A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc...

By AnimeLoverMurillo

7.7K 104 65

"We're the Storm Hawks, and for us... The Sky is never the limit" Who would've guessed a "Lady in Waiting" wo... More

Luna Profile
Mags Profile
Chapter 1 ~ Age of Heroes
Chapter 2 ~ Gale Force
Chapter 3 ~ The Code
Chapter 4 ~ Tranquility Now
Chapter 5 ~ Best Friends Forever
Chapter 6 ~ The Black Gorge
Chapter 7 - Absolute Power
Chapter 8 ~ Velocity
Chapter 9 ~ Fire and Ice
Chapter 10 ~ King for a Day
Chapter 11 ~ Terra Deep
Chapter 12 ~ Storm Warning
Chapter 13 ~ A Little Trouble
Chapter 14 ~ Thunder Run
Chapter 15 ~ Mending a Glass Heart
Chapter 16 ~ Escape!
Chapter 17 ~ Forbidden City
Chapter 18 ~ Leviathan
Chapter 19 ~ InFinnity
Chapter 20 ~ Terra Neon
Chapter 21 ~ Storm Hawks Nine
Sky Knights of Terra Celestial
Chapter 22 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 1
Chapter 23 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 2
Chapter 24 ~ Surprise
Chapter 25 ~ Siren Song
Chapter 26 ~ Calling All Domo
Chapter 27 ~ The Lesson
Chapter 28 ~ Dude, Where My Condor
Happy Halloween
Chapter 29 ~ The Masked Masher & Flying Solo
Chapter 30 ~ Atmos, Most Wanted
Chapter 31 ~ BATTLE Of The Band
Chapter 32 ~ Stratosphere
Chapter 34 ~ Life with Leugey
Chapter 35 ~ What Got Into Finn
Chapter 36 ~ Royal Twist
Chapter 37 ~ Second Chances
🎄 Merry Christmas🎄
Chapter 38 ~ Operation: Contessa
Chapter 39 ~ I OBJECT!!!!
Chapter 40 ~ Radarr Love
Chapter 41 ~ Scout's Honor
Chapter 42 ~ Sky's Ends
Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 43 ~ Five Days
Chapter 44 ~ Sparks Fly
Chapter 45 ~ Energy Crisis
Chapter 46 ~ Dark Waters
Chapter 47 ~ Number One Fan
April Fools War
Chapter 48 ~ Colonel of Truth
Chapter 49 ~ Training
Chapter 50 ~ Shipwrecked
Chapter 51 ~ Power Grab
Chapter 52 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 1
Chapter 53 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 2
Chapter 54 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 3
Chapter 55 ~ MOVIE Night
Chapter 56 ~ The Origin
Chapter 57 ~ Ultra Dudes
Chapter 58 ~ A Wallop For All Seasons
Chapter 59 ~ Payback
Chapter 60 ~ The Key
Chapter 61 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 1
Chapter 62 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 2
Storm Hawk - Season 3 (Trailer)
Chapter 63 ~ Cyclonis Origin
Chapter 64 ~ Azul
Chapter 65 ~ Ruins of Cyclonia
Chapter 66 ~ Ghostly Reunion
Chapter 67 ~ Capricorn's Payback

Chapter 33 ~ The Last Stand

93 1 0
By AnimeLoverMurillo

Luna's P.O.V

This next mission was going to be a tuff one since Capricorn's Mom contacted us in need of assistance of rescuing a few mining Wallops.

Piper: Entering the wastelands, now!
Aerrow: Yahh!! Hold on everyone! The turbulence could get rough. We're heading deep into the most dangerous part of the Atmos
Luna: And hopefully we don't run into trouble, but if trouble comes to us then I had nothing to do with it
Storm Hawks: Ugh!!!
Finn: [Hits the timepulse] Aren't we always headed to the most dangerous part of Atmos?
Storm Hawks: Aah!!

A couple of pieces started falling as Finn avoided it, until a pipe hit his head.

