Assorted Bluey One-Shots

By MHFlores2008

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My first one-shot collection covers several of the assorted never-before-seen adventures of Preschool TV's fa... More

Episode II: The Wedding
Episode III: Breaking Badfoot
Episode V: Honeymoon Hijinx
Episode VI: A New Show-pe
Episode VII: War Stories
Episode VIII: yaD etisoppO
Episode IX: A Bad Word
Episode X: The Return of Jean-Luc
Episode XI: Food Coma
Episode XII: Jocko
Episode XIII: Creek Camping
Episode XIV: Mums, Dads, and Babysitters, Oh My!
Episode XV: The Diddums Show
Episode XVI: Bandit's Wonderful Life
Episode XVIII: My Dad the Deadbeat
Episode XIX: Banjo and the Curse
Episode XX: Freaky Weeky
Episode XXI: Party in London

Episode IV: A Heeler Family Vacation

107 1 2
By MHFlores2008

When I woke up that morning, I felt something heavy on my bed, and then I saw my travel bag, which looked stuffed. When I took it outside, I saw Mum, Dad, and Bingo assembled with multiple packed suitcases. When I asked about it, Dad said, "We're going on vacation!" at that moment, I squealed with delight, and my tail wagged with excitement, so Mum left Uncle Stripe and Aunt Trixie in charge of house-sitting, and we were off for Brisbane International Airport. On the drive, I asked, "Dad, where are we going?" Dad said, "You're coming to work with me! I'm going to Egypt to excavate one of the pyramids, and your Mum wanted me to bring you kids along so you could see what I do for my job." "YIPEE!" we cried in unison.

We had breakfast at a local IHOPE when we got to the airport and boarded an airplane. When we settled into our seats, suddenly, a voice came over the speaker thingy "Hello. This is your captain speaking. Before we begin our flight, I want to say a few things. First off, my name is Captain Crash Antburn. My copilot today is Ted Disaster. And I would also like to introduce you to our flight attendant Karen Karensfield. On this flight, Miss Karensfield will be serving concessions to all passengers. You can also watch our inflight movies, most notably Cat Squad 1989 and Power Bloke and the Masters of the Universe, the live-action movie. Bathrooms will be at the back of the plane, and now, we take off." with that, the plane took flight.

As we were flying over New Zealand, Mum asked us "So kids, how are you feeling about going somewhere new?" I said, "I'm super excited!" Bingo, however, said "I'm a bit nervous" Mum assured Bingo that she would be fine and love the Egyptian culture, while Dad put the live-action Power Bloke movie on for us. And I have only one thing to say about it...HOW IS IT NOT IN THE AMERICAN NATIONAL FILM REGISTRY??????!?????? (if it were up to me this film would be in there along with multiple other classics like both Hoodwinked movies and The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie) It has everything: Humor, Action, Drama, and a twist. On the other hand, Bingo was not so interested in the epic adventures of one dog on a journey to save Eternia from evil. She was busy reading a book, namely The Outsiders. She had started reading it for the trip and had become hooked.

After a brief layover in Sri Lanka and some spicy Indian lunch, we arrived in Egypt. After getting off the plane and reclaiming our luggage, Dad said "I made a reservation for a boat to take us down the Nile River to the hotel, and it should arrive in 5 minutes!"

Our boat arrived, and we boarded it for a relaxing ride down the Nile. Along the ride, Dad said "The people of Ancient Egypt had a story about this river. It goes that the Crocodile god Sobek would flood the river once every year. And when he did, it would bring water and plentiful harvests to the people." "Well," said Bingo as she snacked on some Pita bread dipped in Humus, "I can see why they would look forward to this river flooding. There's nothing but sand and dryness here!" "Well," said Mum as she munched on a clump of Grapes, "that's what makes it a marvel that the Ancient Egyptians were able to live here so successfully"

After a long, relaxing boat ride, we arrived at the hotel. It was big and had a lot of gold lights. It was also very fancy. When we went up to the front desk, the receptionist directed us to our room. When we entered the room, we spent some time unpacking. Once we got settled in, we headed downstairs for dinner. The hotel had an on-site restaurant, and we decided to eat there because it was convenient and Dad had to meet with a colleague there as well.

