Forever The Name On My Lips

Par lyricaldr3ams

42.6K 1K 803

You always thought your love story was epic. It started with a boy and a curse. For centuries, it survived ev... Plus

ten part one.
ten part two.


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Par lyricaldr3ams

one. the book of you and i

The New World - 1000

"THERE YOU ARE," Niklaus said as he climbed down to your secret hiding place near the river. "I've been looking for you."

You didn't turn from tossing stones into the water. You came here when you wanted to think and when you needed to be alone. You'd found it accidentally years ago. The only person you'd shown it to was the one person you didn't want to speak to right now and one the person standing in front of you.

"Go away, Niklaus," you said.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, sitting beside you and taking one of your pebbles to toss it into the river.

"Nothing, I just don't want to talk to you right now," you said. You'd been in love with Niklaus for as long as you can remember, long before you even knew what the word meant. To you, love was what you felt for Niklaus. You'd prayed every night that your parents would set up a match for marriage between the two of you. But he didn't see you as more than a friend. That was made evident when Tatia came into the village and turned her sights on both Elijah and Niklaus. He was more than happy to oblige.

"Now I know something is wrong," he nudged your shoulder. "You always want to talk to me. I'm your best friend."

You rolled your eyes before standing up. If he wasn't going to leave, you would. But he stopped you, grabbing your hand.

"Y/N, tell me what's wrong," he said, concern filling his voice.

You glared at him. "Do you care now? You're not too busy chasing after Tatia's skirts?"

His eyes widened at your tone. "Are you—jealous?"

"Don't be ridiculous," you reddened.

"You are," he smirked.

"Shut up, Nik, no I'm not," you said.

"Why would you be jealous, love?" He asked, his tone somewhat mocking. "Am I not paying enough attention to you?"

"Shut up," you said again. "I don't care if you never talk to me again. Go marry Tatia and have a million babies for all I care."

"I don't know why you're acting like this, Y/N," he said. "You'll always be my best friend, you know that. What does it matter if I do marry her? It's not like you have feelings for me."

"What if I do?" the words slipped out before you could stop them.

The atmosphere between you changed as realization came to his face. You saw regret and guilt in his eyes and you felt your heart clench. You didn't need his rejection. You knew he didn't feel for you the way you felt for him. You yanked your arm out of his grasp. "I have to go," you said before turning and running away before he could move.

• • •

"My brother's an idiot," Rebekah said as you picked herbs for Ayana and Esther.

"Which one? They all have their moments," you said. You were close with all the Mikaelsons, and had seen them in their fair share of moronic moments.

"True but in this case I'm talking about the idiot brother who let you go," she said.

You didn't comment. You hadn't spoken to Niklaus in weeks. You knew he had been trying to talk to you but you'd been avoiding him. You would turn the other way any time he came near you. You didn't need to hear the words. You couldn't bear it. It was better to just stay away, you thought. Then your heart wouldn't shatter definitively and irreparably.

"I mean, what does Tatia even have that you don't?" Rebekah continued as if she didn't see your discomfort at the subject. "You're far more beautiful than she is. And you're a far better match for Nik than her. She is just playing both him and Elijah. You'd think Elijah of all people would see it."

"Rebekah, I know you're trying to be a good friend but I don't want to talk about this right now," you sighed.

"Okay, well fine but you should know, said idiot brother is coming this way," she said casually.

"What!" You looked around and sure enough, Niklaus was walking towards you. "How did he know we were here?"

"He asked me," Rebekah said with a smirk. "My brother's an idiot but the fool is in love. You should at least hear him out."

"I'm going to get you back for your meddling," you grumbled.

"Well, you'll owe me a lot of gratitude, so that's fine," she laughed as she walked away from you. "Don't be an idiot, Nik," she said as she passed him.

You stood frozen as he stopped in front of you. "Hi," he said.

"I'm going to kill your sister," you said.

"Don't be mad at her," he said. "I bribed her."

"Of course you did," you rolled your eyes. "I need to get home."

