By heartdevilxoxo

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two loser girls finding their place on the moral compass. asa mitaka x female reader fanfic :3 [PART 2 IN PR... More

an unwanted interaction
a mind that's been changed
the morning sun is yellow
the midnight moon is blue
peer into the window of my heart
be the sun that shines
give me a moment to breathe
don't put me in my place, feline!
your secret wouldn't be safe with me
look at this cool pebble
russian roulette is not the same without a gun
give me the thing i love (or don't)
i'm trying to tell you something, something that i already said
i hope nobody catch us
it almost worked
then dive inside the mindset of a killer
trade your dreams with mine
i can't sleep no more
get your face between my thighs
caught in-between love and fear
it's the thuggish ruggish bone
YOOOOO, CHESS T! (side chapter)
are you really who they idolize
i, i really wish you'd make up your mind
you don't have to speak, don't need to talk to me, baby, i already know
watch you weigh your powers
go, use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
take a step back, letting go of the fear
together we'll mend your heart
i wanna take you away.
wrong move, ya dead, that girl is poison
then sink the teeth and bat your eyes
and now look at 'em, look at 'em, now, look at 'em sting
you got my heartbeat running away
must be love on the brain
all i wanted was you
in tune with all our dreams
go waste your breath somewhere to someone new
i already told her, if we gon' do it, then we gon' do it my way
just as i'd rehearsed over in my brain
forgive me and the world outside your room
i drink the poison right from your hands
you should wake up before the wrath comes
me and you could take off before the wrath comes
it's a scary night like trick or treat, i wanna scare her
there's a hole in the earth, i'm out
shut up and relax, don't lose your head
new scars, same war
a cold soul seeking warmth
you should know by now, really, that this could end, really
now ask yourself why it never ends
then why are you here?
next to the infant crying in your heart
rises the moon
you will never be free
decide! decide, is this it, is it just fine?
i swear i'll only make you cry
i've watched you change, now you feel alive
goodnight, hearts. (authors note)

now did you get it? get it, so write it down

69 8 26
By heartdevilxoxo

The moment Dede cuts you a slice, you begin to absolutely SCARF DOWN your piece of the lasagna, eating nearly almost all of it within a few seconds. Dede and Asa watch as you do so, somehow not making a mess.

"BROOOO! ASA, I'M GONNA EAT YOUR PIECE IF YOU DON'T START EATIN'!" You yell. It comes out as more of a mumble since your mouth is stuffed. She quickly scoots her piece away from.. whatever's left of yours, taking a bite.

"Mmm!" She finishes chewing before speaking. "It is good.. thanks, Dede. Do you wanna eat with us? You only brought two forks."

"Oh, shit, you're right, oopsies. I forgot to bring mine.. uhh.. lemme go get it, I'll be right back. I'll get some soda, too!" Dede quickly scurries off, speedwalking on her toes as she moves her arms as if she were an old lady on a jog.

As you finish the last of your piece and begin to cut another for yourself, you look at Asa. She seems a bit.. off.

"You okay?" You ask, wiping your mouth.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine.. I was just thinking about something. Do you feel any better?"

"Duh, this lasagna is awesome sauce. But, what're you thinkin' about?"

"Should we really eat this? The last time we accepted food from someone, I got chained up in a bed and you got tortured for who knows how long."

"Uh.. well.. true, but c'mon, it's Dede. She seems super cool, and we would've seen the red flags already."

"Yeah.. true, the red flags were pretty prominent with Mai."

"Dunno how we didn't see that.."

"Plus, I already took a bite, so.."

"GUUUYS, I'M baaAAAAAAaaaCK~!" Dede yells, holding a big liter of soda and a fork.

"You're not trying to poison us, right?" Asa blurts out.

"Huh? What, no, you goofy goober. If I was, I wouldn't have tried to make the lasagna good, and I'd need poison, yada yada yada, you get the point."

"Mmm.. makes sense." Asa begins eating once more. Dede cuts herself a piece and you all absolutely chow down.