Finn: Point made
Aerrow: We get a lock yet, Luna?
Luna: [typing] Tuning encryptic signal [look through the scope] getting close
Aerrow: This is the Storm Hawks, calling the slake lowland miners... we're tracking your distress call and moving in close. I repeat, this is the Storm Hawks, rescue is on the way! Storm Hawks calling slake lowland mine can you give us your exact location?
Luna: Come on~
Wallop Miner A [Radio]: Far end... Grave canyon
Stork: Eeek!!!
Wallop Miner A [Radio]: Lava lake
Luna: Fire scorpions
Stork: Constant earthquakes
Luna/Stork: TOTAL DOOM
Stork: Never gonna make it


Piper: Whoa!!
Finn: Aaaaahhh!!!
Aerrow: Junko, we sure could use you out here
Mags: Where is he?! We need him!!
Junko: [Radio]: Almost ready guys!
Mags: We need you on the Bridge, now!!

[Door Opens]

Junko: TA DA!!! I'm ready!!
Mags: Uhhhhh... What are you-
Finn: Is that a skirt?
Junko: It's traditional wallop greeting attire [activate his knuckle busters] Wanna look good for Bahrf
Finn: Bahrf?
Junko: The brotherhood of Atmosia high risk fuel workers. The toughest wallops ever. I always wanted to be just like these guys, you know, heroic
Luna: But you already are heroic Junko
Aerrow: She's right. You're a Storm Hawks
Junko: I just wanna make a good impression, 'cause, you know... I'm not really as strong as most other wallops
Luna: Oh Junko

We watched him fixed up the hole on the side of the Condor aggressively, when he finished he gasped and tried to get rid of the stain off his clothes.

Stork: Umm... We're coming up on Lava lake!!
Piper: The mine is on the far side of Lava lake, Grave Canyon is our only choice
Aerrow: Stork, through the Canyon

Stork steered the Condor into the Canyon that it started to feel hot in here, I quickly took off my jacket and noticed something weird. The black veins that were growing shrunk further back to where my elbow is, but why?

Mags: Luna, we're gonna need your... Help? Whoa, your black veins, they averted back to the elbow
Luna: But why?
Mags: Not sure, maybe Libra knows. He did say he was gonna look deeper into the archive, let's just hope he has an answer for that cure or a way to remove it
Aerrow: Junko, prep for aerial rescue, I don't wanna land this cave is comin' down
Piper: The path back is blocked, and we can't go up! We'll have to pull out over Lava Lake!
Aerrow: Punch it Stork!!
Stork: Right!

Things were starting to get heated up in here, that were overheating while Stork tried to keep us up for as long as it takes.

Stork: C'mon, c'mon!
Storm Hawks: WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
Luna: This can't be!! This can't be it!!!
Mags: HANG ON!!!!

The Condor couldn't take much of the pressure as it started to descend, making me think fast and touch the Condor as it slowly falls and made a harsh landing at first but when Stork steered upwards it landed perfectly. Making me sigh as I deactivated it, while seeing Finn rapidly breathing while Stork was having a hard time letting go of the steering wheel. I looked at Aerrow and spotted him on top of Mags, which made my day as I smiled while a Cheshire Cat.

Finn: Most dangerous place on Atmos... Check

[Alarm Siren]

Luna: Huh?

All of the sudden, one of the Wallop Miner shouted "break time" as they grabbed a folded chair and went on break, while Junko watched from afar like a fan.

Aerrow: All-right everyone, what's our status? Junko?
Junko: Only minor damage to the airframe. That's good
Stork: Engine crystals are seriously overheated, that would be bad
Piper: And our skimmers are seriously messed up
Aerrow: Let's get to work, team
Luna: Before we do, you should know you're still on top of Mags which I find so romantic
Aerrow: Huh?


Mags: Get off of me! Before Luna takes an opportunity to take a picture
Luna: Quick! Give me the camera guys!!
Piper: [whispers] They should already make a move while they have a chance
Finn: [whispers] Yep

No one even tried to give me a camera, which made me pout. Instead we all got to work in fixing things up, when I had this strange tingling sensation from out of no where.

