A Gift Unto the King

By crypt_tids

356 56 12

A werewolf knight falls in love with a vampire prince. However, unforeseen circumstances threaten to tear the... More

Chapter 1 - The Fall
Chapter 2 - The Crown
An Unwell Distraction
Unexpected Consequences
Internal Struggles
The Monster Within
Home, Sweet Home
Unfortunate Circumstances
Grant Us Strength
Widow's Wild
The Weight of The World
The Pendulum Swings
Curses and Burdens
With Love
Our Future
In Sickness

In Silver Moonlight

19 3 0
By crypt_tids

CW: nausea and pain mention, explicit scenes, sex

Vin sat on the bed, his back leaning against the headboard, as Lucas snored softly beside him. He watched as the blankets rose and fell with his slumbering breath, a loving smile plastered on his face. He knew he should be sleeping as well, but his mind wouldn't allow it, so he simply resigned himself to an exhausting evening. As long as Lucas got his rest, nothing else mattered. After all, the full moon would be much harder on him than it would be on Vin.

As the sun rapidly approached midday, there came a soft knock at the door. Lucas stirred briefly, before shuffling his head further into his pillow, unbothered. Vin carefully slid out of bed, and tiptoed to the door. Doing his best to muffle the clacking of the latch, he pulled the door open, and stepped outside.

A messenger, with shaggy hair and worn clothes, waited for him, holding a large, cloth wrapped package—obviously, resembling a sword in silhouette—and a letter.

"Your highness," the man hastily bowed, "I have a delivery for Sir Lucas."

"Yes, of course. I shall pass it along to him, thank you." Vin returned in a low voice, accepting the parcel.

The man bowed again, then scurried off up the hill. Vin turned his gaze to the folded parchment in his hand, sealed with pressed wax, the relief taking the shape of crossed swords behind a large "B". There was no other indication of the sender, instead, it was merely addressed:

Lucas of Oakhill

Sir Lucas of Valkevilla

Readjusting the heavy sword-shaped package in his arms, Vin carefully pushed open the door, quietly stepping over the threshold. As the door tapped against the frame, Lucas stirred again, this time, coming to full—though incredibly groggy—consciousness.

Damn. Vin thought to himself, Lucas now wiping the sleep from his eyes and shuffling beneath the covers.

Small grunts escaped his throat, his back arching as he stretched. With a yawn and a heavy sigh, he pushed himself up on the mattress and glanced over to Vin.

"What's that?" Lucas asked, his voice coated in gravel.

"Mail, it seems." Vin replied, walking towards the bed. "It's for you." He handed Lucas the letter, and gently set the very mysteriously shaped package on the bed beside him.

"Can't remember the last time I got a letter-" Lucas flipped the parchment, revealing the wax seal. A seal he knew very well. His breath caught in his throat, wide eyes staring at it.

"What is it?" Vin's brows creased, eyes studying Lucas closely.

Lucas didn't answer, instead quickly popping the seal and unfolding the letter, the parchment rustling loudly in his hands.

Our darling son,

We've settled well here. The mountains of Tellima are quite beautiful. (Though, I must say, I find myself rather homesick as of late.) The sea gave us a few fits on our passage, poor Sarah fell ill rather often. She's now thoroughly sworn off the sea. Frederick, on the other hand, felt rather at home on the waves. He thought he might pick up some sailing work here and there. Your father and I took work at the smithy in town. I miss not having our own, but it'll do for now. Claire has thoroughly enjoyed exploring Tellima. She's even made a few new friends! She asks about you often. I wish I could promise her a visit, she would so love one. And as much as we would all love to see you, I know it's not possible right now. So instead, your father and I have sent along a gift.

If they're anything like you, they'll need it.

With love,


Lucas's eyes scanned the letter. He must've read it three times through before he was done. Then he glanced at the wrapped gift on the bed.

After a moment, he pulled the package onto his lap and began meticulously unwrapping it. As he flopped the fabric aside, the sunlight glinted off of the pommel of a freshly forged sword. His fingers traced over the hilt, a smile growing on his face.

Vin sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes shifting between Lucas and the sword. Then, Lucas slid the sheath from the blade, studying it closely.

The broadsword carried two diligently sharpened edges, tapering to a rigid point. On the ricasso, rested the crisp stamp of his family's maker's mark, matching the one on the wax seal. There were no other engravings, or flourishes like the elven swords often had, but there was a beauty in its simplicity, and it reminded him of home.