"Y/N, please," he pleaded. "Just listen to me for a moment. You've been avoiding me for weeks."

"I already know what you're going to say," you said. "I don't want or need to hear it."

"I highly doubt you know what I'm going to say," he said.

"What do you—."

He cut you off as he stepped forward and pressed his lips to yours. Your basket fell from your hands in surprise as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You felt the sparks fly between you, warming every inch of you. He finally pulled away, leaving you both panting for air.

"What—why did you?" You couldn't express the words. You weren't sure there were any words you could say.

"Y/N, I've been in love with you before I even knew what love was," he said. "No one has ever held my heart the way you do. I admit I was infatuated with Tatia, but it was just because I was trying to stop thinking of you day and night. I wanted to try to stop this incessant beating in my heart every time I saw you because I thought you'd never return my feelings."

You stared at him in shock. He loved you? All this time, you had thought you'd been alone in your feelings. You had worried about ruining your friendship when you knew he didn't feel the same, and yet, here he was, telling you he did. You felt such joy, you knew there were no words to describe it.

"Nik," you put your hand on his cheek. "I've always loved you too."

He smirked at you. "Well, of course you did. I'm wonderful."

You pushed him lightly, laughing. "Never mind, I take it back."

• • •

"Mother, we wish to marry," Niklaus said, holding your hand. He had wasted no time rushing you back to his home to tell them the news. He wanted forever with you, he said. You were happy to oblige. Forever didn't seem long enough to have loving him. You'd never thought he'd feel the same, and yet the warmth of his hand against yours was a reminder of how much time you'd both foolishly wasted.

"Finally," Esther said with a smile, putting down the herbs she had been storing.

"Yes!" Rebekah jumped up. "Finally you stopped being an idiot! See, told you you'd owe me one, Y/N."

You laughed as Nik glared at her.

"I can't wait to finally have you as my sister," Rebekah clapped her hands, ignoring Nik's obvious ire. "We need another girl here."

"Well then, we must speak to your parents at once," Esther said. "As soon as Mikael comes back."

Suddenly, the door opened and Mikael walked in with Elijah and Kol. Nik seemed to deflate next to you, and you squeezed his hand. You knew he was afraid of his father. He always treated Niklaus more cruelly than the others.

"Mikael, there you are," Esther said. "It seems Niklaus is to be wed."

Mikael looked at Niklaus dismissively. "Is that so?"

"We must talk to Y/N's parents at once," she continued.

Mikael turned his gaze to you, and his expression softened. He liked you well enough, you thought. You weren't just Niklaus' friend to him. You had been close to the family for ages, and you knew your father and Mikael often hunted together. "Are you sure you want that one, Y/N? I think Elijah would be a fine suitor."

"Elijah is an honorable man," you said, feeling Nik grip your hand tighter. "But so is Niklaus, and he is the one I love."

"Hmpf," he grunted. "Fine then, we shall speak to them tomorrow."

You grinned and ran to hug Esther. "Thank you, thank you!"

"This is wonderful!" Rebekah said. "I am so glad this will put an end to that Tatia business."

Elijah glared at her, before smiling at you. "Welcome to the family officially, Y/N."

"You know it's going to be easier to play tricks on you if we're living in the same house, Rebekah," Kol grinned as he came to hug you as well. Kol was your closest friend, after Nik. He was the only Mikaelson offspring that had unlocked his magical potential, and you would often accompany him when he practiced whatever new spells his mother had taught him.

"Or perhaps we will play tricks on you," Rebekah said.

The door opened and Finn and Henrick walked in. "What's going on?" Finn looked around the room.

"Niklaus and Y/N are going to be wed," Elijah told him.

Finn clapped Nik on the back. "I'm glad you finally came to your senses, brother."

Nik smiled at you. "As am I, brother. As am I."

• • •

The New World - 1001

Your parents had agreed quickly, but the wedding was put off many times. First because your father had fallen ill from a hunting injury, then because of the war. Finally, because Henrick was killed by the werewolves. Everything changed then. The Mikaelsons retreated into their home, secluded from the others. You heard the villagers talking about them. Your father called off the engagement at Ayana's assistance. They were monsters is what you were told. No daughter of his would be tied to such a family.

