Drive Me Crazy

By Tootsie_200

408 43 0

Howie has had a rough start to the year, first he got married, then went on a European tour for a couple of m... More

Don't Remind Me
Thunder Rolls
My Problem
The Watermelon Thump
The Guilt
Home Sweet Home
Falling Out
Unruly Display
Make Amends
I'm Hopeless
Forgive Not Forget
Fall Again
Reality Check
What a Show
Betraying Desire
Old Feelings
Rise and Fall
Start Over
The Blues
So Sorry
Vegas Wedding
Tiny Surprise
Not Again
I'm Dying?
Call 911
In My Heart

Angry Drunk

13 1 0
By Tootsie_200

The next morning Howie woke up to find Kevin sipping on a cup of coffee and reading the paper, Nick crawled around like a child chasing after Mason who giggled uncontrollably. Howie smiled at Kevin's mini twin and his childish blonde friend.

"Good...Howie" Nick said out of breath as he made noises with his mouth.

"Morning..." he muttered, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "That kid is your replica, just blonde." he smiled at Kevin, as he still watched Nick and the child crawling in circles. Kevin looked at him, his eyes almost making a hole through him "What Kevin?" he asked.

"I don't know you tell me...want some coffee?" he stood up while Howie gave him a nod.

"Everything is fine Kevin...don't start it!" he poured sugar into the steaming cup of coffee Kevin had handed him. "Seriously...I'm ok. I just hope that she is..."

"Morning..." AJ said entering the kitchen and taking a seat next to Howie, his gaze firm and slightly angry. "What the hell did you do to her?" AJ retorted "She's a mess...I could hear her crying all night."

Howie shrugged, feeling the flutter in his stomach rise. Deep down he wanted to tell AJ to 'fuck off' and run to her side, and let her know she had nothing to cry about, but he opted to stay seated. "Nothing. Would you guys stop it? I don't think it's me you need to talk to, AJ. Can't you at least wait till YOU talk to her and she leaves."

"Fine, we are talking tonight after the barbecue." AJ rolled his eyes as he served himself a bowl of cereal. "So what else did you do on this trip...besides my fiancé?"

"AJ!" Kevin scolded

"What are you so mad about huh? You are the one that persisted and it happened. Now stop having your usual fits when you don't get what you want. Shut up already!" Howie slumped into a chair and sipped on his coffee, while AJ walked away.

Millie stared at herself in the mirror as she brushed her long brown hair into a ponytail. Kevin had been kind enough to lend her some of Kristin's jeans and a pink top. She sat for a second, trying to avoid walking out the door, knowing that bumping into Howie would be inevitable.

There was a faint knock "Come in" she shouted, taking a seat on the bed.

AJ entered the room slowly, as she looked up and gave him a weak smile. She had forgotten how good looking he was, with his goatee, his tattoos and his wild wardrobe. All the good times she had spent with him filled her mind, the nice dinners, the concerts, the movies, the kisses.

"Hey there...I was just checking up on you. Are you feeling better?" he sat next to her, rubbing his hand up and down her back. "I forgot to tell you last night that you look really beautiful...your hair has grown a lot since the last time I saw you." he caressed her cheek with the side of his hand.

He wanted to tell her it was all his stupid idea and that Howie had refused to take part in the whole mess. Her smile sent a nice warm feeling through his body, it always had. Her innocent smile had been one of her attributes that had caught his attention in the first place. With the years he had grown so close to her, that she was almost like a sister, but watching Brian, Kevin and then Howie get married. Had only made him feel left behind, like the wagon was leaving, and he wasn't on it.

Their kisses had been passionate and he had copped a feel or two, but it had never gone beyond that. She had always stopped him and they usually ended up arguing about it then making up again.

Somehow that angered him, it had taken him so long to just get a kiss from her and it had taken Howie four days to get in her pants. He put the anger to the side and continued to take in her beauty, she had been with him in the good and bad, at concerts, through his rehabilitation. Therefore that affection had blossomed into a great friendship, therefore, it only seemed right to propose to someone that knew it all about him, and actually accepted him the way he was.

She waved her hand in his face "Where'd you go..." she giggled "I was asking how was jail?"

"Oh that was horrible! They made us dance to Hey Mr. DJ and Nick kept nagging about having to take a piss in front of the cell mates." they both giggled "I'm sorry I didn't call you. I heard you guys got car jacked at gunpoint."

"Yeah that was scary...then we had to ride in this truck with water...melons..." the first kiss with Howie flashed in her mind and that same lump nestled in her throat. "The thief took my dress and my locket..."

"Oh...what about that one" he gripped at the small heart dangling from her neck and rubbed his thumb over its surface. "I thought it was this one."

Millie blushed "No, this one...uh...Howie gave it to me in San Antonio. He felt bad about me losing mine. Anyways the trip was fun! Howie isn't as boring as you made him sound." she smiled weakly. "He's actually very sweet and respectful."

The anger returned with the mention of Howie, his blood boiled like lava flowing from a volcano. "Yeah they don't call him Sweet D for nothing. It's a nice necklace. So speaking of D how was it with you two?" he asked, trying not to let his impulse to yell take over him.

