Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 37: Hopeful Times

2.6K 68 50
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

The attack on Asgard was devastating to say the least, the entire Divine Faction was wiped out in mere hours, with all the Asgardian Gods dead, wiped out by the Droid Faction and their Leader Issei Hyoudou. He was now seen as the traitor in the Faction Leader's eyes, including those from the Shinto Pantheon sadly. His actions against their territories and the Youkai Territories are the reason why Yasaka and many other Youkai are either captured or dead. There was chaos and fear in the Factions. 

People were rioting and destroying structures, blaming the Faction Leaders for turning the Faction Pillar against them and wiping them out, they feared that Issei would come after their lives next and there was nothing they could do to stop him in any way. They also blamed the DXD Team as well, and many sub-factions were formed in the remaining Factions of the alliance. 

As for the Leaders, things were not better, Michael and the other Leaders were not in the right spot, Athena was revealed to be a traitor which broke Zeus completely since Athena was his daughter. Additionally all those that were working with Issei were seen when the group teleported back to the Death Star's interiors. 

The Devils were shocked and horrified that all four Half-Satans were working with Issei and the Droid Faction, this included Seekvaira Agares, Latia Astaroth and even Miyuki Sitri. They were all on Issei's side. Sona and her peerage was the most fearful and horrified by this revelation. 

Coupled with Rias and the Hyoudou Couple's death, this was a lot to take in, especially for Sirzechs, many have turned against them and betrayed them completely. 

Additionally, Sirzechs and Falbium recognised the Malebranche's leader Malacoda and they could see that Issei had used Yasaka and several others as hosts for the Malebranche, as he could see them being bounded and their power being absorbed, the other Leaders were also horrified. 

The Angels or just Michael and Irina, the only survivors of the Fall of Heaven, were the ones that were devastated by the fact that Gabriel, along with Elizabeth and Mirana have betrayed them, Michael gritted his teeth in anger blaming Issei for his actions of turning them against her. 

The Fallen Angels or just Azazel and Shemhazai, saw Penemue and Akeno being Issei's hosts for power, he was using their magic power to control the Superweapon Death Star. They not only hated Issei for his actions, but also despised Issei for wiping out Grigori and the Fallen Angel research. 

The Greek Gods, were fearful and livid at Issei. Fearful because of his power and livid because of his betrayal. Zeus was already hateful of Issei, but now blames him for turning his daughters against him, additionally, he was not sure Artemis betrayed him like Athena, but he highly doubted she would side with him. Zeus did not have any contact with her, and he highly doubted whether she would have any care for him or not. 

Now the Shinto Gods, Susanoo, Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu, along with Magari and Haruhime hated Issei, for his actions, especially the Shinto Trio, who saw Issei as a traitor to their homeland for turning on their Gods, while Magari and Haruhime who hated Issei for Leading the destruction of the Youkai Lands, while Kunou was devastated seeing her mother used as a host for powering up a Weapon of Mass Destruction like the Death Star. Additionally this was also experienced by the rest of the Shinto Gods and Youkai Remnants. 

Elmenhilde was fearful, unlike the others that hated Issei, she knew what she had done, and if Issei were to collect her debt, she couldn't stop him even if she wanted to. Her demise seemed to be inevitable at this point. 

The DXD Team had varied reactions, most of them were despair and fear, as they knew one thing that Issei would soon come for them. Some like remnants of the former Gremory Peerage, Bael Peerage and Sona's peerage, all of them had anger in their eyes. But Sona herself was fearful. The most Livid were the Remnants of Team Slashdog. 

The only ones that were saddened were Shiva and Indra, they never hated the boy, but Issei thinks they are his enemies, they knew that their chances of talking to him are low but they still had to try. 

Their only hope for survival was to contact Issei as soon as possible, they were starting to see Issei and Malak's point of view. They wondered that they could even talk to him or not. 

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura.

Opening End

The Next Day, 

Hyoudou Residence, 9:30 AM

Issei had woken up from his sleep as he was the first to get up and get dressed, just as he saw Artemis missing, he could hear her vomiting, rushing inside he saw her puking once again, he pats her back to calm her down, while speaking, "It's okay...I am here...."

Soon enough, she stopped puking and looked at Issei and muttered, "I am sorry..."

