The Vocalist Returns (Danganr...

By InfernoGallade

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*NOT A READER INSERT* Aria Adabat is the Ultimate Vocalist, she has Survived the Killing School Life with 6 o... More

Prologue - 1: Scrambled Code
Prologue - 2: Heart Throbbing School Trip
Prologue - 3: Class 77-B
Prologue - 4: He's Back!
Chapter 1-1: Perfect Leader
Chapter 1-2: Two!?
Chapter 1-3: Cooldown Mornings
Chapter 1-4B: Party Till I Drop
Investigation 1-1B: Vocalist's Fall
Investigation 1-2B: Can You Feel The Moonlight?
Trial 1-1B: Demise
Trial 1-2B: Black Hope, White Despair
Trial 1-3B: It's A Me!
Chapter 1-4A: Party Till He Drops
Investigation 1-1A: Game Start!
Investigation 1-2A: Moonlit Beach
Trial 1-2A: Peace And Chaos
Trial 1-3A: Encroaching Despair
Interlude 1: Your Fault...
Profile - Aria Adabat
Chapter 2-1: Tropical Freeze
Chapter 2-2: I Am All Of Me
Profile - Silhouette Shamar
Chapter 2-3: Play The Game... Nathan
Chapter 2-4: Palmtree Panic
Chapter 2-5: Tools Of Destruction
Investigation 2-1: Snowgrave
Investigation 2-2: Turnabout Twilight
Trial 2-1: The Aurora Snowfields
Trial 2-2: Ice Flow
Trial 2-3: The Temple Of Ice
Interlude 2: Metal Chiaki
Chapter 3-1: Jungle Hijinxs
Chapter 3-2: Summer Jam
Chapter 3-4: Cold, Heartless Fury
Chapter 3-5: A Despair Filled Farewell
Investigation 3-1: Recovery And Heartbreak

Trial 1-1A: Fatal

38 1 0
By InfernoGallade

Trial of Leadership



Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the Castle Trial, during the Trial you'll present your arguments for who the blackened is, and vote for 'whodunnit' if you guess correctly then only the blackened will receive Punishment, but if you pick the wrong one, I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and that person will earn the right to leave this Island.

Monokuma began by reminding everyone of the Trial rules to which Usami replied with.

Usami: S-Such a cruel rule!

Chiaki: Before we start, there's something I'm wondering about.

Chiaki then pointed at the picture of Byakuya that was crossed out by blood.

Chiaki: What's with this picture?

Monokuma: I'd feel awful if he was left out just because he died. Friendship penetrates even deaths barrier.

Teruteru: Friendship....penetrates...

Teruteru don't you dare...

Hiyoko then quickly cut Teruteru off before he could say something else.

Hiyoko: But if that's why his seat is empty... then why is that seat over there empty?

Hiyoko pointed at a seat that lay between Sonia and Teruteru.

Hiyoko: Seventeen of us were on this Island to start with, but then why are there eighteen seats?

Monokuma: If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. But just know there is a reason for the eighteenth seat.

So there's another person getting involved? I wonder what's going on up there.

Nagito then spoke up

Nagito: Also I want to know, is there really a killer among us?

Monokuma: Most definitely, there's no doubt that the blackened is lurking among you, such a sad state of affairs isn't it? By the way this Class Trial is going to be 100% fair so there's no need to worry, I'm the type who hates favoritism and prejudice, well not as much as I hate Usami and Aria anyway.

Aria: Such an unnecessary comment.

Usami: You hate us that much!?

Monokuma: Now then, let's begin!

Mikan: Y-Your telling us to begin but... what are we supposed to do?

Akane: No complainin' let's just settle this with our fists!

Kazuichi: Were you even listening to the rules?

Fuyuhiko: Didn't that Byakuya bastard get killed in the dining hall? Then everyone there is a fuckin suspect.

Mahiru: Yeah, Yeah your just trying to prove your not the killer yeah?

