Drive Me Crazy

By Tootsie_200

407 43 0

Howie has had a rough start to the year, first he got married, then went on a European tour for a couple of m... More

Don't Remind Me
Thunder Rolls
My Problem
The Watermelon Thump
The Guilt
Home Sweet Home
Angry Drunk
Falling Out
Unruly Display
Make Amends
I'm Hopeless
Forgive Not Forget
Fall Again
Reality Check
What a Show
Old Feelings
Rise and Fall
Start Over
The Blues
So Sorry
Vegas Wedding
Tiny Surprise
Not Again
I'm Dying?
Call 911
In My Heart

Betraying Desire

11 1 0
By Tootsie_200

A couple days after the LA concert Millie sat on the sofa reading a book "So dad, how long is this trip to New York going to be?" She closed her book as her father sat by her.

"It's a couple of weeks hon...but I'll keep in touch unlike your mother. I was thinking that you should stay with AJ for the while." he raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to jump at the chance to spend more time with him. He knew they had become close again.

"I don't think it's a good idea dad." she nodded her head "Anyways he's got three more stops. Then he's only coming back for a couple of days and leaving again." She gave her dad a crooked smile. "I'll be fine here alone in this rather big..." she was interrupted by her phone. "Hold on's Sarah...she's keeping me updated." she giggled answering the phone, as her dad disappeared down the hall. "Hello"

The bouncy voice responded "Hey bitch! What are you doing?" Sarah asked as she giggled and asked Nick to calm down.

"Oh nothing, talking to my dad...he's leaving tomorrow for New York. I hear you're doing good" she laughed as she heard the two lovebirds kissing and talking sweetly. "Ok you two are going to make me barf in a minute. So how are the shows going?"

"They are cool" she said goodbye to Nick "Ok they are AJ and Howie aren't speaking and if they do, it's just to argue all the time. Which leaves poor Leigh who is on this bus with all of us confused. She knows you're a whore..." Sarah laughed hard "Just kidding...but yeah she knows you screwed her man."

"Shut up! She's traveling with you guys, I thought touring with him was what made her leave in the first place."

Sarah sighed "It She said it's only for the remainder of summer, school does start in September."

"I can't believe she is there with him." Millie shifted her legs under her body and sat up straight "Tell me more..." She was intrigued by the gossip.

"Nothing. I heard them arguing the other day and she asked him. Yup, she bluntly asked and of course he! She knows though! She didn't know that I have a bionic ear.!" the line went silent "Don't worry she slept with some guy she was seeing so..."

Millie faked a laugh "You're such a nosy bitch! Well I have to help my dad but tell AJ I miss him and...yeah! I'll be at the airport Wednesday morning." She heard her friend say good bye and she hung up. Leigh knew. Now she could only hope that they wouldn't have to encounter each other anytime soon.

AJ bit into his French fry as he sat thinking of Millie, his thoughts interrupted by Nick and Sarah sitting next to him "Wow never seen you so pensive before AJ" Sarah said unwrapping her burger.

"Oh well Mill hasn't called me. I just worry about her." he smiled now, taking a sip of his coke.

"Well I just talked to her and she is good, her dad is leaving for New York tomorrow. She sounded ok and said she would meet us at the airport on Wednesday. I have a hunch that someone is in love." she raised her eyebrows with a smile at AJ. "Am I wrong?"

Nick looked at her confused and then at AJ "Wait what? Then why did you break off...OH!"

AJ smiled "I know...this is all my fault. All the pain and drama going on...but now I realize that...I...I love her. I love Millie!" he smiled, then frowned. "Sadly, she loves the asshole over there." he pointed towards Howie who sat with Leigh.

Nick chuckled "Hey is it me or does it seem like Leigh talks a lot. Every time I look at the poor guy, he's lost somewhere in outer space or Millie space and she's just blabbing away." the table laughed.

It was Wednesday morning and Millie paced the airport, she shivered, the mornings were getting colder by the day. She yanked her cashmere sweater over her shoulders and over her arms, covering her long sleeve V neck. She wiped her clammy hands on her black jeans and bent down to tie her shoes.

AJ walked past everyone, almost running to find her. She would be waiting, he was happy she had agreed to stay for the next few days with him. It gave him a chance to prove his feelings to her, maybe help her forget. He could be the stand in, he didn't care at the time. If he could be with her for one night, maybe she would change her feelings, even though he was sure she'd probably be thinking of his best friend.

He saw her tying her shoes, he liked when she dressed so casual. "Mill..." he shouted as she ran to him, he caught her in his arms as she jumped on him. It felt like old times, when he came home from the 'Never Gone' tour and she was waiting. "I missed you" he said into her hair.