"WAIT!" Dede suddenly yells, putting her hands forward in front of you.


"I forgot to get ice." She gets up and scurries off once again.

"..Dude, she's so silly."


She comes back with 3 cups of ice, placing it down on the floor as she sits. "Soooooo.. how'd you two meet, anyway?"

Asa immediately puts her fork down, fixes her posture, opens her mouth and begins to go on an extremely long rant, possibly too detailed, about how you both started dating.

Warning: Extremely long and heavily detailed non stop rant. I flipped a coin whether to write the dialogue or not and it landed on heads (write it) and I audibly groaned. I'm extremely dedicated, therefore I'm writing it. 🤓

"Okay, so, basically, we met in class and we had to write poems about each other meaning we had to hang out like over the weekend so we ate lunch and went to a cafe but Yoru, the War Devil by the way, um, she, wait, I forgot what I was gonna say.. um.. OH! She wanted to turn Y/N into a weapon to fight Chainsaw Man and I was like, "What, no, you can't do that!" and she was like, "Nuh uh!", well, she didn't literally say that, but, ugh whatever anyways, we ended up at.. um.. I think my apartment, and I spaced out for some reason and Y/N hugged me since she was worried but then YORU took over and was all like, Y/N- wait, no, I'm touching Y/N right now I'm not gonna say it, oops, anyways, oh, by the way, basically the way her power works is like, she has to own something to turn it into a weapon, so she has to say what it is, then what kind of weapon, so she tried doing that to Y/N and it didn't work and I was like, "WHAT THE HELL!", and had to talk my way out of it because Yoru gave me my body back, then we watched some romance movie and Y/N said I was pretty and it made me really giggly in my head, then we played Uno and I totally beat her and she pulled me into her and I accidentally knocked her out, and uhhh.. oh, then I read a book to her.. oh, I have the book right here.. uhh.. lemme open my.. suitcase.. see, here, book! Anyway, umm.. then.. I don't remember.. uh.. I remember going to the park.. uhh.. oh, we got chased by ducks and Y/N had to carry me which was fun, then some girls tried bullying me but Y/N stood up for me which was really sweet, then we eventually kissed later.. and then I met Chester, which was Y/N's cat.. and he had an army of kittens which was cute and we found out he was a devil and Yoru got really suspicious and the kittens attacked Yoru which really hurt because I'm extremely ticklish, and then.. uhh.. oh, then Denji, oh, you don't know him but he's one of our friends, kind of, he showed up and we had a talk with him and we went to the aquarium and we looked at all the cute fishies and then this Yoshida guy showed up which was SUPER awkward because Yoru asked him out in my body-"


"I-I DIDN'T?!"


"S-Sorry, I just kinda forgot.. wait, are you sure I didn't tell you?"

"I'm sure.."

"Uh.. okay, anyways, it was super awkward because I was, like, 99.8%.. no, 97.3%, yeah, that sounds right, 97.3% sure that he knew about Yoru because he was a devil hunter and such, but eventually he left and we.. uh.. what happened after that.. I don't really remember, I think we might've just gone home.. oh, I think.. jeez, I can't really remember the time frame, but this girl hit me over the head with a BAT and tried hitting Y/N, but Y/N got super mad and, like, choked her and.. accidentally killed her, and we were like, uh oh, so Yoru took over and told her she'd go hide the body and told Y/N to go home, so she did, and.. well, Yoru made me turn it into a sword which was NOT fun, but, anyways, I went to Y/N's after everything happened after a while we kissed and stuff, then I felt kinda bad since that happened not even like an hour or two after the girl died, and I don't remember what she said, but Y/N said something that upset me and I ended up leaving and Chester came by and we talked and I told Chester to tell Y/N to go to the park the next day, so we hung out at the park and Y/N read the poem she wrote for me and it was the CUTEST thing ever and I loved it, and I got all giggly and gave her a pebble, oh, by the way, when penguins are in love, they find the most perfect, round and smooth pebble they can find and give it to their mate as a way of proposing their love, so I did that, and Y/N knew what it meant so she said yes, and we started dating that day, and we went back to my place and I had to clean up and stuff, and I read the poem I wrote to her and it was all nice and sweet and stuff."