"Don't be, just relax and...I'll get you some water, drink it up..." Artemis looked at him and nodded, Issei couldn't wait to tell the exciting news to his friends as he helped her up, with Artemis responding. 

"I am a Goddess of Hunt, I'll be fine.." Issei shook his head and responding, "Nothing is stopping me from helping you...c'mon..."

Issei helped his mate move, while Artemis reluctantly accepted this, she knew that Issei was a stubborn person and not a lot of things will change about him. She internally sighed, knowing his protective nature, all Dragons were like that if anything. 

Athena also had joined in helping Artemis and Issei as she headed downstairs for breakfast. They all headed downstairs, as Artemis sat on the table, with Athena sitting beside her and helping her up. 

"Say Arty, what would you like to eat or drink?" Artemis looked at Athena and responded, 

"I would like a can of diet coke..." 

Athena and Issei became wide-eyed upon hearing this, as Athena glared at Issei, his addiction of Diet Coke is why Artemis is also have a craving for it, while Issei vehemently denied it, as he spoke. 

"I-It is not my fault she is like that..." Issei looked at Artemis and responded, "I know you are a Goddess but Diet Coke is not good for children, maybe I could get you some Orange Juice, sounds good?"

"But...." Artemis sighed and responded, "Fine..." Artemis soon walked inside to get a glass of Orange Juice. 

Athena walked towards him and spoke with a sigh, "Usually cravings are often times related to the parent's favorites and some other things, although Diet Coke is not common, I would advise against letting her have a drink of what you usually do, it could cause complications for the birth..." 

"I know....I was planning to tone down my consumption of that drink anyway..." Issei spoke with a sigh as he continued, "Let's see what we can do, for now I will go help her in getting orange juice..."

"Speaking of which, where are the rest of the girls?" Athena asked to which Issei responded, "They are resting, I think they should be up in a few minutes..."

Issei walked inside, where he saw Artemis trying her best to take the Orange Juice from the fridge, he soon walked ahead and spoke, "Let me..."

"Issei, don't, I can take care of this..." Artemis spoke with an assuring tone, as she managed to crouch down to get her glass as she soon poured it, as Issei watched over her, making sure she is okay. His Dragon instincts make him even more overprotective, as he made sure she is alright. 

Once they came out, they saw that all the girls had arrived with Nyx greeting the two, "Morning, Arty, Ise..."

"Morning was your sleep..." Issei asked his fellow allies in the Droid Faction, as Nyx spoke for everyone, "It was pretty good...say why you did not sleep with us tonight?" 

"Well, it was because I got to know some surprising news from Artemis yesterday..." Issei looked at Artemis, as she stepped forward and spoke with a blush. "I-I...I am pregnant, everyone..."

There was nothing but pin drop silence at the table, as a few moments later soon enough. The girls started to cheer and congratulate Issei and Artemis, as Nyx exclaimed with a cheerful smile, "Holy shit, Congratulations Arty!" Nyx although was internally jealous that she was not the first to have Issei's child, as she had done it first. She was extremely happy for Issei and Artemis, after all that they have gone through, this was one of the happiest news they could have ever received. 

"I am so happy for the two of you!" Charlotte exclaimed with all of her happiness, she couldn't be any more happy that her harem-sister and lover are both going to be parents, and Artemis is going to have the first child. 

Elizabeth wondered on how, she was not pregnant like Artemis since they both did the deed at the same time. Artemis soon settled down next to Issei and Athena, as Nyx then spoke, "So Arty, who do you expect your child to be? A boy or a girl?"

"Anyone, it matters not, I will love my child, regardless of what gender they are..." Many smiled at Artemis's words, she has changed a lot in the past months. If this was old Artemis, then she would have immediately rejected or even felt repulsed of having a lover. But now, she was completely different. 

"Well, let's have a party to celebrate, I mean you are becoming parents, right?" Quinella exclaimed with happiness, as Issei responded, "Yep, but why a party, I mean, we should have a party when the child is born, in my opinion..."

"Oh come on, Issei! We have been fighting against the factions for far too long. We need to have some fun, especially with you and Arty being parents!" Nyx tried to convince Issei, as Issei looked at her and spoke with a smile, "Fine, we will have a party.."

