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"By the way, Kokoron, why were you with Kyo?" Kasumi asked with a curious look.

"Hm? Oh! We were on a date!" Kokoro announced casually, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Kasumi's jaw dropped, and the others, including Poppin'Party, Afterglow, and Roselia, shared a collective wide-eyed expression.

"A date? Seriously, Kokoro?" Saaya exclaimed. The surprise in her voice was evident, and I could sense a hint of jealousy.

Kokoro nodded, "Yep! Kyo-kun asked me out, so we went on a date, and it was super fun!"

The revelation took a moment to sink in, and the atmosphere shifted. Some exchanged surprised glances.

I didn't know Kokoro could be this bold, and it seemed like her unexpected date had caught everyone off guard.

BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-TimerWhere stories live. Discover now