Drive Me Crazy

By Tootsie_200

404 43 0

Howie has had a rough start to the year, first he got married, then went on a European tour for a couple of m... More

Don't Remind Me
Thunder Rolls
My Problem
The Watermelon Thump
The Guilt
Home Sweet Home
Angry Drunk
Falling Out
Unruly Display
Make Amends
I'm Hopeless
Forgive Not Forget
Fall Again
Reality Check
What a Show
Betraying Desire
Old Feelings
Rise and Fall
Start Over
The Blues
So Sorry
Vegas Wedding
Tiny Surprise
Not Again
I'm Dying?
Call 911
In My Heart


18 2 0
By Tootsie_200

The next morning Nick and AJ rested against each other on the bench, a slight trail of drool running down Nick's chin. AJ rubbed his eyes and looked around, the bullies that had been teasing them about being a boy band were gone. He looked up, finding himself leaned against Nick and his drool.

"Disgusting" he stretched his aching body, giving Nick an elbow on his chest. "Hey idiot, get up"

Nick jumped up "Huh...what..." he looked around startled "Asshole, you scared me."

"The bullies are gone" AJ sighed with relief.

"Thank god! If I danced to 'Hey Mr. DJ' one more time I was going to drown myself in that nasty toilet bowl."

"I want to go home!" AJ leaned his head against the bars, letting out an exasperated yell.

"Well you're in luck" an officer stood in front of him, "it looks like someone still cares about" he made quote marks "The remaining Backstreet losers" he opened the cell laughing out loud, Nick and AJ fighting to be the first to get out of the smelly cell.

The twosome were escorted to the office to sign out and get their belongings. As they walked through the hall, the cops escorted an exaggeratedly large man with the meanest face "Hey there pretty boys" he lunged himself towards Nick and AJ.

"Holy shit!" AJ said hiding behind a sleepy Nick "Now that one would have made us BOTH his bitches." his eyes flew open as he saw the familiar tall man standing at the station entrance.

They both ran like little children to embrace him. "Oh man, am I glad to see you." Nick said, giving Kevin a big hug.

"Me two...daddy" AJ mocked holding on to Kevin.

"Jesus I'm gone for a while and you guys are in JAIL...don't think this is going to make me come back." Kevin scolded them as they made their way to his truck.

"Uh no, we know your ass is not coming back...for now. Especially with Mason in the picture!" AJ said buckling up.

"I know. I heard, Brian called me and told me what was happening. Where the hell is Howie" Nick and AJ looked at each other "Did they find the accountant? Where the hell is your manager?"

"They're all in Cancun having Margaritas and tacos...except Howie, he's busy with Millie who knows where...while we had to dance for some bullies and we definitely have bad B.O. right!" Nick pouted.

"No lie." He fanned his face, "Well Kris is waiting for you guys with food and you can shower cause you reek. Howie and Millie?...I'm not going to ask." Kevin said, zooming off.

Back in Lulling, Howie and Millie stood startled by the thing in front of them. "Oh no, I'm not getting on that thing." Millie moved backwards, shaking her head as she looked up at Howie, a blank expression on his face "Howie, do you even know how to ride that thing?" she questioned him.

He sighed heavily, remembering the last time he had ridden a motorcycle, he was surrounded by dirt and the guys had come to his rescue when he had flipped over, but he knew that the bike in front of them was their only way to get to the city of San Antonio.

Plus he had tried it out earlier and after a couple of crashes into the big tree he seemed to get the feel for the bike. "Well kind of, but...never mind." Howie smiled. Preferring not to mention the crashes to Millie he made way towards the bike.

The watermelon man patted his back "That's the spirit. You can drop it off at my aunt's house at the address I gave you." the man sighed as he watched Howie uneasily hop on the bike and motion to Millie. "I know this is really not your style. You being a superstar and all, but that's all I got to offer."

Howie shook the man's hand "It's very appreciated, really. Thank you so much for all of your help. Please thank your mother on our behalf for her hospitality."

Millie finally flung her leg over the seat and straddled the bike, holding on excessively tight to Howie's waist. "Shit, this is not good." she muttered, as Howie twisted the handles sending the bike in a revving frenzy. "Thank you" she waved as they slowly began their shaky route.