Fuyuhiko: No shit! You guys went off on your own and started killing each other, this has nothing to do with me.

Mahiru: Huh? What does that mean?

Aria: First of all, there's something I would like to discuss first.

Teruteru: Something you want to discuss first?

Aria: Where we found the body. I found a bit strange that we found his body underneath a table.

Chiaki: Then.. let's start with that mystery.

Non-Stop Debate!

Nagito: Why was Byakuya's body... in a place like that?

Gundham: His body was underneath a table... at the very back of the dining hall.

Kazuichi: After the killer murdered Byakuya.... they probably moved the body there.



Aria: Actually the killer didn't move the body at all.

Kazuichi: Huh? Why?

Nagito: Try to remember what the body looked like under the table. There was a lot of blood everywhere, yet there was no sign that the killer moved the body.

Mahiru: So that's why you think it's impossible that the killer moved the body, I see, I get your point.

Kazuichi: Agh! And here I thought I had a genius idea!

Hiyoko: Too bad your soooooo stupid and boring and unpopular. Your life is meaningless.

Aria: Never say that again Hiyoko!

Kazuichi: I-I respond better to praise you know!

Ibuki: But if the killer didn't move the body, then why did Byakuya move under the table?

Hajime: Byakuya was probably killed... under the table.

Nekomaru: What? You think he was killed under the table?

Nagito: Byakuya went under the table for unknown and was killed then, and we found his body shortly after.

Nekomaru: T-That makes sense but... why'd he go under the table?

Akane: Obviously he was hiding so he could surprise us. That dude was always a big jokester.

Kazuichi: The hell he was! You seriously couldn't tell what kind of person he was?!

Teruteru: Hm... maybe he panicked during the blackout and hid under the table.

Nekomaru: It's a blackout not an earthquake! Just because the power went out doesn't mean he'd dive under the table.

Aria: It probably has something to do with the knife that was under the table.

Ibuki: Knife? Oh! You mean that thing that totally screams "I am the murder weapon!"

Aria: Byakuya must have somehow noticed that Knife under the table which was why he went under there.

Gundham: Byakuya and Aria were both particularly sensitive to the presence of dangerous items. So I cannot deny that possibly. But how did he notice the knife under the table?

Mahiru: I think if he realized it before hand he would have done something before the blackout.

Chiaki: Then.. instead of realizing it was there, perhaps he just noticed it at that point in time.

Peko: No that's not possible.

Nekomaru: What? You seem rather confident about that.

Peko: Of course, I have proof to back me up.

Monokuma: Phuhuhu this almost starting to sound like a real trial.

Non-Stop Debate!

Peko: I'm sure Byakuya ducked under the table... during the blackout.

Sonia: That sounds correct.

Hiyoko: If that's the case... during the blackout Mr Ham Hands... must have seen the killer take the knife.

Ibuki: But it was super pitch black!

Akane: It was so dark I couldn't see my food!

Peko: Byakuya couldn't see in the dark either...



Hajime: No. Byakuya was probably the only one who was able to see during the blackout.

Peko: Why do you say that?

Hajime: There was a pair of night vision goggles at the crime scene, and Byakuya was holding them when we found his body.

Peko: So... are you saying Byakuya was the one who used the night vision goggles?

Hajime: Yes, that appears to be the case.


Mahiru: No that's wrong, it should be the other way around!

Hajime: O-Other way around?

Mahiru: Seriously! The Killer used those night vision goggles! Not Byakuya!

Rebuttal Showdown! VS Mahiru!

Mahiru: If you just use common sense... the killer obviously used those night vision goggles! That's gotta be it!


Hajime: Where's your proof that the killer used them?

Mahiru: Because if they used night vision goggles, then they could've killed Byakuya even in the dark! In reality that what happened! Those goggles were planted in advance, the killer brought them to the crime scene!



