Loved by Fate ? - Adventures...

By Neferly

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This is a prequel to the main story Fate is cruel - Magi [Sinbad x OC], that I'll start after finishing this... More

1 - A nameless girl
2 - Stories and name
3 - Welcome home
4 - A new life
5 - The wandering traveler
6 - Military Service
7 - The King's Power
8 - Farewell
9 - Departure
10 - Encounter on the Ocean
11 - The Rampaging Unicorn
12 - Mahrajan
13 - Assassin
14 - A Place to Risk One's Life
15 - Dungeon Bares Its Fangs
16 - Sham Lash
17 - The Djinn from the 6th Dungeon
18 - Dark Beast
19 - First Harpoon
20 - Last night in Imuchakk
21 - First Time Trading
22 - Trial
23 - Theatre & Household
25 - Artemyra
26 - Mariadel Trading Company

24 - The Pure Land

218 8 3
By Neferly

The ship sailed smoothly over the tranquil waters, and the air was filled with anticipation. Hinahoho's voice carried from the cabin, calling out excitedly, "Sinbad! It's coming into view!"

Sinbad, unable to contain his enthusiasm, turned to Reana. "Reana, hurry! We should go look at that!"

She sighed, putting the finishing touches on the third braid on the side of his head. "Sin, you're the one who wanted those braids, so be patient."

With a playful tap on his shoulder to signal she was done, they both headed up to the deck. The sun was casting a warm glow over the ship, and a gentle breeze played with their hair as they emerged into the open.

"Our next country!" Hinahoho beamed at them, pointing toward the approaching land.

"We've reached the pure land, the 'Sasan Kingdom'!" Sinbad announced, his eyes fixed on the majestic mountains that began to silhouette against the horizon.


The path wound through the towering mountains, and Sinbad, eager as ever, strode ahead, a sense of anticipation radiating from him. His companions followed, and as they walked, Hinahoho observed the map in his hands. "Sasan Kingdom, huh... A place carriages can't go through, and can only be reached by crossing the mountain range on foot... What business do we have in this kind of country?"

Ja'far turned around with enthusiasm. "Sasan is a natural mining town surrounded by mountains on all sides. Metal produced in Sasan is noted for having the highest quality and best purity in the world. Recently, this country even became a trading partner of Reim's. For the fledgling Sindria Trading Company, we need to secure a trading route through Sasan for our future."

"But..." Hinahoho expressed his concerns, "While we're gone, is it really okay to leave the company in the hands of Vittel and Mahad? Rurumu is there, too, but she also has to look after our child, so she won't be working."

Sinbad, who had been walking ahead, turned around to reassure them. "It'll be fine. Vittel is working hard to become the company accountant, and even though Mahad is silent, he observes people well and is good at taking care of employees. I'm not worried if it's those two. Besides, this is our first time in this country, so as the head of the company, I have to go... Right?" he smiled at them, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"You say that, but you really just wanted to go on an adventure, didn't you?" Reana teased.

"Haha! A new country really makes me excited," Sinbad admitted with a boyish grin.

"Geez... What a kid," Ja'far sighed, shaking his head with a smile.

As they continued to walk, the Sasan Kingdom came into view, a city resembling a colossal tower built on and around a mountain, gleaming in the distance. They stopped for a moment to admire the view before resuming their journey.

Entering the city, they were met with a dazzling display of wealth. The Knights' spears gleamed, and the people adorned themselves with numerous pieces of jewelry. Sinbad couldn't contain his excitement. "Amazing! Everywhere I look is gold, silver!"

Ja'far, equally enthralled, stood beside him. Reana chuckled, observing their childlike wonder as they marveled at the opulence around them. However, she couldn't ignore the aversion that the inhabitants seemed to harbor toward them.

"Outsiders?!" she overheard a woman whispering, a hint of fear in her voice. "Oh... They're Pagans from the outside world... We mustn't have anything to do with them."

A Knight approached, his demeanor cautious. "Except for select few, in this country, they have no exchange with the outside world. Please refrain from any conspicuous behavior."

Sinbad noticed Reana staring at him. "What is it?" he asked.

She sighed with a resigned smile. "Nothing, we should get going." She knew very well that no matter what they told him, he would do as he pleased anyway.


