Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)

Door brooke_demure

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On the run after his poor choices, Megatron, broken and lost, inevitably crosses Texas state lines in his ret... Meer

Chapter 1 - Move
Chapter 2 - All Hail!
Chapter 3 - Wake
Chapter 4 - Normalcy
Chapter 5 - Filth
Chapter 6 - Lien
Chapter 7 - Rainfall
Chapter 8 - Sunsets
Chapter 9 - Captious
Chapter 10 - Emerald Cut
Chapter 11 - Extremity
Chapter 12 - Discernment
Chapter 13 - Incoming Newcomer
Chapter 14 - Revitalization
Chapter 15 - Envisage
Chapter 17 - Curtail
Chapter 18 - Obstinate
Chapter 19 - Regain
Chapter 20 - Diving
Chapter 21 - Vale
Chapter 22 - Coincide
Chapter 23 - Acme
Chapter 24 - Abysm
Chapter 25 - Limbo
Chapter 26 - Copilot
Chapter 27 - Retrieval
Chapter 28 - Solder
Chapter 29 - Snare
Chapter 30 - Scintilla
Chapter 31 - Détente
Chapter 32 - Cessation

Chapter 16 - Rust

359 18 9
Door brooke_demure

Lauren placed her hands atop her hips and gazed upon her impeccable organization skills, having gathered all her newly acquired items. A small smile played onto her dry lips and sweat coated her skin, courtesy of the scorching sun. Her short, uneven hair tickled the nape of her neck and she was constantly tucking stray strands back behind her ear in an effort to keep it out of her eyes. So much for her stylist career. 

Among all the items she had amassed, her favorites consisted of a near full shop's worth of tools packed away neatly, a can of blueberry pie filling that she'd save for the next 'special occasion', and a duffle bag that contained the clothes of a soldier named 'Derek'. A small part of her felt bad for the apparent robbery of someone's wardrobe, but she'd guiltily admit she was thankful for the spare clothes (even if they were too big in all the places she did not need extra room in). Oh, and don't forget the sweet little satellite radio she'd nabbed. It was her prized jewel in the shit storm she was pulled into. Her very own small, portable piece of heaven. 

Did it sound like shit? Yes. Was finding a station more trouble than it was worth? Also yes, but she'd bite her tongue. 

Among other things, she was now the proud owner of a yellow paint can. Not that she had much use for the substance in her current predicament, but it was something she could call hers nonetheless. Plus, the color was reminiscent of the dandelions that'd bloom in her lawn during spring. 

Using her forearm, she wiped away the beading sweat on her brow as she tediously messed with the dial on the small radio, her face screwed up in concentration. 

"Your irritating wavelengths are not pertinent to your task at hand, girl." Megatron bit from his sat position. "Do not avoid the inevitable." 

"Yeah, yeah. One sec, I almost got it-" And just as the words left her mouth, she managed to tune into an English station, a triumphant smile graced her lips as she stood tall. The brunette turned on her heel to gather the needed supplies for that day's excursion; the removal of rust from Megatron-all-mighty and the addition of new metals to his already bulky body. 

With a razor scraper in one hand and a vinegar soaked rag in the other, she set to work, keen on starting on his lowest parts first and foremost as she happily sang along with the music. The sun beat down on her unforgivingly, but she was more than happy to be hands on and a liability no more. At least, that's how she felt about the situation. 

"When I close my eyes, I'm going out of my head. Lost in a fairytale, can you hold my hands and be my guide? Clouds filled with stars cover your skies." 

She worked diligently and with pride, unsuspecting of the optics that observed the odd spectacle. 

Nitrozeus whistled, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he leaned against a rock. "Dayum, what's she going to do next? Dig up Energon with her bare hands?" His words were delivered with sarcasm and a shrug. "Carry his sparklings?" 

Blackout cast the sight a hard, distasteful glare, a scoff followed suit. "It's a disgusting display." 

"How far up are your panties buried in your ass?" 

"He should've had your helm the night of arrival or did he damage your processors too?" Blackout insulted incredulously with a gesture to the mangled metal of Nitrozeus's shoulder servo. 