Luna: Why do I get the feeling that we're about to meet our doom
Mags: Come on, Luna. What's gonna happen? A talon or a Commander somehow spotted us?
??? [Radio]: Hellloooo down there!!
Mags: Huh?
??? [Radio]: Am I lookin' at the Storm Hawks, trapped at the bottom of this here Wasteland?
Luna: [eyes widen] Uh oh!
Mags: We know that voice all too well
Aerrow/Mags/Luna: MR. MOSS!!!!!
Mr. Moss: I was just fixin' to come down and arrest me some outlaw miners T'day when lo and behold! Looks like I got me a bonus to catch too!
Aerrow: Last time we ran into him, well, let's just say we let his sky ride pretty banged up and his prison a little... Empty
Luna: So~ it too late for me to throw a glitter bomb at him or a stink bomb?

Mags and Aerrow gave me a side eye look, while I put my glitter bombs away in its holsters. For now, until I received a bonk in the head by both Mags and Aerrow.

Luna: Ow~
Mags: Hopefully he doesn't remember you and I
Mr. Moss [Radio]: And don't think I haven't forgotten what your Squad Medic and Glitter Bombing Pipsqueak have done to my prison!! Do you have any idea how many months it took to get that disgusting mess she left behind?! And it still has some glitter!!!
Mags: Oh, so he does remember us
Aerrow/Luna: [glares] Ya think?
Luna: Also, what did he just call me?!
Finn: Oh no, he used the forbidden word

Before I could near the door, Finn got a hold of both my legs while Junko held me in his arms while I struggled to get out.

Aerrow: Easy Luna, we don't wanna make things worst. Besides, whatever he's got planned, it's gonna be trouble
Mags: [whispers] Maybe we should lock her up in the closet
Aerrow: [whispers] We've tried that but it didn't work last time, remember?
Mags: Oh yeah
Mr. Moss [Radio] Aerrow, my friend. I'd like to offer you and your co-horts the only safe trip out a' the Wasteland. So, if y'all kindly just step outside the airship, and surrender along with handing over the glitter bombing girl
Junko: Storm Hawks don't surrender! And neither do wallops!! Right guys!! Let's get 'em!!

Unfortunately the wallop miners don't seem to be interested in attacking, instead they were still on their break.

Aerrow: Piper, Finn, you're on Recon. Find out what we're up against. Radarr, I need you in the engine room, see what you can do to get those crystal converters to cool down faster

[Radarr nods agreeably]

Piper: Radarr, wait! An icer, this should do the trick [hands Radarr a Icer crystal]
Aerrow: Stork, you'll stay inside the Condor with Luna and work some of your... Magic
Stork: I like your thinking
Luna: [glares] What?!
Aerrow: Don't worry Luna, I'm sure that project [wink] you've been working on will do the trick
Luna: [gasp] You mean project "Nuke"?
Aerrow: Yep, project Nuke
Luna: [grin] ON IT!!!!!

Mags's P.O.V

Luna got out of Junko's grip as she sped off to her room laughing maniacally, which made me a bit nervous and anxious about what "Project Nuke" is.

Mags: What. Have you done?
Aerrow: Well, remember that project I made Luna hold back on for so many weeks
Mags: Yeah?
Aerrow: Well I figured today would be a perfect time to do it. After all, he did used the forbidden word
Mags: I'm not gonna ask what Project Nuke is, knowing Luna it will be something scary but also something that will go "kaboom"
Aerrow: Junko, why don't you see if our new friends here'll help set up a defensive perimeter around the Condor
Junko: That's GRRRREEEAT!!!! C'MON GUYS!!!! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt really bad for Junko, since he wasn't making a good impression on these Wallop Miners, however the alarm went off signaling that their break time is over.

Dag: Hey, forget about it. We got ya covered. Dag does not do prison [walks away]
Mr. Moss [Radio]: Well son... it looks like you're a choosin' the hard road outta this here di-lemma. We've got you good and surrounded. And now, we're comin' to git you

[Door Opens]

Mags: Ppppffffftttt [muffle his laugh]
Aerrow: [smiles] Ha! Looks like the tables have turned in Luna favor, Old farts
Mags: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! [falls back] Hahahahahha!!!!
Mr. Moss [Radio]: [growls] When I get my hands on you missy!!! I will hand you over to the Dark Ace!!!
Luna: You can try, but we know you can't run fast with your skinny small legs
Mags: BURN!!!!!
Aerrow: Recon team, see anything yet?
Piper [Radio]: I've got visual. The good news is Moss only has three guards, the bad news is he had like a gazillion fire scorpions with him!
Aerrow: Fire scorpions! And I hope those engine crystals cool... Fast. Luna! How's project Nuke doing?
Luna: It's going pretty well~ just adding some minor adjustments and I should be ready to nuke that annoying warden