"Yay! Finally a party will happen in our place!" Quinella spoke with a cheerful tone, as she then asked her fellow allies, "I wonder who else can we invite!?"

"We can probably bring in Malak and the Generals, they should have some rest and enjoyment..." Ingvild suggested to which Nyx spoke, "Yeah that works, we can even bring in La Folia and the Rihavein family.."

"And don't forget about Hades and Persephone along with those from Hades's Underworld.." Valery added her own words, to which Issei nodded, "Yep, we can do that..those are the people we should primarily invite..."

"Great, ladies what do you say? Should we all go shopping?" Athena spoke with a smile, to which the girls nodded, "Yeah, we should and Miyuki has enough funds to buy us all the clothes...the best part is that all that money is coming from the Supernatural races..." 

Issei internally sighed in relief, he won't be having a dent in the wallet like last time, when the girls went on a shopping spree. Ddraig internally chuckled at this, however Issei thought of something, he wanted to make sure the child and mother are alright, as Issei spoke with a sigh, "Artemis, I want to hear your thoughts on this.."

"Yes, Issei...go ahead?" Artemis spoke with a genuine smile, as the girls looking at Issei wondering what he wanted, "I was thinking about the child, Arty. I fear that some people might desire to harm the child, and you know who I am talking about right?"

Issei's words made Artemis realise what he was going to say. She knew exactly who would go after their child. She clenched her fists in anger knowing that Olympus won't accept their child and they may potentially cause her to miscarriage. She was not going to let that happen. She was not going to let anyone harm her future child. No matter what happens, she will protect her child at any cost. Artemis knew of her twin's protective nature, and if he even thinks about harming their child, she was going to deal with him in the brutal manner. 

Even the other girls were protective of Artemis, especially Athena. They were not going to let their father come near Artemis or her unborn child, ever again. They knew the Factions will find a way of eliminating Issei or his allies, and some may even come after his child to weaken him. 

"Issei, let me tell you one thing, I am a Goddess, and I am going to be a mother. If anyone even thinks about harming my little child.." Artemis speaks with a growl while keeping her hand on her stomach, "They will experience the full wrath of the Goddess of the Moon, I don't care if my enemy is even my father, I will fight till the very end...protecting my child, and I will make sure my child survives no matter what happens!"

Artemis's words made some of the people shudder, the wrath of a Goddess is something to fear. But the wrath of a Goddess coupled with her being a mother is really terrifying. Issei looked at her and gave a smile, "In that case, I have something to give you..."

Issei put a ring forward as he spoke, "This is a specialised ring, whenever you release your power or aura, or whenever you or your child is in danger. Please take it..." Artemis looked at the ring, it was described to be a ring that had a white opal attached at the top of it. She then asked, "Is this an engagement ring?"

"Sort of, since this ring was primarily designed for your protection. It still in it's prototype stage, and most of you all will be getting a ring each when the time is right...okay?" The girls who knew that Issei loved them knew that they will be getting their own rings, they blushed while being happy knowing that Issei loved them a lot, while Ingvild and Valery seemed saddened, but they knew they have lost their chance a long time ago. 

Regardless they were happy to be tolerable to Issei, and that was more than enough for them. 

Artemis was the most happiest, she was also the first that got her ring. She knew that Issei would protect them no matter what happens. She took the ring and wore it as she looked at it while smiling, she twirled her hand seeing that the ring suited them the most. The girls then started to discuss on how the party was to be developed before heading to shop. 

*Scene Change*

Hades's Domain, Realm of the Dead, 11:30 AM

Hades and Persephone were having their breakfast along with their daughters, as Hades asked, "So how was college, girls?" Melinoë spoke with a smile, "It has been good, soon enough, we will graduate.."

"That is amazing, and from what Issei-chan is telling the war will also soon be over..." Persephone exclaimed with happiness, as Macaria added, "You want him to visit Hades, right?"

"Yeah, I am not going to deny it, he is like a son to me. The son I never had...I am not going to lie.." Persephone spoke with a genuine smile, as Hades agreed to his wife's words, he also has started to see Issei as his own son. 

They were not related by blood but they were related by bonds and that was more than enough for her as Hades spoke with a teasing grin, "So are you not going to talk about Adonis?"