The comment rolled off the bot. "I already apologized, made my peace man." 

The helicopter bot turned an incredulous eye to his fellow decepticon. "You do no such thing." 

"And they'll get over it, old shit is still shit. You hear?"

Soundwave remained further out on the skirt of their so called camp, doing what he did best; gathering valuable intel and breaching the once thought-unbreachable, not paying much mind to his lord or the small femme he'd proclaimed as 'his mate'. 

"What kind of dream is this? You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. Either way I don't wanna wake up from you (turn the lights on)."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lauren bobbed her head in tandem as her lips moved to shape the lyrics of the song. The corners of her mouth tugged taunt into a pleasant smile as she scrubbed away what rust she could with the vinegar alone. Baking powder would've been appreciated, but she'd do with what she could. The once white rag stained copper and sweat soaked through her clothes making the green fabric darker in some areas. She was so fully immersed in the moment, blessed with such a distraction. No prying eyes- or optics- would pull her from the work at hand or dampen her mood. Part of her brain felt as though she were stood back in her barn, the Texan heat engulfing her as she busied herself. It was blissful as long as she was able to remain immersed. 

The thump of the music had her swaying to the rhythm unconsciously as she tucked away the stained rag into her back pocket like a crude tail as the previous song ended and a whole new tune overtook her ears. 

"The lonely moments just get lonelier, The longer you're in love than if you were alone. Memories turn into daydreams, become a taboo-" 

She chipped away at the last remaining bits of rust upon his leg casings, occasionally snagging the rag from her pocket to scrub away any stubborn stains as she kept tempo with the pop-punk song. 

"I don't want to be afraid. The deeper that I go. It takes my breath away. Soft hearts, electric souls. Heart to heart and eyes to eyes, Is this taboo?"

Lauren continued with her task, not meeting Megatron's eyes in her hyper focus, her vocal chords produced the song's lyrics with ease and her small step-dances continued unbeknownst to even her before she gestured for the mech to bring her up higher to him. She was fortunate his chassis was the least bit rusted, but she continued in her endeavor with no complaints, even as her skin reddened with the beginnings of a sunburn. 

Megatron growled out in deep satisfaction at the removal of the disease called 'rust' and in part to the femme's quite pleasant vocalizations, his optics never left her ever moving form as she worked with upmost diligence.

It was so sudden when Lauren halted what she was doing to vocalize the growing crescendo of the song and no others dare not stop her in her endeavor.  

Dramatically, she placed her hand atop her beating heart and sang out the lyrics with bursting passion, turning to face the decepticon overlord in the midst of it as if to direct the words at him. 

Crimson optics zeroed on on her face and his audio receptors teemed with heightened intrigue. 

"Those thoughts of past lovers, they'll always haunt me. I wish I could believe you'd never wrong me. Then will you remember me in the same way as I remember you? Baby, we built this house on memories. Take my picture now, shake it 'til you see it. And when your fantasies become your legacy, Promise me a place." 

She used her razor scraper as a makeshift drum stick as she banged out the climax of the song on an imaginary drum set. He'd never seen a human smile in such a way as she turned back to her work, ripping her piercing gaze from his. The song continued on.

"Primus, the cowgirl has him wrapped around her digit." Nitrozeus gawked with jest at Blackout who offered no reply in return. 

Megatron forcefully cast his sights skyward, his spark fought to break free from his chamber and it was all he could do to quell the foreign feeling of his wires firing off and his metals growing tight. He'd heard his subordinate's words and he would, in fact, not be wrapped around her small phalange. There was no command above his and he would not be controlled by anything in the known universe, but Primus did her presence make him want to roar out pridefully and tear out the audio receptors of all that were near, lest they find her vocalizations as pleasant as he did. And yet, he would not stop her.

He couldn't

Lauren exhaled with a pant, looking over her work with gratification before turning to face the decepticon she was in the hand of. "Okay big guy, I got all I can see. It's not perfect, but I tried. Is there anything my small human eyes are missing?" The music droned on in the background and some wind kissed her moist skin, cooling her. 