Hajime: No Byakuya was definitely the one who brought those Night Vision Goggles.

Mahiru: Definitely? But how?

Hajime: They were missing from the duralumin case that Byakuya and Aria brought.

Aria: Can confirm, there were Night Vision Goggles prepared in there, I helped Byakuya after all.

Ibuki: Which means, we can be certain that the night vision goggles were supposed to be in that duralumin case aswell. Who hoo! I said 'certain' Ibuki never uses such clever language.

Mahiru: I see. When you put it like that... It makes sense.

Teruteru: Then was that knife inside the duralumin case aswell? If there were night vision goggles inside it wouldn't be weird for a knife to be in there.

Chiaki: It WOULD be weird.

Teruteru: I am weird aren't I? At times like this, I'd rather b-

Aria: Do! Not! Finish! That! Sentence!

Aria: There was also duct tape under the table.

Teruteru: Huh? Duct tape?

Hajime: They probably hid the knife under the table by taping it under the table.

Mikan: Oh! So that's why we found duct tape there!

Nekomaru: Byakuya was thorough, but he wouldn't have noticed a weapon taped to the underside of the table.

Peko: This may be off topic, but why was Byakuya and Aria so paranoid during the blackout? Not only did they bring a self defense kit, but a pair of night vision goggles too..

Nekomaru: That's true, they went above and beyond being a little cautious!

Mahiru: Now that you mention it, that applies to the dangerous items they confiscated aswell, it's one thing to be a little cautious but performing body checks are a bit much.

Nagito: They probably knew, someone was trying to commit a murder.

Gundham: Are you saying they predicted the murder!? Could it be!? Were they also in possession of the All-Seeing Eye?!

Nagito: You think so to, right Hajime?

Hajime: Everyone can you please look at this!?

Hajime took out a note and showed it to everyone and the note read.


The first kill will happen tonight.

Someone will definitely kill someone.

Fuyuhiko: Hey... the hell is this?

Nagito: Hajime and I found this in Byakuya's Cottage.

Aria: Wait! I must let you know that I received the same letter, though I only told Ibuki until now.

I then pulled out another letter and showed it to everyone and it looked identical.

Hajime: You have one too Aria!?

Aria: Byakuya and I received them the day after the motive was presented. It was a threatening letter someone sent to us.

Akane: So who's the someone?

Hiyoko: Nobody besides Monokuma would write such a dumb threatening letter like that.

Monokuma: Wasn't me!

Usami: Are you sure?

Monokuma: The only lies I tell are friendly lies!

Usami: Those are still lies!

Peko: It doesn't matter who wrote it yet. So Byakuya and Aria became paranoid because of this threatening letter?

Aria: Excatly!

Nagito: And because of that they decided to throw a party.

Teruteru: What do you mean?

Aria: We thought if we kept you all in one place, it would create a situation where everyone could keep tabs on each other. Doing so it would make whoever wrote that letter be in a difficult position to act.

Teruteru: But the letter might've just been a little prank.

Aria: As long as we were determined to keep all of you safe, we couldn't take that risk.

Nekomaru: Tch! You should've told us both you and Byakuya received a threatening letter.

Aria: If we did you would've panicked, and everyone would start to get suspicious of each other. The only one I told prior to this Trial was Ibuki.

Sonia: So you both tried to do something about it without telling anyone?

Peko: Then that letter ended up being Byakuya's undoing...

Akane: Tch! Screw that noise! Who the hell wrote that letter!

Mahiru: Well obviously... the killer..

Gundham: Hmph! Enough already! Show yourself you coward!

Hiyoko: If they were willing to come forward then they would never have committed a murder in the first place.

Sonia: Um... pardon me, can I say something?

Kazuichi: What is it Miss Sonia?

Sonia: I regret that I must return to this topic, but I just realized something concerning the night vision goggles. If Byakuya was Indeed wearing them, then.. how'd the killer manage to navigate in the dark?

