The Blue Mage (Wanda Maximoff...

By Reszer

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What is worse? To run and hide, or to fight and die? Victor Faust, who once befriended the Maximoff twins, mo... More

Chapter I - Apple Pie
Chapter II - The Blue Mage
Chapter III - Red and Blue
Chapter IV - Burn
Chapter V - Promise
Chapter VI - Grief
Chapter VII - Step by Step
Chapter VIII - Merlin, Part 1
Chapter VIII - Merlin, Part 2
Chapter IX - Light
Chapter X - Before the Storm
Chapter XI - Civil War, Part 1
Chapter XI - Civil War, Part 2
Chapter XI - Civil War, Part 3
Chapter XI - Civil War, End
Chapter XII - The Prodigal Son
Chapter XIII - Before the Night
Chapter XIV - Nightmare, Part 1
Chapter XIV - Nightmare, Part 2
Chapter XV - Love and Tears
Chapter XVII - When Plans Fail
Chapter XVIII - The Battle for Wakanda
Chapter XIX - Gods and Minds
Chapter XX - Burned Hands
Chapter XXI - A Ring for a Gravestone
Chapter XXII - Broken Arrow
Chapter XXIII - Girl from the Mirror
Chapter XXIV - Unknown Trial
Chapter XXV - It Was Agatha All Along
Chapter XXVI - Chains
Chapter XXVII - The Penance Stare
Chapter XXVIII - Love and Tears
Chapter XXIX - In Miracles We Trust
Chapter XXX - Time Heist
Chapter XXXI - No More...

Chapter XVI - Sugar

315 29 57
By Reszer

Faust Manor, September 16, 2017, Poland

Wanda Maximoff's POV

"Maybe I should put on a darker lipstick?"

Wanda was carefully inspecting her makeup in front of the mirror. Gone was the little girl with glassy eyes or the woman scared of her powers. She was at peace. As she was spreading dark lipstick over her pink lips, she saw Victor leaning on the door frame. Seeing her love, she couldn't help but slow down her actions. She raised her chin slightly and felt his thoughts enter her mind. A burning feeling of pride swelled in her chest, seeing and hearing, the effect she had on Victor. She felt his essence, like a claw, slowly moving through her spine, asking for more. 

It really wasn't possible to describe how it felt to share the mind of someone you loved. His every joy and pleasure were hers as well. Wanda was able to sense how her touch made him feel, and Victor could do the same. Their deep connection paved the way for some unforgivable moments.

"I need a few more minutes."

"It's all right, honey. Take all the time you need." He moved in closer and leaned over. His lips tenderly brushed against her neck, both kissing and playfully nibbling her velvet skin. Wanda gripped the edge of the desk. Through her closed lips, a small whimper of delight escaped.

"We can't, darling. You will mess up my makeup." Wanda said between quick breaths as Victor relentlessly continued. "We will be late."

"You can always use magic." He murmured while resting his chin on her shoulder. His gray eyes met her emeralds in the pristine, glassy reflection.

"I know, but I like doing things normally."

"You look radiant, Wanda. I will need to fight off plenty of men tonight, won't I?"

"You are sweet, but I will be the first to fight them off." After finishing the last touches, she stood up and placed her hands behind his neck. "You are the only one who gets to touch me." Once again, she felt the sweet, warm fire that, like the rays of the summer sun, coiled around her soul.

"Keep talking like that, and we will stay right here." Wanda smirked and kissed his lips, leaving a mark from her dark lipstick. She was about to pull out, but Victor kissed her back with such passion that she felt her leg rise. His phone's ringing broke their embrace.

"Sounds like our ride."

"Mhm... but we will go back to this, darling." She caressed his cheek for a bit, and they were off.

As they were taking the stairs and moving to the living room, they passed by vibrant displays of ever-blooming plants that adorned every corner. Each of them proudly presented different colors and shapes, all beaming with life. The air, once full of dust, was now permanently filled with the invigorating fragrances of flowers and herbs. Wanda loved the change. Victor turned this place into the heart of the forest that surrounded them.

Amidst the magical greenery, a large painting hanging in the center of the living room commanded attention. It depicted Wanda and Victor in a gentle moment of intimacy. The dark background was filled to the brim with bright gold and silver stars. The previously empty shelves were now adorned with framed pictures of their sweet moments, all locked in glass coffins, never to be forgotten. Wanda felt exceptionally proud when she gave it to Victor as a Christmas gift last year.

Victor opened the wardrobe and helped Wand put on her new green jacket. Grabbing his coat, he turned to her.

"Will you do the honors?"

"With pleasure." The tip of her finger glowed red, and she drew a small symbol similar to the letter 'A' on his chest. The symbol disappeared before Wanda finished drawing the same thing on her chest. They welcomed the cold winds unbothered as soon as they left the house and started going to the iron gates. The rosebushes gained a new life. They now looked more like red chains that kept on blooming despite the weather.

"These runes of yours are remarkable, Wanda. I wonder if they would break under extreme temperatures."

"I don't really want to find out, but I suppose everything has its limit. I'm just happy I was able to create something of my own."

"You certainly did. I'm curious to see what else you come up with. Maybe one day you will create an entire house? I would love to have a summer home by the sea." Victor sighed blissfully, looking at the night sky. Wanda noticed that for some time now, Victor has kept throwing these small hits or wishes for the future. It all sounded wonderful.