"Who sent it?" Vin asked, though the smile on Lucas's misty face had already given him his answer.

"My parents. It's a gift." Lucas's grin widened as he carefully slid the blade back into its leather sheath.

"I had assumed." Vin joked playfully.

"Not for me." Lucas shook his head, handing Vin the parchment.

Vin silently glossed over the letter, his eyes catching on the final line. Slowly, he lifted his gaze, his face softening with new realization.

"They knew?" Vin asked, his voice quiet.

Lucas's stomach flipped.

"Are you... upset?" Lucas whispered in an unsure tone, brows anxiously creasing.

Vin's eyes widened.

"No, of course not!" He assured with a kind smile, gripping Lucas's knee firmly. "Why would I be upset?"

"Because..." Lucas's lips twisted into a crooked frown, "you didn't know."

"Lucas," Vin shook his head, "I don't care about that. I was just surprised, that's all. Please, don't think otherwise."

Lucas nodded, his body relaxing slightly, though he didn't reply.

His thumb traced the sword's grip, and as it did, his heart began to ache. Somehow, an empathy had settled within him that had not prior existed. Now that he would soon have a child of his own, the thought of going years on end without seeing them felt like an unbearable torment—much like the one he had assuredly put his own family through when he had left Oakhill all those years ago.

Vin watched Lucas's eyes fade, fixated on the blade laid across his lap, the sheath brushing lightly against his rounded middle. After a moment, he reached over and grabbed Lucas's hand, drawing his attention back to him. He had a hunch about what had caused this slight melancholic shift in his lover. Maybe he had a way to help. Just maybe...

"Lucas?" He spoke carefully, gazing softly into his golden eyes. "I wonder if, perhaps..." He took a moment to articulate his thoughts, "well, if you might like to get married in Tellima. With your family."

"Tellima..." Lucas mimicked in a mindless whisper.

"That's where they are now, isn't it?" Vin asked for confirmation.

"Mm." Lucas grunted in reply.

"If you don't want to-" Vin rushed out, suddenly feeling that his idea might have been foolish.

"No," Lucas cut him off with a sigh, "it's not that. I just. I don't know." He huffed, rubbing his hand over his face.

"Lucas," Vin shuffled the sword aside and scooted closer to his lover, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "If you're having second thoughts about getting married, we don't-"

"No!" Lucas interrupted, quickly. "I'm not having second thoughts, I promise."

"Then, what is it?" Vin asked softly.

Lucas pressed his lips together, nibbling at his cheek.

"I've never even been to Tellima." He finally answered, his shoulders slouched.

Vin bowed his head, silently releasing a relieved sigh, as he came to a more solid understanding.

"It's not home." The vampire confirmed.

Lucas sat quietly.

"Love," Vin reached up to caress the werewolf's cheek, "if you don't want to get married in Tellima, we don't have to. I just thought, maybe, you'd want to see your parents again before the baby was born."

"I do." Lucas returned. "It's just that... everything will be so different."

"Different isn't always bad." Vin assured. "And Tellima is beautiful. Especially this time of year." His hand trailed down Lucas's arm. "From here on, everything in our lives will be different. And maybe," he brushed his fingers over Lucas's swollen belly, pressing his palm securely against it, "we could embrace those differences."

Lucas rested his hand over Vin's, holding it firmly in place. A small smile tugged at his lips as the baby shuffled in his womb.

"They moved." Lucas announced.

Vin glanced up at Lucas, his eyes wide, leaving the lycan with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Just then?" Vin asked in hardly more than a whisper. Lucas nodded. "I... thought I felt it, but..." he returned his gaze to the swell, "it was so faint."

"They're getting stronger." Lucas's thumb rubbed the back of Vin's hand. "It seems they're rather eager to make their presence known." He giggled softly.

Vin's lips twitched into a smile, his chin quivering, before giving way to a wide grin and excited, tear soaked laughter. He twisted his body towards Lucas and placed his other hand on the werewolf's belly, pressing gently, hoping again to feel even the tiniest hint of movement.

Lucas's face softened as he leaned back, propping himself up with his arm, the growing swell of his belly now more visible against the loose fabric of his nightshirt. Together, they patiently waited for another tiny wiggle, but no such movement came, the baby having now comfortably settled. Vin's brows upturned with mild disappointment, though joy still raced in his heart.