[Door closes]

Mags: Okay, whatever she's plotting isn't gonna be good
Aerrow: When has it never been good. Junko, how're the fortifications?
Junko: Great! These guys whipped up a wall in like, no time. Hey guys, I can help too
Dag: Forget about it. This is a bahrf job, we got it covered
Junko: Well, I've always wanted to be like you guys [throws a rock] Can I be bahrf?


Wallop Miner B: That's a good one. "Be bahrf." Ha, ha, ha, that's funny
Junko: [laughs] I don't get it
Wallop Miner B: First, your daddy's gotta be bahrf, then you gotta work six season with bahrf for half rate. Then you pay the initiation fees, then maybe we think 'bout puttin' you on a job
Junko: So, it's like a club?
Wallop Miner B: Yeah, a club. Heh, a club that you ain't in


I watched Junko walk away while my blood started to boil, reminds me of the time I was bullied back when I was younger and I had to fend for myself.

Aerrow: You okay, Mags?
Mags: Uh... Yeah, I just feel bad for Junko. Being bullied like that, almost like...
Aerrow: Like what you went through
Mags: Yeah
Aerrow: Hey [pats his shoulder] it's gonna be okay. You were alone yes, but don't ever forget who rescued you back home
Mags: [hold Aerrow hand] You did
Aerrow: That's right, you were so clingy around me all the time
Mags: [blushes] I was not!
Aerrow: Oh ho! Yes you were~ you never let go of my arm
Mags: Only because I trusted you!
Aerrow: [eyes widen] Well you're gonna have to trust me again!! INCOMING!!!

Aerrow pushed me to the ground as he shielded me from the small rocks when the fire scorpions launched a spitfire at our defense.

Aerrow: Radarr, how we doing on those engines?
Mags: Probably not doing so well!!
Aerrow: C'mon!!

Aerrow pulled me up as we rushed to the Condor along with Finn, Piper, Junko, and the Wallop Miners.

Mr. Moss: Son, I'm givin' you one more chance 'fore this here turns into your last stand. Now, it's time for y'all to surrender, and come on back to fill up my empty prison

[sinister chuckles]

Mr. Moss: Hamish, today's your big day. I want you to lead the fire scorpions and bring 'em in. But, I git Aerrow, Mags, and Luna, myself. I got me a personal score I'm gonna settle with him, and those two owe me a new prison... Now, let's fill my prison back up!!

We were about to get ready to attack when we noticed we haven't heard from Luna for some odd reason, just then the door above the Condor opened and out came Luna carrying a rocket launcher on her shoulders while half of her face is covered in camo color across her cheeks. Around her belt held her nuke bombs she's been working on, while her back held her hammer guitar and on the left side of her waist held her energy whip while containing a fire crystal.

Mags: Oh dear, she's angry
Luna: TIME TO BLOW UP YOUR PATHETIC ARMY MR. MOSS!!! [smile] And hi Hamish!! So good to see you again~ is that a new suit? Ah! Love it~ I just wanna say hi to you cause you're so nice
Hamish: [blushes] Hi Luna!
Luna: AND~ I'm about to do it again

[Window opens]

Stork/Finn: [glares] AND STOP STARRING AT OUR GIRL!!!!!

[Horn blare]

Aerrow: Defensive positions everyone!! Piper, help Radarr cool those crystals!!
Piper [Radio]: On my way!
Luna: Time to lock and load!
Hamish: Open fire!!!
Luna: Take this!!!

Luna launched a rocket toward the fire scorpions, as a large explosion erupted to my surprise it wasn't what I was expecting. I saw parts of the ground freeze as the fire scorpions backed away and ran, then I noticed how this ice was different from the one I see.

