A Beastman Story

By Froggy76

59.3K 2.9K 243

How would you feel if you found yourself in a different place with no memory of how you got there? Wel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author note

Chapter 5

2.2K 100 9
By Froggy76

Genisis is excited to see more of beastworld before the white months come, but she is starting to think that she needs to wait to travel to the next village as it is getting so cold and she and her now mates might not have enough supplies for traveling and also the thought of having nowhere safe to sleep at the dark times is a little worrisome as well.

Jasper tells her that since his village is only three days travel away from where they are that it shouldn't be too hard to make it there and they shouldn't run out of food and that he knows of a few safe caves and burrows they can stay in to sleep on their way to his village.

Genisis and Ash and Anders have a family discussion about the idea and agreed that it would be a good trial period for her and Jasper to get to know each other and see if he will fit into their family well, Genisis is looking forward to traveling and discovering new places in this Beastman world.

The system alerts Genisis that she has yet to complete her mission and her time limit is approaching, she asks how close she is and how much more she needs to successfully complete the task ahead.
She has two mates from the Lion clan and a male from the panther clan is courting her she still has to have a wolf male and a male from the mer clan as mates also she needs to have four more males courting her to fulfill the requirements for her mission.

She needs to get a move on or she won't complete her mission, luckily she will be able to get going as soon as they all get to one of the larger cities that hopefully will have a diversity of clan males to fulfill her quest requirements, she also is hoping to find males from each type of clan so that she has the best protection she can.

She has to go pee early the morning they are preparing to travel to Jasper's village where they will stop to mate and so he can tell his father beast that he won't be living there since he found a female, Genisis quietly and carefully slips out of her males embrace to go pee and steps out of the cave, they have sandboxes to relieve themselves in but she is a very bashful and private female so she decides to go to the river to pee and then she plans to get a quick bath afterwards.

She is in the river washing herself and her clothing is nearby laying on top of her hide dufflebag while she is washing herself, all of a sudden the water starts to swirl around her and she starts to swim back to the river bank, until she feels a arm slip around her waist holding her tightly to a hard chest.

She starts to panic at first until her fight or flight reaction settles onto fight, she remembers her rogue training and successfully manages to slip away from the unknown Beastman who was holding her, she quickly creates space between herself and the male.

As she looks at the male she is stunned by the male's handsome and unique face and physical appearance.
She quickly notices that he seems to have slits on his neck and his hands are shaped with webbed skin between each finger, his ears are pointed at the top like an elf and along the sides of his ears are more web features.

She gasps " Male why did you grab me and hold me like that?" "Why are you here?" Are you from the Mer tribes?"
She asks all these questions without giving the male time to answer even one question.

Mizu is entirely entranced by the beautiful female in front of him, he had thought with her beauty she was of his clan, until he got closer and her hair flowed away from her neck with the movement of the water , then he had seen the leopard clan mark on her neck behind her ear, she further surprised him when she was able to get away from him seemingly easily.

He had never seen or met a female who could grab his attention so thoroughly, he was amazed.

She then started firing questions at him so quickly that he couldn't even answer her before the next question was asked.

Her gives a slight bow and says " Hello female my name is Mizu of the mer clan, I didn't mean
to startle you or scare you, please accept my apologies."

"What would you know of me, the questions you asked so quickly that I almost forget what they were."

Genisis blushes in embarrassment and slowly repeats each question,
" Why did you grab me and hold me like that?"

Mizu looks a little embarrassed but answers her anyway
" I honestly thought you would come to harm because of the shark Beastman feral I scented here earlier and I also at first thought you were of my tribe and ferals often steal beautiful females from our tribe, as our tribe has but two or three females left I wanted to save you from the ferals roaming around here." "I am sincerely sorry I startled you."

Genisis cocks her head to the side and thinks.
He answered all of her immediate questions all in one explanation.
She also remembers that her mission requires her to have a male of the mer clan as her mate. She wonders if Mizu would fit into her family, she won't ask him to court her though, she does ask him a few more questions about why he isn't with his clan.

" Why aren't you with your clan?" " Why are you here?* And also, "Thank you for thinking of my best interest by the attempt to save me."

Mizu is deciding that he really likes and wants this female, he asked her name and answers her questions. "Before the bittercold white time the city of Cairn city holds a festival for all clans to trade and for males to come and show off for females to hopefully add to their families." " I came for trade and as I was traveling back to my clan I scented the feral and I scented you."

"Oh you were on your way home then?" She asks
"Well yes I was but I can delay it awhile and I could if you like accompany you and your males to cairn city if you would like the festival is still going for at least another fortnight" he looks at her hopeful she will agree, then maybe, he can have her as his female.

She is lost in thought for awhile.
She finally gets her thoughts together and asks him if he would agree to court her.

Things are moving fast but still she feels a connection to the beastmen she has met and mated, she also feels a connection to Jasper and Mizu as well.

She eventually has to find and mate with all the clan types anyway so maybe she should just go with the flow and let things happen as they will, she is in thought so long that she doesn't notice the time going by.
She is startled once again by hearing frantic yelling and her name being called.
What in the beastworld is going on?

She and Mizu get back to the edge of the forest to see that Her mates Ash, Anders and Jasper are running around frantically yelling her name.

She immediately yells back at them and they run towards her and the male mer following her.

"Where were you?"  Cries Ash
"We were so worried when we couldn't find you" says Anders
" I am so glad you are here with us and ok" said Jasper.
"Who is this male?" Growled Ash

"Everybody calm down this is Mizu and he wants to court me"

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