The restaurant was quite good. It served some quality food, had very polite customer service, and even had live music. Live music that I couldn't help but dance along to. Meanwhile, Dad was chatting with his colleague, a dog named Rover whom we had never met before. Mum soon introduced Rover to me and Bingo, and then I said "So, what are we digging up?" "well Bluey," said Rover "We recently discovered a pyramid way out in the desert, about 2 and a half miles east of here, and just south of the Bent Pyramid at Dashur. From what we have to go off of, it seems to be the burial place of Pharaoh Inpu XIV! Something we in the archaeological community have been after for years!" "So, what will we do?" Bingo asked "Well," said Rover, "Tomorrow after breakfast, we set out east for the pyramid, and begin the excavation. Bandit said you two would be coming to help us, and I know that the two of you are going to love it!" "YIPEE!" I cried Bingo, however, said "But we don't have a car!" Dad, however, said, "Well, Rover was generous enough to get us the next best thing: CAMELS!" Mum said, "That's certainly generous of you, Rover!" With this in mind, we would have more fun here than we imagined.

The next day, after Brekky, we went outside, having packed all the supplies we might need for the excavation of the pyramid, and headed off for the pyramid on the backs of our camels. After an extended period spent traveling across the desert, and a brief rest stop at an oasis, we arrived at the pyramid. When we unloaded, we let the camels rest right outside, while we began looking for the door. luckily, we soon found a set of hieroglyphics written on a wall at what seemed like the front of the pyramid, and I soon read them "If you seek to find the key, then dig beneath, I think you'll see. Its use and value unto you depends on what you have to do" With this message, Dad knew instantly that the key was buried beneath the inscription pad, and that he had to dig there for it. Once he had finished digging, we soon found the oddly-shaped gold key, that didn't seem to fit anywhere, until Bingo found a hole that seemed to fit it perfectly. So, we put in the key and opened the door. Dad said "Well, it's a good thing you kids could solve that riddle" So, we went inside

Once inside, we began looking around for directions, but we found none at all. That was until Bingo noticed a mural on the wall to her left, upon closer inspection, it depicted an image of the god Osiris (King of the Egyptian underworld) pointing a crook in a direction, which we soon realized was directly ahead of us, and so we went on.

After a bit of wandering, we came to a fork in the corridor and decided to split up, me and Bingo went one way, while the grownups went the other, each group keeping walkie-talkies so we could communicate. 

Bandit's POV: as we wandered through the path we had taken, we soon found a set of more hieroglyphics, which read, "As for anyone who desecrates this tomb, I shall wring his neck as a bird's" "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Chilli "It means," I said, "A long-winded sentence that amounts to; Do not disturb, or you die" "sounds ominous" said Rover "Well," I explained "execution was used as a form of punishment for desecrating tombs at that time." 

Back to Bluey: as I and Bingo were wandering our hallway, Bingo shined her flashlight on a wall, only to scream at what she saw, claiming "A JACKAL-HEADED MONSTER IS STARING RIGHT AT ME!" "Bingo," I said "it's just a painting" and, when Bingo took a second look, she saw that it was indeed just a painting of Anubis, the Jackal-headed god of funerals and orphans and other things like that. We soon saw more paintings, one being a picture of the pharaoh himself standing next to Ma'at, the goddess of purity and truth, justice, and the ancient Egyptian way. Anubis was in front of them, as was a giant scale. On one side was a heart, on the other, what seemed like an ostrich feather. After assessing more of the mural, we realized it was the Pharaoh being put on trial in the underworld to see if he was worthy of Egyptian Nirvana. 

Soon, we met back up with Dad's group and found the burial chamber. It was filled to the brim with treasures. However, we were having trouble identifying the location of the Mummy itself. That was until Bingo noticed something. It was what looked to be a giant gold box with two sticks attached to the sides. Dad opened it, to reveal the sarcophagus! Mum said, "If I was dying in ancient Egypt, I'd want to be buried in one of those!"

After that, Dad went to a meeting of the Australian Archeological Society, where he presented his findings. Me, Mum, and Bingo were also special guests, and at the meeting, I made another discovery "Now, as you see here, I have this Egyptian golden coin, and Bingo has a statue of the hippo goddess Tawaret, now, if you fit the coin into this slot in the back of the statue, you'll open the statue's mouth to reveal...A DIAMOND SCARAB!" this led to Dad saying "Well, I guess you were right" before they shared a kiss

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