He cast his sights back down upon the small woman and her ill-fitting clothing, noting the distinct way the uv rays casted soft beige spots upon her cheeks. "Your primitive human eyes do not capture anything of much significance." His insult came out calm and lacked some of its usual edge as he moved her up to the damaged side of his helm. 

"Just because I don't have laser vision or thermal reading doesn't mean my eyes suck. They're in perfect health, thank you." She quipped back as she assed the premature rust taking over his helm. She did her absolute best to tend to the area with a gentle hand as she recited a lyric here and there through her pointed focus. The radio's music was quieter from her new vantage point, but not entirely missed on her. 

Megatron growled, the scraping of his own metal was grating on his fine tuned audio receptors, but if he listened carefully he could hear her small human heart beat, her scent smelled of sodium and metal, much like it did the day he'd first encountered her. His nose ridge shifted and his olfactory sensors sought out the scent greedily. 

"So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear." 

Her words were soft, dulled by her concentration and he noted the distinct way her hands treated him. They were gentle and much too soft for something as sharp as him. The decepticon had long tuned out the radio's wavelengths. 

"Soon it will be over and buried with our past."

Lauren carefully dabbed away what she could of the stain left behind before speaking over the music. "It's a good thing it was caught before it could do any real damage, but I think I'm about done." The small woman retracted the blade on the scrape tool before pocketing it away for later use. 

The sun was still perched high within the sky, making it hard to gauge the time. A part of her desperately missed the convenience of her phone, but she'd been doing well enough without it even if she did instinctively reach for the small device everyday. She'd made a mental note to get a new one down the line.  

Megatron rose to full height as Lauren remained atop his shoulder servo, his helm casted a small shadow that she took respite in. The ordeal really did make her feel like a little bottom feeding bug, but she was alive and breathing, so what the hell, right? 

The logical side of her reprimanded the girl inside of her, stating that she should hate the florigen invader and resent him for her current circumstances, but the other side of her overruled stating that she'd not be breathing if it weren't for him and honestly, there was much to contest with. 

It was either be homeless with nothing to her name, or be homeless with alien robots while being toted around the globe like some kind of pet. 

She'd like to say she chose the latter, but ultimately the decision was made for her and just this one time she would accept that someone other than her was in control. 


Harold Attinger's helicopter landed with little turbulence among the wing of Lockdown's many ships. The male in question made haste to exit the craft and carry himself in the mech's direction, his scarf billowed around him in an effort to escape. 

Lockdown dropped from where he stood, his significant weight doing nothing to the dwarfing ship. His emerald optics were narrowed dangerously, his fists curled in stiffly. "I warn you mister Attinger of earth," The bounty hunter started as his subordinates hung back in ready. "An alliance is a contract, and contracts, like humans expire." His tone carried sharp edge and wordless threat. 

Harold plucked his glasses from his face to better gaze up the mech. "On this planet we have a saying." He squared his shoulders confidently. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." 

A glare contorted his metal features. "I don't care." Lockdown leered bitterly. 

Harold frowned, but steadied himself. "So, what happened in Texas? I thought you had Megatron. And what about Optimus?" 

The emerald optic bot stepped forward with assertion. "Two direct hits. What would have been a mortal wound. Then, your men allowed him to escape with a human no less." His words were delivered with a harsh starkness that cut through the older man. "You promised me human intelligence and an army, but I have yet to see either. Is there such a thing?" 

Attinger stuffed his clenched hands into his coat pockets. "You know, you still never told me. Why do you need them and an army?" He cast his sights up to scrutinize the mech, crows feet adorning each eye. "Who're you working for?" 

Lockdown stood tall and replied with purpose. "Every galaxy I've traveled, all you species are the same." His tone was accusatory in nature. "You all think you're the center of the universe. You have no idea." 

Harold huffed, his breath visible in the cool temperature of the atmosphere. "I figure all species are the same in that regard." His comment was made in passing and received a curt snarl from the alien. "You'll have your army in three days, you have my word." 

"Words mean nothing with no action. I am holding you to that Attinger." Lockdown hissed. 