Persephone's eye twitched when she heard that name, she narrowed her eyes and grew a tick mark on her head as she clenched her fists in anger, she gave an angry grin towards Hades, who flinched with fear, "We don't talk about Adonis, darling. Is that clear?"

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Fate: Carnival Phantasm)

Hades rapidly nodded his head in fear, not wanting to anger his wife. There are a very few people that can scare the Strongest of Greek Gods, and one of them was Persephone, especially when she gets angry. 

Melinoë and Macaria were chuckling at their father's expression, they knew that only his wife can easily scare Hades. However, their happiness was short-lived, when they sensed a presence. 

"It seems like we have some unwanted guests..." Hades spoke with a narrowed gaze, he was ready to head out to defend his family, as Persephone grabbed her husband's hand. 

"Stay safe, darling..." Persephone spoke with a concerned tone, as Hades spoke with a reassuring tone, "I will be fine, only a few are a threat to my living.." 

Persephone nodded with a smile, as Hades soon went out with Melinoë speaking, "Mom, call Issei..."

"Don't worry hun, if things go bad, I have Ise-chan on speedial, he will come in a jiffy.." Persephone spoke with an assuring smile. 

*Scene Change*

Hades headed outside to be greeted by the Faction Leaders, or what remained of the Faction Leaders. The only ones absent were Shiva and Indra who knew that fighting against Issei was pointless. 

"So what can I do for you, Faction Leaders?" Hades spoke with a smile, however internally he was fuming. He did not want any of the Leaders to be at his place, especially after what they did to his adopted son Issei. Not to mention, they showed utter and sheer disregard for Issei, even after he was proven to be their savior. They did nothing but let him suffer and they now have the audacity to ask his help. 

"I want your help, Hades-dono.." Sirzechs spoke with a respectful tone, however Hades had an idea on what exactly he had wanted, as he looked at the Former Gremory Heir with a serious look. 

"What do you wish, Sirzechs?" Hades looked at Sirzechs as Azazel walked forward and spoke, "We desire access to Samael, Hades-dono.."

"And why do you want access to Samael, Crow?" Azazel flinched when Hades spoke in a cold tone, as he knew what exactly he wanted Samael for, although the abomination was dead, courtesy of being released from his torment by Issei. 

The mere fact they wanted his adoptive son dead showed how they never cared for Issei and that made Hades angry, really angry. He had already seen Persephone die in front of his eyes, and he did not want to lose Issei too. 

"Brother, we want Issei dead, especially after his betrayal towards the Factions, him being responsible for the death of so many Supernatural Beings. Additionally he has also turned many against us, my own daughters hate me for what he has done." Hades gritted his teeth, he was trying his best to control his anger. He took a breather to calm down, as Hades only asked one word. 

"Why?" The Faction Leaders were surprised by Hades's word as he spoke, "Give me a good reason why should I help any of you..."

"Why? Issei is slaughtering innocent people, he has already destroyed Heaven, turned Gabriel and some of her angels against me. He even destroyed Asgard, and wiped it out of civilisation and turned it into nothingness, he turned many of the girls against us, even succeeded in turning the Satan descendents against the Underworld..."  Hades could only internally scoff at the hypocrisy the Faction Leaders were showing towards the Greek God of the Underworld, as Hades shakes his head and speaks. 

"Oh fair reason, but not good enough for me, for me to lend you Samael, you will need to try harder to convince me.." Hades's attempt was to push their buttons with Zeus angrily spoke, "Brother, are you going to defy the Factions again? You have not been forgiven for your last actions...Please, we are asking for your help..."

"No Zeus, I am not helping you in any way. Never again..." Hades spoke coldly, as he continued, "The fact that you are trying to kill someone that was forced to fight for you shows volumes on how much you cared for him. The truth, none of you ever cared for him, even after the truth of his brother was revealed." Hades's words made the Faction Leaders present stunned, they wanted to deny but Hades cuts them off. 

"No, don't even deny it. This is a monster you created, and I am pretty sure, if Issei and Crom did not expose Dai in any way. You idiots would have still believed Dai like a bunch of puppets. Just think about all the actions you have done to Issei in every way. Think about what could have happened if just for once, you swallowed your pride and released Nyx without any consequences or strings attached, none of this would have happened..." Hades directed a glare at Zeus which caused him to flinch while the other leaders were silent, Hades was right, all this could have been prevented right from the start. 