Eventually Howie got the hang of the bike and Millie eased up, letting the blood flow through his body again. They had ridden for almost an hour and a half and he could feel Millie shifting behind him.

He noticed a gas station ahead of them, a little leery the twosome walked close together to pay for snacks and gas. "I never would have guessed that you could ride one of these things?" Millie teased poking his rib.

"Oh this, well I hadn't said anything...but I got a couple of cuts and bruises from my practice this morning." he chuckled as he saw her astounded look. "'s a joke" he placed the pump back and hopped back on, smiling because it was definitely not a joke.

"Yeah right!" she smirked, grabbing hold of him again, this time feeling on his stomach "He's pretty fit." she spoke to herself.

Howie smiled, feeling a current through his body, as he felt the warmth of her hands move across his stomach. "Did you say something?"

His voice made her realize what she was doing and quickly she placed her hands back on his sides. Clearing her throat she replied nervously "Nothing I was talking to myself."

They continued their path and within forty five minutes they had entered the beautiful city of San Antonio. The sun was shining brightly and there was a nice breeze passing through. They pulled into the motel 6 and with the last of their cash paid for a single room.

The twosome entered the room, Millie running to the restroom. Howie took a seat on the bed, staring at the ground for a long while, until he heard her come out of the bathroom.

"Are you ok?" she asked, taking a seat next to him.

"Yeah I'm good, just tired and worried about the guys." he looked up at her, as she placed her hand on his. Her eyes didn't seem sad, like he remembered them and her smile was incredible. He found himself getting closer to her, craving to taste her lips again.

Don't do it Millie, you're not supposed to. AJ...AJ...

Millie felt her eyes begin to close, the thought of how disappointed AJ would be if he knew she was kissing his friend gnawed at her. Just as she could feel him breathing against her, she pulled away and blurted, "AJ hasn't called."

Howie cleared his throat "No, and I don't think he will. You know they can't call often in jail..." he said making his way to the bathroom "Well I'm going to take a nap..."

She plugged her phone into the charger they had picked up, "Well I'm going to leave it charging, I'm going to walk around. See what we can do later." she exited the room, letting out a sigh as she made her way towards the street.

As soon as Howie heard the door close, he stepped outside cursing himself under his breath.

What the hell are you thinking? You're freaking the girl out! God, you're so stupid!

He jumped at the singing coming from the phone. He was surprised to see AJ's name flashing on the screen, quickly he grabbed it and answered. "Hello"

"Hey man, we are free like birds. Of course on bail, thanks to Kevin."

Howie chuckled "That is great, see Kevin still cares. So what about the accountant and everyone else?"

"I just talked to them, they're on their way out here. The accountant said that we can use our credit cards only. He says it's a big fucking mistake, that he has all the proof we need. So we should be off the hook. Of course we are already all over the news! Kevin says that's how he found out." AJcould sense Howie's mind wandering.

"That's great! I'm glad that's almost over. Well as for Millie and I, man a lot of shit has happened."

"What? What kind of shit?" AJ felt a pang of jealousy, he was imagining Howie and Millie.

"Not what you are thinking, dummy! The car got stolen, so we just need to get another rental since you said we can use the cards. Then we will be back on the road...she went for a walk. She's asking questions already, since you've been avoiding her."

"Man, don't go falling in love with my fiance, even if I am breaking off the engagement." AJ began. "Of course, I still need you to tell her dude. I'm pretty sure you haven't told her yet!"

"It's not easy...there is never the right moment. You gotta call her, at least to see how she is doing. Pretend you care!" Howie almost pleaded.

"Fine, I'll call her tomorrow morning. What the hell is that an echo on the phone. You got me on fucking speaker?" AJ asked.

"No, I must have pushed something...look I gotta go ok." he looked back, hoping that she wouldn't storm through the door and catch him on the phone.

"Ok, maybe you should seduce her, she'll suffer less when she finds out. You can pop someone's cherry?" AJ's laughter bellowed through the speaker.

Howie sighed as he laughed back " are a sick man! I'll try to tell her later tonight, but you better call her tomorrow."

"I've got it, you seduce her. She falls for it and then she'll feel obligated to tell me and it will be her fault it's over."

