Percy Jackson and the Time Tr...

By persassabethuNICOrn

24.8K 534 802

This is a story about how the greatest demigods of our time travel into the future to warn their past selves... More

Seaweed Brain
Travis and Katie-Kat
Connor and Miranda
Clarisse and Chris
Oh look, it's some new people, ca- WAIT WHAT??!!
Calypso and Leo. Again.
Why are you here?
I swear she's the Devil
Happy New Year!
Doctor's orders
The Huntresses
A cute chapter before The Praetors
The Praetors
So that's your boyfriend. He looks like me.
The Lightning Thief
Capture the flag
Capture the flag pt.2
Stason or Brason?
The Sea of Monsters
The Dark Curse
Thats WAY bigger than three- Yes, i can count!
Another quest. Great. Just great-
Who's side are you on?
The Quest begins...
Aphrodite works her magic.
New cover!!!!
We get in a boat


612 12 9
By persassabethuNICOrn

Hey guys!
So, we got to 400 reads! I honestly didn't expect this much reads! And, I got my first follower: Rosieroseheart ! Thank you for that, it made my day, so this chapter is dedicated to you! So thank you guys so much for reading my stories, and hope you like this part!


I'm living in Barbie's Dream house.

Cabin 11 is PINK, with white trim around the edges of the building. The walls are pink. The roof is pink. Even the door is pink.

Silena looks at me, smiling. She obviously like the cabin. I try for a smile. She seems satisfied.

As we enter, I'm gobsmacked. The interior is- wait no, you'll never guess! Pink.

There are beds on either side of the cabin, one side for boys, and the other for girls, Silena tells me.

In front of each bed is a chest, no doubt filled with personal stuff.

As I look around, I see some makeup tables, each with a name on it. I walk up to them and read the names.

'Michael... Lacy... Silena... Drew... ' I carry on until I get to the last one.


I look at the table, stunned. Silena walks up to me, and says ' Oh that? The table's name changes each time a new demigod comes, so that they can use it.' And she carries on.

Wow, I thought. This place might not be too bad.

Then, she came.

Percy P.O.V:

So, I sort of got used to having older duplicates of my friends around, but what I never got used to was the shocked looks everyone gave me.

They all looked at me, and I could see pity in their eyes. Wait, no. Pity? Shock? I don't really know, but they didn't seem like they were gonna stop looking at me like that anytime soon.

They all keep calling me small, and cute, or tiny. What's up with that?!

I still remember Leo2's reactions to seeing me.

It all started when I was at the lake, practicing fighting with water, when I hear two voices behind me.

'Aw man, I bet you 5 drachmas that you can't .... steal one of the Athena cabin's books!'

'It's on, bro!'

I look behind me to see Leo and Leo2 punching each other, and laughing.

'Hey look! Leo2, it's Percy!'

Both the Leos look at me, and I'm about to tell them that their idea could get them killed, but then remember what they pulled at the campfire the other night...

2 days ago, at the Campfire...:

It was a chilly night, but the campfire warmed us up, its heat coursing through all of us.

An Apollo kid, Will, was on the ukulele, singing and strumming to 'Here comes the sun'

We were hosting a demigod talent show, and Will was performing first.

With every word he started looking more defined, as if he was glowing-

He was.

He had an aura of gold around him, and his skin was a warm yellow, due to the light.

He looked like a musical lemon.

After he finished, everyone clapped.

Will stood up, and took a bow.

Chiron came forward with a microphone.

'Well done Will. That was some marvellous playing!'

Will blushed, so now he looked a bit pink.

'Your score is...'

Mr D held up a card.

'... Seven!'

The audience r cheered, and Will looked happy with his score, since Mr D is quite... special.

'Next up is.... L-Leo'

Chiron looked a bit scared.

Leo2 strutted forward, and said:

'I am about to do the impossible... I will grow young right before your eyes! Bet you wanna see my hot younger self, right?!'

He walked to the campfire, and .

Walked through it.

The crowd gasped.

When he came out, he WAS younger.

We all applauded.

The Athena table looked unimpressed.

'But wait!' Younger Leo said.


He walked backwards, through the campfire and...

He was OLDER again!

We all cheered!

