Danmachi Short stories

By rennymanuel2005

108K 2K 750

Just a bunch of scenarios and stories for certain characters in Danmachi. More

Aiz Wants a Lap Pillow (One-shot)
Ryu's Little Bunny (One-shot)
Alise hates paper work (One-shot)
Syr can be Dangerous (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 1)
Zeus and Hera (Part 2)
High Elf (Part 1)
High Elf (Part 2)
High Elf (Part 3)
Zeus and Hera (Part 3)
Zeus and Hera (Part 4)
High Elf (Part 5) Released on -->
Big sister is an Air Head (Part 1)
Zeus and Hera (Part 5)
Big sister is an Air Head (Final Part)
Confession aftermath's (Aiz)
Zeus and Hera (Part 6)
Confession Aftermath's (Tiona)
Zeus and Hera (Part 7)
Shakti's day off (One-shot)
Confession Aftermath's (Ryu)
Zeus and Hera (Part 8)
Hestia Familia's vacation (One-shot)
Confession Aftermath's (Syr/Freya)
Zeus and Hera (Part 9)
Alfia's troubles (One-shot)
Orario School in the modern day (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 10)
Confession Aftermath's (Lefiya)
Zeus and Hera (Part 11)
Confession Aftermath's (Helun)
Christmas spirit (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 12)
Confession Aftermath's (Haruhime)
Bell's a girl?! (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 13)
Confession Aftermath's (Ardee)
Laurier Swall's rabbit survey (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 14)
Confession Aftermath's (Lili)
Alfia and Riveria babysit (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 15)
Confession Aftermath's (Chigusa)
Alise has enough (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 16)
Confession Aftermath's (Amid)
Hop rabbit! Hop! (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 17)
Confession Aftermath's (Riveria)
Underground auction (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 18)
Confession Aftermath's (Eina)
A day in a life of the sword princess (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 19)
Confession Aftermath's (Lyra)
The three virgin goddess (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 20)
Confession Aftermath's (Artemis)
Mother's Dilemma (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 21)
Confession Aftermath's (Aisha)
The aunt's trap (Part 1)
Zeus and Hera (Part 22)
Confession Aftermath's (Alfia)
The aunt's trap (Final Part)
Zeus and Hera (Part 23)
Confession Aftermath's (Kaguya)
Ryu's secret date (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 24)
Confession Aftermath's (Alise)

Blonde Elf? or blonde half-spirit? (One-shot)

1.6K 29 23
By rennymanuel2005

Shout out to!


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I hope everyone enjoys!


Slight spoilers for the latest volume of the Danmachi light novel. I used some of the events that happened there as reference.

I hope you all enjoy!


It's been a few days since the Hestia Familia and it's allies won in the war game against the Freya Familia. And while Orario is finally returning back to normal, there are still some individuals who are reeling from the effects of the situation.

One of those individuals is a blonde girl wearing a white dress curled up in her room in the Twilight manor.

*Knock  *Knock*

???: Aiz, can I come in?

A high elf, and the mother figure of the girl inside the room asked

Aiz: ....

Riveria: *Sigh* I'm coming in.

When she heard no response from the other side, Riveria slowly opened the door revealing the figure of Aiz sitting, curled in her bed.

When she saw this Riveria couldn't help but be worried for Aiz who she considered her own daughter. She slowly closed the door behind her before walking over to Aiz and sitting beside her.

Riveria: Aiz... Please, tell me what's going on. I'm here to help.

Even though Riveria already had an inkling about what was troubling Aiz, she first tried to see if Aiz was going to tell her herself.

It was then that Riveria noticed something. There were tears in Aiz's eyes. 

Riveria: *Shocked* A-Aiz!

With the surprised voice of Riveria Aiz finally spoke.

Aiz: *Teary eyed* W-What do I do...

Riveria: Aiz please, tell me what's wrong.

Aiz: *Teary eyed* I-I've betrayed Bell.......E-Even though I-I could've helped.....I-I didn't.

Riveria: Aiz. I'm sure Bell Cranel doesn't feel that way. I know his not the type of person to-


Riveria: !!!