With a scrunched nose and furrowed brows, the older man turned to make his way back to his helicopter, but stopped. "Surveillance shows that there's been decepticon activity in Namibia Africa. Photo evidence indicates the girl works with them. Cemetery wind is to have a ground troop deployed in the next day. I expect you there." 

"Little humans and their orders. You hold no authority in this realm. Go." Lockdown turned and moved to be with his men, leaving Attinger room to leave and he did so without a second word. 


Night was quick to fall soon there after. The setting sun was tucked behind thick rain clouds and Soundwave was swift to inform of the impending rainfall, one of the few the land has seen in that year's time. The earth below them would be greedy to suck the skies dry. 

Lauren would have to push her duties back till the next day in the hopes of better weather. She'd work in the blistering sun with no issues, but a blow torch and rain would not mix much to Megatron's displeasure. 

Tucking a tuft of hair behind her ear, the brunette sat back against the rock wall, thunder ravened the land as the storm crept upon them with growing haste. The occasional flash of lightening stung her vision in the darkness and she counted the seconds between the rolls of thunder and the clanging of lightening. 

The mech overlord sat across from her in the makeshift berth-called-cavern. He was occupied with his own series of thoughts, ignoring the weather completely with ease. He would not rust further, though the same could not be said for his men. Another problem to be sorted another time. 

Lauren, much to her disfavor would tense every time a boom of thunder erupted through the clouds. She cast hesitant glances toward the decepticon each time, but made no move to initiate conversation. Her arms hung sore off her propped knees and the tenseness was doing her no favors. A sharp, crack of lightening broke harshly through the muted rainfall, having definitely struck something with a vengeance. 

"Can I sit with you?" Her words came out rushed and strained against her pride. "Please..." She pulled herself into a tight ball as if to shield herself away from the downpour.  

Megatron had not been unaware of her flinches to the weathering conditions, but found her fear to be unfounded and needless. He grumbled as he plucked her from the sand with no given words. 

She was promptly deposited onto his folded thigh plating, the way his adjacent knee propped up beside her in combination with his rested arm atop it made his stance feel cage like, but she was not going to complain with his compliance to her request. Lauren shifted to rest her back against his lower torso area, though she'd have to admit she was probably closer to his hip servo than anything. Each time she touched him she was surprised at his warmth and, albeit brutish, way of being gentle with her small frame, though she'd never say that and resided to keeping the revelation to herself. Tipping her head back, she rested it against him in an effort to get comfortable. The air of comfort that surrounded the mech was something she could not find words for, she just knew deep within herself that it was right, but was that something she'd concluded herself or was her subconscious swayed by the sparkbond? She found herself asking that question more frequently in recent time. And the answer was a resounding 'I don't know', but it truly didn't matter to her, she'd revel in the comfort for as long as she was able. Contempt with the hushed feeling of want. 

Megatron's chassis rose and fell with a vent as he felt the femme situate herself into a more laxed position. The movement pulled him from his thoughts of an empty tank and plans of action for the coming future. He cast his optics down at her now much less tense form atop his thigh plating. His spark fluttered in contempt at the contact and he, too, rested further into the rock behind himself, no doubt his armor chipped at the organic surface. She was heavier than she had been weeks prior and a deep pitched groan of satisfaction bellowed from within him, making the thunder sound like a kitten's cry. At least he knew he was doing something correct in his time of absence. Not only could he lead the strongest military battalions in the known universe, but he'd also prove to be a sufficient mate. A surge of pride coursed through him as he flattered himself. 

His gaze lingered on her small frame as it did when she was in his presence. He soon found himself drifting into a mellow recharge and he was swift to accept the chance at rest that was not forced by himself. 

Megatron opened his optics sooner than he would've liked to and was mildly disturbed to find that his optics no- eyes- were moist. The realization was a mild shock as the body he inhabited stumbled quickly out of a familiar house. He could feel the way the earth stuck to the bottom of his small, soft feet. Dirt, it was dirt. 

He was much too small, he found. The ground had never been so close to him. 

What was this? What was he seeing? 