She looked at him "Me too...I've been so freaked out at my dad's house. I was sleeping with a bat next to me." she giggled as she jumped off of him and embraced Sarah who held onto Nick's hand. "Hey girl" she giggled. Thanking God there was no sight of anyone else, but Eddie and Nick's bodyguard whose name she didn't know. "Hi Eddie" she waved at the big man, as he waved back.

The group made way towards the limo that had picked her up. Nick and Sarah went first then she quickly jumped in, AJ next to her. "Uh...Mill..." AJ began and before he could say anything else Leigh was getting in next to him followed by Howie next to Sarah.

The limo went awkwardly silent instantly.

Millie shifted in her seat and the drive was feeling long and nauseating. She fought hard not to make eye contact with the man across from her, but it was inevitable. Trying to find comfort she instinctively took AJ's hand into hers and leaned against his arm.

Howie watched as Millie took hold of AJ, it killed him. The way the twosome had become so close again, but he knew it was all his fault. As he stared he shifted his eyes just to catch a glare from Leigh. Instead he shifted his body towards the door and stared at nothing.

Sarah felt the tension rising with every minute and could tell that Millie was dying. "So I heard you're staying with AJ...till he goes back?" she asked with a smirk knowing it would agitate Howie.

"Yeah she is...her dad trusts me." he said towards Howie "We are gonna have a blast" AJ mocked still looking towards Howie who seemed to be struggling to phase out the conversation.

"Well that is nice. Since you're not together anymore." Leigh added "Cause I wouldn't trust AJ with my daughter." she giggled more to herself than anything, while the car continued to be silent.

"Well I thought you didn't want any kids..." AJ raised an eyebrow as she looked at him startled and then at Howie who rolled his eyes, knowing that an argument awaited once they got to Kevin's house.

An hour later, Howie, Leigh, Nick and Sarah had been dropped off and now the twosome were headed to AJ's house. "You know I haven't been to your house for the longest time. I don't even remember what it looks like."

"The same...the dogs are still there, well they are with the neighbor till Friday for a while...I hope you don't mind them." he looked at her, she was distracted "Don't get upset...he had some unfinished business out here but he's leaving on Friday. Till we resume the tour. You won't have to see him again. Promise" he placed an arm over her "Come on we are here." he exclaimed taking her hand, both jumping out and heading towards the house.

Meanwhile at the Richardson's everyone was asleep. Howie entered the room looking around and staring at the bed. The memories of his last night with Millie drowning his thoughts. "I'm going to bed" he muttered heading towards the bathroom.

"I'm not sleeping here" she snapped turning around. "I can bet anything that you slept with her here, that one night I called you. Why couldn't you just be honest...instead you make me look like a fool..." she pursed her lips and walked out of the room and down the stairs as quietly as she could.

Howie followed, the memory of the fight with Millie came back to him. "Leigh" he whispered "We can't do this here. Nothing happened." he crossed his arms as she looked at him upset.

She laid on the bed that Millie had used days before "Bullshit!" Leigh muttered, turning off the light and leaving Howie in the dark.

AJ didn't make it easy for Millie to sit around to mope, on Wednesday they had spent the day at Sea World and later at a club in Hollywood. They danced and laughed, along with Nick and Sarah. All four had a great night. On Thursday he took her out for a stroll on Melrose, they held hands, told jokes, and at the end of the night got drunk and took a midnight swim in his pool. The summer was coming to an end.

It was now Friday morning, Leigh and a quiet Howie made their way through the airport towards their home. Howie wasn't so happy about leaving California there was something that made him want to stay. Millie. He knew that she was slipping away and he had to do something quick. Angrily he walked ahead of his wife, ignoring the staring eyes.

Once on the plane the twosome sat quietly, Howie looking out the window. "Are you thinking of her? Thinking that AJ could be doing god knows what to her?" Leigh asked between clenched teeth, trying to keep her cool.

"What are you talking about?" he whispered back "Would you stop it already." he said, preferring to continue staring out at the clouds.

"You slept with her didn't you?" she looked at him, hurt in her eyes. "Just admit it. Those little looks you gave each other, then she was carried out of the Staple Center drunk. You bastard...she's just a kid." she pursed her lips together, to keep from crying.

"Fine yeah I slept with her...five times if you must know. We weren't together Leigh so you have no right to be mad. Remember you had someone too...don't tell me you stayed loyal." he gave her a glare, as her eyes shifted to the seat in front of her.

She was guilty. She looked back up at him "What do you feel for her? Do you love her?" she waited as he looked away "Answer me damn it. I at least deserve to know that." she whispered angrily.

He swallowed hard. "No...I don't...she was just there and it just happened." He didn't mean it, not one word, but if he was getting back with his wife. He had to lie. There had to be peace in his life if they were going back home together.

"That better be true...if not why did you agree to getting back together? Cause you're a jerk." she questioned with rage.