"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were done talking. That's so CUTIE PATOOTIE! I LOVE YOU BOTH! Wait, how did Y/N accidentally kill that girl?"

"Cuz I can't control my strength.. err, couldn't."

"Hmmmm.. sounded like she kinda deserved it, anyway.. little fucked up, though."

"We've.. unfortunately done worse." Asa says, playing with her bangs.

"Oh? How?"

"E-Ever see the news report about the corpses in that one field?"

"Yuh huh.."

"That was kinda.. us.."

"..Oh.. uh.. okay.. why..?"


"Oh. Pfft, that's not thaaat bad."

"Yeah, they bullied Asa, anyways. Those two dude corpses wasn't us, though, that was Mai. She was the Mutilation Devil. Fuck her."

"Sounds like a total jerk."

"Yeah.. where's the bathroom? I gotta pee." You say, starting to get up.

"Oh, yeah, it's.. uh.. you good?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm go.. uh.." You take a step as everything begins to go black and you suddenly collapse, knocking Dede over and faceplanting on the ground.

"Y/N?! YOU DID POISON US!" Asa yells, getting up.



"Oooaaahhh.." You groan, rolling onto your back. "Duuude.. A-Asa, I'm fine, I'm just.. like.. super.. super dehydrated.. I didn't realize.. I got up too.. fast.. water.."

"O-Oh.. um.."

"I-I'll go get her water.." Dede gets up, walking to the backroom.

Asa sighs and sits down next to you. "You scared me for a sec.." She brushes your bangs back and feels your forehead. "Jeez, your forehead is really hot.."

You don't feel hot. That cold sweat from before is back, and everything seems extremely detailed. "A-Asa.. I feel sick.." You mumble, covering your eyes. The lights from above seem a bit too bright now.

"Mmm.. I'm not entirely convinced she didn't poison us.."

"N-No, I think I'm.. I'm just.. maybe low on b-blood or something.. oooaah.."

Dede jogs back with a water bottle, handing it to Asa. Asa opens it and lifts your head up. "Make sure to swallow it, okay?" She says, putting the bottle to your mouth and beginning to pour it slowly.

As you drink from it, she hands the bottle to you and you sit up, chugging the whole thing. You take a deep breath, exhaling rather loud. "Man, I feel much better."

"How'd you chug that whole thing in, like, as a second.." Asa says, taking the bottle and placing it on the ground.

You yawn and rub your eye. "I dunno, I was, like, super thirsty.."

"Mmm.. sorry for freaking out on you, Dede."

"No, no, don't be, I completely understand why you'd react like that. It's cool."

"Alright.. thanks. I don't know if Y/N shluld eat more right now.. do you have a fridge you could put the lasagna in?"

"Sure do. I'll check on you guys later, but.. you should probably get some sleep. You look super tired. I have a couple spare pillows you can have, I'll go get it." She takes the plate and the forks and walks off.

You yawn once more and lean into Asa, wrapping your arms around her. "Man.. we can finally sleep.. I can't remember the last time I slept."

"We've been up for a little over a day, it hasn't been that long."

"Shit, it's only been a day..? It feels like it's been, like, two weeks.."

"Mhm.. guess that's what happens when we go through a lot in an extremely short amount of time." She puts her hand on your head and brushes your hair back, kissing the top of your head.

"Dude, we're about to sleep.. soooo hard.. mm.." You close your eyes, yawning and feeling your eyes roll to the back of your head.

You begin reliving the same dream as always.


There's nothing to protect that girl from.

Why do you even need to protect this girl, anyway? There's nothing there. Even if there were, you never tried letting her fight.

You walk away.

As you open your eyes, you're met with darkness. You try to move your head, realizing you're trapped by Asa's arms.

Oh, hell yeah, this is your favorite sleeping position.

You dig your face in between her chest, wrapping your arm around her back and attempting to fall back asleep.