The gates to the Knight's quarter loomed before them, guarded by two stoic Knights. Sinbad, bubbling with his usual enthusiasm, raised his arm and exclaimed, "Pardon me! Please let me join the Knights!"

However, the Knights showed no reaction, not even sparing a glance in his direction.

"...Huh? No response?" Sinbad scratched his head, looking perplexed.

"That's what I told you! Idiot!" Ja'far exploded, frustrated by Sinbad's antics.

Unfazed, Sinbad approached the guards with determination. "I want to join the Knights!" he declared.

Once again met with silence, he attempted a different approach. "Ah!" he pointed to the side. "There goes the Knight King!!"

He shuffled around, attempting to grab their attention, but the guards remained impassive.

"Alright, I'll try boldly from the front..." Sinbad muttered as he marched straight toward the gate. This time, the Knights crossed their enormous spears in front of him, blocking his path. "Why?!" he demanded. "I'm not anyone suspicious!!"

Reana sighed, ready to step forward and mediate, but Ja'far intercepted her. "Just let me speak to him..." he grumbled.

She chuckled at his determination. Sinbad, unbeknownst to him, was in for a beating.

Before he could reach him, one of the guards gestured toward a passing group of Knights, calling out, "Ruffian! Suspicious person!"

"Reinforcements! Run!!" Sinbad shouted suddenly, his demeanor shifting from confident to falsely panicked as he dashed toward his friends. The others followed suit, creating a comical scene of a sudden sprint away from the gates.

As they ran through the bustling streets of Sasan, Sinbad led the charge, his eyes wide with a mix of excitement and urgency. The Knights, most likely baffled by the sudden escape, didn't pursue them. The group only slowed down when they reached a less crowded area, catching their breath.

"That was a bit dramatic," Reana teased, grinning at Sinbad.

He chuckled, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Well, you have to keep things interesting, right?"

Ja'far shook his head. "You're unbelievable, Sin."


The atmosphere in the inn was calm as they all sat around the table, enjoying a quiet dinner. The few customers present added to the peaceful ambiance.

"They paid so little attention to you that it was really funny," Hinahoho laughed.

"I didn't think the Knights would be quite so unaccommodating," Sinbad sulked, munching on his skewer of meatballs.

"Of course. They're the governing organization that protects Sasan. Even if we get kicked out of the country, you can't complain if they're rude. Keep that in mind..." Ja'far admonished him.

"Ok. I'll definitely get in next time. My intuition says I can do it!" Sinbad declared with a determined nod.

"Good. You gonna sneak in from the back? I'll help," Hinahoho said with a grin.

"I want to enter fair and square! I won't do anything underhanded," Sinbad protested.

"Are you listening to me?! I'm telling you to stop provoking the Knights. Stop going along with him, Hinahoho! And Reana, stop laughing and tell him too!" Ja'far exclaimed.

"You know it's not use, Ja'far, calm down," she chuckled.

"For foreigners, leaving the trade facility... or rather, this designated area at night is forbidden," Hinahoho explained. "We can't and won't do anything."

"... That's what I was trying to say. We can only act during the day, so it's impossible to make progress with the Knights now..." Ja'far said, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Don't be so pessimistic, Ja'far," Sinbad said while munching on his food. "We're foreigners here. But, compared to the streets, there's plenty of food to eat. And we've got warm beds, too. This country seems strict, but living like this isn't so bad. No need to rush things. Why not negotiate patiently with the Knights?"

"Sin..." Ja'far said, surprised by his wise words.

Reana was staring at him too, equally surprised by Sinbad's attitude. His usual impulsive and adventurous nature seemed to have momentarily taken a back seat to a more reasoned approach.

Ja'far sighed, still unsure of how to handle Sinbad's sudden shift in demeanor. "I hope your 'intuition' doesn't lead us into more trouble."

As the waitress delivered another plate of food to their table and left without a word, Sinbad couldn't resist a momentary diversion. He turned his head to watch her walk away, his fingers playfully circling his eyes to signal his appreciation.

"Besides..." he continued, turning back to the group, "It'd be a shame to have too little exposure here... Sasan's women are full of modest beauty."

"... Women, huh?" mumbled Hinahoho.

"... It was the women?" echoed Ja'far.

Reana sighed and chimed in with a wry smile. "It has always been like this, it shouldn't surprise you."