Her sudden outburst shocked Riveria, but Aiz quickly realized her mistake and apologized.

Aiz: I-I'm sorry... I-It's just that.... Bell..... his getting further and further away from me.

Riveria: Oh Aiz...

When she heard Aiz's outburst Riveria was hurt, but at the same time a part of her felt happy, not because Aiz shouted at her, but because the origin of her outburst stemmed from something she thought Aiz might never have. 

Love, genuine love for someone that will distract her from her vengeful goal.

 Riveria: Bell Cranel is not the type of person who would ever think you betrayed him. I know the agreement between you and Freya, and the outcome of that may have caused bad things down the road, but, what did you feel when you couldn't help Bell Cranel?

Aiz: I-I felt sad. I felt despair. A-And anger, at myself...

Riveria: That's because you regretted your actions. Even though you didn't know it at the time, that agreement with Freya inevitably led to you to not being able to help Bell Cranel. He would never hold it against you.

Aiz: *Teary eyed* I-I do regret it........If I had known that was going to be the price I never would have done it.

Riveria: *Smile* What I think is you should go out of your room and see him? Isn't that what you really want?

Aiz: !!!

Riveria: *Chuckles* Come on now young lady, spending your time in your room wont solve anything. It's time you go see him, congratulate him for his and his Familia's victory!

Aiz: B-But-

Riveria: *Smile* And this time I'll tell you the kind of flowers to give.

Aiz: *Blush* Y-You know about that?

Riveria: *Chuckle* Of course I did. Now young lady wipe away those tears and show Bell Cranel your courage, just like he once did. 

Wiping away the tears in her eyes and with a new found energy surging within her Aiz said-

Aiz: Yes!

Riveria: *Smile* That's the girl I raised

While this was goin on, in another part of Orario a certain elf wearing a white shirt with a green coat was walking the streets of Orario with a puffed cheeks.

Ryu: *I-I'm not a perverted elf, t-that was just an i-idea! Yes! Yes! That's it! Just an idea.*

To understand what's going on, we need to go back in time to a few hours ago.


In the gardens of the Hestia Familia's manor, Ryu was facing the members of her new Familia. Hestia, Bell, Lili, Mikoto, Haruhime, and Welf were all smiling warmly at their new companion.

Hestia: So, since technically Gale wind is dead were going to need a last name for you Elf-kun. *At least this one wont be after my Bell*

Ever since the war game, the public has been told that Gale wind is dead, because of that Ryu is also going to need a new last name to change her identity. This was the guilds plan to make "Ryu's crimes go away"

Ryu: *Blush* H-How about.......R-Ryu.....C-Cranel.

In that short instance Hestia managed run towards Ryu to smack her in the head with Bell trying to stop her. Beside them, Lily, Mikoto, and Welf watched on with different emotions. While Mikoto felt a headache coming, Welf found it hilarious, with Haruhime being worried and Lily fuming. 


Ryu: *Blushing*  *I-Im not a lewd elf...*

While Ryu was thinking about that, she didn't notice a blonde haired girl in front of her.


Ryu and the blonde girl both fell to the ground because of it.

Ryu: A-Apologies! I-I wasn't looking on where I was-

Her eyes widen as she realized who she bumped into.

 Ryu: Kenki?!

She said with surprise.

Aiz who was rubbing her head looked over to Ryu before realizing this was the elf in the wargame with Bell.

Aiz: Your!

Before the two could have a proper conversation, the two first stood up and looked at each other.

Ryu: *Aiz Wallenstein, she's the source of Bell's admiration.*

Aiz: *She's the elf girl I always see with Bell*






In a small café in the outskirts of the city, both Ryu and Aiz were seated at a small table, each holding a cup of tea, the silence growing almost unbearable.

Aiz: *What's her relationship with Bell?*

Ryu: *Why is Bell so fixated on her?*

While the two continued to stare at each other with a sense of rivalry, a nervous waitress approached the duo.

Waitress: *Nervous* D-Dear c-customer... w-would you l-like m-more tea?

Aiz and Ryu: No.

Their direct answer without even breaking eye contact scared the waitress.

Waitress: Hieeeeee!