Teruteru: You're right. They wouldn't have been able to see anything without the night vision goggles. But if the killer did take the goggles when they took the knife then, how'd Byakuya manage to see them?

Nekomaru: Even if the knife bore some kind of mark it would be difficult to see in that darkness.

Hajime: What if the glowing paint was the mark? With that you'd be able to get the knife even in the dark. In actuality the knife we found under the table and the duct tape holding it up were both marked with glowing paint right?

Mikan: Does that mean... the killer painted them in advance?

Mahiru: But painting them with glowing paint? It's if they knew the blackout was going to happen.

Chiaki: They have to have already known that's why they used glowing paint as a mark.

Hiyoko: Then whoever set up that blackout is the killer.

Kazuichi: That seals it! The killer had to be whoever was guarding the office. Which means It was you! Peko Pekoyama!

Ibuki: Eee! Peko killed poor Byakuya!? Was this Island not big enough for two glasses wearers!?

Peko: I'm not the killer.

Akane: Oh I guess she's not.

Kazuichi: How can you believe her so easily?

Mikan: But... with Peko's height I don't think she'll be able to reach the circuit breaker.

Kazuichi: I-I don't care about a technicality like that! Peko's the one who tripped the breaker and caused the blackout.

Non-Stop Debate!

Kazuichi: Since Peko was in the office... she could've caused the blackout at anytime!

Peko: That's impossible...

Hiyoko: Huh? Why is it impossible?

Peko: Because I was not in the office... not even before the blackout.



Aria: No I think Peko's telling the truth.

Kazuichi: Mhmm, Don't tell me you're crushin' on Peko...

Aria: H-Hey! I-it's nothing like that at all! Nekomaru's account is actually Peko's alibi.

Nekomaru: It's true someone was occupying the bathroom for a long time, and it was finally freed up after Byakuya's body was discovered.

Mahiru: Ah! So the person who was in the bathroom that whole time was actually...

Aria: Everyone except Peko was in the Dining Hall after the party started right?

Hiyoko: I see then there's no way anybody could've possibly locked themselves in the bathroom besides Peko.

Peko: I-I guess that would be.... true...

Kazuichi: You locked yourself in the commode!? You should've said so earlier.

Mahiru: There's no way she actually would've said that! Gosh you're so insensitive!

Nekomaru: If she locked herself in the bathroom for that long... there's no doubt.. it's shit... GHAHAHA! Aw there's no way she'd admit it! There's no way she'd admit she was taking a shit!


Mahiru: Hey! Weren't you raised with some basic manners or were you raised in a locker room?!

Nekomaru: Gh! I'm sorry..

Peko: I-it's fine... how about... we stop talking about this.. and move on to something else?

Nekomaru: Don't worry the smell wasn't that strong, I used the bathroom right after you so you can trust me.

Peko: I-I said it's fine!

Hiyoko: But still you were in the bathroom for a really long time, did you get food poisoning or something?

Peko: As soon as I stepped into the office, I felt this sudden rush of pain in my stomach.... because of that I was unable to leave.. including when the blackout occurred.

Teruteru: Hey! How'd it feel to do your business in the dark? Did you get excited?

Hajime: Seriously stop it.

Aria: That's actually my job Hajime...

Fuyuhiko: But still... your stomach ache was that really just a coincidence?

Mahiru: Hey! What's the deal? Don't butt into other people's business, especially if you didn't do any investigating!

Fuyuhiko: Heh! I'm only butting in because you fucking idiots are outta your element!

Gundham: Stop this childish nonsense! Just what do you mean by coincidence?

Fuyuhiko: What I mean is, is it possible someone slipped her some laxatives?

Mikan: L-Laxatives?

Fuyuhiko: If so then the killer could've tripped the breaker as soon as that girl left the office.

Akane: I see that might've happened.

Non-Stop Debate!

Fuyuhiko: Did you eat anything weird?