"And as for the girls, you literally gave them to Issei just to appease him. That included you too Zeus, you gave your own fucking daughters to him. Just how fucked up is that. I can't even imagine doing to my own little girls." The faction leaders gritted their teeth in anger remembering that event, as Zeus spoke angrily, "It is all his fault had he not demanded-"

"Will you shut up, you fucking man-child?! Goodness!" Hades exclaimed with a frustrated sigh as he frowned on Zeus's attitude, he has always been arrogant and prideful as Hades spoke, "Don't pin the blame on others Zeus, own up to what you did. You fucked up and that is why Artemis and Athena turned on you. They even fell for him, due to his kindness. He gave those girls a home, a place to stay and a life to live. He even let them do what they want giving them proper freedom, while if many of them stayed in their Factions, they wouldn't even had that liberty."

"But none of you will realise that. You have blamed Dai for what you did, and how much pain you have put Issei through. But nope, even now Issei is the bad guy, not you for what you did?! Why, because we are superior to that former human?! Isn't that right?!" Hades spoke with a mocking tone causing several leaders to glare at Hades. 

"That is exactly why I am not helping any of fact, I knew Issei was the Leader of the Droid Faction this whole time.." The Leaders became pale at this revelation as Sirzechs spoke, "T-that means, y-you knew?!"

"Indeed, but I did not help Issei in any way. Yes, I knew he caused all those deaths, but I chose not to stop him any way..." Azazel then asked with dread and anger looking at Hades, as he spoke, "Why?! Why did you not warn us about him!?"

"Why should I?! Give me a darn good reason why should I!?" Hades spoke angrily as he continued, "He did so much for you, fought tooth and nail and he was treated so coldly, so pathetically. If anything, be glad I did not help him in destroying you guys. But don't expect me to save you or support you in any way. You have brought this on yourself, Faction Leader!"

"You! You bastard!! You once again betrayed us!?" Sirzechs spoke angrily as Power of Destruction was released from his body, as Hades was ready to fight, even those from the Underworld like Charon and Thanatos were ready to fight, as Sirzechs shouted, "I will make you pay, Hades!"

Hades was ready to defend himself, but vines grabbed Sirzechs legs and made him trip. Sirzechs regained his concentration as someone spoke from the shadows, "Don't even think about trying any funny business here Gremory. I have Ise-chan on speedial, and you know what will happen if he comes here, right?!" 

The person who revealed herself from the Shadows was a very angry Persephone, which startled everyone. They were shocked to see the Goddess of the Underworld alive and well. Zeus then asked with a shocked tone, "P-Persephone, i-is that you?"

"Yes Zeus, it's been a while, and it is not nice to meet any of you..." Persephone spoke coldly causing Zeus to flinch, in his eyes, both his brother and Persephone have turned against him. 

"If you attack my husband or the Underworld, I will call Issei and it will only take him a second to show up..." Charon added his own words to Persephone. "Lady Persephone is right, Lord Hades has already given him teleportation rights to this place, he can enter anytime he wants, so I would advise you to leave this place. You are not welcome here..."

"Indeed, if you want to pick a fight in this place, I will gladly call Issei and soon enough, he and his Droid Faction would have come to this place in an instant. Just imagine not only fighting against us, but Issei, Malak, Vader, Grievous and the others all at once. They already outnumber you guys, and they will demolish you!" Persephone spoke coldly and angrily causing the leaders to grit their teeth in anger, as she finally shouted angrily. 

"Now get the fuck out of my house!!!" The Leaders were helpless, they had to find another way to defeat Issei, they had to find another way to gain access to Samael, as Zeus angrily spoke, "You two will regret this, we will find a way to kill Hyoudou once and for all!"

Persephone gritted her teeth with anger as the whole place was starting to have tremors, she was beyond livid as Issei was like a son to her, the Leaders were on guard, as they were ready to face her off. However Hades kept a hand on her making her a bit calm, as she could see Hades was thinking of something. 

