BanG Dream: The Unexpected Pa...

By Yamizhou

17.1K 716 66

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of Ci... More

(Informational Chapter) Who is Nakasone Kyo?
Shining Stars (Poppin'Party)
Perfectionists (Roselia)
Childhood Friends (Afterglow)
The Idols (Pastel*Palettes)
The Angels (Morfonica)
Bright Smile (Hello, Happy World)
The Angel's Voices (Morfonica)
Suspicous (RAISE A SUILEN)
The Part-Timer
Poppipa's Greatest Disaster
A serious meeting
A Missing Piece
A Fun Beach Day
The Onee-chan type
Just be honest
No Need For Changes
The Air-headed Genius
The Dazzling Stars
We are all in this together
School Starts!
A Favor In Need
Once in a lifetime
Scattered Blue Rose Petals
Another Side of Yukina
The Gal Aura Is Too Bright!!
The Dark Princess
Planning Ahead
Another Day with Yukina
The Serious Of All
Blooming Blue Rose
A Full Blooming Rose
The Sudden Chills from Afterglow
A sense of guilt
A Way To Help
A Lurking Supporter
Social Advice
The Timidly Macaron Hunter
Slipped of a Tongue
Let's make her shine!
A Night With Afterglow
True Moments We Cherish (1)
True Moments We Cherished (2)
All According to Plan
Roselia or Afterglow?
The Cutest Idols
Going out with the Idols
Idols need to stay in shape
She, who knows everything
Night Full of Encounters
Snacks and Bushido!
Getting Ideas
Day 1 - Christmas Trip
Day 2 - Christmas Trip
Last Day - Christmas Trip
Sudden Changes
The Lost Light
A Vibrant Light
Happy Lucky Smile!
Just When Things Gets Interesting
Kokoro's Nursing Mode
For the Future Croquettes
Little Puppy that Bites
Looking Out For You
A Small Lecture From an Expert
It's not the end yet
The Bright Smile like a Sun
A Bad Dream
The Dark Mage of Morfonica
Just a coincidence
A Part-Time Tutor
Unpolished Melodies
Enchanted Violinist
The Angel Crisis
Thats it!?
The Five Angels in the Stage
The Asahi Bathhouse
Battle Between Producers
A Sense of Rivalry
A Good Eye For Talent
A New Way Of Getting Customers
The Perfect Beef Jerky
A Needle In a Haystack
The Past Where It All Started (1)
The Past Where It All Started (2)

A New Job

212 7 0
By Yamizhou

"Hello, everyone... Nakasone Kyo here, the staff of CirCLE... I've just come to the realization that, despite my hard work, I haven't managed to save up enough money for both my old and new guitar. My part-time wage here at CirCLE is decent, with an hourly rate of 6,000 yen, and there are occasional bonuses for a job well done, but..."

I paused and then let out an exasperated shout, "I STILL HAVEN'T SAVED ENOUGH MONEY!" My frustration echoed through my room as I considered my financial situation.

Just then, my phone chimed with a new banner on BanG Dream. "Oh? Nice~ I've been spending quite a bit on you... Maybe it's time to update..." My voice trailed off as I hovered my finger over the game icon.

But then, I hesitated. Slowly, I placed my phone on the bed, took a step back, and let out a deep breath. "IT WAS THIS GAME THAT'S BEEN BLEEDING MY WALLET DRY!!"

At CirCLE, Marina-san and I chatted while I diligently cleaned the floor.

"I see, so you're taking on another job, huh..."

"Yeah, I've been trying to save up money, but the ga- My sister wants to buy more yogurt."

"I-I see..." Nakasone-kun, you are about to say "game," didn't you? She sighed, "Alright, alright, I know of a place that's looking for part-time help."


"Yeah, but Nakasone-kun, I might need to reschedule your shifts, you know?"

"No problem!"

"I see~ Well, wait here, and I'll go sort everything out." She walked away from the reception desk and headed toward the staff room.

"Thank you, Marina-san!" She's truly an angel...

Marina-san returned with a flyer, handing me a part-timer advertisement for Mcdonalds.

I accepted the flyer from her and examined it. "Marina-san, a chain fast-food place?"



"Well, I guess it's better than nothing... Thank you, Marina-san!"

"You're welcome, Nakasone-kun~"

With a half-shift granted by Marina-san, I headed to McDonald's. While walking along the street, I looked at the flyer. "Hmmm..." Before I knew it, I had already arrived at my destination.

"Huh? What just happened? I felt like I was in auto-mode or something..." I mumbled to myself, but quickly refocused on my goal. "No time for that... I have to get myself ready for the interview."

Upon entering McDonald's, I accidentally bumped into one of the workers. She had large pink eyes and pastel pink hair.

"Ah! S-Sorry!"

