The Dragon's Legacy

By _Savren_

111K 5K 19.6K

What if Maegor the cruel had a son? A raven haired prince. Born to carry the legacy of his father and grandmo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - M
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six - M
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two

Chapter Twenty-Six

1.3K 58 551
By _Savren_

A few days has passed from that night. After few days of isolating and being alone in his chamber, Daemion chose to once more explose the Golden Palace. Perhaps I shall find more breathtaking YiTish art, as I did that night in the hallway. Daemion thought to himself.

Daemion walked down the palace, but in his search to find the Grand Hall, in which he knew the Golden Throne was located, he found a large door. Curiosity triumphed once more, as Daemion pushed the door open.

It was a library. It was far larger than the library in Dragonstone. But that was not the only difference. The bookshelves all stood tall and made of silver and gold.

Daemion looked around the massive library, each of it made of silver or gold. Daemion's eyes fell on an back of an average-height man with light brown hair, standing in front of a bookshelf and reading a semi-large book, which he was holding with one hand.

He gently walked to the light brown-haired man dressed in a long golden outfit and cleared his throat softly to announce his presence. "Prince BuGai?"

Prince BuGai raised his head, turned around and looked up to meet Daemion's deep violet eyes. "Prince Daemion." BuGai spoke as he closed the book he was reading. "I had not expected to see you in the library."

"Where had you expected me to be my prince?" Daemion asked Prince BuGai with a soft smirk, as he looked at the book Prince BuGai was holding.

"Exploring the city and drowning yourself in its wonders and fine wine." BuGai spoke as he placed the closed book in his hand on the bookshelf and took another book. "The city is quite lovely in the afternoon."

"If it is so, might I ask why you yourself are not enjoying its beauty or drinks?" Daemion asked.

Prince BuGai looked around. "I have grown up here. There is not much more for me to see." BuGai gently spoke as he opened his new book. "And I prefer the company of my books rather than wine. After all, the wine we make, is meant to be traded or bargained. Not be used on a whim for one's pleasure."

"Reading poetry and history of men greater than yourself?" Daemion tried to joke.

Prince BuGai looked at him and then smiled softly. "Yes. For one to become great he must study those greater than himself." And with that, he turned his eyes to his book and after mere seconds, he read a poem in broken high Valyrian:

"We are oft to blame in this. T'is too much proved, that with devotion's visage..."

"...And pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself." Daemion smirked as he finished it in high Valyrian. Why is the prince practicing high Valyrian? Daemion wondered fo himself.

Daemion has known this poem with his heart. For it was the first poem his father had forced him to learn.

"A student of poetry..." Prince BuGai said with slightly wide eyes and a small smile. "...I'd be lying if I said that I am not surprised, Prince Daemion."

"Why is that so?" Daemion asked with a voice full of wonder, slightly confused by Prince BuGai's confusion. "And I am quite taken by your knowledge of high Valyrian my prince."

"Of all the things I personally have heard of you, being a man of literature was not one." BuGai smiled an unreadable smile. "Would you honour me by telling me the meaning of this poem?"

"It defines of how people often hide the evil within themselves, through the appearance of piety." Daemion answered with a calm tone. "I do not know much of your nation but I believe you've also seen men who cover their evil with a mask sent from gods themselves. For what is a better reason to commit acts on behalf of the devil himself to serve the gods?"

"Quite an understanding of poetry. I cannot say that I've met many of royalty who favour reading." BuGai spoke with a small smile. "And yes, I have seen men that you speak of."

"And I never met any who study high valyrian unless they have to." Daemion spoke as he narrowed his eyes slightly. "Might I ask that why you have chosen to study High Valyrian?"

"I quite enjoy learning and studying, my prince. For there is no nobler deed for a man to seek knowledge of anything and everything." Prince BuGai answered as elegant as ever.

"And what do you study, Prince BuGai?" Daemion asked curiously.

"I study unity of men and the power that forms that unity." BuGai answered. "Tell me Prince Daemion, what do you believe is the true meaning of unity? Or the power which forms it within itself?

"To inspire men to be something greater than what it once was, and to become something more." Daemion answered softly.

"Would you say that your grandfather's conquest was the ultimate form of power and unity?" BuGai asked as he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Daemion remained quiet for a second before answering. "I suppose conquering kingdoms with not a large army is the ultimate form of power and unity of men yes." It was not him who the soldiers followed, it was the dragon. Daemion thought to himself.

Prince BuGai slowly nodded as he thought of Daemion's answer. "Is conquest truly the meaning of unity?" Prince BuGai softly asked as he looked away from his book, at Daemion with curiosity.

Daemion did not know what to say so he chose silence, to allow the Yi-Tish prince to speak.

After mere seconds, Prince BuGai spoke softly. "What unites men, is not the sharpness of your sword nor the power of destruction of... dragons. It is a realization born of what truly makes a man a true leader. A leader who can build an empire that would last for thousands of years."

"How was this realization was born, Prince BuGai?" Daemion asked. For years Damion had thought the true meaning of loyalty and unity, was the iron fist that his grandfather possessed, the Dragons. And yet here this Yi-Tish prince was boldly but yet calmly questioning his house's power.