"Oh I forgot to tell, during his travels Issei already managed to find a way to deal with Samael and rid him of his torment...finally giving him peace.." Hades spoke with a mocking tone making everyone minus those from the Underworld realise that, the only thing that could kill Issei was gone from this world. 

"No...t-this is impossible..." Michael spoke with horror, all hope of defeating Issei was gone, as Hades spoke with a grin, "While you morons were celebrating with Dai, listening to his every command like Dogs, Issei was out there helping people, he saved Samael finally giving the abomination the peace he deserves, he even brought my beloved Persephone back to me. He had helped many of you, yet he was treated with such garbage. Now get the Fuck out of my domain!"

Hades ended with an angered tone, as the Leaders left the place dejected, they had to find another way to take down Issei, maybe they can use some of his women as a hostage. It was the only way they could think of. They teleported out of there so that they could plan something, 

"Okay, with them out of this place, what should we do now Lord Hades?" Charon asked Hades as Thanatos added, "We may need to increase security in this place."

"Yes, Thanatos you are right, tell the Grim Reapers to do that..." Thanatos nodded as Charon added, "I will seal the gateway, only individuals you allow will gain access to the Underworld.." Hades agreed to this as he continued, 

"This is something I should have done a while back...anyways, Charon keep the seal for a few days, since once this war is over. We can return things back to normal..." Charon nodded in understanding, as Persephone spoke. 

"Darling....we should inform Issei about this..." Hades nodded in agreement as he spoke, "Yes, we should-"

Hades was about to continue when he got a message on his phone, as Persephone asked, "What's the matter?!"

Hades was surprised at this as he looked at Persephone, a smile was on his face making the Goddess of Springtime wonder what he was talking about. 

"Issei is keeping a party tonight and he has invited all of us to his place.." Persephone was surprised as she asked, "Why, what's the occasion?!"

"It is because, Issei and Artemis are going to have their first child..." Persephone was wide-eyed when she heard of this, however soon she beamed in joy when she heard of the good news as she exclaimed, "I never knew!! This is amazing, finally Ise-chan is going to receive some more happiness in his life, and with the war coming to a close, we can finally live a normal life!!"

Persephone was elated beyond belief, she couldn't believe that things were becoming even better, it is no wonder Issei was keeping a party. Hades was equally happy, as Persephone spoke with a grin, "We should let the girls know about this"

Hades nodded as the couple went inside to tell the two girls the good news. 

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Arcadia! Issei heading to this world. 

Hyoudou Residence, 9:00 PM,

The guests have managed to reach the party, this even included Malak, Vader and Grievous, along with Kalani who was dragged along with them to the party. Even Malacoda was present along with the La Folia Family. The Hades Family was also present, along with Chiron and Thanatos. 

"Well congratulations, Issei, now that you are becoming a father!" Malak spoke with a tone of excitement, knowing that he is going to be an uncle soon. 

"Thanks, once this is all over, we'll probably settle down. With the war coming close to an end, we should probably live our own lives normally..." Issei spoke with a smile, as he continued, "Speaking of which, what are your future plans?"

"I honestly don't know, both me and Kalani would be settling down, we can't have children due to us being literal droids, but Malak and Vader might..." Grievous spoke with a shrug as they knew with him being a Droid, there was nothing they could do about him. Regardless, Grievous then added, "Besides, I am not that keen on having children as of yet, and as for Kalani, he is more focused on his work rather than raising a family.."

"It's true. I prefer focusing on my calculations and work rather than raising a family...what about you Vader?" Vader thought for a moment as he responded, "Can't be certain...raising a family is something I am unfamiliar with, regardless, I doubt anyone would want to be with me, considering my deformed internal face..."

"Oh that can be fixed, Vader...remind me once we are done with the war..." Vader looked at him and nodded. Hades then added, "Fatherhood can be something that can be scary yet enjoyable, me I speak from experience.."

"How so? Hades?" Hades took a deep breath and spoke with a smile, "I still remember centuries ago when Persephone was pregnant with my daughters Melinoë and Macaria, Issei..."