Leo is da best, and we all bow down to him, his hotness is too much, he is so cool, and-

Anyway, we all applauded as Leo took a bow.

All our heads swivelled to Mr D, who, nonchalantly held up an 8!

After that, all the other contestants went, but none of them were as good as Leo. There was Harley, who had managed to make a flaming motorcycle ( THAT was pretty cool though), Miranda, who made a portrait of a person out of plants( the person had a coincidental similarity to Connor Stoll), an Athena kid, who made a song about Pi's digits, and Drew, who attempted to sing This Girl is on Fire. Notice how I say attempted. We all covered our ears, it was like a bunch of cats howling into a reverberated microphone. Just before we tried to permanently stop the noise pollution, Leo2 magically appeared with his stunt double, and grabbed the mic off Drew.

'Now now, this won't do will it?''

And with that, they pushed Drew, so she ended up face planting into the mud, and they ripped off their t-shirts, to reveal....

Red Elsa dresses?!

They both spontaneously combusted, and sang:


We all stared.

And started cheering.

'Go, Elsa!'
'THAT'S how you sing, Drew!'

After the show, Chiron announced the winner.

'Leo Valdez, with the highest score camp has seen, a 9, for his latest singing masterpiece!'

My jaw dropped.

Mr D gave a 9?!

We all cheered, and had a party after that, which involved a lot of angry nymphs putting out fires near their homes, due to no-one in particular(cough cough Leo cough)

After that, I saw Leo differently: more mischievous.

So, when the two boys, I was worried.

Leo2 looked me up and down, and all he could say was 'Wow. I could SO beat you in a fight now!'

I stared at him.

What was that?!

'Really though, what happened to you? Where are all your muscles?'

My what? I looked down at my arms, which had a bit of chub on them, but nothing else.

'Huh?' I replied, confused.

'Dude, no way the Great Percy Jackson started off like this!'

I lost it.

'Hey, who do you guys think you are, you keep on arriving here, and looking at me like some poor homeless puppy is Infront of you. What is so great about me in the future?!'

Leo2 looked at me, stunned.

And then started laughing.

'Is that meant to be intimidating? Pur-lease, I've seen Annabeth and you glaring at me, nothing can scare me anymore.'

'Wait, Annabeth and ME?'

'Yeah, you and Annabeth- Holy Hephaestus. You don't know, do you.'

'Know what? Why would I even be near that Brainiac anyway. She hates me, and I hate her.'

'Ooooh my gods.' Leo2 looked like he had just found the Stolls secret pranking room.

Leo just looked confused, and then looked a bit scared?

Oh. That's why. One of the Calypsos were storming towards Leo, her eyes cold with hatred. Sheesh.

'Leo Valdez-'

'Caly! How'dya find me?' Leo2 replied.

Calypso looked at him, and glared.' Get out my way Valdez.' And she pushed Leo2 aside.

Leo2 looked confused and followed behind her, and put his arm around her waist.

'Caly, you good?'

Oh no. Too late Leo and I realised that was NOT Calypso2, but Calypso. Being immortal, her face didn't really change.

She froze. And slowly turned around, to face Leo2.

'Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me.' 

Leo2 looked confused, then a look of horror overtook his face.

'Calypso... Oh no. You aren't my girlfriend, are you. You're the other one.'

With those words, Calypso turned to face him.

'Leonidas Valdez, I am NOT your girlfriend, so you better take your hand off my waist, or else.'

Leo2 jerked his hand back, and ran back to Camp, probably to tell his Girlfriend what happened.

'Now, you.'

Leo looked scared, beyond anything I've seen.

'What happened to my garden. Why are half my plants burned.'

Leo started to talk, and I slowly backed away, knowing what was coming.

When I was at a safe distance, I ran. Reader, I ran as is my life depended on it.

In the distance, I could hear the screaming.


Leo had also ran, then.

I soon got to my cabin, and sat in my bed.

I caught my breath, because wow, I had none left. I felt my stomach. A pain shot through my chest, and my lungs hurt. I had a horrible stitch.

Before I could catch my breath, I heard a shout.

'Come to the pavilion, campers, a new hero has arrived!'

Not another one.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated! but I will soon! I just lost the will to do anything. I'm also tired. Like most of u maybe. 


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