But you didn't see them as monsters. Niklaus was still the man you loved more than anything. And Rebekah and Kol and Elijah and the others, they were your friends, your second family. You tried to see them but Esther sent you away when you knocked on their door.

You knew Esther had done a spell, a dark magic even Ayana would not attempt. She wanted to protect her children. You understood that. But you wished you could see Nik, that you could tell him you didn't care what had happened. You still loved him, and you'd run away with him if you had to. You wanted to tell him you still wanted to marry him. You wanted forever as he had promised you.

Then, one night, the Mikaelsons emerged. You stood frozen as they slaughtered the village, blood running down there faces. Everyone screamed in horror as they tried to escape, but the Mikaelsons were faster. There was no escape from their inhuman speed. Your father was killed by Kol. He had looked at you with hunger in his eyes when he stepped away from your father.

You backed away slowly. "Kol, it's me," you said. "Please."

He smirked at you in his advance. "Y/N, you're looking quite scrumptious today."

He was poised to lunge at you but suddenly was knocked away. You gasped as you saw Nik tackle him away from you. They were both on their feet in seconds. Nik stood in front of you, his back to you as he stared down his brother. You saw the blood on his clothes.

"Back down, Kol," Nik commanded. "She is mine."

"I just wanted a taste," Kol pouted.

Niklaus growled at him. "Go. Now."

Kol rolled his eyes before speeding out, leaving you alone with your soon to be husband. He didn't turn around, though you saw him tense when he realized you were now alone.

"Nik," you said quietly, reaching out to touch his back.

He sped away from you before you could, appearing suddenly across the room. He wouldn't face you. Your heart sank. Did he not want you anymore? "Nik," you said again, walking to him again. This time, you didn't try to touch his back. "Look at me, please."

"I can't," he said after a moment.

"Why not?"

"Because you'll run from me," he said. "Because you'll be afraid."

"No, I won't," you told him. "I will never run from you, Nik. I will never be afraid. I know you won't hurt me. I love you. I've loved you since I was a child and I will love you long after I am dead. You promised me forever, remember? Please, look at me."

His shoulders shook as he took a shuddering breath before he turned around slowly. You gasped softly. His eyes were yellow, his teeth were pointed and sharp, protruding from his mouth. And his chin was caked in blood. You should have run. You knew that. Any sane person would have. But, you didn't. You loved him, even as this. Slowly, you raised your hand, putting it gently on his cheek.

"I love you," you said again. You needed him to believe it. You needed him to know you would never leave him.

His eyes closed as he leaned into your touch. "As I love you." His eyes opened, flashing bright yellow again. They looked different than Kol's. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I am not Mikael's son," he said. Your eyes widened at the revelation.

• • •

It had been an accident, your turning. You had discovered early on that their blood could heal wounds. You only had Nik's blood in you now because he had gotten carried away the night before during your love making. The Mikaelsons had gone to have their own dinner, from a nearby village. They thought you were too hidden for anyone to find your camp. But the thief did and to steal your meat, he stabbed you. You were alone when you died. But you were not alone when you woke up.

Niklaus was holding you, his forehead against your chest. You felt his tears fall against your skin. You coughed and he sprang back. Kol and Rebekah were crying by the fire and Elijah and Finn looked ready to commit murder. They all looked at you in shock.

You looked around at your chosen family. "What happened?"

"How—how are you alive?" Elijah asked.

"I don't know," you admitted. You looked at Nik who was looking back at you like he didn't know what to believe, like he wasn't sure if this was a blessing or a curse.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asked.

"A man came into the camp. He had a knife," you said. "I tried to tell him to take the food and leave but he stabbed me." You gasped. "He killed me."

Nik walked over to you, touching your face. "Your skin is cold as ice."

"What is happening to me?" you asked in panic.

"What do you feel?" Finn asked.