"Let's just say I remember how Persephone was when she was pregnant, she acted completely different from the one you know. The reason is because hormones are pumped into a pregnant mother's body. So their personality and actions will only change even more. You need to handle her for the last few months of her pregnancy which is when things will be getting tough for them. There is a chance that Artemis may say things to you that may seem hurtful, but know this, it is the hormones that are doing this. Artemis may have better control like Persephone did, but they will be harsh towards you, Issei..."  Hades recounted his own experience with Persephone centuries back with him nodding, things will be getting tough, but he will protect himself regardless. He will also help Artemis in the tough times as he had an idea on how rough childbirth can get, especially with the symptoms getting worse. 

"Anyway, I know you can handle it...if you are able to lead the brunt of the war, you should also be able to handle your mate's hormonal tendencies.." Hades spoke with a smile, as Issei nodded. They continued to talk about what will come next. 

Meanwhile, the ladies have their own discussion on the children, as Persephone speaks, "How are you doing Artemis?"

"I am fine, Persephone....just having even more food cravings.." Artemis mused to which Athena added, "Yep, I had to literally stop her from continuing to have Cola, she has been having a lot of cravings for that."

"I guess you are getting those cravings due to Issei's love for Diet Coke." Persephone spoke with a sigh, as she responded, "I have a feeling that your future child may like it..."

"I see....maybe, I should find an alternative for Cola.." Artemis spoke with a sigh, Orange Juice has been working so far for her, but she knew that she may need to try something else soon enough. 

"Anyways, we should probably enjoy is the day of our celebration!" Ingvild mused to which Artemis responded with a smile, "Yes, that would be amazing.." Artemis and the girls headed to the bar counter, as Melinoë asked. 

"So did you think of any names for the kid?" Melinoë asked cheerfully to which Artemis looked at her and spoke with a sly smile, "Not really, I don't even know whether my child is going to be a boy or a girl.."

"Melinoë calm down, we will soon see our future nephew or niece, it has only been a day since we have known Artemis was pregnant. So it would be months before any of us has any clue about having a child..." Macaria spoke with a smile, causing Melinoë to pout, as Persephone chuckled at her daughter's banters. 

The girls kept continuing to have a conversation of their own, as Miyuki soon asked, "I wonder why Aine did not come, does anyone know why?"

"She is resting, she needed sleep after over-training herself in magic, the girl reminds me of how you once were, Miyuki.." Göndul spoke with a smile, as Miyuki rubbed the back of her head embarrassed remembering her past even more. 

Göndul then spoke, "But the days highlights have to be Artemis being pregnant and Odin's death and aftermath, like you should have seen his face after I and Issei beat him to death.." Göndul spoke with a chuckle as some of the guests were also laughing knowing what Odin did to Göndul and how much he had that coming to him. 

"I would have paid to see All-fucker's expression of death and demise, you did a good job Malacoda wiping everyone out.." Malacoda responded with a smile of her own, she had worn a completely different clothing, which was a white top that slants on her right shoulder revealing her black bra strap, a pair of jeans, and two bracelets on her left wrist.

"Indeed, and the best part is, my majesty gave me and the Malebranche full control of the Death Star, with that we can wipe out entire factions like it is nothing, not even Gods can survive what is to come to them.." Malacoda spoke with a smile of her own, as she added, "The mere machine can wipe out entire civilisations if chose to be, but my lord does not desire that, he desires to only use this when needed, and I shall do as he wants me to.." 

"I see....never thought a weapon would show some signs of emotions especially devotion to their lord, especially when your initial purpose and intentions were to unleash complete destruction and annihilation and your desire to fight against the current Longinus Wielders.." Malacoda gave a smile to Quinella who was the one who gave the words as she spoke, "Lord Issei defeated me in a fair and square battle and he was holding back. I made a promise to follow him without exception until the very end if he does defeat him...and I see no reason to abandon him in any way..." 

"Kalani did inform me about the battle, who knew you were able to push Issei, even in his Balance Breaker causing him to use two Longinus, your strength is really something..." Malacoda had a red blush on her cheeks upon hearing the compliment as she spoke, "Thanks...I was designed to be powerful enough for the war....I am just happy that I am so useful to Lord Issei..."