His sights found the outside of the house he'd dashed out of and knew with absolute certainty that it was Lauren's home. Though, the paint looked fresher and far more crisp. Flowers bloomed in a contained bed close by, he noticed. Those were not there when he had stumbled upon her and the barn. 

Was this Lauren he was experiencing? 

The small body he peered through moved fast and with purpose as someone, a male's voice, called out to her fleeing form. She did not turn back to the calls. 

It was then that he noticed her small body dashing towards the driver's side of a car. 

This was a memory and an early one at that, he found. The colors were much too vivid and the sounds were clear. The sparkbond, that must be it, but why have this sort of connection be delayed so long? It was typically immediate in most cases. The mech tucked away his speculations for later as he heard the much squeakier pitch of Lauren cry. 

She was much smaller then, not even reaching the top of the car door from where she stood beside the vehicle. 

His face- or rather her face- felt hot and wetness stung her eyes. This feeling was foreign to him in its entirety. 

"Go on leave! Just like you always fucking have!"  That same deep male voice bellowed with vexation. Lauren's eyes didn't meet the words producer as she tearfully gazed upon another male, his face screwed into a hard expression with the same dark hair that she had. 

"I'm s-sorry." She strained out with a squeal, using the sleeve of her pink shirt wipe at her tears. 

The driver looked to her, though his features never lessened and a part of his gaze made Megatron want to growl if he could. "Not your fault Laurie." 

Laurie? Why call her by a designation other than her own? He sneered at the uncomfortable pang that yanked within her. 

The small child clung to the door. "Then take me with you." She pleaded as more tears slipped from her already sore eyes. Her voice trembled as the car engine roared to life. 

What was this? What was happening? Megatron didn't understand much to his disdain. 

The thrum of the engine was most prominent to her and drowned out all other noises. She sniffled. 

The driver cast his eyes away to stare ahead of himself, dismissing the small girl. "Gotta work twelve hour nightshifts, I can't look after you." 

Lauren clasped the open window with both small hands as desperation took ahold of her small form. "You could if you want to." The car inched forward, gradually pulling away from her weak hold. She kept step to follow. "Talk on the phone, everything's going to work out." 

Again, he felt her small bare feet pat against the dirt as she ran around the front of the classic car. The squeal of the breaks sounded haunting in her eardrums as she splayed her arms out in some last plea to stop the man from leaving. 

"You gotta move now Laurie."

Again with the name. He couldn't help, but feel a protective hold take him in a vice grip as he wanted to bite out that her name was, in fact, Lauren

Still, she refused to move despite her small stature, but she was knocked down to place as the older male barked out with resounding command. "Laurie please!" 

The small child, no bigger than his own optic, stepped out of way with diminished fight. Her shoulders slumped heavily and fresh tears nipped at her eyes uncomfortably. Her feet carried her back to the side of his car, he did not look to meet her eyes. "You're not going to leave me here, daddy..." Her fears were all, but confirmed when the car was put into drive. "Daddy?" 

Still he didn't answer as he drove off and she screamed out. "Take me with you!" Lauren sobbed. "I need you..." The last statement came out in a whisper, drowned out by her cries. 

Megatron recalled her words from the previous joor in the moment, "I was so young, it doesn't even matter."  She'd lied and a burning rage took hold of him, but not towards her. No, not her. 

This was a memory, that much was certain, but the vividness and the clearness of the sounds was not tied to that of happiness. 

This was a scar, deep-rooted into her very being and an aiding product to learned fears. It was only natural that it's be the first thing he'd see. 

The feeling of her small organic heart throbbing in pain as she sobbed into her small sparkling hands was a force in and of itself that he did not wish to experience anymore. 

A part of him wondered if she was in a similar situation and if she was, what could she being seeing? Her lifespan was short and not at all long, while his stretched over millions of human years. Was this a one time thing or would this persist? He could not answer that question. The smallest glimpses into her unfiltered, unguarded past was not something he detested, however. It was raw much like a cluster of energon and he'd be a fool to deny himself the insight to her. 

But with that came questions, naturally, and he had no way on how to brooch his own curiosities that were not conquering. 

Make sure to vote on the story! It really helps out! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! ♡

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