You thought about it. What did you feel? Your eyes zeroed in on a body they had brought back. You assumed it was Kol. He liked a snack before bed. Your throat suddenly began to hurt, as if you were parched and hadn't drank for days. "Thirsty," you said, your eyes still on the body. "I feel really thirsty."

• • •

France - 1002

You were standing on the balcony, staring up at the sky. You had come to France a few months ago, after you learned how to control your thirst. It wasn't easy and you had had a number of mishaps. It had taken longer for you than it had Niklaus. You weren't as out of control as Kol, but you didn't have Elijah's temperament.

For the most part, however, becoming a vampire suited you. You enjoyed the speed and strength. But more than anything, you loved that you would have forever with Klaus. You loved Klaus more than anything when you were alive, and you loved him even more in death. That presented a problem when that damned Aurora kept throwing herself at him. It angered you even more when he wouldn't outright deny her advances. He never did anything with her, but he did nothing to discourage it either.

It was silent as Klaus joined you on the balcony, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind as he hooked his chin over your shoulder. "You left the party so early," he said.

"You looked like you were fine without me," you said coldly.

"Don't be like that, love," he kissed your neck. "You know she means nothing to me."

"And yet you let her throw herself at you, letting her think she has a chance," you scoffed.

"Maybe I like when you're jealous," he said. You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Maybe you'll like sleeping on the terrace tonight," you said.

"Y/N," he said, placing soft kisses along your skin. "You know you're the only one in my heart. I promised you forever, love. And I meant it. I do mean it." He turned you around in his arms, smirking at you. "And for a vampire, forever means something."

You rolled your eyes, not wanting to be charmed by him. But you couldn't help it. You loved him, and you always would. You brought something with you when you became vampires, you had all realized. And for you, it was your loyalty and love for Niklaus. It had been amplified when you turned. "If she touches you again, I'll rip her heart out," you grumbled as you put your arms around his neck.

"I would expect nothing less," he smirked before leaning down to connect your lips.

• • •

Italy - 1114

You were outside when they attacked. It had been a nice night, and you wanted to get some fresh air. There was a meadow by the castle, and you wanted to lay amongst the flowers, looking up at the stars. Niklaus and the others had gone to bed already. Well, Rebekah had pretended to go to bed for her brothers' sake. You knew she had gone to see Alexander. You didn't blame her. Rebekah was lonely. She wanted her own happy ending. You couldn't fault her for that.

You knew they were hunters, but you thought you had fooled them. After all, you all wore enchanted rings so you could walk out in the sun and they still believed vampires couldn't walk in the sun. Esther had made the rings for her children, and Kol remembered the spell even if he couldn't do it himself. He had found a witch to make one for you too.

It wasn't until you walked back into your bedroom and saw the dagger in Niklaus that you realized you had been the fool. They knew what you all were all along.

Niklaus stirred and you sped to him, pulling the cursed object out. You hissed as it burned your hand. To incapacitate him as it did, you knew it had to be soaked in the white oak ash. But little did they know that it wouldn't affect him. After all, he was something more than just a vampire.

He woke up and gasped, looking around frantically until he saw you. He breathed out in relief, pulling you in for a hug. He held you so tight you couldn't move your arms. "I thought they got you too," he shuddered out.

"I just returned," you said. The dagger didn't kill them, but it would have killed you. After all, you were not the same as them. You were not an Original. "I'm fine."

"We need to save the others," he said, getting out of the bed. He turned to the door but stopped and looked at you. "You need to wait here."

"What? No," you stood up too. "I can help you."

"No," he said firmly. "You will wait here for me."

"Nik, they're my family too," you reminded him.

"And they are hunters," he said. "They can kill you."

"They can try," you said.

He grunted and pulled you in, pressing his lips first to your forehead and then to your ear. "Y/N, you need to stay here. I cannot do what I must if I'm worried about you."

You heard the desperation in his voice. You knew this was what he needed and so you nodded. You understood. "Come back to me," you said.

He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours briefly. "Always and forever." He was gone before you opened your eyes.