Mags: Liquid Nitrogen?
Aerrow: Yep, that's project nuke. When Luna had liquid nitrogen around, I told her she wasn't allowed to make any liquid nitrogen bombs. Remember?
Mags: Oh yeah~ so instead
Aerrow: I let her create liquid nitrogen bombs this once, so it'll give us some time to defend and prepare to battle
Mags: Nice, since liquid nitrogen can cool down a fire! Genius!!


Mr. Moss: [glares] Aerrow, my boy, you got what I call ten-a-city. But it's time to come on out and face the music!!!

Aerrow and I drove out and took flight as we came at Mr. Moss while his guard was down, as he dodges our attack.

Aerrow: Alright, then you better start playing
Mags: [stick his tongue and pull his under eye lid] Neeehhhhh!!! Can't catch us!!
Mr. Moss: Raghhhhhhh!!!!!

Mr. Moss was on our trail that we both split up, I knew he would go after Aerrow to settle a score, I got ready to take down Mr. Moss with my energy pistols out to take aim and fire at his ride.

Mr. Moss: I'm not goin' down easily this time, son!! I left me a little reminder of our last adventure just to keep me motivated



I took two shots at his ride, while Aerrow flew ahead and knocked him around.

Aerrow: Now you've got another, from me and Mags
Mr. Moss: RARGH!!!!!
Aerrow: I wouldn't be surprise if Luna left you a little reminder
Mr. Moss: I don't need one from that Pipsqueak!!!
Mags: Better watch your words Mr. Moss, she might unleash her ultimate weapon on you and trust me, it's the most fearsome thing that anyone is afraid of
Mr. Moss: Hah!! As if I'm afraid of that little pipsqueak!!! I am the-
Mr. Moss: Huh?

Just then, a stink bomb was thrown at him causing it to erupt and stink the Warden and his ride. We looked ahead and saw Luna on her skimmer glaring at Mr. Moss, we smiled and cheered while Luna stood on her Skimmer with her whip ready.

Aerrow: Luna!! You're here!!
Mags: How was it dealing with Hamish?
Luna: Well~

Luna's P.O.V

I watched as Aerrow and Mags were being chased by Mr. Moss while I dealt with the fire scorpions and Hamish, hate to hurt the sweet guy but it's for the best. So I got closer and once the rocky wall was breaking down I stood there ready to launch my rocket.

Hamish: Friends, I'm thinkin' we're 'bout to win this round!


As soon as the rocks began to crumble, I smiled wickedly, holding the rocket launcher ready as the wall crumbles and Hamish spotted me in horror.

Luna: Adiós Hamish!!!

I launched my rocket at the fire scorpions near Hamish while he stared at me fearfully when all of the sudden, I spotted Junko grabbing a hold of a fire scorpion as he lets out a war cry and threw it far. Making the other wallop miners get back to work instead of taking a break, I smiled seeing how Junko changed them when all of the sudden I was knocked to the ground causing me to let go of the rocket launcher and look up to see Hamish.

Hamish: I gotcha Luna!
Luna: Yeah, but you shouldn't put your hands on me [points up]

All of the sudden, Finn punched Hamish across the face causing him to stumble back a bit and run away. I sat up and Finn offered me his hand, and I took it while he pulled me up,

Finn: You all right?
Luna: I'm fine, really. Now, I need you to do me a favor. Launch these rockets at the fire scorpions. I got to go deal with a warden who insulted me [kiss Finn's cheeks]
Finn: Sweet, don't be long~!!

I rushed to the Hangar and got on my skimmer as I drove off and flew to the direction where Aerrow and Mags went, and spotted them battling Mr. Moss that I got out my stink bomb and got ready to launch it at him.

Aerrow: I wouldn't be surprise if Luna left you a little reminder
Mr. Moss: I don't need one from that Pipsqueak!!!
Mags: Better watch your words Mr. Moss, she might unleash her ultimate weapon on you and trust me, it's the most fearsome thing that anyone is afraid of
Mr. Moss: Hah!! As if I'm afraid of that little pipsqueak!!! I am the-
Mr. Moss: Huh?

This time, I threw my upgraded stink bomb at him as he got covered in the smell, while I stood on my skimmer and glared at him.