As they closed the gates, Victor used the signet to reapply illusion, while Wanda gently made sure the taxi driver forgot that part of his day. After 30 minutes of driving, where the pair continued to converse in the privacy of their minds, they stood in front of a small bar. While holding the door open for her, they were enveloped by the ambient sounds of laughter and clicking glasses. The interior was bathed in warm, muted green and brown colors. Aged wooden beams stretched across the ceiling, and in between, a myriad of light bulbs cast a gentle glow. The bar was empty except for a group of special people.

At the center of the room, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, and Laura Barton raised their glasses in unison.

"About time!" Sam laughed, drowning his whiskey glass in one go.

"Were you two occupied by something?" Teased Natasha, slowly sipping her drink. She cut her hair short and changed the color to platinum blond. Her usual piercing gaze showed a hint of affection.

Steve stood up and gave them both a bear hug. His blue eyes shined with genuine joy at seeing Wanda and Victor, who joined the others for a welcome drink. Bucky managed to only give them a subtle nod of acknowledgement before Laura crushed them in a hug.

"Clint sends his love to you. He had to stay with the kids. Due to this whole government agreement, he can risk leaving home." She explained and started to complement Wanda's outfit.

"So, how did you manage to get this place all to ourselves?" Asked Victor, feeling the alcohol's taste on his lips.

"I know a guy who knows a guy." Rogers smirked while scratching his growing beard.

"Which means he saved the owner's daughter from a fire." Grinned Sam.

"Was it before or after she drowned in his eyes?" Bucky snorted into his glass. He was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt, trying to hide a bit of his metal arm.

"It's good to see you all. Truly." Victor felt his throat squeezing.

"We missed you." Wanda added while holding on to his shoulder.

For the next two hours, the room was engulfed in a symphony of laughter, clicking glasses, and comradery. Eventually, Wanda felt herself being dragged to the side for a 'girl talk.' When they took a seat at the far end of the bar, Natasha and Laura leaned in close.

"So, how does our dear Victor treat you?" Natasha raised an elegant eyebrow.

"Yeah, spill the details! We need to know everything."

Wanda was caught off guard. She took a sip of her drink, feeling her cheeks get warmer.

"Victor is very caring and sweet. I couldn't be treated better."

"That's a bit vague, Wanda. Can you give us some details?"

"Natasha has a point. Do you know how rarely we get to gossip about stuff like that?"

Wanda giggled and took a moment to think. She gazed at Victor, who was currently being hugged by a clearly drunk Sam. Both Steve and Bucky were hiding their faces, embarrassed.

"Victor gives me everything. He is attentive, loyal, and radiates love. I am happy and proud to be with him."

"So romantic." Laura sighed.

"How is he in bed?"

"Natasha!" Wanda's cheeks were now burning, while Laura arched her head, laughing.

"What? I want to know what makes him special."

"Nat, Victor is everything I ever wanted, and yes, he knows how to make me happy in every way." She finished her drink. The alcohol was working to loosen her tongue. "As I said, he is very attentive."

"All right, Natasha, give her a rest, or you will set her on fire." Laura nudged Romanoff and then turned to Wanda with a more serious look. "What's next for you two? It all sounds serious to me."

Wanda bites her lips, feeling the mixed taste of lipstick and vodka. Oh, she thought a lot about the future. Especially after the disaster that was Nightmare. A small smile lit up her face.

"I can see a future with Victor... Maybe even a family one day. He had every chance to leave me, but he didn't. He makes me feel things I've never felt before."

Victor Faust POV

"So, Victor, how's life treating you and Wanda?" Steve asked when Sam finally let go of Victor.

"It's good. Perfect even. She is incredible in every way. I'm a lucky man." He let out a contented sigh, while pouring vodka into his glass.

"I bet you are." Grinned Sam. "I remember all the looks you gave her back in the compound. Did you know he made her a real apple pie?" Sam turned to the intrigued Bucky.

"That's sweet." He offered a small smile.

"That's Victor for you! Overly sweet wizard." Sam then looked around, as if trying to act discrete. "Does she keep you busy in that big house of yours? Are we to expect some mini Wandas running around?" Victor punched Sam's arm.

"That's private, Sammy." He took another vodka shot. Sam groaned but relented. Bucky then challenged him to a game of billiards. Once Steve was alone with Victor, he quietly spoke to him.

"I've seen a lot of things in my life, Victor. What you have with Wanda... You can't let it go."

"Yeah, Clint said something similar, and I am not planning to."

"He was right. When you find this special someone, and she returns your feelings, you can't hold back, Victor. Neither in a fight nor in life, never hold back."

"So, you think I should..."

"It's your decision, but Clint made me tell you that you need to get your own tree this time, whatever this means." Victor laughed, resting his chin on his hand. His mind drifted off to his confession at Barton's house. "Life is short, so take that leap." Finished Rogers.

Suddenly, girls stood on the stage with microphones in their hands. They put on karaoke and started to sing Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard. As they sang, the massive crowd of four men eagerly joined in, clapping to the rhythm, and singing along. Wanda was leading with her deep, emotional voice. The small and cute rasp that was always present in her voice now added a wonderful lair to the song. Natasha added flair with her sultry tones, while Laura's warm and melodic voice tied it all together. They all applauded them fervently, and as soon as the girls left the stage, Sam got in.

"Come on, Victor! Help me here, man!" He called through the microphone.

"Hold on, I'm not mentally prepared." Victor finished another shot of vodka. "Ok, now I am ready." He joined the stage, accompanied by an even louder round of applause from women.

In a few seconds, the song started. Victor and Sam tried to out scream each other.

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading.

The next chapter will kick off the Infinity War, and boy will that be a happy time for Victor and Wanda.

If you enjoyed it, please don't forget to vote, and comment; I truly appreciate it!

As always, take care :)

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