With a sigh, and a loving smile, Vin slid up Lucas's nightshirt, exposing the taut belly that had been concealed beneath it. Leaning forward, the vampire placed a gentle kiss just above his lover's navel. Lucas giggled as Vin's lips tickled against his skin.

"Do you think they can hear us?" Vin asked.

"I'm not sure." Lucas replied. "I'd like to think so."

Vin pressed another kiss onto Lucas's middle, whispering something to it that Lucas couldn't quite hear. Then, he drew his gaze upward towards the sandy-blonde, reaching up to meet their lips in a delicate kiss, which Lucas returned with an unexpected vigor.

"Oh, Lucas," Vin toyed, "you haven't even had breakfast yet."

"Maybe I'm hungry for something else." Lucas teased.

"Lucas Black, you truly are insatiable, aren't you?"

"You're one to talk." Lucas smirked, gesturing to the bump, protruding proudly between them.

"Can you really blame me?" Vin whispered, his lips brushing against Lucas's as he spoke.

Lucas pulled Vin close, pressing another passionate kiss to the vampire's lips, their mouths tangling together furiously, each desperately hungering for the taste of the other. Vin shuffled onto his knees, holding Lucas's face in his hands. Tongues danced around teeth as they sank into each other, their heavy breaths filling the silence. Hands fumbled over fabric and skin, as they attempted to tug each other closer.

Vin rocked to the side, settling down on the mattress, pulling Lucas along with him until the werewolf was securely straddled atop him. Lucas hunched over to kiss Vin again as his fingers fumbled over the laces of his pants. Pulling away, he forcefully tugged at the strings until they came loose. Hastily, he shuffled his body aside, shoving the pants down over his lover's hips, exposing his waiting cock. It was already hard and wanting, and Lucas bit his lip as his desire burned stronger. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft, massaging it lightly for a moment, before lifting himself up and shuffling his nightshirt aside.

"In a hurry?" Vin smirked.

"Oh, dry up." Lucas returned playfully, guiding Vin's cock towards his slick heat.

Lucas angled his hips, pressing the tip against him, and slowly sliding downward, taking Vin's length with ease. Lucas let out a stuttered breath, his face flushing hot. Vin squeezed Lucas's thighs tightly, gazing deeply into his golden eyes, now misted over with lust.

They remained still for a few moments, Lucas's warmth thoroughly encapsulating him. The oversized nightshirt cascaded over Lucas's rounded abdomen, the bunched folds delicately concealing their connection. Vin slid his hand up Lucas's firm thigh, catching the shirt fabric on his thumb, and dragging it upwards, his hand coming to rest on the bare skin of his taut belly. The beginnings of faint stretch marks shimmered in the midday sun, velvety soft beneath his touch. Those tiny, pink marks caught hold of his heart in a way that Vin hadn't expected them to, and he couldn't help but smile.

Their child was growing, rather quickly as of late, and before long, Lucas's belly would be riddled with marks much bigger than these. Silently, he wondered if Lucas would see the same beauty in them that he did.

"You gonna fuck me, or what?" Lucas interrupted Vin's thoughts, bringing him back into the moment.

"Whenever you're ready." Vin let out a huffy laugh, returning his hand to Lucas's thigh.

Slowly, Lucas lifted himself, before pulling himself back down, establishing his rhythm. Vin followed suit, his hips bucking to Lucas's pace. In and out, like ocean waves at first, gentle and smooth. Stuttered breaths escaped them both as the pace began to quicken. Vin's cock plunged deep within Lucas, the werewolf's muscles tightening with his movements. The pounding of the headboard kept time with them, like beating drums in a symphony.

Butterflies danced in Vin's stomach as he watched his lover inch closer to unfettered bliss. Warm sunlight haloed his muscular form. He was radiant, and beautiful, and every other complimentary word scattered throughout the world's various lexicons.

Lucas leaned forward slightly, and Vin offered his hands to keep him steady, their fingers interlacing tightly. His palms were warm, and unexpectedly soft, despite the callouses and cooling weather. They spent a few moments in this mildly adjusted position, before Lucas released Vin's hands, arching back, and gripping the vampire's thigh firmly.

