Little Red (✅ COMPLETED)

By WriterMichelleJ

494K 27.7K 2.8K

When Robyn gets stranded in the woods one day with none other than her high-school crush, the last thing on h... More

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CHAPTER [ 8 1 ]

875 35 5
By WriterMichelleJ

 'Andrew, you need to stay out of this,' Rick choked, struggling to stand straight. 'I need to win this... You don't understand.'

Andrew stared back at him, an emotion swirling in the depths of his blue eyes. Pity. Mixed with understanding. Something had definitely changed, Rick could sense it. But what?

Rick looked at Ray, the gash on his torso had already stopped bleeding. He was regenerating at an exceptional speed too, just like Rick was able to. He had that ability, it was how he overpowered Ray and Andrew and anyone for that matter. Faster regeneration meant immense power. To him, it was like having all of the power in the universe crackling in the palms of his hands, pulsing under his skin. Why didn't he feel that anymore?

He looked at Ray again, taking in his features. There was an edge to him, an otherworldly aura radiating off him. It made the wolves around them wild with excitement. And it awakened a slumbering part in him too which Rick couldn't pinpoint exactly. The words Ray had spoken earlier echoed in his mind. All I need is someone willing to fight.

Suddenly the air around him shifted. Heat. So much heat. Rick looked around frantically, knowing Ray was readying another blow. He anticipated it, bracing himself, closing his eyes so he could sense better. In quick succession he blocked Ray's hard and fast strikes with his forearm, ducking and rolling, mud and grass rising in a flurry around them. Rick growled, fatigue creeping up in his limbs. If he kept defending all his energy will be spent. He needed to attack. Now or else--

A snarl ripped between them. Andrew blocked Ray's blow with his body. The sound of bones breaking had Rick take a few steps back to regain his bearings. Ray retreated too, catching his breath. Looking as devilish as ever.

'He's using you,' Andrew spat, anger laced in every word. He clutched his side, taking long, laboured breaths. It was directed at Ray. Or was it towards him?

Somewhere in the crowd behind them a series of gasps and shouts spewed.

'No!' Andrew yelled, 'don't break the circle.' He wheezed. Rick could tell he had broken a few ribs from blocking Ray's assault. For him. What was going on?

As if reading his mind, Andrew spoke again.

'He preys on your weakness. He doesn't care about you, or your reason for fighting. He uses your pain against you to fulfil his own agenda.'

Ray chuckled low in his throat, sounding nothing like himself. Looking nothing like himself. Unrecognisable. Was that what Rick had been too? He'd been willing to throw off all order in their werewolf society all for... What?

'All it wants is to be whole again. And it tried to accomplish that decades ago!' Andrew's voice swept over the grounds. He had everyone's undivided attention.

Rick felt like a tonne of bricks had landed on his chest. He exhaled in a rush. Memories of that night came flooding back. Andrew wasn't trying to kill the entire Emerald pack. He was unwillingly, unconsciously trying to kill only Rick.

'Just like it used me to accomplish its agenda it's using you now, son,' Andrew's voice went low and thin, 'snap out of it. Fight it! Don't fight us, your pack, your family.' He took a tentative step towards Ray. For a brief, fleeting moment Rick felt the need to stand in front of Andrew.

'Are you sure about that?' Ray spoke. Only then did Rick notice his eyes were no longer the sky blue he was used to seeing. They were the colour of the night, like a suffocating darkness. 'You're all nothing without me.' He emphasised nothing, like the word was dirt he was spitting from the tip of his tongue.

'Do you feel this?' Ray raised his hands like a madman, the veins in his arms and neck bulging to the surface of his skin. A current of electricity zapped through the air, rousing a deep buried desire, an inexplicable urge. The howl bubbled in Rick's chest, erupting out of his mouth in a rush. He emptied his lungs into it, his voice carrying a centuries old bite to it. All around him howls broke loose. With each new breath a surge of energy washed over him. From a distance he heard Andrew's voice yelling something about keeping it together, regain control... Maintain order... They seemed like words that belonged in a courtroom, spoken by meek little humans who tried to hide behind the fake exterior of 'being civilised'. If any one of them had the chance to feel the euphoria Rick was feeling in that moment they would trade their souls in an instant.

Then that familiar voice broke through in his mind. Rick, it coaxed, remember the promise you made to your father.

His father's first and last wish. How could he forget about that?

No one here understands it better than me, Rick. Only I can help you.

Words from earlier echoed in Rick's mind. You're nothing without me. The raw, unfiltered energy pulsing in every sinew and ligament in his body was a clear testament to that. Rick felt like he could take over the world again.

All you have to do is be willing to fight.

Rick looked around, the world painted under a new light. Ray stood perfectly still, dark eyes drilling into his. He lifted one long, slender finger and beckoned Rick with it.

Tell me, are you willing?

A challenge. A mockery. As if to ask if he had the courage to face him? Because if he wasn't willing it could only mean he was a coward, afraid of losing and living the rest of his life in regret for never being able to fulfil the one thing entrusted upon him by his dying father.

You leave me no choice, Rick thought. Concentrating all his might into his hands, he shot towards Ray like a bullet.

Too late. He couldn't stop Rick's assault at Ray. They fought like the animals they were, no, had become. Andrew's side burned white hot. His leg buckled under him when he tried to stand, dizziness momentarily blurring his vision.

'You can't stop them, Andrew!' Nick's voice. 'There's nothing we can do. Come back, you're hurt! They'll k--'

'Silence!' Andrew rasped. It hurt to breathe. But he couldn't stop now. He had to do something to stall them just a little longer. Any minute now, Andrew hoped, the spell would be complete. Taking a deep, labouring breath Andrew forced his legs to stand.

