Drive Me Crazy

By Tootsie_200

408 43 0

Howie has had a rough start to the year, first he got married, then went on a European tour for a couple of m... More

Don't Remind Me
Thunder Rolls
My Problem
The Guilt
Home Sweet Home
Angry Drunk
Falling Out
Unruly Display
Make Amends
I'm Hopeless
Forgive Not Forget
Fall Again
Reality Check
What a Show
Betraying Desire
Old Feelings
Rise and Fall
Start Over
The Blues
So Sorry
Vegas Wedding
Tiny Surprise
Not Again
I'm Dying?
Call 911
In My Heart

The Watermelon Thump

16 2 0
By Tootsie_200

Millie threw the dress into the trunk, luckily nothing had happened to it. She leaned on the car, her arms crossed as Howie finished the transaction with the attendant.

"So you didn't come to the kitchen this morning? You missed the big kiss!" he laughed, knowing she was still mad. She didn't respond and continued to look ahead as she opened the door and sat down. He sat next to her, fastening his seat belt. "Millie, I don't want you to be mad at me."

She turned to look at him, her eyes saddened "I'm not mad. I just made a promise to myself that wouldn't bother you, unless I REALLY have to. I don't want to make your trip worse than it already is."

He backed up and headed out of Baton Rouge. "Have it your way!" he muttered.

It was three hours into the drive and Millie hadn't said a word.

She finally spoke up to ask him for a break and something to drink. He stopped at a pretty secluded gas station and entered, Millie trailing behind. They each picked something to drink and a snack, paid for their gas and headed back out.

Howie finished pumping the gas, as a man approached him "You got any change?" the man asked.

"No, I'm sorry." Howie responded and made his way towards the door, at the moment he opened it, the man pulled out a gun and shakily pointed it at him, "Whoa! What are you doing?" Howie asked, his voice shaky.

"What the hell?" Millie yelped, giving Howie a horrified look.

"Get out of the car..." he demanded, waving the gun around "Hurry I don't have much time." he gawked at Millie as she rounded the car to join Howie. "Now empty your pockets, come on" he yelled as Howie took out everything from his pockets and placed them on the car.

"Look man, take what you want...just...I need my wallet ok!" the man made them back up as he waved the gun at them again.

He snatched the wallet, took out whatever money Howie had left and threw it at him. Then proceeded to take the keys. "Alright honey let's see the necklace."

Millie's heart sank as she placed her hand on the gold locket around her neck "No, please! My mother gave me this locket."

"Very touching, but I want it." without warning he stretched his hand, clasping it over the locket and yanked it off her neck.

Howie turned to look at her, she was instantly in tears as she watched the man stuff the necklace in his pocket "Now you two back up!" he yelled, making Millie grab hold of Howie's hand, the two backing up in unison. "Turn around, both of you," the man demanded.

She squeezed his hand, expecting the worst. They both closed their eyes, waiting for the man's next move. Then a sense of relief and anger ran through them as they heard the man zoom off in the Mustang.

"Are you ok?" Howie asked, wrapping an arm around a trembling Millie. "Millie!" he lifted her chin with his fingers.

Her face was fear struck and a single tear slid down her cheek "We just got car jacked, in the middle of nowhere. He took my locket. My bag." she buried her face in his shoulders as he caressed her head.

"I'm sorry Millie. He'll get caught, let me see your phone, we'll call the rental place." After all the explaining to the store attendant they received no help. He said the next town was at a walking distance. So they set off on their voyage to someone who would listen. "He took all the cash, we don't have shit!"

"I have two hundred in my boot." Millie whispered as she bent down and dug in her boot. "Here" she handed over the money to Howie.

"That's a smart move." he smiled "Hey I see a bar or whatever that is..." he said pointing at the crowded parking lot.

They both entered, noticing instantly it was a strip joint. The girls slithering all over the floor, some groping on poles in the middle of the stage. "How about I wait outside?" she asked, beginning to walk out.

"No, we are just going to see who gives us a ride to the next town. Ok?"After asking almost every person in the joint, they found one man that was going to the next town of Lulling, Texas. "Thank you for giving us a ride." Howie grinned as he followed the man to his truck.

Their jaws dropped as they noticed that his truck was full of watermelons, "Sure, but I'm here with my sons, so I hope that you don't mind going in the back. The young lady can trade spots with one of them." he had a country accent and a half chewed piece of straw in his mouth.

The group headed out to Lulling, just as they drove off Millie looked back and saw Howie in the back, he sat uncomfortably on a watermelon, she could tell that he was seriously stressed and bothered.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the man's voice "So y'all got robbed at gunpoint huh? That's terrible! Don't worry, San Antonio is only a couple of hours away from Lulling. In the meanwhile we got a celebration going on in town, get your minds off the incident. It's later in the evening."

"That sounds good" she answered, a little absent minded, and feeling like nothing could take the unusual feeling in her stomach away. The drive was quite uncomfortable for her, just as much as for Howie.