Vin felt Lucas tighten around him, sending a rush of tingles throughout his body. They panted and huffed, breath ragged and worn, as their hearts pounded heavily in their chests.

Lucas flopped forward, catching himself with his arm. His blonde hair hung over his dewy, flushed face, swaying from the harshness of his exhales. He swallowed hard, his free hand caressing his belly, as he fought to catch his breath.

Vin shuffled Lucas's hair aside, tucking it behind his pointed ear, revealing half-lidded eyes. Brilliantly, they shimmered, despite the shadow. Lightly, the vampire stroked Lucas's cheek, gently tracing his scar.

And then he thought. Thought of things he didn't wish to think of, but couldn't stop himself from thinking of. As his fingers followed the line of the scar, down his cheek, over his jaw, to his neck, he grew anxious. Scars like that—worse than that—littered Lucas's body. Simple mistakes, wrong places, wrong people. A victim of painful, volatile, circumstances.

The fear in his stomach grew.

"What is it?" Lucas panted, noticing Vin's eyes go dim.

"Werewolves don't have easy lives, do they?" Vin murmured flatly, more of a statement than a question.

"Vampires don't either." Lucas lightly added.

Vin gave his lover a stern glare, and Lucas silently retracted his reply. Their situations were hardly comparable, and Lucas knew that as well as he did.

"What if something goes wrong?" Vin pressed. "What if they forget their medicine and hurt someone, or get hurt, or- or killed?" His brows creased as he felt his tone grow frantic.

"Hey-" Lucas pressed his palms against Vin's chest, trying to settle him. He could feel Vin's heart pounding violently in his chest, his breath still heavy, dark brows creasing worriedly over crimson eyes. After a few moments, he cautiously slid himself off of Vin, wiping the dripping cum on his nightshirt, before guiding himself down onto the bed beside him.

"We do what we can, and hope for the best." Lucas replied, tucking himself against Vin's warm body.

"And if that's not enough?"

Lucas shifted his gaze to Vin. He was blankly staring at the ceiling, and had taken to nervously nibbling his lower lip, his jaw stiff, the moment's pleasure fading rather quickly. The lycan sighed.

"Then it's not enough."

Vin's crimson eyes darted to Lucas. At first, he thought those words callous, but as they marinated in his mind, he realized that wasn't why Lucas had said them.

"You're really worried about this, aren't you?" Lucas propped himself up on his elbow, peering down at the vampire.

"Aren't you?" He returned quickly.

"Always." Lucas gave a half smile.

Vin exhaled sharply through his nose, his lips twisted in a crooked frown.

"I never thought about it too much before. Only in passing, really, but..." Vin turned away.

"They're real now." Lucas finished.

"They've always been real." Vin harshly corrected.

"You know what I mean, Vin." Lucas returned. "A baby is little more than a concept until you can feel them. I know that. It wouldn't have mattered how much my body changed, or how many times I told you that I'd felt them, it would never be the same to you until you felt them yourself." Lucas settled back down onto the bed, snuggling against Vin's chest. "It became real for me a while ago. Today just so happened to be the day that it became real for you."

Vin was quiet, unsure how to respond. It felt like a silly theory. Surely, his mind hadn't denied him the reality of it. He had been so thoroughly accepting—excited even—of the prospect of having a baby with Lucas. Vin watched as Lucas's belly grew with each passing day. They'd shared beds, and meals, and long evening chats. Many times, their child had graced their conversations. But, as he thought about it, he realized that they hardly ever spoke of them as someone separate from Lucas. It was Lucas's pregnancy, Lucas's illnesses, Lucas's body. Up until now, every aspect of the pregnancy had been seen only through the changes in Lucas. But, what if he was right, and it truly was as simple as some deep, unknown denial? Maybe it wasn't so ridiculous. And now, Vin had finally felt them, himself. Though faint, and unsure, he felt it, and it was real.

"Maybe..." Vin sighed, turning to his side, and placing his hand against Lucas's belly. "I've never felt this kind of fear before. I mean, for you, I was nervous, but I always trusted that you'd be alright on your own. But our child..." His thumb lightly stroked the bump, "I'm terrified." His voice was hardly more than a whisper.

"I know." Lucas placed his hand on Vin's, lacing their fingers. "But, for now, they aren't going anywhere. And I'll do everything in my power to keep them safe."