"Cause you're my wife. Do you want to do this or not?" he raised his eyebrows at her, hoping she would say no.

Leigh rolled her eyes and looked around the plane "I do...but you have to forget her..." she raised her head high, waiting for an answer.

"There is nothing to forget. Alright!" he said, bringing his eyes back to the window. There was too much to forget and He hadn't started, but he would.

Millie sat on the counter, curiously watching AJ engrossed in mixing a couple of drinks. "I can't believe the summer is over. I have to go back to Orlando and quit my job and get my stuff." she vented with a sigh.

AJ was busy working up a drink for Sarah and Nick, who sat making out on the living room sofa. "God, you would think those two have other things to do. Tomorrow is Saturday and we have a show, so I can get them drunk instead." he chuckled looking up at Millie "You shouldn't even go out there, why don't you just send to get your stuff and write a letter to your boss"

She cocked her head to the side. "Riiight, I'm drunk...but I don't think that is a real mature way to quit." she retorted "I have to go back...I'll go as soon as you guys go on tour." she smiled at him taking a sip of her fourth long island iced tea "Oh my god are you trying to get me drunk Mr. Mclean?" she smiled, hopping off the counter. "Well it's working...come on let's break those two smoochers apart." she giggled.

Nick tried standing up, but stumbled over himself and slurred "Yo where is my other drink..." he smiled at the drink in AJ's hand and took it from him. "Thanks" he began to sip on it.

"I can't believe he is so drunk" she stumbled onto him and giggled "Thank god you guys are leaving tomorrow afternoon, not tonight."

Millie giggled too "Right cause you're so damn sober." she also slurred, clumsily crashing into the back of the couch. "I'm swimming," she said, chugging her drink and making way to the pool.

"Hey! Drunk people and water don't mix. Believe me...I know" he grabbed her from behind and turned her around.

They stayed face to face, her lips curving into a smile. "I had forgotten how beautiful your eyes are." she continued to smile as he leaned into her slowly. Suddenly she began to chuckle "Look at those two" she laughed watching Nick and Sarah making out like teens against the glass doors. "Come on...they want to be alone." she insisted, taking his hand.

"Uh...well" AJ cleared his throat after being pulled by Millie. "I'm going to get drunk number three into bed, you two should do the same. Oh and don't stain my sheets. Fuckers" he shouted as Millie pulled him up the stairs. They entered her room, then she swung around making him crash into her.

"Millie..." he stared into her wanting eyes. He knew she wasn't sober, it wasn't the way it should happen. If it were too. Not that he thought it would. He wanted it to, but not like that.

Millie felt her heart race. This wasn't new the urge to kiss him, to feel his hands on her. She had been feeling the urge for days, she had felt the longing, the need, but she was afraid. Tonight thanks to the alcohol she wasn't, instead she was daring and aroused. "Kiss me" she whispered, getting close to him.

"Mill..." he whispered as his mouth slowly met with hers, then she kissed him aggressively. He could feel her tongue against his, his body tensing with the deepness of her kisses. His hands wrapped around her waist as her hands landed on his face. "Millie..." he pulled away.

Millie placed her hand under his shirt feeling on his tight stomach she raised it up and over his head. Then stuck her fingers into his pants pulling him towards the bed, she took a seat her fingers began to work at his buckle and then his zipper. She looked up at him, then back down.

His pants fell to the floor and he gasped as he felt her mouth on him. He wanted to stop her, but the intensity of the moment wouldn't let him. After a couple of minutes she came back up to him. She laid on the bed and motioned him to join her, and so he did. Laying next to her gently, he ran his hand over her leg, under her dress and up her thigh, as he kissed her. The other hand worked over her breast, his thumb brushing against her nipple.

Millie was breathing hard, as she felt herself fill with lust for him. His fingers against her skin made her throb. She suddenly felt pressure and then pleasure, his fingers were now inside of her. She couldn't take it anymore and she pushed him down and placed her hands against his chest, then placed one leg over his body. She was taken aback by the sudden craving for him, it scared her.

AJ just stared at her, never did he imagine her to be so aggressive. For an instant he found himself wondering what she had been like with Howie. Was she this wild? Or was she tender? He closed his eyes to get the thought out of his mind and continued to rub his hands over her breast as she sat up on him and he slipped into her, her dress never coming off. He groaned at the feeling of being inside and the speed of her movements against him.

Her eyes were closed as she felt him inside. The thought of Howie's sweet kisses and his soft touch made her swallow hard, she wasn't sure if she liked this aggression or missed the gentleness. She pushed her thoughts away, and opened her eyes slowly, biting the bottom of her lip. Then she smiled at the staring eyes, they were beautiful eyes, gazing at her with so much passion. She came back down to engulf his mouth.

"I love you Millie" AJ muttered against her lips, making her almost come to an abrupt stop. They just stared at each other.

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