They all shook their heads in amused agreement.

While Sinbad continued to eye the waitresses, he failed to notice a young man who had crept up next to him. The stranger lightly tapped a finger on the table to get his attention, and when that didn't work, he directly spoke up.

"Hey, hey, sir... I have a favor to ask..."

Everyone turned to the young man, surprised by his sudden approach.

"May I share this table with you?" he asked, pointing to the empty seats.

Sinbad, still distracted by the waitresses and puzzled by why a local would willingly sit with them, pointed to the numerous open tables around them. "There are plenty of open seats. You don't have to sit with us..."

"No, that's not it," the stranger explained. "I just really wanna talk with you guys!! I can't ask anyone but travelers from outside. The people of Sasan are forbidden to visit the outside world by our doctrine. Especially for me, as a Knight apprentice, the precepts are very strict...."

Sinbad exchanged a glance with Reana, a mischievous grin beginning to appear on his lips.

"Travelers! Would you please teach a Knight like me about the outside world?!" the boy beamed, placing a hand on his chest.

Hinahoho and Ja'far practically leaped from their seats.

"Please! Sir Knight, we'll be happy to help with anything you request: food, stories of the outside world, anything!" Ja'far exclaimed.

"Take a seat, have a drink," Hinahoho offered, pulling a chair for the young Knight, as Reana filled a glass and pushed it toward him with a warm smile.

"Miss! Please bring us some more!!" Sinbad called out to the waitress, lifting a hand with a wide grin.

The Knight shyly accepted the glass, slightly blushing as he observed Reana. Sinbad frowned slightly as he looked between them, but his eyes crossed Ja'far's, and he smiled, giving him a thumbs up. Ja'far grinned, having noticed the brief frown before Sinbad composed himself.

However, their pleasant interaction was abruptly interrupted when the waitress returned and grabbed their guest by his cape, startling everyone at the table.

"Hey!!!" she bellowed. "This facility is for foreigners. Normal citizens, especially Knights, aren't allowed here!! How many times do I have to tell you?!"

"I know. But just for a little," he whined.

"No! Please think of your position! You're not just a Knight... you're the son of the Knight King, right?!"

They all stared, dumbfounded, for a moment. Then they all took a step forward and exclaimed in unison, "Son of the Knight King?!"

Surprised expressions filled the faces around the table, except for Sinbad, who wore a wide grin.

The waitress took a deep breath to calm herself, then she grabbed a chair and forced the young man to sit on it.

"He is Mistoras," she told them. "The son of the current Knight King, Darius..."

"I'm a candidate for the next Knight King," Mistoras said with a silly smile.

"If they find out you were here, Lord Mistoras, it will be considered a violation of your precepts, and you'll be scolded by the Knights. So go on... go home..." the waitress sighed.

"No, I don't wanna!! I worked hard sneaking into this place!" the Knight apprentice said, vigorously shaking his head. "What do precepts and doctrine have to do with it?! I'm not going back until I get to hear about the outside world!!"

"Wh... what are you saying?! You're a Knight..."

"Now, now, miss..." Sinbad approached from behind the waitress, gently taking her hand as he leaned over, smiling warmly at her. "He just wants to hear our stories, and we're happy to get a chance to speak with a Knight. Could you overlook this... just for a little while longer..."

Her face flushed as she took in his proximity. After a short stunned silence, she replied, "O... only for a little while."

"Thanks, miss," he beamed at her.

Ja'far caught Reana's sneaky stare at both of them. He grinned and elbowed Hinahoho beside him, who snickered in response.

"I'm Sinbad," he presented himself to the young man. "Head of the Sindria Trading Company, a dungeon conqueror, and an adventurer."


"Sin, are you going to see that apprentice Knight from last night?" Ja'far asked as they strolled through the streets, heading toward the Knights quarter.

"Yeah! As the son of the Knight King, it gives us a great contact. I'm not letting this opportunity get away."

"For a while, I wondered what would become of us, but... You really have the devil's luck," Ja'far sighed.

"Quit flattering me," Sinbad grinned.

"That's not flattering...." Ja'far grumbled.

Their banter was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Yo, Sinbad, Reana... I'd say 'long time no see,' but it's really only been about two years..."

"You're..." Reana started.

"Yunan!" Sinbad exclaimed. "Long time no see!"