"I know you will." Vin smiled softly, leaning in to place a loving kiss on Lucas's waiting lips.

They pulled apart, silently gazing into each other's eyes. Lucas studied Vin's face, the worry still lingering, but softening into something lighter. He stroked Vin's cheek gently, and he felt the vampire's body relax. Vin pulled Lucas's body flush against his own, burying his face in the lycan's neck. He felt Lucas's leg slide over his, as they wrapped around each other.

"Let's do it." Lucas spoke after a moment, catching Vin off guard.

"What?" Vin asked, withdrawing from Lucas's neck.

"Tellima." Lucas explained. "Let's get married in Tellima."

Vin's eyes widened, his jaw falling slack.

"Ar-are you sure?"

Lucas nodded with a growing grin, which Vin happily returned as he hugged the werewolf tightly.

"Whenever you want, we'll go." Vin spoke excitedly. "I'll handle everything." He felt Lucas nod against him.

"We'll discuss it later. For now," Lucas pulled himself from Vin's grip, "we should probably get cleaned up. We have a long night ahead of us."

Vin nodded, watching the pregnant man shuffle out of bed, and head to the kitchen. He grabbed the loaf of bread from the table and took an unceremonious bite from it as he began stoking the fire. Vin swung himself out of bed as well, readjusting his pants, before walking over to the large cauldron, and hanging it on the hook. He filled the pot with water, and the pair waited for it to boil.

Vin, feeling a bit peckish himself, reached up and grabbed Lucas's wrist, pulling the bread loaf towards him, and taking a modest bite.

"We'll have a proper meal after our bath." Vin stated, impatiently checking the state of the water. "Though, you should probably have a bit of blood, first."

Lucas frowned, huffing sharply through his nose with resignation.

"Very well." Lucas sighed, extending a hand towards Vin.

The vampire gave his lover his wrist, bracing himself thoroughly for the sharp, piercing pain of the coming punctures.

"I'll be gentle."

"No, you won't." Vin joked in return.

Lucas snickered under his breath, slowly lifting Vin's wrist to his mouth. Vin felt the light brush of hot breath against his skin, sharpened canines grazing it in preparation. Carefully, Lucas clamped down, just enough to draw blood.

Vin winced at the pain, a small grunt catching in his throat, as the werewolf sucked the free flowing blood from his wrist. The flavor was thick on Lucas's tongue, sweeter than usual, but still maintaining its metallic finish. All around, still rather unpleasant, in a still mildly tolerable way.

Once he'd taken his fill, Lucas licked the punctures in an attempt to slow the bleeding long enough to fetch a cloth bandage. Vin waited patiently as Lucas gently wrapped the cloth around his wrist, tying it securely in place. The wound was sore and uncomfortable, but he'd gladly deal with the pain if it meant Lucas and his child would be healthy and safe.

"Sorry for taking so much. I guess I was hungrier than I thought."

Vin shook his head.

"I'm glad to offer it."

Lucas smiled, leaning down to press a soft kiss on Vin's lips, the taste of blood still clinging heavily to his mouth—something Vin would ordinarily not mind, had the blood not been his own.

Finally breaking apart, Lucas rested his forehead against Vin's, wrapping his finger's around the vampire's slender hands.

"So, how about that bath?"

Lucas's back rested against Vin's chest, his head leaned on his shoulder. The top of his belly just barely peeked over the surface of the water, and Vin caressed it softly.

Neither was sure just how long they'd been soaking in the large tub. The early autumn air had chilled the water rather quickly, even though Vin had refilled the tub with fresh, hot water a handful of times already—an action admittedly selfish on his part as he'd found himself rather enjoying their relaxing bath.

"I suppose we should get out before we catch a cold." Vin spoke into Lucas's ear, his voice low and smooth, though not denoting any real intent.

"Mm, I suppose you're right." Lucas agreed with a sigh, reluctant to move, despite the cool breeze sending goose bumps up his arms.

Vin pressed a firm kiss into the crook of Lucas's neck, wrapping his arms around his chest, and pulling him closer. Lucas nuzzled against Vin with a sweetened smile, as Vin ran his hand over the lycan's breast, before settling on his stubbled chin. Water dripped from his soaked hand as he guided Lucas's chin to face him. Twisting his back, Lucas's lips met Vin's in a loving peck, before Vin hoisted himself up out of the tub, extending an aidful hand to Lucas.