Unable to endure the silence any longer, Aiz broke the ice.

Aiz: You're the elf that's always helping Bell out, right? I remember you on the 18th floor, then during the Xeno's, and now during the wargame against Freya Familia. What's your relationship with Bell?

Ryu: Relationship..... You could say he's my student.

Her statement surprised Aiz.

Aiz: T-That can't be! I'm Bell's teacher!

Ryu: Hm? Oh I've heard about that, but I've trained with Bell for much longer. I've fought with him too, so I believe I'm his real teacher.

Aiz: N-No... That doesn't.......I've even given him lap pillows.

Ryu: L-Lap pillows?!! 

Her straight face and strong exterior cracked when she heard what Aiz said.

Ryu: *I-I never thought of that! H-How lewd!*

The tension surged between them, Aiz feeling a pang of insecurity and disbelief, while Ryu's composed exterior momentarily cracked, revealing her surprise and curiosity at the lap pillow. The waitress, caught in the crossfire of their escalating emotions, stood nervously, hoping to fade into the background but unable to do so.

Waitress: *Nervous*  *I-I cant move!*

Aiz, struggling to regain composure, voiced her feelings with a tremble in her tone. 

Aiz: I've known him longer... I've trained him personally... I...

While Aiz was unable to say anything else, Ryu remained silent. She was still surprised by Aiz's mention of lap pillows and couldn't hide her astonishment. Her usually calm demeanor wavered slightly, showing a glimpse of emotion.

The café was filled with tension, emotions swirling between the two women. The atmosphere crackled with unspoken words, each steadfast in their belief about their connection to Bell.

Ryu: *A lap pillow, I shall remember that for next time.*

As the moment transpired, a sudden realization dawned upon Aiz, something she remembered vividly from her encounter with the elf during the Xeno's incident.

Aiz: You........You were there, weren't you... Seven years ago. The dark ages.

The mention of that time jolted Ryu out of her inner thoughts.

Ryu: W-What?

With a shaky voice Ryu responded.

Even though the public considers Gale wind dead. There was a silent agreement among the citizens of Oraio that she was still alive, and many were agreeing with the farce that she was dead because of all her achievements for Orario.  

Aiz: I understand now. Riveria mentioned that you weren't gone. And now, you're part of Bell's Familia.

Aiz rose to her feet after uttering those words.

Ryu: You're leaving?

Aiz: Mhm... I have something to do.

As she departed, Aiz couldn't shake off a memory from the wargame, Ryu confessing her affection and love for Bell. The recollection stung Aiz profoundly, leaving her feeling as though she was falling behind.

Aiz: *She's going to be spending more time with Bell.*

Baffled by the encounter, Ryu remained seated for a while longer, contemplating the recent turn of events, before deciding to head back to Hestia's manor.

Waitress: Awawawawa! Those ladies were so scary!!!

The waitress said with shaky legs and tears in her eyes.

Taking the long route home, Ryu mulled over everything that had transpired. By the time she reached the manor gates, the sun was already setting, casting a golden hue over the surroundings.

She gently opened the gates before entering and closing it behind her, she strolled along the path, gazing at the garden grass. However, as she approached the manor door, she was taken aback by an unexpected sight. Aiz standing there.

Ryu: *Kenki?! W-What is she doing here?*

Hurrying towards Aiz, who was waiting by the door, Ryu said-

Ryu: Kenki! What are you doing here?!

Aiz: Oh, it's you... I was hoping to talk to Bell.

It was then that Ryu noticed something in Aiz's hand.

Ryu: *Blushing*  I-Is that a rose?!

Aiz: *Blush* Mhm, I'm going to give it to Bell.

She said with a slight blush on her cheeks 

Ryu: *Blush S-She couldn't!*

Suddenly the manor door slowly opened, revealing the figure of the white-haired captain of the Familia.

Bell: Hello—E-Eh?! Ryu? Aiz? W-What are you doing here together? I-I mean I get why Ryu's here b-but what are you two doing here together?

Aiz: *Blushing* Bell... I came here to congratulate you on your victory. Here, take it.

She extended her hand, offering the rose to Bell.