• • •

Germany - 1128

"Nik?" You opened his bedroom door. He had been plagued by the Hunter's Curse for years. You'd taken to locking him in his room so he wouldn't hurt anyone else after he daggered Finn when you escaped Italy. He couldn't hurt himself as he was immortal, but that didn't mean his mind didn't torment him just the same.

He was sitting on the floor by the side of his bed, covered in sweat, his head resting on his arms. Your heart broke seeing him like this. You closed the door behind you and walked over to him. You had brought him some blood. Elijah had been very clear. You had to give him just enough not to desiccate, but not enough to be at his full strength. You put the glass down before kneeling beside him.

"Nik," you put your hand on his arm. He looked up at you with the most tortured look on his face. You hated this. You leaned forward and hugged him, gently running your fingers through his hair. He leaned against you and breathed out.

"I can't take this much longer," he said. "Y/N, I can't."

"I know," you said sadly. "It'll be over soon. It has to be."

Kol had contacted a coven of witches he knew when the hallucinations had started. They had told him what the curse entailed. If you killed a hunter and stopped them from fulfilling their oath, they would ensure their killer was their last victim. Klaus could not be killed by anything except the white oak stake, which was currently only in the possession of Mikael. And so, he suffered.

"How long will it be?" He asked, in agony.

"I don't know," you said. "But I'm here. However long it takes, I'm here."

"Get out," Klaus suddenly growled, lifting his head.

You looked at him in confusion but he wasn't looking at you. His gaze was fixed over your shoulder. It was another hallucination.

"You're not here," he said. "You're dead, mother. You're not here."

You hugged his tighter, willing peace into his mind. You knew what tormented him if he was seeing his mother. You wished you could take it away from him. "She's not here, Nik," you whispered to him. "You're safe. You're with me. You're safe."

He hugged you back and breathed heavily into your neck. You hoped he believed your words.

• • •

Africa - 1329

Rumors of a werewolf pack had brought you to the plains of the Africa. Klaus thought they might have heard something that could help him with his curse. The pack in the African plains was rumored to be older than most. And so the five of you set off to find them.

Klaus decided to carve the Sun and the Moon curse into a cave you'd found. He and Elijah had decided centuries ago that this would be the key in finding the moonstone again. Two warring species on the lookout for a measly rock that would mean nothing to anyone but Klaus. It was genius, you had to admit.

You were sitting by the river as he finished his carving, your hand slowly swaying in the water, when you realized you weren't alone. You jumped up when you saw it, the very thing you were looking for. It was larger than a regular wolf. It's eyes were yellow as they looked at you with hatred.

"Klaus!" You screamed as you tried to run away. You knew a werewolf bite was deadly to vampires, well to normal vampires like you. For the Mikaelsons, it would cause hallucinations and discomfort for a day or two.

You felt the bite in your leg and screamed out. Suddenly, the werewolf was thrown from you as Klaus appeared, anger and worry in his eyes. He disposed of the werewolf quickly enough but you couldn't watch. You were crying out as you looked at the new wound on your leg. This was how you would die, centuries after you were supposed to. This was how it would end.

Klaus rushed to you just as Elijah appeared, his eyes widening at the scene. "What happened?" Elijah asked as Klaus started examining the wound.

"You're alright," Klaus said, his voice pleading. "You'll be alright."

"No, my love," you said quietly. "I won't. You know there is no cure."

"Then we'll find one," Klaus snapped as he lifted you in his arms. "You cannot leave me like this."

You closed your eyes as you rested your head on his chest, not responding. You knew there was nothing left to say.

• • •

Nik had placed you on the bed at your camp. He was yelling with Kol outside when you woke up. You felt feverish, which was odd for a vampire. You almost forgot what illness felt like. "Klaus," you rasped out, and the yelling stopped.

He stormed in, his eyes flashing gold as he bit into his wrist and held it out to you. "Drink. You look pale," he said.

"It won't do anything now, my love," you turned your head. His blood could help you for a little while, but it wouldn't matter in the end. You knew what was coming for you, and truthfully, you were scared to draw out the agony.