"I-It's okay..." She glanced at my shirt, which had gotten wet from the spilled soda. "I-I'll go get some dry cloth!" She hurried away.


It's just a shirt though...

Just then she came back with a dry cloth, "P-Please sit down."

"I-It's fine really! I was just here for part-time anyway."

"Part-time?" She then looked at me and stared in the eyes, "Hm? Aren't you... Nakasone Kyo?"

"Huh? How did you.."

Just then I looked at her staring at her face, She was slightly flushed.

"Miss Maruyama?"

Just then she puts a hush signal in her mouth, "Come here Nakasone-kun." She gestures to me to follow her to the staff room.

After a while, Aya sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the table. "So? Do you mind telling me why you're here?"

"Like I said, I'm here because I want to work part-time."

"But aren't you already working at CirCLE?"

"Y-Yeah, but I realized that I needed more money."

"Money, huh... Why? Are you a big spender, perhaps?"


"Hahaha, I was just kidding. You're not like other boys who would spend their money on games like those... gacha games, was it?"

Her words hit me like arrows, and I slowly looked away. "Y-Yeah, that's true."

Argh, I'm bleeding...

Aya stood up and began to walk away from me. "Let's see if the manager is here." But then her phone rang, and she answered it. "Yes? Aya speaking here."


"Maya-chan!? What's wrong? Why are you suddenly shouting through the phone!?"

"Aya-chan! There's a problem!"


"The manager said that the producer collapsed from exhaustion!!"

"E-Eh?! Is that true?! Maya-chan!?"

"Y-Yeah! B-But the biggest problem of all is... our new song will be post-poned until the producer gets well!"

"N-No, Maya-chan... The producer collapsing is already a big problem."

Another voice chimed in, "Is that Aya-chan? Aya-chan!"

Wow, Sounds like chaos on your end.

"Chisato-chan!?" Aya responded.

"We're gonna need someone skilled in making music or songs!"

"I-I see, "L-Let's try finding one."

Another voice chimed in, "Oh?! I heard from my Onee-chan that this guy helped them create a new song which became a top hit!"

"Hina-chan!?" Aya exclaimed.

"Hi~ Hi~ Aya-chan! I think his name is Nakasone Kyo, right? If I remember correctly, he works at CirCLe, doesn't he? I bet he can help us!"

Just then, Aya stared at me intently. Her gaze made me feel a bit self-conscious.

"W-What? Is there something on my face?" I said, averting my eyes from her penetrating stare.

She turned back to her phone call, "Alright, I'll go talk to him."

"Really?! Yay! We're counting on you!" Aya hung up the phone and then sighed.

She turned to me, her expression softening. "Nakasone-kun... Do you want to earn more money than you would at McDonald's?"


"Great! I have the perfect job for you." She flashed me a warm smile.

"E-eh? Really?"

Looks like I have to explain things to Nakasone-kun... She thought to herself as she began to lay out the details. After a few minutes of talking.

"So you're telling me that I should become a producer for Pastel*Palettes..."


I looked at her with a blank expression, "...Am I supposed to laugh...?"

"It's not a joke!"

"I can't be a producer!? I still have no experience!"

"Oh yeah? The fact that you created the song for Popipa, Roselia, and Afterglow?"

"How did you know!?"

"Hehe... Don't underestimate me; I know all my sources."

"Uwah, that was creepy just now... Are you sure you're an idol?"

"I AM an Idol!"

I sighed, "Alright, alright... I'll accept, but only for a week!"



"Alright! I'll contact the manager, then tell her!" She said, quickly typing away on her phone.

"By the way, when do I start?"

"I'll let you know! For now..." She turned to me, "Give me your Line ID!" She asked as she got closer to my face, wearing a serious expression.

Taken aback by her sudden proximity covering my flustered face, slowly stepped back and looked away, "Alright." I took out my phone and opened the Line app.

She took my phone and examined it, noticing the long list of contacts. Teasingly, She pointed out, "Oh? You sure have a lot of contacts... You're talking to Marina-san a lot, huh..."

"Shut it!" I said, slightly embarrassed.

After Aya had added her contact information to my Line ID, she teased me, "Aren't you lucky to have an idol in your contacts."

With a hint of sarcasm, I said, "Right, super lucky. Very lucky."

Sarcasm aside, I actually feel lucky to have Aya... but it would be better if its Chisato-chan...

She smirked and closed her phone, "I'll send you the address of the agency. Make sure to be on time tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded in response.

I left Aya to continue her shift and walked out of the backdoor. Then, I called Marina-san.

"Yes? Nakasone-kun? How was it?"

"Marina-san, can I take a week off..."

"Eh!? Why!?"

"Uhhh... I became a producer for Pastel*Palettes."


Marina's exclamation echoed through the phone, and I could almost picture her surprised expression.

Word Count: 1167

Volume 5 (How It Feels To Become A Producer)

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