Just as she opened her mouth to answer his question, there was a knock on the door and Kevin peaked through "Hey you two...sorry to bother you but...uh we are gonna start setting up. Thought you could lend a hand..." he smiled. "How are you feeling sweetie?" He gave Millie a warm smile.

"I'm much better, thanks for asking Kevin. Well let's go." Millie tried sounding animated, she was thanking Kevin for saving her from the dreadful question. They all made their way down the hall "I'm so hungry" she stated holding her growling stomach.

AJ grabbed hold of her hand interlacing his fingers with hers. His action caught her by surprise and it even felt awkward to her, but she went along with him. After all, he was still her fiancé. She looked around wanting to see Howie, yet hoping she wouldn't. All it would do was cause her suffering, then make her want to cry and she had done enough of that.

"Here Kevin makes breakfast every morning." AJ sat the plate of eggs with toast in front of her as she quickly began to eat. "He's been such a housewife ever since he quit us..." AJ chuckled.

"You're so mean" she giggled, just as she took her last bite Nick entered the kitchen Mason on his hip, gurgling a conversation with his blonde uncle.

"Have you seen mini Kevin?" Nick chuckled as the baby stretched his arms out at her.

"Oh...he likes me!" she giggled taking the baby in her arms, he was adorable. A replica of the gorgeous Kevin, the exception of having blonde hair that fell right above his little green eyes. "Hi there Mason..." she tickled his tummy as the baby cooed. "You're too cute," she smiled.

"Hey...we...we...need help," Howie stuttered as his eyes met Millie's gaze. The room went silent and everyone tensed, but he quickly shifted his eyes over to AJ, who excused himself to help. Howie looked back to see Millie, but she had occupied herself by giving her attention to the small child.

"So Nick, are you practicing for your kids or what?" she teased him as he took the baby back.

"! This kid is just plain fun" he covered his mouth secretively as he whispered "Unlike his father this kid is a blast." they both giggled as she rinsed her plate and dried it off. She took a deep breath and joined the guys outside to help.

A couple of hours later the tables were set in the yard, the DJ began to set up in a corner and Kevin busied himself in the kitchen preparing the burgers, steak and chicken. Millie smiled at the tall man in an apron, Kristin was so lucky to have him, he was so loving towards Mason and he loved to help around the house, the dream man.

She giggled to herself, blushing as she caught Kevin staring at her. "Sorry...just came to see if you needed any help." she smiled at the handsome man.

"Actually I just heard the doorbell ring. Could you get it for me?" she nodded and headed to the door.

Swinging it open she found a tall red head, in booty shorts and a tube top smiling widely at her "Sarah!" the girls embraced "I haven't seen you in like four months. How have you been?" Millie smiled as Sarah followed her.

"I'm peachy, thanks. So Mrs. Almost Mclean, how have you been? Last time we talked you were on a roadtrip with boring old Howie" Sarah laughed, embracing Millie with one arm.

"It was good, he's not as boring as everyone says" Millie said as they made their way outside to join the guys that had beer in their hands. The girls had met at one of AJ's birthday parties and had become very close friends instantly. "Want a beer?" she asked, already handing Sarah one.

The girls sat in a corner chatting up a storm, while more people kept arriving. The music began to play and the food was on the grill. Millie watched as AJ drank more than he usually did, there had to be something going on for him to be drinking like he was. After rehab he only had the occasional glass of wine at dinner or a drink at the club. Then her eyes met with Howie's, she looked away but now and then she caught him looking her way, but ignored him.

A while later people mingled, some continued to eat and others were getting their dance on. Sarah had found a couple more friends and had excused herself to greet them. Millie sat in a very comfortable lawn chair and watched as the sun began to hide and the garden lights gave the perfect lighting for the celebration.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the song playing from her phone, she flipped it open "! I'm fine thanks...Kevin is having a barbecue. Yeah how about at midnight. Can't wait to see you you too. Bye" she hung up and suddenly embraced "AJ..."

"Hey baby...what's up?" he slurred as he stumbled on to her, getting really close to her face "We need to talk right now." he stated with force in his voice. "You betrayed me!" he almost shouted, making her jump. "We were supposed to get married...remember!" he pointed his finger with reproach.

She pushed him away "AJ would you stop. I don't know what you're talking about?" How would he know? Did Howie tell him? She had to talk to him but it just wasn't the right time, not when he was drunk. "AJ just calm down ok" she asked him quietly.

" have to tell me. Did you fuck him...?" he shouted again, this time Howie and Nick came from behind and grabbed him, pulling him away as he still slurred. She was racking her brain, they had lots to talk about, but it just wasn't the right time.

Maybe she would just check up on him, face her fears and talk to him.

Howie pushed AJ against the kitchen counter "What the hell are you doing? Why are you causing a scene over something that you wanted to happen? Are you trying to humiliate her infront of all those people? Why are you drinking? You quit!" Howie interrogated AJ.

AJ held his head "Shut're making my head hurt. She betrayed me...cause she fucked you. I..." he pointed to himself "I am her fiance...still and I never got to sleep with her" he banged his fist against the counter.