"What do you mean 'only' two years? That's a pretty long time," Reana remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you think so?" replied Yunan with a mysterious smile.

"You haven't changed at all," said Sinbad.

"Really?" the traveler chuckled. "You got old, huh?"

"I'm not old! I just grew up and got bigger. I've become a handsome man, right?!"

Sinbad couldn't help but glance at Reana, and Yunan gave her a quizzical look accompanied by a knowing grin. He just hummed in response.

"Um... Sin, who's this?" asked Hinahoho.

"He's a traveler that led me to Baal's dungeon two years ago and taught magic to Reana. Although, I don't really know who he is."

"You don't know?!" exclaimed Ja'far, directing his question to Sinbad and Reana alike.

They both shook their heads.

"Eh? How cruel. Even though I've always been keeping an eye on you... You got your hands on a second Djinn, didn't you, Sinbad?" Yunan inquired.

"You even know that, huh? You're a mysterious guy as always..." Sinbad remarked. "Why are you here?"

"I think you may already know...? Recently dungeons have been appearing all over the world," Yunan explained.

"Yeah. Ever since I captured Baal's dungeon, it seems that they've been spotted in various places. Only, the conflicts surrounding their capturing, like in Reim and Parthevia, have decreased. Dungeons have become tourist attractions, and cities are flourishing around them. I heard that, after reading the story of my adventures, ordinary people stopped recklessly entering the dungeons. So, why's that?"

"I see... If you haven't realized it yet, I'll tell you. Royalty and powerful people from every nation... are starting to challenge the dungeons and claim the power of the Djinn. The Reim Empire, a major power. The Kou Empire, a new power built from the unity of three countries. Small countries like Artemyra and Heliohapt... and... even here, in the Sasan Kingdom. You're no longer the only conqueror with the power of a Djinn. Sasan's dungeon capturer is this country's most influential person, Knight King Darius Leoxses. What will you do? Can you face other dungeon capturers?" Yunan asked, his gaze piercing.

Sinbad responded with a confident smile. "Yeah. I intend to."

Ja'far gasped at the bold declaration. He seemed ready to smack Sinbad.

"...Oh?" smiled Yunan.

"From the start, we sought an audience with the Knight King to negotiate trade with Sasan... The fact that the Knight King is a dungeon capturer doesn't change that. Rather, this just makes it even more enjoyable."

"...You're interesting as always," Yunan said as he tapped his wand on the ground. "I'll be looking forward to seeing... the reactions of two dungeons capturers to one another... Sinbad..."

With those words, he vanished into thin air.

Ja'far panicked. "He... disappeared?!" he exclaimed, frantically looking around. "Sin! That person just now disappeared! Sin!?"

Sinbad ignored him, but Reana chuckled and came closer, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, Ja'far. He always does that."


"I can't see Mistoras?" Sinbad pressed the guards.

Ja'far, still glancing around nervously, seemed on edge as if expecting Yunan to materialize out of thin air.

"No," one of the guards replied, his gaze unwavering. "Ordinarily, we have no obligation to speak to outsiders like you, but the situation is urgent. Mistoras has officially declared his withdrawal from the Knights."

Sinbad's brows furrowed as he tried to process the implications. "Then, he's not here anymore?" Ja'far inquired.

The guard sighed. "No, he's still here. But it's only a matter of time, right?"

Ja'far's eyes narrowed with concern, and Reana gasped, her hand instinctively covering her mouth.

"You may not know as outsiders, but for us as Sasan Knights, once we're baptized as Knights, we must devote our entire lives to Sasan. No matter the reason, it's unforgivable to break that vow. Which means... for a Knight to resign is equivalent to a death sentence," added the second guard, his voice carrying the weight of tradition and consequence.

A heavy silence settled over the group as they absorbed the profound implications.

"However," the first guard continued, breaking the silence with a somber tone, "there's one way a Knight can resign and walk away with his life... that is..."


The atmosphere was thick with tension as Sinbad, Reana, and Ja'far navigated through the crowded area. Mistoras' voice cut through the buzz of the onlookers, drawing their attention.

"Come on, Father. If I become the Knight King, I'll abandon everything and leave this place. If I become the most powerful man in this country, no one can stop me. That's right, isn't it?!" Mistoras declared passionately.