His wound closed up and he growled. "You cannot leave me," he said.

"I didn't mean to," you said quietly.

He pushed your hair out of your face. "What am I to do without you?"

"You'll live on," you said, looking at him seriously. "You'll find the moonstone and the doppelgänger and you'll break the curse and live a long and happy life. That's all I want, Nik. Promise me."

He looked away from you, the words catching on his lips. You reached up to touch his face. For a moment, his face flickered and you saw him as a young boy, with a flower crown on his head, a memory, you realized. "Promise me," you said again. "I will live in peace on the Other Side knowing you will keep your word."

"You're so ready to give up," he said. You could almost taste the bitterness in his tone.

"We know there is nothing we can do," you reminded him. You started coughing, blood rising in your throat. "Nik, promise me. I cannot die in peace if you do not."

"I promise," he said softly. You coughed again and his eyes grew more fearful. "Please, just take a little bit. Maybe it will help with the pain at least." He held his wrist out to you again.

You looked at him for a moment before realizing he needed this. He needed you to drink and to know you had his blood in you when you died, to know he had tried everything to ease your suffering. You sat up and he moved to cradle you in his arms. You rested against his chest as you brought his wrist to your mouth. You extended your fangs and bit into his wrist, letting his blood fill your mouth. You had promised him forever, and now, you were breaking that promise. The least you could do was make it easier for him to move on.

You drank for a few minutes, reveling in his taste. Humans were tasty, but Nik was delicious. Finally, when you had as much as you could take, you let go and leaned your head back against him, closing your eyes. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. You felt his lips against your hair and smiled sadly. You wished forever would last longer.

• • •

When you woke, you felt strange in that you felt normal. Your heart was beating normal again, and the weakness had left you. You blinked a few times, trying to make the hallucinations appear, but they did not come. You looked down at your leg and the wound was gone. What was going on? Was this the Other Side?

You stood from the bed and walked out of the tent. Rebekah was crying by the fire, and Kol and Elijah were standing around solemnly. Klaus was nowhere to be found.

"Hello," you said, your voice having lost its raspiness.

They all looked up, shock in their face as they took in your appearance. "Y/N," Rebekah sped to you, wrapping her arms around you.

"You can see me, and I can feel you, so this is not the Other Side?" you asked.

"No, it is not," Elijah said, walking over to you. "How is this possible?"

"I—I don't know," you said.

"How do you feel?" Kol asked, hugging you when Rebekah finally let go.

"I feel completely fine," you said. "I wouldn't even think I had been bitten if I didn't remember it so vividly."

Klaus suddenly appeared, covered in blood. You wondered how many he had killed in his grief. His eyes were wide as he looked at you. "I came when I heard your voice," he said before speeding over to you. He pushed Kol out of the way as he wrapped his arms around you. "Is this a dream?"

"I'm here," you hugged him back.

"But you were bitten," Kol said. "No vampire besides our family could survive a werewolf bite. Our blood doesn't even work."

"Not our blood," Elijah said. "Niklaus, you fed her your blood, did you not?"

"What?" Rebekah asked.

"Think about it," you said, understanding what Elijah was saying. You pulled away from Klaus to look him in the face. "I drank your blood, and then when I should have died, I survived. The others have tried giving their blood to vampires with the bite, but you never have. We would never have known."

"It makes sense," Elijah said. "You are the hybrid, though your werewolf side is currently suppressed. In theory, it could be the key to cure a werewolf bite. Blood of both species."

Klaus looked at you, relief coming to his face. "It seems I have my bastard blood to thank then," he said. "Even for a day, I was lost without you."

You smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him. "You promised me forever, and I intend to make sure you keep it."

"Given Niklaus' state, we should leave at once," Elijah said. "I'm sure his indiscretions will not go unnoticed."

Niklaus looked you over, something in his eyes you couldn't quite place. "Are you well enough to travel?" he asked.

You nodded. "I feel good as new."

"That's good," Kol said. "I would hate to have to find a new best friend."

You rolled your eyes at him.

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