"Don't push yourself, Malacoda, once this war is over, you and your Malebranche can finally settle down....if you want, you and Issei can spar often, but you needn't go for war or perform carnage...." Nyx spoke with a smile, as she added, "We all have plans of settling down once the war ends, and even you can join if you'd like..." Malacoda looked at Nyx with a expression of surprise, all in her life, she was only treated as a weapon. Even her Malebranche were no exceptions, they were all treated as weapons, but this is the first time she was ever asked this. Even Issei never treated her as a weapon, but as a genuine person, she almost fell for him, but she was uncertain whether Issei thought the same of her. 

Persephone noticed this and internally sighed, she had a feeling that Malacoda would soon fall for him and it wouldn't be the first time this has happened. She wondered how many would fall for Issei at this point. However, her thoughts were changed when Nyx suddenly spoke up

"Speaking of which, what do you think would happen when we go after the Greek Faction?" Nyx's words made everyone look at her as she spoke, "Who wants dibs on beating down Zeus?"

"I want to Nyx, Oh I can't wait to see Zeus's expression when we come after him...right sister?" Athena nodded in agreement, as she added, "Indeed, I am pretty sure father and the rest of his people are plotting something that would damage us, and with what Persephone spoke, they wanted to gain Samael, right?"

"Yep, too bad Issei already gave that poor soul some well-deserved one came for him and the good thing was that Issei helped him achieve his well deserved peace..." Persephone spoke with a genuine smile, as she remembered on what kind of a person Issei was. Despite what he was, Issei felt sympathy for Samael and gave him true peace and finally put his soul to rest. 

His kindness and good nature is what drove the girls in his current harem to fall for him. This was something that was present in all of them, they all fell for Issei. 

"I guess, so what are they going to do now?" Ingvild asked with concern to which Persephone shook her head and spoke, "They may be performing a counter-attack soon enough, but we will be ready, right?"

The girls in the group nodded in acceptance, no matter what, they will be ready for whatever comes for them and protect their loved ones at all costs. 

The boys, on the other hand, were having their own conversation after which Malak had an idea,  he puts down Mjolnir and announced gathering everyone's attention, "Alright boys, whoever is able to pick the Mjolnir can use it in our next battle!?" 

Malak spoke with a grin, as everyone looked at the scene in interest, Issei shook his head and spoke, "I'll pass, I will watch to see who else is worthy of wielding Mjolnir amongst us..."

"Okay, what about you guys, want to give it a short?" Grievous walked forward and tried his best to raise the hammer, as he struggled to lift it up, however the Droid General failed to pick up Mjolnir.

"I guess, I am not worthy.." Grievous spoke sadly as Vader soon walked forward and spoke, "Guess it is my turn..." 

Vader also tried to do the same, as he struggled to lift the hammer, like Grievous, Vader was unable to move the hammer. The reason was that Malak had enchanted the Hammer to make it much harder to wield. He wanted to see who was capable of handling the hammer, something which only Issei was able to pick up. 

"I see..." Vader spoke with a dejected tone, as Hades walked forward and spoke, "Let me give it a short...although, I won't be battling in this war..." 

"Alright, go ahead." Hades tried to move the Mjolnir, he motioned it in a situation that it would be easier to move, and to many people's surprise it started to move. Persephone, Melinoë and Macaria cheered for their husband/father. Issei was also cheering for Hades, as the Hammer went up by a little bit, however it soon fell down with a thud as Hades spoke with a defeated sigh, "I guess even I am not strong enough for this..." 

Persephone walked to him and rubbed his back, "C'mon darling, your performance was better than both Vader and Grievous, I think you will be worthy sometime in the future, kay?"

Persephone spoke with a reassuring smile, as Hades gave a smile of his own. Malak then spoke, "Do you ladies also want to give it a shot? Or are you too much of a chicken to not do this?" 

The ladies fell for Malak's taunt as Nyx spoke for the girls, "Oh! It's on Malak!" The girls also took their turns one by one on Mjolnir and had a good night, enjoying themselves for tonight. 













Unbeknownst to them, someone was spying on them, this was the Remnants of Team Slashdog who wanted revenge, and they knew just how they can do it. 

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next chapter will be interesting)

(A/N(2): The group has been having some fun, and I do love for some foreshadowing, the next chapter will be something interesting as well.)

(A/N(3): The Hammer scene was based on Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Please let me know what you think, and I will catch y'all later



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