Aerrow: Luna!! You're here!!
Mags: How was it dealing with Hamish?
Luna: Well~ I'll tell you when we get back
Aerrow: I hate to tell you, Moss, but you're goin' home empty handed
Luna/Mags: Yeah!!
Mr. Moss: YAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Mr. Moss got out his whip while I got mine and started blocking his attacks, this was making him so mad that when he strike at us I jumped up and threw his power blade back at him leaving a badly damage scar on his Heliblade next to Aerrow and Mags. All three of us came at him while his guard was down and attacked, causing his Heliblade to damage even more.

Mr. Moss: NOW YOU JUST MADE ME MAD!!!!!!!!
Luna: [grin] When have we've never made you mad?
Mags: Haha!!

We flew off dodging Mr. Moss laser fire when all three of us nodded, and turned around to fly at Mr. Moss while I got three bomb out and ready as I got my hammer guitar out to play baseball while Aerrow hit him along with Mags.

Aerrow/Mags: HAA!!!!!!


Mr. Moss: UGH! Stop beatin' on my Bessy!!
Luna: Then this outta finish you off!! HEY BATTER BATTER!!!! SWING BATTER BATTER!!!!

I hit all three of them as Mags open fire, and shot all three of them unleashing another stink bomb, paint bomb, and glue bomb.

Aerrow: Looks like our ride's ready. Luna, Mags. Let's go
Mags/Luna: You got it!

We drove off, to the Condor when we heard Mr. Moss from afar.

Mr. Moss: Son, someday I'ma gonna put you away for a long time!!! ALOOOOOOOOOONG TI-


Luna: [looks back] Oh, would you look at that, it's a girl [giggles]

We landed on the runway and entered the hangar when we switched our skimmers with wheels and made it inside while our friends cheered until one of the Wallop Miners pat Junko back.

Dag: Ya know, kid. You're all right. I bet I could pull a few strings. You'd be bahrf in a coupla years
Junko: No thanks, I like the club I'm in already

This made me happy, as I rushed forward and jumped on Junko's back smiling. After we dropped off the Wallop miners, we all celebrated our victory and escape.

Luna: I wonder if Mr. Moss survived or not
Aerrow: Eh, I doubt it. We won't be about to call for back up

No One's P.O.V

While the Storm Hawks were celebrating, back at the Wasteland two of Mr. Moss's talons and Hamish were fixing up his Heliblade.

Hamish: Mr. Moss, sir. Should we send out, you know, a distress call?
Mr. Moss: Aw, go ahead

All of the sudden, a group of fire scorpions started coming up towards them.

Mr. Moss: Why are they lookin' at me like that? You better brought along enough scorpion feed, Hamish

Unfortunately for them, Hamish didn't bring enough, when the two Talon's show that the bucket was empty making Mr. Moss angry.

Mr. Moss: HAMISH?!!!!!!!!!

Before they were about to meet their doomed, A blast of ice was hit at the fire scorpions, making them screech and run off in a different direction when they looked up and saw a couple of talons appearing along with a commander. They all shielded their eyes when the dust cleared up and walking towards them was Commander Saturn, looking down at them along with her talons with their energy staffs ready.

Mr. Moss: Ah, commander Saturn, thank goodness you arrived and-
Saturn: Save it! I was instructed to take your two talons and Hamish with me, as for you... I'm afraid you have been replaced
Mr. Moss: Replaced?! By who?!
Saturn:... By me, I'm taking control of your prison, and you will remain here in the Wastelands
Mr. Moss: What?!
Saturn: One higher rank down, only four more to go
Mr. Moss: What are you saying?!
Saturn: Hmph, perhaps it's time to reveal to you what I'm going to do, after all, you won't be able to call for help when I'm through with you. The Cyclonian Resistance will rise and Cyclonis will crumble along with the other Commanders
Mr. Moss: BOYS!!! Finish her off!!!
Mr. Moss: Hamish!!??
Hamish: I-I'm sorry sir, I'm done takin' orders from you

Mr. Moss was left stunned as he backed away from them and ran, only for Saturn to look at one of her talon.

Saturn: Boys, how many times does it take for an energy silencer to take down the enemy?
Hamish: Uh, one ma'am
Saturn: That's right... [aim] One


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