayed crypt with half of its roof collapsed in. " Fine place for a daytime sleep." Vance nodded. "Where should we start?"

"At the scene of the crime." Emma looked at the abandoned church.

Vance sharp eyes cast onto her in deep concern. "Emma, will you be all right? It's a church."

"It's been long abandoned and the roof has partially collapsed." Emma responded confidently. "It's different."

"Are you sure?" Vance worried.

Emma nodded. One way to find out. "Did you bring the cloth?"

"Yes." He took out the bloodied cloth that was pressed against Jeanine's bleeding wound. "Smells good, but you can definitely detect the vampire musk. Here, hand me your sword." Emma removed the sword belt and handed it to Vance before taking a step back. The air surrounding her shifted like the desert heat, and in her place stood a beautiful white   and silver wolf.

The wolf padded to Vance and sniffed the bloodied cloth he held out to her. He followed her as she prowled through the church grounds, weaving through the gravestones with her muzzle whiffing the ground. Her sense of smell in this form made a bloodhound look like a child with a cold.

Emma traced the vampires' scent into the church, disturbing the roosting birds as she snuffled around the pews. Vance noticed it immediately; the instant she stepped inside, her hackles rose and she prowled warily, as if evading the notice of a hidden enemy. She bared her teeth, eyes flickering as she fought the rising anxiety within her and the dark memories triggered by the space.

She jerked and halted with a raised paw and fur on its end. She found the exact spot where the couple were attacked. The mingling of rising hormones, lust, fear, and blood prickled her lupine nose.

The blood. Stained fresh on the pew.

The wolf-shaped blur sped out of the church as if chased by a demon on her tail.

"Shit!" Vance snapped and dashed after her. He found Emma in a sunlit glade away from the church grounds, collapsed on her knees and hunched over utterly distraught. Her elongated claws gripped fiercely into the ground, ripping out dirt and roots. Her breathing was ragged and rapid.

Vance quickly consoled her, taking her sharpened claws in his own. "Breathe." He told her gently. "I'm right here and you are safe." Emma grabbed hold of them for dear life, like an anchor in a storm, and gradually steadied her breath.

"I'm. I'm sorry!" She gasped in between breathing.

"It's all right." Vance said. "Focus on breathing. Do not speak yet." Vance restrained a grimace as her claws dug into his flesh. He desperately hoped his own blood wouldn't  panic her further.

Vance comforted her, touching foreheads with Emma and thrummed. "All is well."

Emma swallowed, her eyes stinging with tears. "It was the blood." She gulped again. "The blood on the pew. Just like-!!"She clutched her mouth and sobbed.

"Emma" Vance cupped her chin in his claws, thrumming deep within his chest. He let her cry into him, only speaking again when her crying stilled and her body twitched. "That was foolish. I should've tracked the scent instead."

"I was okay.." Emma hiccuped. "Until I saw....."

"I know." Vance rubbed her back. "But you went in, and you stayed inside until that point. Before you couldn't even go near a church. I'm proud of you Em. I really am."

Emma nuzzled into Vance's shoulder. "Thank you Vance."

The fatherly vampire nodded. "That was very well done, my dear."

Emma swallowed again. "I can't go back inside,but I can still track the scent from the church."

"You need to rest and recover yourself." Vance replied sternly.

"But the vampires."

"The vampires aren't going anywhere in the middle of the day." Vance affirmed. "We have time. I need you to breathe and regain yourself. I know you can, in your own time. Just breathe right now. All will be well."

"Yes...." Emma took an easier breath. "All will be well."

When she was ready, they resumed their hunt.

Emma shifted into her lupine form and trailed the scent outside the church, trotting along the scent into the crypt. "Figured they'd be hiding out in here." Vance muttered, sharpening his claws against the stone. Emma halted and her hackles stiffened as she pawed the opening slab of a sarcophagus. A snarl escaped her bared teeth. Her white and silver fur bristled, and Vance scented the sharp panic simmering off her fur.

Vance feared she was going into another panic.

"We have to hurry!" Emma took her sword urgently after shifting into human form.

"You found the nest." Vance snarled.