It's a little noisy outside of the booth.

Dede did say they get more business at night.. is it night already? How long have you two been asleep?

Doesn't matter, you have boobs in your face.

Wait, this might be the perfect time to see if there's anyone you can.. "convince".. um..

Nah, boobs.

But the war thing..

Naaah, boobs.

You go back to sleep.

Shortly after falling back asleep, you wake up once more, suddenly needing to pee extremely bad. You slowly move Asa's arms off of you, putting a pillow in your place and sliding your hand across the desk until you find the key.

After opening the door, you speedwalk around the cafe until you find the bathroom. You go into the big stall and sit on the toilet.


You hear footsteps approaching the bathroom, along with someone chewing gum rather loud. You look under the stall and see.. what the fuck, who wears knee high converse?

You finish up and exit the stall, your jaw nearly dropping to the ground.


The long side bangs, weirdly cut fried straight blonde hair that was obviously cut with a razor, the excessive amount of belts, the spiked rocker bracelets, the skinny jeans and odd amount of layered shirts, the shitty eyeliner..

Perfect for war, dude.

She looks at you, looking you up and down and looking back at the mirror, fixing her lipstick and immediately whipping her head back towards you. Might've given herself whiplash.

"Hey, aren't you that chick that was on the news?" She says, pointing at you.

"Uuuhhh.. maybe?"

"Y/N, right?"

"Yuh huh."

"Oooh.. dope." She looks back at the mirror, pulling eyeliner out of her bag.

"Uhh.. I take it you don't like Chainsaw Man very much if you're not freaking out.." You say, walking next to her.

"Shut up, give me a sec."


She fixes her eyeliner, putting it back in her bag and zipping it up. "You don't seem all that scary. Why're you here?"

"Cuz me and my girl are stayin' here."

"You shouldn't go around sharing that publicly to whoever asks." She puts her bag over her shoulder.

"W-Well, you seem cool, so.."

"There's gotta be a reason you're talking to me, right? Money? Food?"

"N-No, not that, we're covered on that."


"Uhhh.. how do I put this.. umm.."


"Well, do you like Chainsaw Man?"

"He can die for all I care, it doesn't effect me."

"O-Okay, so.. uh.." You feel a bit intimidated, somehow. You feel like a total loser right now.

"W-Would you, like.. wanna, like, maybe help kill him? We're trying to gather people go to go to war with the dude."

"Yeah? How would I even help?"

"You could get our powers and stuff if you'd.. uh.. wanna make a contract. I-I'm a devil."

"Why the fuck are you acting so shy, grow some balls, jeez."




She sighs and sits on the counter. "..'Kay. What devil are you?"


"..Like a fear of.. hearts?"

"Fear of oneself, to put it simply."

"Oh, shit, that's scary.. you're, like, the physical embodiment of my mind, then.."

"U-Uh.. sorry..?"

"Nah, it's cool." She pats the counter next to her. "Sit."

You sit on the counter.

"What powers ya got?"

"Well, I can make my heart into weapons and stuff."


"I-I didn't even show-"


"..Oookay. Deal is, I give you my ability, you help fight Chainsaw dude. 'Kay?"


"U-Uh.. I ain't really sure how to do that, I've never made a contract before.. lemme just.." You reach your hand towards her. She promptly smacks your hand away. "Don't touch my tits, dude."


"Oh, my bad, go ahead."

You sigh and reach your hand towards her, phasing your hand through her chest and grabbing her heart. "Okay.. uhh.. I'm gonna make your heart like mine, and, um, when I do, you'll probably be able to take your own heart out and stuff without passing out and whatever cuz it's a contract and I'm basically sharing my ability with you. 'Kay?"

"Uh huh.. hurry up, this feels really weird."

"Okay.." You start shifting her heart to be like yours, taking your hand out shortly after. "Shake on it." You stick your hand out. She shakes your hand and then pats her chest. "Soo.. now what?"

"Try and.. umm.. phase your hand through your chest."

"Oh, sooo helpful, HOW."