Bell: *Blushing* E-Eh?!

Not expecting the gesture from his idol Bell blushed and hesitated.

Aiz: *Blushing*  Y-You don't want it?

Bell: *Blushing* I do! I do! I was just surprised, that's all.

He said taking the Rose from Aiz.

Bell: *Blushing* T-Thank you.

Amidst the exchange, Aiz found herself grappling with a distracting question.

Aiz: Bell...

Bell: *Blushing* Y-Yes?

With a straight forward approach, she asked Bell-

Aiz: Between me and her, who do you like more?

She gestured toward herself and the blushing Ryu, who stood beside her. This unexpected question threw Bell as well as Ryu into a flurry of blushing and panic.

Ryu: *Blushing* K-K-Kenki w-what are you s-saying?!

Bell: *Blushing* W-W-What?

Aiz: Well?

Ryu: *Blushing*  B-Bell you don't have to answer her!  *I want to know too!*

Bell: *Blushing* I-I well...I-

Both Ryu and Aiz stared at Bell both anticipating his answer but with two different emotions shown in their faces. Ryu was blushing red while waiting for Bell's answer while Aiz maintained most of her composure only fidgeting her fingers which were unnoticed by both Ryu and Bell.

Bell: *Blushing* I-

Aiz and Ryu: *Is he going to pick me?!*

Bell: *Blushing* I have to finish cooking dinner!

He said before dashing back inside the manor leaving the doors open.

The scene remained frozen in the aftermath of Bell's sudden retreat into the manor, leaving Aiz and Ryu standing outside, bewildered by the turn of events.

Aiz: I-I didn't get an answer... 

Her disappointment lingered in her voice as she watched Bell disappear inside.

Ryu: *Blushing* K-Kenki! W-What was that?!

Aiz: Well... I-I think I have feelings for Bell.

Ryu's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected Aiz to reveal her feelings so openly.

Ryu: Huh! You do?!

Aiz: *Blushing* You do too, right? Y-You confessed to Bell in front of everyone...

The reminder of her public confession during the War Game caused a massive blush to erupt on Ryu's cheeks once more. She hesitated, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions and thoughts.

Ryu: *Blush* T-That has nothing to do with this, Kenki!

There was a moment of silence as none of them spoke. But with the winds breeze passing through the ladies hair, Aiz said-

Aiz: Aiz, call me Aiz. My name.

Ryu: *Sighs* I know your name.

With her recollected composure, Ryu answered with her usual poker face.

Aiz: But you never call me by name.

Ryu: There's a reason for that.

Aiz: But still, call me Aiz. Because From now on, we're rivals.

Aiz's firm declaration momentarily caught Ryu off guard, but she soon composed herself, wearing a determined smile.

Ryu: Bring it on, Kenki—no, bring it on, Aiz!

Their gazes locked, charged with a mix of competitive spirit and unspoken understanding. The air crackled with a newfound tension between them.

Ryu took a step closer to Aiz, their faces now just inches apart.

Ryu: Let's see who gets Bell's heart first then, Aiz.

Aiz's determination flared, and she nodded, acknowledging Ryu's challenge.

Meanwhile, inside the manor, Bell had escaped to the kitchen, trying to gather his thoughts amidst the chaos of emotions that had suddenly erupted within him.

Bell: *Blushing* What am I doing?

His mind raced as he chopped vegetables mechanically, trying to focus on dinner preparation.

The encounter outside kept replaying in his mind, the sight of Aiz holding a rose and Ryu's blushing look. Confusion and a hint of guilt gnawed at him as he pondered his own feelings.

His heart felt torn between the admiration he held for Aiz, his long-standing idol, and the genuine feelings that had slowly developed for Ryu, his faithful companion.

As the night deepened, the moonlight gently spilled over the garden and the manor, casting a serene ambiance. Unbeknownst to them, this moment marked the start of an intricate web of emotions and rivalries that would shape their destinies in ways they could never have imagined.


Again I would like to thank 


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Consider supporting me to gain access to excusive Danmachi Fanfiction stories like the "High Elf series" and so much more! As well as perks in the process! 


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