Lucas took Vin's outstretched hand, gripping it tightly, water splashing against the sides of the tub as he attempted to push himself out of it—with embarrassing difficulty. Once finally standing, he stepped over the edge, and allowed Vin to drape a dry, linen towel around his shoulders, his only defense against the cool breeze.

"You made that look effortless." Vin snickered.

"Oh, dry up, Vin." Lucas blushed violently, giving the vampire's shoulder a playful shove.

Vin grinned, grabbing Lucas's hand, and leading him back into the warmth of the cottage. Lucas dried his hair on his towel as Vin slid one of Lucas's spare shirts over his head. It was overwhelmingly large on the slender man, falling loosely to his knees, but Lucas found it rather endearing. Vin caught Lucas staring, rolled his eyes, and tossed the naked man a shirt of his own.

Lucas slipped the shirt on, tossing the wet towel aside. The blouse fabric caught on his damp belly, and he fluffed it out, letting it drape, relaxed, down to his mid thigh.

Vin stoked the fire, grabbing out some pots and pans to cook them an early dinner. By Lucas's request, he prepared something simple, and light, consisting mostly of vegetables, some boiled eggs, and poultry. It wasn't fancy, and honestly under seasoned, but neither one cared, both too preoccupied with mental preparation for the difficult night ahead.

The sun dipped into twilight, and Lucas wandered over to the bedside table, grabbing the tiny bottle of transformation elixir. He rolled it in his hands, a pit forming in his stomach. Biting his lip, he brushed the feelings aside, uncorked the top, and slammed it down, shuddering at the bitter, floral taste.

As he returned the vial to the table, he felt warm arms wrap around him from behind, hugging him close. Vin nuzzled his face into Lucas's muscular back, deeply inhaling the scent of his clean blouse.

"Vin?" Lucas's voice was low and cautious.

"Hm?" Vin grunted against the lycan's back.

Lucas sucked at the roof of his mouth, suddenly quite anxious about the rapidly approaching full moon.

"Are you sure you want to stay tonight?" Lucas asked uneasily.

"You asked me to." Vin casually replied.

"I know, but..."

Vin loosened his grip, sliding his hands down to Lucas's hips, and spinning him around to face him. Lucas's brows were creased with worry, his golden eyes, overcast.

"I've stayed with you many times before. What has you so troubled, now?"

"This time will be different."

"Because you aren't transforming?" Vin cocked his head to the side, tucking a strand of damp, blonde hair behind Lucas's ear.

Lucas nodded, his lips pressed thin.

"If I can handle you as a wolf, I think I can handle you as a man, no matter how irritable you get." Vin joked lightly, his thumb stroking the lycan's cheek.

"Vin," Lucas started, "when I transform into a wolf, the transformation ends." He explained flatly. "When I don't..."

Vin paused for a moment, his eyes dimming.

"It doesn't." He quietly replied.

"Are you sure you want to see that?"

"Lucas," Vin's voice firmed, "if my being here is a comfort to you, then it's the least that I can do."

"It isn't pretty."

"I don't care." Vin wrapped his arms around Lucas's neck. "I love you, Lucas. Nothing will ever change that. Especially not this." He gave a reassuring smile. "I want to stay with you."

Lucas huffed through his nose, gripping Vin's slender hips, and pulling him close—as close as his protruding belly would allow, at least—and pressed a deep kiss to his soft lips. The salt from their dinner still clung to them faintly, offering a savory sweetness that begged to be enjoyed.

"Are you ready?" Lucas asked, breaking from their passionate kiss.

Vin nodded, unlacing his arms, and climbing into the bed. He propped the pillows against the headboard, fluffing them until sufficiently comfortable, then beckoned Lucas to join him in the designated space between his spread legs. The werewolf obliged, clambering over the covers, and tucking in, his back gently resting against Vin's chest.

Dusk had fallen, and the moon would soon rise, shining brilliantly over Valkevilla without care. The kitchen fireplace illuminated the small cottage with a soft, warm glow, the flickering light casting dim shadows over the cuddled pair. Together, they waited, silently, with twisting knots in their stomachs.

