The Dragon's Legacy

By _Savren_

110K 5K 19.5K

What if Maegor the cruel had a son? A raven haired prince. Born to carry the legacy of his father and grandmo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - M
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six - M
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One

Chapter Twenty-Seven

1.2K 59 425
By _Savren_

Ten months have passed since the day Daemion arrived at Yi-Ti.

Ten months that he spent most days with Amethyst. Learning more about Yi-Ti. She would spend hours speaking of Yi-Ti's golden history in her YiTish tongue, and Daemion would listen.

In return, Daemion spoke of dragons and high valyrian. He would spend long hours explaining the Westerosi customs to her and of his blood.

Daemion would spend his time alone in the library. Some days he saw BuGai in the library as he was reading a book, and would bow to Daemion in respect and greet him and would go back to his reading.

Daemion never saw much of Jumong. Jumong would never join him during the training, but Daemion could always feel as Jumong watching him while he trained alone in the training court. As if Jumong was trying to see what he was truly capable of, to which Daemion wonder whether he should hold back or not.

Ten months of weekly talks with the grand Vizir in regard to finalizing their negotiations. But no matter how much they talked. Daemion kept on insisting on seeing the Emperor himself, to which it was always turned down, and for that, Daemion refused to accept it as the end of his task, saying that he would only and only accept the terms when he sees the Emperor.

But one calm and early morning as the sun had only brightened the sky, Daemion heard knocks on his door. Following the knock, Grand Vizir walked in and spoke calmly.

"The God-Emperor will see you in the Grand Hall."


Daemion walked inside the grand hall. He had expected soldiers to be lined up, to defend their god, their Emperor, and servants to spoil their god with wine and fresh fruits even this early in the morning.

But it was only the Grand Vizir who stood on the steps in front of the golden throne. And on the Golden Throne sat a man. A man so mighty that Daemion could only compare him with Aegon the Dragon.

His face calm, cold and graceful, much like BuGai. His figure was strong but not as large as Jumong. His black hair, tied above his head, but grey and white hair around his head were proof of his years of experience as a god. The Emperor wore a robe, colour of gold and crimson.

Daemion wished to feel insulted and complain to his grace Emperor LoHan, of why he had not accepted his request to speak in person sooner. However, he could not understand why, he felt that he should be honoured just for being present in the Emperor's presence.

"Your worshipness." Daemion spoke as he bowed all the way down, in the custom of Yi-Ti as Amethyst had taught him. "You have honoured me with this audience."

As Daemion rose his head slightly while bowing, to see the Emperor's face. He saw as The Emperor's graceful and cold face slightly closed his eyes and opened up and raised his arm and with a strong voice spoke; "Rise, Prince Daemion Targaryen."

"You are quite fortunate, Prince Daemion. Not many are graced by the God-Emperor's presence." Grand Vizir spoke calmly.

"And for that I am grateful, Grand Vizir." Daemion spoke. "To see that you too wish for this alliance, gladens me and my father and my grandmother."

The Emperor slowly and gracefully nodded. "So speak your mind, Prince Daemion."

"I thought it would be better to speak alone." Daemion spoke.

"My Vizir is my right-hand man. He will remain here." The Emperor spoke strongly without a change in his cold and graceful face.

Daemion slowly nodded.

"My Vizir has already told me everything that has been discussed, and my answer to you was given through him." The Emperor spoke calmly.

"Yi-Ti's ancient wealth, knowledge and arms to support my house when the time comes in exchange for a copy of manuscripts of knowledge of Oldtown's alchemy and medicines, yes. But..." Daemion spoke calmly and gracefully." It is the dragon eggs that I wish to speak of."

"What of them?" The Emperor asked calmly as he slightly raised one of his eyebrows.

"Why dragon eggs your worshipness?" Daemion asked calmly, hoping his voice didn't carry any emotion that would be insulting.

"It must be quite clear, Prince Daemion. I want the Power of Dragons." The Emperor spoke calmly and gracefully.

"Your nation, of what I have seen and learned for the past ten month, is one of the greatest nations in the known world, Your worshipness." Daemion spoke calmly. "Why would you wish for dragons?"