Emma tossed over the stone slab and it crashed against the wall, revealing a dark staircase leading into the pitch black underground. "So did Maria and Richter. They slipped through the opening." She bared her fangs and snarled in such a way it made Vance remember she was Dracula's grandchild. "They better pray the vampires will find them before I do."


At first, Richter and Maria didn't know what to look for. They searched the abandoned church, under every pew and behind the altar for a secret entrance to the vampires' lair. It was only when Maria brought up the crypt did Richter nearly hit himself on the head for not even thinking how obvious it was.

The children entered the crypt cautiously. Richter brandished his whip and knife, Maria summoned her animals. They searched the crypt, opening the sarcophagi, ready to jump and stab a suspecting vampire in the heart. They only found bones. Maria's cub familiar meowed, pawing at a partly opened sarcophagus in the back of the room before crawling into it.

Maria frantically called the feline, running to the sarcophagus and looking into it. "Richter!" She called her cousin over. "Look. It's a staircase! I bet you they're hiding down there." The opening between the lid and the stone was big enough for two children to climb into. Richter went first, followed by Maria holding an orb of light.

Maria kept close to her cousin as they traversed the dark tunnel, her animals perched on her shoulders or huddled against her legs. The air was dark and musty, but there was something else Maria detected. Something arcane and ancient that didn't want them down there. Emma would sense the same thing when she entered the tunnel soon after.

The markings on Maria's shoulders and collarbone began to itch, as if an army of ants crawled over them. The hair on her skin is stiffened from an underlying electric current. Leave. She swore she heard a voice whisper. Leave now. Her animals sensed it too. The phoenix fledglings squawked and flapped their wings on her shoulders, the cub hissed, nervously rubbing against her leg. It was only because of Richter she didn't turn around and leave.

"We shouldn't be here." She whispered to Richter.

"What? Now you're frightened? The vampires should be scared of us. They're asleep somewhere down here."

"It's not the vampires." Maria nervously stroked her cub. "Something else is down here and doesn't want us around. Don't you feel it? A chill in the air?"

"We're underground, of course it's cold." Richter said trying to sound unafraid. "I know you're scared but if we're going to learn to hunt vampires, we have to get used to being in dark scary places. That's where they hide.

"You're learning to hunt vampires." Maria clarified. "Because you're a Belmont. I'm not. We should get out of here before we draw more attention to whatever's lurking down here."

"If you want to leave, wait for me up top at the crypt." Richter told her. He wasn't annoyed by her fear, he was just as afraid. However, if he was going to be a vampire hunter and continue his mother's legacy, he needed to learn to overcome his fear. That's what he told himself.

"I'm not leaving you you dolt!" Maria snapped. "If a vampire catches you, then who will save your ass? Nobody! I'm staying with you."

"Fine, but keep your voice down!" Richter hushed her. "If there are vampires down here you'll wake them."

They continued on until they entered a vast black expanse. Maria lit the surrounding torches, revealing a domed rotunda surrounded by coffins with a flat stone altar in the center. It was once a burial mound in ancient times and repurposed as part of the crypt in later days by the church until it was deserted.

"This place is ancient."Maria shivered. "Don't you feel it?"

"Don't need to. I see it." Richter ran over to the nearest stone coffin and pushed off the wooden top. He nearly screamed. "Maria!" He whispered sharply, beckoning her over. A vampire lay dormant in the coffin, squatting in the space of the skeleton who occupied it. Its skin is deathly pale like a corpse.Richter wasted no time and plunged the knife into the vampire's heart.

Or he would have if something didn't seize him from behind.

"Well well well. What have we here? Little trespassers?" One of the marauder vampires loomed over them. Maria screamed trying to wrestle away from another burned vampires who restrained her by the arms. The third marauder, the one that attacked Jeanine, gripped Emma's birds in one hand, scruffing the hissing spitting cub in the other.

Just when Richter believed things couldn't get worse, they did. Vampires crawled out from every coffin, growling angrily with their fangs glinting in the firelight.

"I hate it when the food fights back. " Hissed the leader. "First it was that amorous couple ready to fuck in the church pews, now it's two scrappy little sewer rats nibbling to pick our bones. Did you honestly think you could sneak up on us? We have sentries, we were just waiting to see how far you'd make it before turning tail."