"Why are you so angry at her? You said you didn't love didn't want to marry her."

"You took her from me...I wanted you to sleep with her...just one simple fucking time. Not to make her fall in love with you. YOU FUCKED IT ALL UP!" AJ shouted.

"Would you stop yelling asked me to do it. I did it!" Howie retorted angrily. "We are both assholes... Can we talk about this later since you're drunk. Plus I don't want Millie overhearing this."

The party was still going on outside. The music was a loud buzz and the voices were just a bunch of chatter, but Millie only heard the two men arguing about her in the kitchen, they hadn't even noticed she was standing at the doorway. The tears glistened in her eyes as she heard the words coming out of Howie's mouth

. "You slept with me, because he asked you to?" she swiped at her cheek.

Both men turned to look at Millie, horror covered their faces "What? No...that's not what happened. You know he's drunk....and..." Howie went silent as he bit the side of his lip.

AJ stood up straight, the shock of Millie overhearing their argument seemed to sober him up, but not enough to dwindle his anger "I did ask him to screw you, I thought you...wouldn't..." He pointed at her "...being my FIANCE and all. I was so fucking wrong."

Millie felt the room spin, and her heart drum excessively against her chest. "Is that true?" She looked up at Howie waiting anxiously for an answer. There was no way that Howie had pretended their whole trip, she was hoping that he would say that AJ was just drunk and talking out of his ass.

"Answer me!" she yelled. Howie took a deep breath, she could see his jaw tighten, "Wow your silence says it all...I can't believe it. You two are assholes..." she closed her eyes and licked her lips, then placed a hand on her face "What was this a little game to see who could fuck the virgin first." she mockingly clapped, "Well Howie you won."

"Millie, it's not like that. I did it because I wanted to...not because he asked me to or because you were a virgin." she darted through the living room and down the hallway "Millie please wait..." he followed her.

She entered the room and her sobs were loud as she covered her mouth "It was all a lie..." she kept her back to him "I thought you were different...that's why...I gave myself to you." she turned to get in his face. "I fuckin..." She hit him in the chest once and then again, "trusted you!"

"Please listen to me." He tried placing his arms around her, but she pushed him away.

"Don't ever touch me again. I told you I loved you..." she put her hand over her mouth as she paced. "This was all just a stupid game to you could I be so stupid. I did it with you, because I thought that you were different."

Howie leaned against the door "Millie it's not like that...AJ is drunk he doesn't know what he's saying."

Millie wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying all she did was pace and talk "I was feeling so guilty for betraying him and the whole time you both were playing me. I believed in you...turns out you are worse than he is." She suddenly let him have a palm to the left cheek. "Get out of my room" she shouted, pushing him.

"Millie...please" he was almost in tears himself, he held her wrist "Please listen to started out that way." her eyes were swollen and more than anger he saw disappointment in them. "I love you Millie...ok!"

"Get out...get out of my room. I never want to see you again." she pushed him out and slammed the door behind him. Leaning against the door she slowly slid down and sat, bringing up her knees to her chest and resting her elbows on her knees while she cried into her hands.

Howie wiped the tear that slid down his cheek, it pained him to see her heartbroken. All he wanted was to kick AJ's ass and then drown himself in alcohol to forget. Just forget it all. Instead he bumped into Kevin who just gave him a sympathetic look without bothering to ask him anything and let him make his way up to his room.

AJ washed his face, he cursed under his breath knowing that he had hurt two of the most important people in his life. Although he didn't want to marry Miillie before, now he had suddenly changed his mind. He didn't know if it was because he actually and truly loved her or if it was the jealousy of knowing that she loved someone else and not him. He had never been a faithful fiancé, going without sex was not an option for him, but now that the tables were turned, he didn't like it.

As for Howie, they had been best friends ever since they had started in the group. They had been through a lot together and now he really disliked him. He knew it wasn't his fault, but he hated him for taking Millie away, for changing her feelings, for sleeping with her. He shook his head "You asked him too" he yelled at himself in the mirror.

He couldn't understand why he was so angry at Howie. Why had he lashed out in the first place? He laid on the couch, the ceiling spinning, his body numb with the alcohol flowing through his veins, he would fix it all tomorrow.

A couple of hours later Kevin knocked on Millie's door. She sat up, gripping the locket she had ripped off her neck earlier. She walked over to the door, opening it slowly she looked into Kevin's green eyes. "Hi sweetie...your dad is outside. You ok?" he gave her a kind look, she nodded with a weak smile "The pain will subside Millie...I promise." he hugged her as she began to cry again.

Lifting her head and kissing his cheek she smiled "Thanks...don't let them know I've left." They walked down the hall. At the door she took his arm and placed the locket in his hand "Can you give it back...I don't want it." he watched as she jumped into her dad's car and waved at him. He waved back and made his way back into the house.

Millie hugged her father tightly as he looked down at her concerned "Millie everything ok?" he lifted her head up by her chin "What's wrong baby girl? Did someone hurt you?"

"I'll be fine dad...let's just go home please. Please!" she watched as the house stayed behind. Hoping she wouldn't have to see either one of them ever again, or at least for a very long time.

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