"My nation has been one of power and greatness, yes. As I have made it so, and so did my father before me and his father before him." The Emperor spoke strongly as he stood up from his throne. "My father was a man hard to impress. Even when I had slew those who dared to claim our throne when I was younger than you are, and yet he was not impressed... but that day..." The mighty God-Emperor spoke as he walked down the stairs calmly. "I remember the day your grandfather conquered seven kingdoms, and how the look on the face of my father changed."

The God-Emperor stood in front of Daemion. Daemion could see that The Emperor was a tall man, for Daemion could that The Emperor was nearly the same height as him, but yet slightly shorter.

"That day, I promised myself that Yi-Ti would one day shall be the greatest empire in the world. I have dedicated my life to achieving my goal, the same as I did the life of my children. They needed a father, but I was anything but. And I will not weep for it, nor wonder what might have been. For I know that a day will come that they will understand." The Emperor spoke gracefully and coldly. "One day you will too."

"As years went by... I realized it is not a will of a single man to ensure the greatness of my nation...The power of dragons is the power that can ensure Yi-Ti's ever-lasting stand as the greatest Empire." God-Emperor LoHan spoke.

"To ride Dragons, one needs the blood of a dragon rider." Daemion spoke calmly, knowing what was to calm.

"I am aware." The Emperor spoke strongly and calmly. "This is why I have accepted to see you myself. For I, myself, can tell you of this." The Emperor continued.

"You shall have Yi-Ti's arms, wealth and ancient knowledge. And in return, I wish for dragon eggs..." The Emperor continued calmly and strongly. "And either you or one of your children will marry into my line." The Emperor spoke. "Which will it be?"

Daemion bit his cheek bloody. Either he had to give his own self to Yi-Ti, or one of his children. To either surrender the idea of ever seeing his beautiful Rhaena, a woman whom he has waited to see since he had left Red Keep all those years ago. Or he had to give a child who was yet to call him "father" to this nation.

Yi-Ti is beautiful... But it is not home... and whomever he thinks of is not... Rhaena... Daemion bitterly thought to himself as another thousand thoughts clashed inside of his head.

"I am not free to marry." Daemion spoke calmly. "And neither will I sacrifice an unborn child for this alliance."

"So you do not wish to honour my wish? Why must I stand with a nation that you represent, when you have asked for my presence for months, and I have granted you this time? Despite how occupied I am with matters of my nation?" The Emperor spoke calmly without his expression changing.

I have come this far and have spent too much time to let this tree to be fruitless. Daemion thought to himself

"Why must I allow one of my own children to become wife or husband to one from your line who may never sit on the Golden Throne?" Daemion asked calmly, keeping the tone of respect. "As far as I am aware, you have no chosen hair."

The Emperor calmly looked into Daemion's deep violet eyes. "Bold of you to put such a question forward." The Emperor spoke cold, but Daemion could see the corner of the Emperor's lips formed a very slight smirk. "What do you suggest then?"

"My child shall wed the child of your chosen hair and future god-Emperor or Empress, when he or she reaches the age of maturity. " Daemion spoke low. The idea of having to throw away the life of a child, his own child, who was yet to breathe the air deeply saddened him. But what choice do I have? "I will only then send him or her to Yi-Ti a year before he or she reaches maturity."

"And how will I know that you intend to do so?" The Emperor asked calmly.

"The way I trust you is that our agreement would pass upon your chosen hair and that they will not use the dragons against my nation." Daemion spoke calmly as he looked into the eyes of the God-Empror.

The Emperor slightly smirked. "Then we must celebrate this before you fly back to your nation. The Emperor spoke. "Within a fortnight, it will mark twenty years of my reign. There shall be a feast for all the great lords of my nation. I invite you to celebrate it with us, and allow that to be our celebration for this union."

Daemion slowly blinked. Feeling empty and lifeless after the choice he had made, but yet how could he refuse the Emperor himself's invitation? "It is my absolute honour your worshipness."