"Sorry, please let us through," Sinbad pressed, determined to reach the source of the commotion.

"Face me in a match! If I win, then I'll be free!" Mistoras bellowed, his challenge echoing through the space.

As they moved toward the scene, they caught sight of the Knight King, Darius Leoxses, descending a flight of stairs. A Knight announced their identities, emphasizing the significance of the impending clash.

"Sin," Ja'far began, "According to the gatekeepers, whoever is defeated will lose his head..."

"I know. But for now, let's just watch," Sinbad replied, his tone calm yet serious.

"A fair match as dictated by the doctrine... will now... begin!" proclaimed the Knight officiating the duel.

Mistoras attacked his father with impressive skill, surprising both the onlookers and the Knights witnessing the match. The clash of weapons and the display of prowess left the spectators in awe.

The Knight King, holding his spear with authority, addressed his son, "It seems you do have some skill to brag about. However, I'll send your attack... straight back at you. Alloces."

A barrier materialized in front of Darius, deflecting Mistoras' spear and sending him flying with the force of the impact.

"I'll praise the fact that you trained yourself this well. Even as my son, you still managed to land a blow on me, the Knight King... But no matter how well you planned, up against this power from the gods... it's pointless," Darius stated, the symbol of the Djinn's power glowing on his spear.

Onlookers shared murmurs of awe and admiration for the Knight King's unparalleled abilities.

"Oh... that's the power of the gods that only the Knight King can use." said a man.

"There is a legendary tower that appears at times when the world is full of unusual phenomena... and the Knight King conquered it. That power returns any attack to the attacker. It aslo protects him like an impenetrable barrier."

"There's no one but the Knight King that can wield such a power!"

Reana arched an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with Sinbad, who grinned knowingly at the comments circulating among the spectators.

Meanwhile, Mistoras persisted in his attacks, trying to find a vulnerability in his father's defenses. His attempts ranged from hurling his spear to closing in for a direct punch. However, each strike was met with the impenetrable barrier, the force of which sent Mistoras crashing to the ground repeatedly.

Darius Leoxses approached his fallen son, spear poised, and spoke with a tone of finality, "So, this is it. Even as an apprentice and a negligent Knight... you can at least be a good offering to the gods. Knight Mistoras, I praise your brave efforts."

The Knight King prepared to deliver the conclusive strike.

"Stop the match!" Sinbad's commanding voice echoed through the arena.

Attention turned to the outsider who dared to intervene.

"Old man, you can't cheat in a sacred match," Sinbad proclaimed boldly, his words stoking the ire of the surrounding Knights.

"Who the hell are you?" "You saw the match, didn't you? What the hell was cheating in that fair and square, one-on-one match?!"

"This is a sacred fight as dictated by doctrine," Darius retorted. "There's no place for the trifling comments of outsiders here."

"Doctrine? You sure talk big for a guy that won with a Djinn's power," Sinbad retorted with a sly smirk.

Reana winced at the provocative tone Sinbad was adopting.

"You called it the power of the gods because you got it for conquering some legendary tower? It's often been called that. It really is a special power, but it's not a power that's just yours..." Sinbad continued, his voice rising.

He raised his sword above his head, and the air crackled with lightning, sending a shiver through the crowd.

"This is the power of a Djinn given to a dungeon capturer. All dungeon capturers have it. Using that kind of power to win against someone that's not a dungeon capturer... What's fair about that? I can't agree with it..."

The King's expression hardened even more as he demanded, "...Just who are you?"

"I am Sinbad, a merchant traveling the seas of the world. And just like you, a dungeon capturer," Sinbad declared, pausing before adding a bold challenge. "...Hey, old man, have a match with me. As you see, I have a pretty loose tongue. I might just thoughtlessly say all sorts of things... If you win, you can deal with me as you want."

"What are you trying to accomplish?" Darius demanded, his tone laced with skepticism.

Sinbad, undeterred, seized Mistoras' scarf as the young Knight struggled to sit up. With a devil-may-care grin, Sinbad laid out his terms. "...If I win, I'll take this guy. And... I'll have Sasan trade with my company."

"A match with the Knight King...?!" an outraged voice erupted from the crowd.

"What the hell is he saying... Seize that ruffian!" another Knight shouted.

"But that power just now was without a doubt the same power of the gods that the Knight King had..." someone said, their uncertainty audible.