Peko: I don't remember eating anything weird...

Sonia: Now that you mention it... you brought food to the office right?

Peko: Just a little bit from the dining hall...

Fuyuhiko: There mighty been some laxatives it don't ya think?



Ibuki: Ibuki believes that it's impossible that laxatives were slipped into the food from the dining hall, Ibuki remembers that Peko wasn't the only one who ate food from the dining hall, Akane ate some of it too.

Mahiru: If the food had laxatives I'm pretty sure Akane would experience stomach issues aswell.

Akane: I feel totally fine.

Teruteru: Yeah! Th-the dishes are innocent, don't go making weird accusations!

Peko: I apologise for causing such a scene.

Mahiru: Fuyuhiko should apologise not you, he's the one that came up with the laxative accusation.

Fuyuhiko: What the fuck did you say bitch!

Sonia: Cease this bickering!

Mikan: L-Let's just dismiss Peko's stomach ache as a coincidence, and go back to discussing the blackout.

Hiyoko: Yeah, Yeah we already know that you tras-

I glare at Hiyoko and that was enough to shut her up.

Non-Stop Debate!

Hiyoko: Who tripped the breaker and how did they do it? If you can't answer that I'm gonna bop you on the head!

Ibuki: Did they throw a stone and hit it?

Kazuichi: Maybe they used a remote control?

Mikan: They probably messed with the breaker..

Sonia: It does not have to be the breaker... they may have tampered with the power supply and transmitters.

Mahiru: Or maybe they caused a power surge?



Hajime: It's just as Mahiru said! The blackout was caused by a power surge! Of course that's not a coincidence, someone intentionally caused it.

Nagito: Which is why those three irons were arranged to cause the blackout.

Hajime: When we found those irons in the Storage room, they were still turned on. They were a reason the blackout happened.


Nekomaru: Hold on a second! Let me speak too!

Hajime: Wh-What the heck!?

Nekomaru: You say that the irons in the storage room were used to trigger the blackout? THAT'S INEXCUSABLE!

Rebuttal Showdown! VS Nekomaru

Nekomaru: If the irons in the storage room caused the blackout, Then for the killer to turn the irons on, Your saying they went all the way to the Storage Room? Then that means everyone in the dining hall when the blackout went off can't be a suspect!


Hajime: No, just because people were in the dining hall doesn't mean they can't be a suspect.

Nekomaru: But the people in the dining hall weren't able to cause the blackout! If the irons caused the blackout...



Hajime: The irons are just one reason the blackout occurred, but they weren't the direct trigger. The direct trigger was when the Air Conditioners in the dining hall and office turned on!

Nekomaru: A-AIR CONDITIONERS!!!???

Hajime: The time for the Air conditioners were around 11:30 PM

Aria: Which is also the same time that Byakuya was killed.

Nekomaru: I see... when the timer activated the air conditioners, the breaker tripped and caused a blackout. I see, I understand indubitably!

Sonia: Indubitably?

Nagito: They probably checked the old building's energy usage and used the irons to nearly max it out. So once they set the air conditioners timers they just had to wait until it triggered.

Sonia: If so, even if Peko was in the office it would've been possible to cause a blackout, indubitably!

Kazuichi: Indubitably? Miss Sonia not you too...

Chiaki: Regarding the energy usage, they probably asked Monokuma about it.

Monokuma: Dun dun dun!

Usami: Is she right? Such a hateful bear! You deserve to die a thousand deaths!

Monokuma: A thousand you say? If I died that many time I might really stay dead.

Mahiru: Shut up! You two just stay quiet!

Peko: I couldn't have prevented the blackout even if I was in the office, But even so I feel regret! If I was in the office I could've reset the breaker in time and maybe... the murder wouldn't have occurred.

Nagito: No the breaker was built into a high part of the wall that's impossible to reach. Resetting the breaker in the darkness would've been impossible no matter what.