She knew they'd finally reached the small town, as they pulled onto a long narrow road. A big banner swayed with the warm breeze that read 'Watermelon Thump' . It was like a place out of a movie. Stores were lined up, people waved happily at them as they passed them by.

As they turned the corner, there was a commotion and people everywhere. Game booths, animals, food booths and kiddie rides covered half the town.

"Wow...this is definitely a celebration" Howie stood up as the truck came to a halt.

"Y'all walk up to that really big house there, it's a bed and breakfast my momma owns. Tell her Bob sent you." he winked at them, and began hauling the watermelons towards the festivities.

Millie walked close to Howie as they made their way towards the beautiful house. The grass was evenly green, a huge tree rested on the side, a couple of tire swings hanging from the strong limbs. Several kids running around the yard.

They timidly entered the house and were taken aback at how old fashioned it was decorated, but how cozy it felt. An older woman greeted them as she wiped her hands on her apron. As soon as they let her know about that Bob, the man with the watermelons had sent them. She happily escorted them to their room.

"We are pretty booked with the celebration, but you're in luck we save this room for the couples" she smiled at the twosome, as they looked at each other, there was no point in protesting, they were too eager to get inside and just rest their eyes for a moment. "We hope to see you two out there tonight." she grinned her accent heavier than the watermelon man.

"Yes, ma'am we will be out there later. Thanks so much for your hospitality." Howie smiled.

When he entered the room, he found Millie sitting on the edge of the bed. "I didn't even remember, he took my dress...that's a sign." she wiped her face with the palm of her hands. "We don't even have clothes. The lady thinks we are a couple." she laughed sadistically.

He looked at her puzzled "Would that be so bad? Anyways I'll be back" Howie said running out the door. A couple of minutes later he stepped back in, two robes in his hands. "Here take off your clothes."

Millie looked at him startled "What?" she questioned him, her head cocked to one side like a confused puppy.

"Sorry...I meant. We are going to wash our clothes and then we can go to the celebration. Why don't you get a shower and rest while I do this."

"I don't know how I feel about Howard Dorough washing my clothes?" she moaned, throwing herself back on the bed. "No offense but have you ever washed your own clothes?"

Howie looked at her slightly offended at her question "Of course I have, I didn't always have a wife, or money to pay someone to do it. Plus I don't like people to do EVERYTHING for me. Thank you very come chop chop!" he rushed her into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later she stepped out with the robe on.

The twosome rested for a couple of hours, then dressed and headed out to the celebration. Millie was blown away by the number of people at the venue, probably the whole town was in that one spot. She petted the animals in the pen, she ate watermelon, till she couldn't anymore.

"Please no more, I have never eaten so many things made out of watermelon." she giggled, that included some kind of alcoholic beverage.

Night had fallen and the stars were bright in the sky. There was an area sectioned off, the gates adorned by sparkling lights. A live band played in a corner on a small stage, with a group of people line dancing. Millie smiled, everyone seemed to get along and at peace with each other.

Suddenly Howie and Millie were pulled by the older lady, a soft song began to play and Millie recognized it quickly 'Endless Love' boomed from the huge speakers, couples of all ages stood up and held on tight to each other. Their bodies slowly swayed from one side to the other in rhythm with the melody.

"Well you two don't just stand there" the older woman smiled as she stared at the twosome waiting for them to join the rest.

Howie cleared his throat as he drew close to Millie, the moment was a little awkward as he took her hand in his and rested his other hand on her hip. She rested her chin on his shoulder as she let him take the lead. Quickly their bodies swayed at the same pace.

As the song continued, they found their hands wrapped around each other and their bodies pressed tightly against one another. He took in her sweet scent of apple mist, he had watched her spray on earlier.

She now rested her head on his shoulder, her nose touching his neck, he smelled so manly. She imagined it was something like old spice and body soap.

The song was coming to a close, and the band member informed over the mic that at the end of the song, all the couples were to kiss. The two looked at each other startled at the request.

The song ended, the twosome looked around at all the couples sharing a kiss. Millie looked back at Howie and somehow it just came naturally, they leaned in at the same time, both closing their eyes slowly. Their lips brushed against each other timidly, then Howie took over enveloping her mouth with his.

Cheering and whistling from all the couples broke them apart.

Both blushing "Wow you're getting better at this adventurous thing. Two girls in one day." They both laughed nervously. "Well it's late. I'm going to get some rest, we have to head to San Antonio tomorrow." she began to walk away.

"Wait, I'll come too." They walked side by side in silence.

Millie climbed onto her side of the bed "Why is this so awkward?" She questioned more to herself than to Howie.

"It doesn't have to be. We are friends...nothing is happening and well we don't have much of a choice."

"You are right. Well good night Howie!" she said, turning off her light and closing her eyes.

"Good night Millie." Howie answered, staring up at the ceiling, his arms resting behind his head.

What the hell just happened? This was not in the plans. Damn you AJ!

He closed his eyes to get some sleep.

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