"Wasn't it supposed to be a power that could only be wielded by the Knight King? The doctrine should always be right..."

Ja'far, catching on to Sinbad's strategy, nodded knowingly. "That's what you had in mind, Sin."

Hinahoho, still puzzled, raised an eyebrow, seeking clarification.

"The people of this country think, as their doctrine says, that no one but their Knight King can use the power of a Djinn. But that's not how it really is..." Reana explained. "Like this, their uncertainty about the Knight King will lead to doubting their doctrine... Because the leader of Sasan, their Knight King, wanted to hide the truth of the dungeons from them."

"In other words... He's striking at his opponent's weak spot..." Hinahoho deduced.

"So, what'll you do? Will you accept my challenge?" Sinbad asked, his hand now on Mistoras' shoulder.

Darius, after a moment's contemplation, acknowledged, "...You're a rude, shameless man... As a trader from the outside world, even more so. That person is an apprentice Knight who has been defeated in a duel. Whatever is done with him is of trivial importance... However... I can't overlook something that has to do with national affairs. I accept your challenge."

"You can't, Sinbad!" Mistoras protested. "You... can't win against my father!"

Sinbad turned to regard him, a quiet intensity in his eyes. "Mistoras..."

"Against that power, no matter how you attack, you cannot hit him. Father is protected on all sides by an iron barrier. On top of that, no matter how strong your attack is, it strengthens it and sends it back at you. If you attack carelessly, we'll all be in danger! Because I just fought him... I know!"

Sinbad hummed thoughtfully. "Is that so..."

"Sinbad?!" the young man called, desperation in his voice.

Reana, having approached and begun to inspect his injuries, chuckled. "Stopping him is impossible."

"But, like this he'll...!!"

"Are you worried?" she interrupted him, her gaze unwavering. "So are we. But we trust him, we believe in him. Unconditionally."

"Sin is purposefully behaving like that to stir things up," Hinahoho added. "Let's believe in him. Let's believe in our master."

As the crowd buzzed with tension, Sinbad swung his sword, conjuring a crackling bolt of lightning that streaked toward the Knight King with formidable force. 

"That much power..." Darius said, as he activated his own abilities to deflect the oncoming attack. The lightning struck a nearby wall, tearing a massive hole in its wake.

Undeterred by the deflection, Sinbad, with astonishing agility, leaped forward, aiming to land a direct hit. However, the Knight King swiftly erected his barrier, blocking the sword with an impenetrable force that sent Sinbad reeling backward.

"Amazing..." one of the Knights murmured in awe as the two fighters exchanged blows. "Even though Mistoras was unable to compete, this guy is fighting on the same level as the Knight King!"

"I've never seen... a fight like this," echoed another Knight, their astonishment palpable.

"...Same level?" Sinbad snickered, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Being at the same level with this much power... That's unexpected. But I think your power's great. Or it would be, if it was actually perfected."

He paused, holding his sword before him, the Djinn's symbol glowing with an ethereal radiance.

"I'll show you... the true power of a Djinn."

A hush fell over the spectators as Sinbad's body underwent a visible transformation. The change rippled through his arms, extending to the rest of his form.

"What the hell... his form is changing right before my eyes..." a Knight remarked, taking a few cautious steps backward.

"Spirit of wrath and heroes... dwell in my body... transform me into a great magician..." Sinbad chanted, the words resonating with a power beyond the understanding of those present.

"True... power...?!" the Knight King murmured, his confusion evident as he observed his opponent undergoing this profound metamorphosis.

"Sin!" Ja'far called out, a note of concern in his voice. "You haven't perfected it, have you?!"

"Oh, yes, he did," Reana chuckled, her eyes fixed on Sinbad with a knowing smile. "See for yourself."

"If you wrap your body in the power of the Djinn, it transforms you into a great magician..." Sinbad explained with a calm demeanor, his form radiating with the ethereal glow of his power. "This 'djinn equip' is the manifestation of a Djinn's true power. I wonder, how long can you endure it?"

With an air of confidence, Sinbad raised his sword, and with a single uttered word, "Bararaq," a tremendous bolt of lightning struck Darius. The impact was almost cataclysmic, threatening to shatter the Knight King's formidable barrier. Darius struggled to maintain control, a strained scream escaping his lips.