"And one more thing." The Emperor spoke.

Daemion looked at the Emperor.

"Send my regards to your grandfather."


A week had passed since Daemion's negotiations with the Emperor.

Since the moment he had arrived at his chamber from his negotiations with the Emperor, he had not left the chamber. Not to study with Amethyst. Nor to speak with BuGai nor even to train in the training court.

Daemion sat in his chamber by himself. Thinking of his child. One of his children shall despise him for the choice he has made. A child that Daemion had given up even before he could hold in his arms.

Then he heard soft knocks on his chamber door. "Come in." Daemion spoke firmly. And following that the outcasted princess opened the door.

"Amethyst?" Daemion spoke low and slightly confused.

Amethyst walked in with an average-sized container and spoke calmly. "We haven't spoken for some time, are you upset with me?"

"I am not hard to find. If you wish to speak, speak up. Tell me anything." Daemion spoke with his eyes softening, looking at Amethyst.

"Daemion. What is wrong?" Amethyst asked. "You never brood. This is a new look on you. What's happened? Did your negotiation with father reach a bitter result?"

Daemion looked away and hummed to himself. Daemion knew all too well that he was bitter in regard to the common ground that he and the Emperor had settled for.

"I am quite fine Amethyst." Daemion spoke softer and walked to her. "No need for you to concern yourself." Daemion smiled softly and then looked at the container in her arms. "What is that?"

Amethyst's face slowly changed from concerned to a softer face. "I have something for you." Amethyst spoke. And handed him the light, average-sized container. "What is it?" Daemion asked.

"See for yourself." Amethyst spoke softly.

Daemion put the box on the table, slowly opened it up and took out what the container contained. 

It was a long black leather coat inside of it with black leather gloves. Exactly like the leather coats that sworn warriors of Jinqi wore. "It is a work of beauty." Daemion remarked.

"I have been working on it for some time." Amethyst spoke. "If you touch the shoulder, you will feel the shape of a lion, though it is not easy to see."

Daemion touched the shoulder of the long black leather coat. He could feel the shape of the teeth and jaw of the lion.

"Why black leather princess, dare I ask?" Daemion smirked softly, to which Amethyst smiled as she looked at Daemion as he admired the long black leather coat with his deep violet eyes.

"Black truly brings out the colour of your eyes, my prince."

Daemion was slightly surprised by her, for he turned his head toward her and looked at her in the eyes, and smiled softly.

"As crimson red brings out your beauty?" Daemion spoke softly as he softly smiled.

"You never said you favoured crimson on me my prince." Amethyst spoke amused.

"Then allow me to say it now; Crimson is truly your colour, Princess." Daemion smiled and with that wore that long black leather coat.

"Thank you, Amethyst. I shall wear this when I celebrate, when I grieve, when I laugh and when I fight." Daemion spoke. "Till the end."

As Amethyst came outside of Daemion's chamber with a small smile and a slight blush. A servant approached her.

The servant bowed to her and with her still down spoke: "Princess Amethyst, her grace the Empress wishes to see you."

Amethyst felt her body locked. "I'll go to her. Thank you." Amethyst spoke, and with that made her way down to the Empress's personal quarter.


Amethyst knocked on the golden door and upon hearing that she was allowed inside of the chamber, entered the chamber.

The Empress was sitting behind a small round table. As the Empress's eyes met Amethyst, the Empress's face darkened and she stood up and slowly walked to Amethyst.

"For months, I see and hear, that you and the foreign prince spend many hours together." The Emperess spoke with a sharp tone. "What is it that you two do? You open your legs to him?! Like your whore mother?"

"Don't talk about my mother." Amethyst spoke sharply as she wanted to punch the Empress's face, but held her arms. It was the Empress who struck first and slapped Amethyst across her face.

Amethyst felt as if her head was loose as she felt the slap.

"Watch your filthy mouth, harlot." The Empress spat. "Your Qohorish whore will be sent to fields of south Yi-Ti. She will waste the rest of her pathetic life there." The Empress spat bitterly. "She should have died with her family."