It wasn't long before Lucas felt the first waves of nausea, his heart racing with anticipation of what would soon follow. He grunted in his throat, instinctively moving his hand to cover his mouth, desperately praying not to vomit. Vin gently massaged Lucas's shoulders. It was the only comfort he could think to offer. Then, the first muscle spasm ran up his leg. Mild, at first, and only lasting a moment, but surely a precursor to much worse.

As silvery moonlight cascaded through the window, the pain intensified. Sharp ripples ran up his sides, into his shoulders. Vin could feel his muscles tensing fiercely as they fought against the potion. A shooting pain cut through Lucas's abdomen, causing him to buckle. Hunched forward, he gripped at his sides, foolishly hoping it would ease the pain, but knowing full well that it wouldn't.

A warm hand rested against Lucas's muscular back, rubbing it up and down. While it didn't do much for the pain, Lucas was happy to have such caring company.

Eventually, the spasm subsided, and Lucas leaned back against Vin, anxiously awaiting the next wave of aches and pains. He huffed harshly through ragged breath, his body already thoroughly sore. Dewy sweat lined his brow as nausea kept his mouth full with saliva.

Vin offered Lucas his hand, which he graciously accepted. Another pain ripped up his middle, and he slid his knees up, squeezing Vin's hand tightly. Vin winced at the pain of Lucas's grip, but didn't utter a peep of protest.

For hours, Lucas remained trapped by violent, excruciating pain, his body writhing in agony with each horrid wave. Sweat soaked through his clothes, damp hair clinging to his face and neck. Vin blotted Lucas's brow with his sleeve, before nuzzling into him. His arms crossed the lycan's chest, pulling him close, as he gently rocked him. Lucas's wet blouse clung to his skin, the sloping mound of his belly glowing silver and gold as the shimmering moon and flickering fire competed for dominance.

As Vin watched his middle rise and fall with his heavy pants, pain ached in his heart. On any ordinary full moon, the transformation would have long since ended, leaving with him a furry—albeit, rather irritated—companion. He'd grown so accustomed to the routine of it all. But, this was new. The constant pain, and sickness, and pure lucidity. Vin's stomach twisted as his mind grew guilty with blame. Lucas was suffering because of him. Suffering alone, even. And there wasn't a single thing that he could do to help him. All he could do was hold him tight, and pray for dawn.

"I'm so sorry." Vin whispered, burying his face into the crook of Lucas's neck, his breath hitching in his throat.

"Don't... hah... apologize." Lucas huffed. "It's not as bad... as it looks." He forced a smile, though the tremble at its corners fought his bluff. His head bobbed slightly, a dizzy spell swirling through his eyes. As it passed, he rested his head against Vin's for a moment.

"Liar." Vin returned, his voice muffled. "I didn't think it would be this bad. Had I known..."

"Nothing would've changed." Lucas gulped, his body tensing as pain shot through his spine, his hand tightly gripping Vin's thigh, hard enough to bruise. "I would've-hah-had this baby... ngh... with or without you. Because... it's what I wanted." He squeaked, trying to swallow the yelp pressing into his throat. "I chose this... mn- for myself." He panted harshly as the sharp pain subsided. "I wanted them."

Vin pressed his lips to Lucas's shoulder, a single tear streaming down his cheek, as he squeezed the werewolf tighter, his thighs hugging his body firmly.

"Thank you." Vin spoke, his low voice vibrating into Lucas.

"What for?" Lucas grunted, gulping a mouthful of bitter saliva.

"For letting me be a part of it."

Lucas's heart swelled, though his face was too strained, and his body too tired to show it. His limbs felt like heavy timber, and his vision had begun to blur.

"I'm just happy... that you... wanted.. to... be..." Lucas's voice trailed off, as exhaustion won over. His eyelids drooped, and his body fell limp. The harshness of his breath softened into slumbering snores, heavy and defeated.

With a gentle shuffle, Vin pushed his back into the soft pillow, Lucas sliding down slightly, his head now resting against Vin's chest. His face was drenched with sweat, and Vin lightly brushed the sticky hair off of his forehead, dabbing at the sweat with his—now, thoroughly wet—sleeve. As Lucas's expression relaxed, he'd never felt so grateful to watch someone sleep. Though certainly not peacefully, he at least hoped his lover would be far too exhausted to wake, no matter how persistently the moon begged him to.

Lightly, he stroked the werewolf's cheek, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head, before his own eyes grew heavy, and he, too, drifted off to sleep.

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