"Literally just put your fingertips over your heart and press down."

"Oh. See, you should've specified.." She does so, watching her hand phase through her chest. "WooOOAAHH! DUDE!" She pulls her heart out and watches it beat in her hand.

"Mkay, this is REALLY freaky and I might pass out right now, just saying." She says, poking her heart.

"I've never really, like, done this before, soo.. um.. I dunno if you have my weapon sets."

"Your what?"

"Basically, I have these sets that're specific weapons that I made outta my heart, and I have commands so my heart knows what to turn into."

"Hm. What do I say?"

"Just say heart, then form, then set and a number."

"Umm.. okay.. Heart, form, set one."

Nothing happens.

"Huh. You don't got my sets.. hmm.." You scratch your head and scoot back closer to the wall.

"Okay, then how do I use this thing?"

"You can make a weapon, I guess. Say heart, then stretch anew."

"Heart, stretch anew." It goes limp. "AH! WHAT HAPPENED TO IT!"

"Shhh, it's fine! Act like it's clay and make something."

"O-Oh. Hm, 'kay. What should I make?"

"I dunno, anything that could work as a weapon."

"So, like, a knife?"

"For starters, yeah."

"Gotchaaa.." She starts to play with it, molding it. "Sooo.. where's that girl?"


"Yeah, her."

"Pretty sure she's asleep."

"You seem pretty chill. Is she anything like you?"

"U-Uh.. I mean, I guess a bit. We're both kinda socially awkward, but she's more awkward than I am."

"Ha, kinda, huh.. how old are you both, anyway?"


"Hm. I'm 19.. ain't got much to do, so I stay here at night."

"Really? Dede never mentioned you."

"Only started comin' here recently.. got cool games I can play and a private place to sleep, pretty nice." She finishes molding the knife. "Soo, now what?"

"Tell your heart what it is, spell it out, 'n say what set number it is."

"Mkay." She does so.

"Now, say, heart, then return."

"Heart, return." It turns back into her heart.

"Now, try and turn it into a knife."

"Heart, form, set one." It pops into a knife.

"There, you did it."

"Siiick.. hey, I have some friends that might wanna help.. they're kinda fucked in the head, though."

"Hey man, we all got a few screws loose."

"No, I mean, like, really fucked up."

"..W-Well, how so?"

"Like, drug induced schizos and shit."


"I'm messing with you, they're only normal schizos."


"I'm still messing with you, they're just a little crazy."

"Okay, well, the crazier the better as long as they ain't turn on us." You hop off the counter and stretch. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Sizzie. You can call me Sizz, though."

"Kinda sounds like jizz."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Wait, can you even fight?"

"Duh, I can fight, who the fuck can't?"

"You'd be surprised.."

"Okay, well I can. Go back to your girl."

"If you say so.. I'll talk to you later. Keep makin' sets, Jizz- I mean Sizz."

"Fuck off, baaaiii!"

You walk out of the bathroom and back to your booth, opening the door and locking it behind you. You place the key on the desk and lay down, getting under the blanket and cuddling up to Asa.

"Asaaa.." You whisper, poking her cheek.


"Asa, wake up, somethin' happened."

She jerks up, looking around. "What? What?? W-What happened?" She whispers a bit frantically.

"Lay back down, it ain't bad."

"Oh.. sorry.." She lays down and hugs your head. "What is it.."

"I met a girl in the bathroom. She was emo."

"..Did she recognize you?"

"Yeah, but she didn't care. I asked if she wanted to help 'n she said sure, so I made a contract with her."

"..I'd ask a lot of questions, but that can wait until I'm not tired and I don't want my head to hurt right now."

"It's okay, she was pretty cool. A little passive aggressive, but cool."

"Mmm.. okay.. let's just go back to sleep."

You lift your head up and kiss her nose, resting your head between her arms. She pulls you closer, taking a deep breath and sighing as she presses her cheek against the side of your head.

"Goodnight, Asa."


"I love you."

You feel her face form a smile against your head.

"I love you too, Y/N."

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