Amethyst bit her tongue. Zhea... Amethyst thought to herself. She could not do anything. She could've not say anything. Unless she wished to keep her head on her shoulders, she has no choice but to keep her mouth shut.

"I couldn't care any less of how you spend your days and nights but..." The Empress grabbed Amethyst's jaw forcefully. "...If I see you anywhere close to that raven-haired bastard in the feast... I will ensure that you regret it, harlot." The Empress spoke with hatred. "Now get out."


On the day of celebration, Daemion looked at himself in the mirror present in his chamber. His black outfit underneath his long black leather coat matched perfectly as they did his hair. Amethyst was not wrong, it truly does bring out the colour of my eyes.

Daemion took in a deep breath as he left his chamber, walking to the Grand Hall. Along the way, he could see some young men dressing the strong pillars of the Golden Palace with flowers that he had never seen.

Daemion walked to the Grand Hall where the main event was hosted. As the guard opened the door, Daemion thought he had entered a place of fairy tale.

The Grand Hall was truly grand, glowing like gold. As if it was trying to put Yi-Ti's legendary wealth and power on display.

Daemion could see as the Emperor wore his black and golden, sitting on the Golden Throne, as men and women bowed before him and offered him their congratulations.

The Empress stood by her daughter, Emeera's side. Daemion saw as both of their eyes fell on him. The Empress elegantly smiled a small smile, and Princess Emeera blushed and his her face with her handkerchief. To which Daemion smiled and nodded his head in respect.

BuGai stood in a corner with a small book, reading as he drank wine from an elegantly crafted glass. Jumong stood in a corner with a flask of wine in one hand and the other holding his glass which he refilled and drank as he spoke with the supreme commander of Yi-Ti's army.

Daemion's eyes wandered around the Hall for Amethyst. To see where she stood, but she was nowhere to be seen. Where can she be? Daemion wondered to himself.

Suddenly Daemion's eyes fell on her. On the crimson dress lady. Amethyst.

Amethyst's crimson dress reminded Daemion of a thousand things and one. The thrill of chocking off that first life. The beauty of her black hair, mixed with her crimson dress.

Daemion saw as Amethyst's eyes met his, but she looked away and walked to a corner trying to hide herself from the visions. Daemion felt the heavy looks that came from his back, from the Empress and Princess Emeera.

Daemion started walking to the corner where Amethyst was standing. Suddenly Emeera stepped in front of Daemion. "Care for a dacne, Prince Daemion?" Emeera asked as she slightly bowed in tradition and blushed.

"Thank you, it would be an honour...." Daemion smiled softly. "...But perhaps some other time." And with that, while smiling he walked past Emeera's grown-eyed face, walking toward the corner of the dance floor. To the black-haired princess dressed in crimson dress. Amethyst.

Daemion stood right in front of her, towering over her. The eyes of everyone present were pinned on the pair, especially the eyes of The Empress and Princess Emeera, as the Raven Prince offered his hand and asked the outcasted Princess. "Will you honour me with a dance, Princess Amethyst?"  Daemion asked formally with a slight smile on his face.

Amethyst looked at the face of red angered face of Emeera but immediately put on a smile and looked at Daemion's deep violet eyes. "I will be more than happy to."

Daemion slightly smirked, and led her to the dance floor, and began to dance. At every turn Daemion could see the controlled anger look on the Empress's face. The Emperor's face remained cold and grateful. Observing the hall.

Daemion leaned his head down, close to Amethyst and spoke lowly: "I believe they all are lost in the beauty of this coat."

Amethyst softly chuckled. "I do not and can not blame them. Whomever that has made it for you must have been blessed with the blessing of the Lion himself."

"As is whomever who has made your dress." Daemion smiled softly. "I was quite right. Crimson truly is your colour princess." Daemion smiled.

Amethyst smirked as her cheeks slightly turned pink. "Perhaps you must wear one too. A crimson shirt outfit will suit your hair perfectly."

"I thought it is Black leather that you favour because of my eyes?" Daemion chuckled very softly.

"That I do." Amethyst chuckled softly.

And They danced through the night.

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