"You're an ass! I think she is a great woman and I would not be able to play with someone's emotions like that. I don't want to do that..." but before he could finish, AJ had already cut off.

With a heavy sigh, he deleted the call and headed out to find Millie.

Millie walked right past the Alamo, it was much smaller than what she imagined. Just by looking around she could tell there were many things for them to do at night. Thinking of Howie made her smile, the way he smelled, the way he cocked his eyebrows when he was confused or annoyed by her, the way he was so uptight.

She laughed as she entered the motel, there was no Howie. She laid on the bed, staring at her phone. Hoping that maybe her fiancé would remember and give her a call. AJ was being really weird, he didn't answer her calls and when they talked it was always a short conversation.

Wasn't she supposed to be someone important to him?

How do you marry someone that doesn't even call to see how you're doing? Or just to call! What if he doesn't want to get married anymore? It's my fault I shouldn't be here with Howie!

She gave up on the phone call, flopped onto her back and began to stare a hole into the ceiling.

Howie entered the awfully quiet room, he found Millie curled up into a ball on the bed fast asleep. He smiled at the sleeping girl. Silently he placed the bags on the table and proceeded to gradually sit on the bed. Just as he sat, she opened her eyes and lifted her head drowsily.

"Hi" she mumbled.

"Hey there, I didn't want to wake you." he said getting off the bed.

"Oh no I'm fine, I was waiting for AJ to call. He didn't call while I was gone did he?" her eyes full of hope.

Howie remembered his conversation with AJ, he had already been lying it wouldn't change much if he continued. "No, I waited too. Nothing! Hey, why don't we get ready. I got a surprise for you." he walked over to the table and handed her a bag.

"What is it?" she asked anxiously as she took the bag he handed her. Peering into the bag she took out a long white cotton dress "Oh it's really nice, but how could you..." she smiled.

"Oh, well I took a chance and paid with the card." he laughed nervously "It worked"

Her mouth slowly dropped at the sight of a small black satin box at the bottom. Carefully she opened it her eyes glistened as she stared at the small gold locket.

"I know it's not the one, your mother..." his words were interrupted by a tight embrace.

Howie held her close "Thank you..." she whispered. Slowly breaking from their embrace, she wiped a tear from her cheek "See I told you, you're sweet!" she kissed his cheek. "I call dibs on the bathroom first."

After getting ready the twosome exited the room, the sun dipping low in the sky and the lights of the city beginning their evening affairs. "This place is beautiful..." she grinned as she watched a trolley pass right in front of them. "Come on, let's ride" she pulled him by the arm as they hopped on the trolley.

It took them past the Alamo, through the town buildings, near the Alamodome, which Howie knew well since they had performed there on a couple of occasions and lastly right in front of the famous Riverwalk.

The driver waved as the couple jumped off and waved back "Everyone is awfully nice" Howie said looking around for Millie.

She was busy staring at the reflection of the sky floating over the river, lights adorning the sides, along with restaurants and bars. At the very end she could make out a small bridge, which gave access to the mall and restaurants.

"Let's go" she grabbed his hand once again and they were off.

Slowly they walked, the night was nice and warm, the skies were clear and slowly the stars began to peak through the darkness. Millie's stomach fluttered, it was so romantic, but yet it didn't feel right.

"I never knew this place was so nice. Usually we just come and go!" he smiled looking at the lights, trying to ease the nerves in his stomach.

They finally reached the bridge, slow music played from a couple of speakers. Couples just staring at nothing or into each other's eyes. She smiled, her new dress flowed with the breeze, the locket around her neck.

"So your family...where exactly are they?" Howie asked, curiosity getting the best of him. "I don't mean to be..."

Millie sighed, "Well my mom and brothers are somewhere in Central America on a trip. They go every year to help out! My dad is camping with his friends..." she shifted her gaze towards the mall, leaning her body on the railing.

Howie standing in front of her "They separated three months ago and well my mom lives in Florida and now my dad lives in California" she bowed her head in shame.

"I'm sorry. It must be hard for you." he drew closer as he saw her hug herself.

" was the first month. Then, by the third I understood why. There was no more screaming throughout the house, my dad didn't go around taking his anger out on us and I didn't find my mother sobbing in her room or in the kitchen. I guess love doesn't last forever or it does, slowly fades into resentment...I don't know."