"You should have listened to your little friend." Marie's captor laughed. "Surprised they made it this far. What shall we do with them?"

"Kill them of course." The lead Marauder confirmed. "Can't have them blabbing our hideout to the humans."

"Let us go you undead bastards!!" Maria screamed before getting knocked in the head. "Shut your mouth, witch, or Sykes will crush your little beasts!"

"Let her go!!" Demanded Richter. "If you want to kill someone kill me! It was my idea and I'm the one who tried to stake one of your friends. She tried to warn me not to go further, she wanted to leave! Spare her and take me!!"

"Richter shut up!!!"

"No!" Tears streamed from Richter's eyes. "I won't have you killed because of me! I won't let anyone die because of me ever again!"

The surrounding vampires laughed sinisterly. "We cannot let either of you go." Growled the leader. "Not when you've discovered the local retreat."

"We promise we won't tell anyone!" Maria begged.

"Ha! That's like one of us promising not to drink blood. It ain't gonna happen." Spat the second marauder.

"We'll do you a favor." Growled the lead marauder. "We'll kill you swiftly and painlessly, which is more than you deserve. Even you, Belmont whelp." He kicked Richter's training whip away. The vampires near it backed away and hissed as if it were the Morningstar whip of legend.

"Kill him!"

"Kill the Belmont runt!!"

"Destroy them both!!"

Richter's captor forced him to the ground, exposing his neck to the vampire's fangs. The vampire towered over him like a beast and  lunged for the killing bite.

His neck exploded at the sound of a sharp whistle, and he  collapsed  dead on his side with his head rolling away. Richter was too stunned to move or get up, but as his senses returned , Maria scrambled to his side after her captor too crashed decapitated.

Emma swept forward with her sword now in hand , cleaving the surrounding  vampires apart quicker than a scythe through wheat,  slicing her claws through flesh and bone, ripping their throats clean out. Those foolish enough to charge her were met with a whistle and a flying  sword through the neck, or a divine beam through the chest.Those standing  their ground found themselves consumed by a holy inferno erupting beneath their feet.

The white flames licking their charred bones and flicker against the dark walls.

Vance quickly swooped in and spirited the children away to safety. Leaving Emma alone with the remaining three. The surviving vampires shrieked and hissed in a frenzied fury as Emma stood before them unflinching. A divine light radiated from her and her glyphs shone like the sun in  that dark barrow.

"I am Emmaline Tepes, daughter of Alucard and Zaharial. The granddaughter of Dracula. These are my lands and family, and if you ever return here , I will kill you, like the rest of your brood  who dared  threaten me and my people."

The two vampires fled out the crypt.She meant to show them mercy in a way she couldn't during the war. She didn't consider the sun had already risen by this time.

The surviving marauder bared his fangs. "Think we haven't already heard of you in the Old World, you half-bred bitch? We know who you are, and we'll come for you and your mongrel brood. We'll feast on the blood of angels." The vampire screamed and shriveled up like a mummy when Emma plunged her sword into his heart.

"Pity." Emma sheathed her sword, flexing her hand and cleansing the entire barrow in holy white flame,effectively burning the vampire corpses until only ash remained. A gust of arcane wind blew them out of the once sacred tomb.

Thank you. Whispered the voices of the ancient shamans and forgotten priests buried within this tomb, now free to linger without vampires desecrating their final resting place.

Emma nodded to the unseen spirits, striding out the tomb flash leaping out of the crypt. She found her family in the church. Vance stood solemn and silent, keeping guard over the two children huddled together petrified. Maria's familiars clustered around them.

The children gasped in relief, springing up when Emma stepped into the church with the sunlight at her back. "It's finished." Emma nodded, sheathing her sword. "They'll not bother us anymore."

"Well done Emma." Vance spoke quietly.

The children ran to Emma and hugged her tight, crying in unashamed relief into her dress. Emma knelt down and embraced them with open arms. She nuzzled their foreheads before glaring her sharp golden eyes into them. "What the hell were you even thinking?"

"We're sorry Emma. We only wanted to help." Richter apologized.

"You could have been killed!"

"We're so sorry!" Maria cried. "We didn't mean-."