"That attack just now... is he human?!" a bewildered Knight exclaimed, staring at the gaping hole in the ceiling where the lightning had originated. "Is our Knight King defeated? Even though the Knight King should be a unique being?"

In the aftermath of the powerful strike, Sinbad stood in silence before the panting Knight King, an enigmatic expression on his face.

"It's noisy here, huh... Let's take this somewhere else," Sinbad declared, his voice carrying a hint of nonchalance. With a swift motion, he reached for the barrier, effortlessly lifting it from the ground, Knight King and all.

"Er... Excuse me..." Sinbad offered a casual apology, his grip firm on the crystalline structure.

"What are you doing?" protested the Knight King.

"Sorry, please don't struggle. If I use my power, I can destroy a barrier like this whenever I want," Sinbad calmly explained as he tightened his grip, the barrier showing signs of fracturing. "Let me show you the sky..."

In a burst of energy, Sinbad leaped into the air, the barrier and its captive Knight King lifted effortlessly. The spectacle left the onlooking Knights in shocked awe.

"He... He flew!!?" exclaimed one of the Knights, their disbelief echoing through the room.


"It's been half an hour since he took the Knight King away..." muttered a Knight, the tension palpable in the air.

"What has he done with the Knight King?"

The Knights exchanged uneasy glances, their collective gaze growing more hostile by the minute. A few seconds earlier, they had all felt a seismic tremor, a brief earthquake-like disturbance that left them on edge.

"Sin... It would be good if you didn't do anything too violent..." grumbled Ja'far, his arms crossed in a mix of concern and annoyance.

"I wonder what he destroyed..." chuckled Reana, her eyes alight with a mischievous glint.

"W-What are you saying!?" exclaimed Ja'far, exasperation evident in his tone.

"Aw, come on. With the tremor we felt, you're not going to tell me he didn't destroy something." She smirked, enjoying the reaction she was provoking.

Ja'far was left speechless, his protests silenced by a sigh of defeat.

"Ah! They're back!" exclaimed Mistoras, breaking the momentary tension.

Sinbad and Darius descended once again into the room, their figures landing safely. Surprisingly, none of them seemed hurt. As Sinbad's feet touched the ground, the ethereal glow of his Djinn equip dissipated.

"Knight King!"

"Kinght king, are you unarmed?!"

"Knight King, who won the match?!"

"Knight King!"

"Knight King!"

The Knights erupted with questions and exclamations, their voices merging into a chaotic chorus.

Darius maintained silence for a few heartbeats, his gaze sweeping over the assembly, before he spoke with measured authority. "...This match, according to our mutual consultation, ends in a draw. We crossed swords, and I believe... without a doubt, he has conquered one of the legendary towers and obtained the use of the power of god. As possessors of the same power, we came to the conclusion that any further fighting was useless, so we decided to call it a draw."

His words hung in the air, settling over the room and plunging it into a thoughtful silence.

"I take you at your word, Knight King, but... isn't the power of god only given to the Knight King...?" one of the Knights finally ventured, breaking the hush.

"I believed that, just like you. However, according to Sasan's legends, that tower appears when there are unusual phenomena... Currently, the world is full of unusual phenomena and disorder... It wouldn't be strange if other towers had appeared. And he has also become a disciple of Sasan, which is a country chosen by god... For the world crisis, he's an ally who wields the same power I do! I want to welcome him into Sasan. As a disciple chosen by god!"

"A disciple of Sasan...?!"

"But we all saw his power right in front of us..."

"Sin!" exclaimed Ja'far. "What did you do to get things to turn out like this?" He paused, then glanced toward Reana. "What did you destroy..." he sighed.

"Wait... the Knights...!" said Mistoras, looking around them.

The Knights in the room all raised a hand to their chest, their voices blending into a resolute chorus.

"The will of the Knight King is the will of god! We will obey! We, of the order of the Knights, welcome the disciple Sinbad as a citizen of Sasan!"

The proclamation echoed through the hall, sealing the unexpected turn of events with the stamp of official acceptance.


The sun began its descent on the horizon, casting long shadows as they stood near the city gates, awaiting Mistoras to join them.

"Things got a little scary again this time..." mumbled Hinahoho, the weight of recent events still lingering in the air.