'Ray, listen to me,' he said.

Upon hearing his voice the pair broke off their advances and circled each other, catching their breath. Although the hunger never left their eyes.

'You're still here?' Ray said, looking down at Andrew from a distance. 'Haven't I asked you to leave yet?' He smiled, walking over to him.

Andrew's skin prickled. A heavy force descended upon his shoulders and chest. His knees were suddenly drawn to the ground. His resistance was futile and lasted a breath before he fell on them with a thud.

'You're still breathing so that's a good sign,' Ray said, standing a metre from him. Rick was on the side, blood trickling down his temple, probably stealing a moment to heal himself.

'If you want to stay alive you'll leave,' Ray exerted more force, 'now. Or I'll suffocate you.'

The weight lifted off Andrew in an instant. Ray's dark eyes remained on him, judging, assessing. Andrew took in another shallow breath, the throbbing in his side becoming impossible to ignore by the second.

'Don't do what I did,' his voice was soft but carried the weight of all his emotions.

A growl seethed through Ray's teeth, 'I did give you a chance,' he said. And with that the crushing force descended on Andrew again. This time even more unbearable than before. Andrew tried to resist. Just a little longer, he reminded himself. Hold off just a little longer.

The force pushed on his lungs, rendering him unable to take a full breath. Blood pressure rising, Andrew panicked, wanting desperately to breathe. White spots appeared before his eyes, dancing in the darkness of the night. Then something moved like a flash over his head. Instantly the pressure lifted off his body and he gulped in a breath.

'It's me you're meant to fight,' Rick said.

Andrew regained some of his composure, although now the pain in his side was too intense for him to even think in a straight line. He fought hard to stay focused on the blurry silhouette of the two men in front of him from his spot on the ground. He felt a vibration on the ground and braced himself for another attack, closing his eyes, waiting. But nothing came. It was when he heard a sickening thud that his eyes flew open.

Ray had landed in a heap across from him, a streak of dust rising on the ground where his body had skidded. Rick shook his hand, seeming to have used a lot of force to deliver his attack.

'I was saving some energy for that,' Rick said, 'I think I knocked him out.'

With his body still facing Ray, he moved his head so Andrew could see half of his face. The moonlight shined down on it, reminding him so much of Raina with his dark hair and the dimple on his cheek.

'You really came here to stop us with no plan?' A hint of anger flared in his voice. 'Look I don't have a choice but to fight him. But I'm giving you a chance to leave. Save your life, go!'

Andrew didn't budge. He looked on at Rick, tears starting to brim at his eyes.

'Don't look at me like that!' Rick faced away, 'you're still the Alpha of this godforsaken pack. Take your wolves and leave.'

Before Andrew could form any words another sound cut through the air. Shuffling. Ray had shuffled to a kneeling stance. He clutched his stomach where blood had stained his skin, and seeped between his fingers. He chuckled, the sound slowly turning more frenzied and maniacal. Andrew had hoped him being knocked out would stall them longer, help buy Robyn and Daiyu more time. But being almost at its full power it was able to heal itself quickly.

'It will take a lot more than that to take me out,' it said between a sharp, unsettling grin.

Then something changed across Ray's face, his features marring into a pained, agonised expression. He screamed suddenly, as if it had been built up for hours and had finally found its release.

'What the hell's happening?' Rick exclaimed, clutching his chest with one hand and his head with the other.

The spell. Relief flooded over Andrew and he smiled wide. Rick seemed to recover quicker, maybe because he wasn't completely possessed by it like Ray was. Rick shook his head, as if shaking off a bad dream, and then looked around like he was taking in his environment for the first time. Ray's scream still filled the air, towering over all other noises. The wolves around them went into an upheaval and Andrew could see the circle beginning to strain.

'No!' Ray shouted, suddenly panicked. He whipped his head around frantically as if looking for something. Or someone.

Realisation dawned on Andrew. 'St--Stop him!' he used the remainder of his energy to warn Rick, 'don't let him... Escape,' he gasped.

Without a moment's hesitation Rick jumped towards Ray, pinning his body to the ground with his own. Every second that ticked by felt like an eternity to Andrew. He prayed for it to end, for the spell to have been successful. He watched as Ray thrashed on the ground under Rick and then threw him off with the force of a lightning bolt. Rick flew back, landing heavily on his back. He coughed, the breath probably knocked out of his lungs, and then gasped for air. Andrew winced, wanting to help but he couldn't feel his left hand and leg anymore. He worried what that meant but more than that he worried that Ray might escape and locate the two witches trying to lock the beast up.

Before he could worry longer, Rick appeared again, hunched and dragging his feet, blood trailing down from the corner of his mouth. Then, the biggest wave of relief washed over Andrew as he watched Ray scream in agony and fall to his knees. He held his head in the palm of his hands, the scream turning into a growl turning into a snarl and back into a scream again. Rick seemed to have understood something because he let himself fall to the ground. As if succumbing to the oppressive tiredness. That was how Andrew felt. He relaxed on the earth too, smiling. Happy that it was finally all over.

He felt a pair of hands shake him, a familiar voice calling for him, but the fatigue took him suddenly and completely. All he wanted to do was rest and fall asleep.

'Dad! Wake up, please...'

With a final push of energy, Andrew forced his eyes to open.

Hi everyone! I hope you're all well and that you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will be the last and then there will be an epilogue. I'm so excited for the end of this book, are you? Please share your thoughts and feelings in the comment I'd love to know what they are!

I want to sincerely thank every one who has added this story to their reading list, read it, voted on it and left a comment. Last week Little Red ranked #1 in werewolf for the first time in a long time and that made me so happy ^.^ SO THANK YOU! 

I appreciate all your support <3

See you very soon in the next update!

~ Michelle

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