"Me neither..." he sighed, locking Millie in between both of his arms, his hands resting on the railing.

She cleared her throat nervously as she felt him get closer "What are you doing?" she asked looking away.

He smiled at the timid look on her face "Just close your eyes, I want to make you feel better" he requested, as she obeyed "Don't open them..." he smiled as he stared at her for a second. He loved the way the dress just flowed with the breeze, in pace with her long brown hair.

There is nothing wrong with this, I'm doing it because I want to. Not because AJ asked you too. You want this...Howard!

Her eyes flew open, and immediately closed as she felt the familiar lips covering hers. Ignoring the butterflies and the name ringing in her mind she gently placed her hands on his face as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

AJ was a great kisser, and he had made her feel many things, but never this electrifying current through her body. An aching sensation in her heart and many other places, she could feel her heart pounding out of control and her legs getting weak. She gently pulled away, catching her breath and placing her hand over her heart to secure it didn't fly away.

"I'm sorry it's just..." she began.

"No, I'm sorry I just couldn't help it. Maybe we should go back?" he said, a little concerned with his actions.

"Oh ok, sure we have to get some rest to leave tomorrow anyways." they both began their way, they hadn't even noticed that the walk was so short. Just as they reached the motel, two men stood outside whistling and making offensive remarks at Millie.

She ignored them, but Howie couldn't do the same. He walked to the two men, asking them what their problem was and without a warning one of them let him have a fist in the face. Howie fell down to the ground, stood up quickly, but the men had already walked a couple of feet away.

"Come on...don't waste your time or energy on assholes like that." They entered the room and he sat feeling on his lip, blood trickling down his chin. "He got you good" she smiled, placing a wet rag on his mouth.

"Well he caught me off guard." he explained holding the rag.

Millie smiled as she knelt down to meet his gaze. "Thanks, that was very brave of you." She slowly removed the cloth and inspected his busted lip "I know how to make it feel better." she smiled "Close your eyes."

Howie chuckled as he felt her mouth over his bottom lip, gradually she stood up and straddled his lap, their mouths never parting. He slid his fingers under the dress straps and smoothly slid them down her shoulder, exposing her chest. Softly he kissed down her chin, to her neck and lower.

Tenderly he pulled her up and laid her on the bed, as he took off his vest and tie, then took his position right next to her. She reached out, turning off the light, the only glow emitting from a small opening in the curtains.

They continued to undress, until all they could feel was the heat of their bodies against each other. She felt his hands parting her legs and then rubbing her eagerly, making her gasp with pleasure, discovering her willingness, he slid in between her.

Just as he positioned himself, he met her eyes. They were full of desire, and fear, he lowered his head and breathlessly kissed her.

"Are you alright?" He asked eager to find his way into her, yet taking his time because he knew she was inexperienced.

"I think so...I just...I've never done this before." She whispered, eager to let him in, but scared all at the same time.

He smiled and kissed her again, "We can's ok." He groaned, knowing that was definitely not what he wanted.

"No...I'm ok. I want to do this...especially with you." She placed her hands on the side of his face and kissed him passionately.

Her moan caught in his mouth as he slowly dipped into her, he felt her hands fly to his waist gripping him hard. The feeling made him push harder as she breathed heavily and small moans escaped her.

He dug his face into her neck and continued his rhythmic movements feeling her body tense up under him. Both of them put everything and everyone out of their minds as they enjoyed each other with each movement.

The next morning, Howie had already dressed, but found himself staring at the young woman sound asleep, her hair draped over her bare shoulders. He traced her back with the side of his hand, making her stir instantly, sleepily she looked up at him.

"Morning..." she whispered feeling a little embarrassed.

"Good morning" he smiled, remembering their encounter.

She nodded a slight blush coloring her cheeks "You're remembering aren't you?" she grinned.

"Yup" he laughed, nodding his head with pride. "Well I'm going to get breakfast and maybe find a car. I'll be back"

"Don't get in anymore fights" she teased making her way to the bathroom.

Once Howie arrived with their new rental, they quickly ate breakfast and hopped into the car heading out of San Antonio towards Phoenix, Arizona.

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