"But it all turned out OK, right?" grinned Sinbad, his confidence undiminished.

"At least this time you didn't collapse under the weight of your tail," chuckled Reana, her laughter dancing in the fading sunlight.

"Hey!" protested Sinbad, a mock frown etched on his face. "Don't bring that up!"

The camaraderie among them sparked another round of laughter, a momentary reprieve from the recent tensions.

"Hey! Thanks for waiting!" came Mistoras' voice, breaking the light-hearted atmosphere.

"Have you said your goodbyes, Mistoras?" asked Sinbad, his tone a blend of casualness and concern.

"Yes. I was also given a mission by the Knights," he replied, a mix of eagerness and uncertainty in his voice.

"It seems like Sasan Knights can get permission to leave the country if they have a special mission," commented Reana.

"I guess the Knight King's the type of guy that can arrange to send his son away, huh?" said Sinbad, his expression a canvas of curiosity and amusement.

"Now I can finally leave... it's like a dream," Mistoras added, a sense of liberation threading through his words.

"Oh?" Sinbad said, casually slinging an arm around Mistoras' shoulders. "I understand how happy you must be to leave, but I'll be puttin' you to work."

"Work?" Mistoras echoed, a tinge of uncertainty in his voice.

"As part of my alliance with Sasan, we formed a trade agreement. You're gonna be in charge of all contact with Sasan," Sinbad explained.

"Ah! That's how it was? Can I really do that sort of work?! If I cause you any trouble, my father and all the Knights will be angry with me!" Mistoras exclaimed, a mix of excitement and nervousness playing on his features.

At this moment, they heard a young voice calling. "Brother! Please wait!"

Mistoras turned around. "Spartos..."

The young boy was running toward them, tears streaming down his eyes. He jumped to grab Mistoras, an emotional outpouring that cut through the light banter.

"Why are you leaving without telling me?!" Spartos cried. "You are so mean! I heard from father. He said that you were promoted from an apprentice to a regular Knight and that you were leaving on a mission. You never taught me anything. Am I really just a nuisance?!"

Sinbad turned to Reana, Hinahoho, and Ja'far, and whispered, "His little brother?"

Ja'far sighed. "Stop being insensitive."

"That's not true, Spartos," said Mistoras, attempting to console his younger brother. "I'm always just thinking of myself... I didn't make much time to think about you... But it's not because you were a nuisance... Besides, even if I leave, it's OK, we'll meet again someday..."

"When is someday?!" asked the young boy, still holding onto Mistoras' clothes. "Brother, no matter what people around you thought, you were attracted to the outside world and planned to see it. You were always serious and spared no effort to reach that goal. I knew that. That's why I respected you from the bottom of my heart. If I can no longer see you..." his voice trailed off, the flow of tears intensifying. "I'll be... lonely..."

Mistoras watched his brother, searching for the right words. He finally reached and put his hand on Spartos' head.

"Don't worry, Spartos. We'll see each other again. When you've grown up and become a splendid Knight, let's travel the world together."

Those few words seemed to halt the tears of the young boy.

"When that day comes, you can take on the same mission I have! So, don't cry! If you are crying, you can't become a strong man!"

Spartos rubbed his eyes and nodded, a tentative smile breaking through the lingering sadness.

"Then, we're off," Sinbad announced, injecting a note of finality into the moment.

Reana came to stand next to Spartos. "Like we said, I'll stay here until everything is set to begin trading with Sasan. I'll catch up to you guys when everything is done."

Sinbad pouted. "Is this really fine with you? I still think we should all stay."

"There's no need, Sinbad. Besides, it may be better that way. At least I don't go around destroying things to make my point," she smirked, a playful glint in her eyes.

"A freakin' mountain, for example..." mumbled Ja'far under his breath.

Sinbad winced. "Hey! That was the fastest way, and look, it worked, didn't it?"

"Whatever Sin," Ja'far sighed, shaking his head. "We should get going."

A/N: Hello! I'm sorry for the looong delay for this chapter. It took me a long time to write it, as I wasn't very inspired for this part. And I also got sick (Covid yay so fun). I hesitated to split this in two but finally decided to post it whole :) Don't hesitate to tell me what you think, or what you'd like to see for future chapters, anything! I'm also open to suggestions, as there are some parts of the story I don't have a lot of ideas for. I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

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