The Little Lost Bee (a DDlg s...

By LetitiaRosee

45K 1.1K 157

It's the 2700s and the world is run by vampires. I tried to make it a standalone; however, most of the charac... More

Character List
A Little Behind
A Shy One
Just For A Day
25th Birthday
Who You Are
Doggy Brothers
{Intermission: Characters Part 1}
{Intermission: Characters Part 2}
Bee is for Bacon
Bee is for Blood
Bee is for Bad Dreams
Bee is for Brothers
Naivete and Innocence
A Lot Beehind


1.4K 34 3
By LetitiaRosee

{1438 Words}

The headmistress huffed as she continued speaking on the phone. “Yes. I understand. Normally students do not end up in such a dependent littlespace the first night back. Yes. Yes. Dom-less littles do get themselves ready for bed all of the time. Yes. I get it. She's extraordinary because you've developed an attachment. Yes, well I wasn't born yesterday either. I am sorry you feel that way. It's already been arranged. Yes we are very much competent in arranging the care of little ones. Yes, I hope you have a nice day too.”

The headmistress huffed again and missed the days of slamming phone receivers down so she settled for throwing her phone onto her desk dramatically. She then vented at her assistant.

“You'd think he was a new young Dom or something because of how worked up and nervous he is! She isn't the first little to find herself in a little mishap! We can't have babysitters with littles 24/7 by definition they would no longer be a babysitter! The only reason he isn't in trouble for going into her dorm room last night without first getting the Dom student in charge is because she messaged him that she needed help and has the fresh cut on her forehead to prove it! Stealing guardrails maybe! But stickers!”

“Technically, he did pay for them, ma’am.”

“He’s going to be insufferable until she's 25 because she's my responsibility until then! Mattie, get me Annie!”

“Yes, ma’am.” Mattie scurried off before the headmistress REALLY got angry.

Annie was still in the lesson portion of her first ever upper level little class when Mattie knocked on the door to take her to the headmistress' office. By the time she got there, she was a bundle of nerves, normally the headmistress waited until her class was over in the afternoons.

Do people get kicked out of school for jumping on the bed?

“Annie. Sit down.” The headmistress looked up from what she was working on and greeted Annie.

“I wasn't jumping on the bed! Honest!” Annie frantically said.

“I know, little one. Please sit down now.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Speaking of, how's your forehead?”

Annie gently rubbed the bee Band-Aid on her forehead. “It doesn't hurt. Thank you, ma’am. It hurt a lot last night and then when the nurse gave me a fresh bandage this morning.”

“That's good, little one. Really good. And you've met the babysitter who will be helping you get ready for school and then get ready for bed?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And you get along well? No issues?”

“No issues, ma’am. She brought me a cookie to have after breakfast because it was a special day of meeting each other!” Annie giggled.

The headmistress smiled. “That's great, little one. The main reason I called you here is that I am enrolling you in the afternoon little classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This will give you a chance to practise various little things with a Caregiver Dom student. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you will be continuing to go to daycare.”

Annie scrunched up her nose in confusion. “But that's not normal? How would I get there? I'd get lost! And my scan card wouldn't work.”

“It's quite alright. I've made this decision because you are so close to 25 and because whatever is happening at daycare, it's the first time you've been thriving in your schoolwork. And you've declared little as your major and classification finally, congratulations!”

“Thank you, ma’am. But I'd still get lost?”

“You will have an escort. Mr Felipe, himself, would like to walk you to and from daycare.”

“Mr Felipe?” She couldn't help but perk up a bit.

“Yes. Your own personal security guard. I'm sure he will not let you get a single boo-boo on his watch!”

“He's not too busy doing important big work?”

“I get the impression that there is nothing else he would rather be doing. We could get you another escort, perhaps your babysitter? What do you think?”

“I like the idea of seeing Mr Felipe again! He was really nice!”

“Yes, that's another thing. You are not yet 25, you would not have even been allowed to have your lunches like that at daycare with Mr Felipe if you were younger than 24. You get to interact with vampires that aren't littles more and more once starting college at 22 but you mustn't get distracted on your walks to and from daycare.”

“You knew about the lunches? Distractions?”

“Of course I know about the lunches, little one. I know about every interaction between the underaged humans under my care and vampires that aren't their classification. There are rules that need to be followed and you pushed them to build a friendship with him. He's lucky it was in public and you are 24. That's why it's so very important to not get distracted by things that underaged humans should never do with a vampire like being alone with them. Next time you need help, please get your babysitter or your Dom student in charge.”

“Okay, ma’am. I will. But it's okay, he has lots of blood juice boxes so he would never bite me. Plus, we don't need to be alone, we are walking to and from daycare.”

“Yes but this also includes things like kissing. Mr Felipe would get in incredible trouble for kissing or biting you.”

“Kissing Mr Felipe would be icky! And we're just friends, no blood.”

“Yes, that's another thing we needed to discuss. Whether or not you will be taking advanced sex ed in your upper level classes.”

“I have a choice?” Annie barely made it through basic sex ed and dreaded upper level sex ed. It would be more classification specific. Basic sex ed was more biology and advanced sex ed was more about things to expect in the naughty room.

“Of course. The class is not mandatory. And based on your rather dramatic responses to basic sex ed, it seems clear that you might be asexual.”

“What’s asexual?”

“Asexual means you experience no sexual feelings or desires and do not feel sexual attraction to anyone. Nonsexual subs or Doms often identify as asexual or another similar label.”

Annie thought for a moment. “That's okay?”

“Of course it is okay. It is entirely normal. Your sexual limits are completely up to you and are discussed with your potential Dom to ensure compatibility. Even if your potential Dom is sexual, there are other options than having a sexual relationship with their little one.”

“But if it's normal, why not cover that in basic sex ed? We covered sex among different binary and non-binary genders but we didn't cover… not… having sex. It probably wouldn't have been so stressful. Also, what about the other students who would prefer to be nonsexual too but they were less dramatic? Do you give every student this option? Do you ever teach every student this? Or do you just expect students to figure out this thing you call ‘normal’ once they are already in the naughty room with their partners?”

“ know these are great points. I will bring them up to the school nurses. They create the curriculum and I’m just-”

“Just the headmistress responsible for all students including the nonsexual ones?”

The headmistress looked like she had a lemon in her mouth. “Yes, well I will bring this up to the school nurses. The only thing you will need to do is sign this form stating you intend to be nonsexual. It removes any liability from the school for any issues that arise if you do ever decide to go into the naughty room with your future Dom.”

“That's a-okay. The farther I am from the naughty room, the better.”

Since Annie had missed most of her first upper level morning class ever, she was told to go to the littles and pets after school program like normal. Her practical afternoon classes could wait until the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow she is going back to daycare!!

She was just happy she never had to learn about or go into a naughty room if she didn’t want to. Her classmates always said that we had to go into naughty rooms with our Doms but the headmistress said that it was actually okay not to and that there were a lot of other nonsexual subs too. Suddenly she didn’t feel so weird, broken and alone because there were others just like her.

And she was going to be seeing Mr Felipe again! That was the best meeting with the headmistress ever!

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