Fuyuhiko: Sounds like you don't need to blame yourself.

Hiyoko: Even so this killer is so sly I'm starting to worry we may never find them..

Nagito: It's alright, you don't have to worry. Because... they're just a pretty little killer right? They can't beat symbols of hope like you guys!

Aria: Huh?

Nagito: There's no way everybody will lose now. This little incident will just be a stepping stone for all of you! In the end hope always wins! That's what I believe.

What's he doing?

Hajime: N-Nagito? What happened to you?

Nagito: Huh? What do you mean?

Aria: This entire time you've been saying that there's no possible way that there's a killer among us.

Nagito: Oh? Is that so? Well let's put that minor detail aside for now and talk about the incident. For now... we found out how the blackout occurred, but the question is, who caused it, right? Anybody could've hid and set the timers for the air conditioners... setting up the irons in the Storage room could've been done by anyone before Byakuya and Aria set foot in the old building. What a shame... anyone of us could've done that.

Fuyuhiko: What are you implying?

Hiyoko: He's just saying after all this time! We haven't made any progress!

Sonia: Huh? Even though we've been arguing for so long?

Nagito: Unfortunately, it's the truth. Despite the fact that we've discussed this in length, there's not one clue that leads to the killer. But that might be because... there's no way any of us could be a killer.

Hajime: Your changing your story again?!

Nagito: Anyway, I have an idea about what we should all do at this point. Has anybody thought about our situation like this? Instead of surviving by doubting each other, isn't it better to be killed by believing in each other?

Ibuki: D-Doesn't that mean.. Are you saying we should give up and die?

The hell's wrong with him?

Hajime: Nagito! There's definitely something wrong with you!

Nagito: Haha! You're only thinking there's something wrong with me, because there's something wrong with you. Suspecting each other like this... there's no way this is healthy behaviour. Let's stop this already, we don't have to find out who the killer is. I can't take this anymore! I don't want to do this to my friends!

Teruteru: I-I don't wanna do this either...

Mikan: M-Me too please... take me home already.

Hiyoko: Wahhh! I wanna go home and eat candy!

Mahiru: S-Stop it... if everyone acts like this I'm gonna...

Aria and Hajime: Everyone calm down!

Nagito: We're all friends right? There's no way one friend would murder another.

Hajime: Th-Then why did Byakuya die!?

Nagito: Who cares? Let's just give up already. There are no clues that lead to the killer, not a single one of them..

Chiaki: That's Wrong!...........I think...

Chiaki for the love of all that's good, PLEASE get a new catchphrase.

Nagito: Did you say something?

Chiaki: Cause, we've already found a clue that might point to who the killer is.

Gundham: A clue you say?

Akane: You know who the killer is?

Chiaki: The Killer? I dunno. But we do have a clue about a suspicious person. I think..

Nagito: I see, care to tell me? What's this clue you're talking about?

Chiaki: First of all, let's try thinking about how the killer was able to obtain the knife during the blackout.

Nagito: Didn't we already cover that? They used glowing paint as a mark.

Chiaki: No not that, I mean before that.

Hajime: Let's try examining the situation. Mahiru's diagram might be useful here.

Mahiru: The diagram of where everyone was standing before the blackout right? Um.. here it is.

Hajime: The killer must've used the desk lamp to move in that Darkness.

Nagito: The desk lamp? I hope you don't mean they turned on the light or something.

Gundham: There was a blackout, no way the killer could've used the light.

Hajime: They didn't turn the desk lamp on. They used it's power cord.

Mikan: P-Power cord?

Aria: They would've been able to feel their way to the table using it during the blackout. The killer would've been able to use the glowing paint aswell to find the knife.

Chiaki: There is only one person who would've been able to do that.

Teruteru: Wh-Who?

I then looked at everyone and then I cast my finger and pointed at the killer.

Aria: Nagito it was you wasn't it?


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