"Enough!" Emma's sharp voice cut through their very souls, making even Vance flinch. Maria sniffled and cuddled her cub familiar, Richter stood silent and motionless. "Let's go home." Their guardian said exasperated. "Now."

Maria held Emma's hand as they made their way home. Richter dragged behind her with his head held low and his whip bunched in his hands. Vance took up the rear, making sure Richter didn't lag behind while staying alert for any further threat. He snarled disgusted at the scent of ash. She truly scared them witless. Or she forgot the sun was out.

Probably the latter, he knew Emma too well.

Vance was right to keep a lookout, they were being watched. Far in the cover of the shaded evergreens, Juste Belmont leaned his back against the trunk of a pine, crossing his arms and smiling approvingly. "Good work Emmaline, you saved me a lot of trouble." She would make a better mentor to his grandson than he ever could.


Relief swept over Emma's soul when they returned safely to her home. She made sure to give her mother a tight hug, and kiss her on the cheek. She nearly cried along with Tera when Maria reunited with her mother before wincing at the sharpness of her voice. "Out of everything you could have done!! Both of you!!!!" Emma did not envy Maria at that moment.

"Richter, come with me." She swept the fringe of her cloak. The adolescent boy had hung back, head and back slumped as he tried to avoid the adults' wrath. "Let's go." The boy twitched at the stern command and he followed her reluctantly.

"Emma." Amalie touched her daughter's shoulder when she passed. Go easy. Emma only sighed.

Richter silently hung behind Emma as she led him to the lake. She spoke nothing to him, and he did not dare utter a word. She stood at her favorite spot at the lake's edge, gazing over the green hills and forests beyond. Richter stood beside her, wanting to shrink down. He was so small next to her, in size and power, he prayed this would be quick.

"I don't need to explain how disappointed I am with you."

"I know....." Richter murmured, lowering his head.

"What were you even thinking Richter?" Emma turned and glared at him. "Why would it cross your mind that you, a twelve year old boy with only a training whip, could defeat an entire nest of vampires? In all my years I have never seen such recklessness! Not even with my own children! And what's worse, you put Maria in danger! What if she were killed by your foolishness!?"

"I know....." Richter was too crestfallen to be surprised by another reveal of Emma's past. "I'm sorry...........I thought.......I just wanted to prove......that I could fight and be brave........"

"You can fight.." Emma responded firmly. "And you are brave....But there is a fine line between bravery and rashness." Emma breathed, softening her voice. "You're not ready to fight vampires yet, Richter, and you can't rush your growth, else you will get killed. Your time will come, I promise you, but you need to grow and learn first. I see your potential, and I know what you'll be capable of, but I need you to keep your wits on you and be smart. You're the last Belmont, you can't afford to be reckless. And for God's sake don't drag your sister into any of it!!"

"I know." Richter said tense. "I won't do anything reckless again, I promise."

"Good." Emma sighed, patting the boy's shoulder. "You gave me a real fright today, kid."

"You were frightened?" Richter gawked. "But you slaughtered all those vampires. You were so brave!"

"I still was scared. You can be brave and still be afraid. Always remember that."

"What were you afraid of?" Asked Richter. "Being killed by vampires?"

"I was afraid of them killing you and Maria." Emma admitted. "You two, you mean a lot to me. If something ever happened to either of you, I would never forgive myself." The thought of her son brought tears to her eyes.

"I'm sorry Emma, I won't be reckless again." The boy apologized.

"Thanks kid, it's over now. We can move on forward." They sat together overlooking the lake in quiet serenity.

"Do we remind you of them?" Richter asked cautiously.

"Remind me of who?"

"Your children."

Emma didn't answer him immediately, and Richter worried he stepped too far.

"Yes..a lot."

"What were their names?" Richter wondered.

Emma closed her eyes. " I had three. Rosie and Iris were my twin daughters, and my son." A knot formed in her throat. "His name was Lyudmil, and he was a brilliant young man." She spoke no more of them.

Emma gasped when Richter wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. "Heh. Not too old to hug your guardian huh?" She reciprocated it just as strongly.

You give hugs like my Rosie....hmmm.

She did not speak her thoughts.

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