A New Job

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"Hello, everyone... Nakasone Kyo here, the staff of CirCLE... I've just come to the realization that, despite my hard work, I haven't managed to save up enough money for both my old and new guitar. My part-time wage here at CirCLE is decent, with an hourly rate of 6,000 yen, and there are occasional bonuses for a job well done, but..."

I paused and then let out an exasperated shout, "I STILL HAVEN'T SAVED ENOUGH MONEY!" My frustration echoed through my room as I considered my financial situation.

Just then, my phone chimed with a new banner on BanG Dream. "Oh? Nice~ I've been spending quite a bit on you... Maybe it's time to update..." My voice trailed off as I hovered my finger over the game icon.

But then, I hesitated. Slowly, I placed my phone on the bed, took a step back, and let out a deep breath. "IT WAS THIS GAME THAT'S BEEN BLEEDING MY WALLET DRY!!"

At CirCLE, Marina-san and I chatted while I diligently cleaned the floor.

"I see, so you're taking on another job, huh..."

"Yeah, I've been trying to save up money, but the ga- My sister wants to buy more yogurt."

"I-I see..." Nakasone-kun, you are about to say "game," didn't you? She sighed, "Alright, alright, I know of a place that's looking for part-time help."


"Yeah, but Nakasone-kun, I might need to reschedule your shifts, you know?"

"No problem!"

"I see~ Well, wait here, and I'll go sort everything out." She walked away from the reception desk and headed toward the staff room.

"Thank you, Marina-san!" She's truly an angel...

Marina-san returned with a flyer, handing me a part-timer advertisement for Mcdonalds.

I accepted the flyer from her and examined it. "Marina-san, a chain fast-food place?"



"Well, I guess it's better than nothing... Thank you, Marina-san!"

"You're welcome, Nakasone-kun~"

With a half-shift granted by Marina-san, I headed to McDonald's. While walking along the street, I looked at the flyer. "Hmmm..." Before I knew it, I had already arrived at my destination.

"Huh? What just happened? I felt like I was in auto-mode or something..." I mumbled to myself, but quickly refocused on my goal. "No time for that... I have to get myself ready for the interview."

Upon entering McDonald's, I accidentally bumped into one of the workers. She had large pink eyes and pastel pink hair.

"Ah! S-Sorry!"

"I-It's okay..." She glanced at my shirt, which had gotten wet from the spilled soda. "I-I'll go get some dry cloth!" She hurried away.


It's just a shirt though...

Just then she came back with a dry cloth, "P-Please sit down."

"I-It's fine really! I was just here for part-time anyway."

"Part-time?" She then looked at me and stared in the eyes, "Hm? Aren't you... Nakasone Kyo?"

"Huh? How did you.."

Just then I looked at her staring at her face, She was slightly flushed.

"Miss Maruyama?"

Just then she puts a hush signal in her mouth, "Come here Nakasone-kun." She gestures to me to follow her to the staff room.

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