"What brought the first men to become as one, was the will of a single man, a man powerful only but the measure of his savagery. But we no longer live in the days of sharp teeth and nails. In those days, Power was defined in one's power of leadership to loot, steal, rape and start mayhem... But as the world grew, so did the meanings of the words we once thought we knew the absolute meaning of." BuGai spoke softly as he placed his book back on the shelf. "And it still does, even as we speak at this very moment."

"True power which leads to true unity, is born of an understanding. A realization, born the day when men realized that the men you follow have something more than arms at war, but also not be bound only to compassion, fairness, or even a vision for a greater future... a promise of a better future than the one that once was. Many promises are always made, but not kept." BuGai explained calmly and continued. "The need of a true leader... Someone understanding the needs of a would-be nation... Of how high this would be nation could fly."

"But isn't the strength needed for one's kingdom to last?" Daemion asked as he raised one of his eyebrows. That is not what I have learned growing up "The strength to silence those who oppose you?"

"It is. But when one has none other than his strength to offer, they shall always kneel to knowledge of those who can see the better future. For swords, lance, speers..." BuGai paused before continuing. "...and Dragons, are a showcase of iron fist... a fist that can melt in the heat of knowledge." BuGai softly spoke. "Strength is not everything... Your grandparents know it...Do you, Prince Daemion?"

"What do you mean by that?" Daemion asked as he narrowed his deep violet eyes.

"You are perhaps the first Targaryen to be born to your house that your mother was not of your own house, but from another. I believe it is pronounced ...House Hightower?" BuGai spoke as he narrowed his eyes as if he was trying to make sure he was pronouncing it right before continuing.

"I imagine when your Grandfather and grandmother conquered the seven kingdoms, those kingdoms fought back... But one kingdom and one kingdom alone, was powerful enough that the new King and queen had to marry their son, a prince of the realm, off to that one kingdom, who had become a house; House Hightower..." Prince BuGai continued

"Even with their dragons, Valyrian blood and steel, Aegon the Dragon and Visenya the conqueror gave in to demands of a house that did not possess dragons... From what I have learned of your mother's house, it is said that House Hightower has been one of the ancient houses of seven kingdoms. The root of knowledge and wisdom... The greatest library in the West, in Oldtown." Prince BuGai spoke calmly. "Truth be told, I have always wished to visit Oldtown, and perhaps study at what you call the citadel..."

Prince BuGai continued as he looked into Daemion's eyes looking for anything that Daemion would say. But Daemion remained silent.

"The conqueror knew of the power that House Hightower possessed... the power that even three adult dragons did not match. Knowledge. Knowledge that led to belief... and a belief that led standing ever higher, to even match the power of the mighty house Targaryen."

BuGai smiled. "Dragons and force shall hold seven kingdoms for a while, perhaps a century or two... But it is always wisdom that prevails." BuGai spoke softly and with an elegant smile nodded his head at Daemion in respect. "We must speak more, my Prince. I always enjoy a good conversation, which is hard to come by."

Daemion wanted to argue. But he knew the truth behind BuGai's words. He could feel as if his head had gotten heavier... As if all he had thought of power and what it truly meant, was just a void. A shadow of a moon disguised as a sun.

"May I ask you one question, my Prince?" Daemion asked as BuGai was walking away.

BuGai stopped and gently turned back and looked at Daemion. "Of course Prince Daemion."

"What is your ambition, if you were to sit on the golden throne and become the god-Emperor?" Daemion asked.

BuGai's expression changed, as it got more serious, and he gently spoke before he left the library. "To build an empire... Far greater than the Great Empire of the Dawn."


"My prince, you must take a guard with you if you wish to explore the city." Grand Vizir spoke as he saw Daemion walking to a horse in the courtyard.

"I believe I will be quite fine, grand Vizir. No need to concern yourself." Daemion spoke as he got on top of the horse's back. "And if you worry that. I might get lost in your beautiful city, Don't. The Golden Palace is not that difficult to lose sight of." Daemion spoke as he walked to the horse and mounted it.

Grand Vizir did not look happy with Daemion's words but yet he spoke. "Enjoy the city Prince Daemion."

"I will be back shortly. No need to worry."


Daemion watched the grand and beautiful streets of the Golden City of Yi-Ti. He couldn't remember Kingslanding all too well for it had been years since the day he and his father had left the keep, but Daemion was sure that the streets of Kingslanding were not as lively as Yi-Ti's yet everyone present in the street, were respectful with a calm expression on their faces.

Each street was telling a story by itself. Some of the buildings were quite literally made of gold with bronze doors and silver windows. Daemion could not believe his eyes or his nose. For one minute his nose was drunk with the smell of saffron, and wines that were the colour of gold and the other minute his eyes were staring at the silks that he had never seen alike.

Daemion's eyes fell on two tall-figured men with looks of warriors. But it was not their looks that caught Daemion's attention and interest. It was the long leather coats that they wore. One was wearing a long dark green leather coat with black gloves, and the other was wearing a long dark red leather coat with black leather gloves.

Daemion was quite taken by their coats, for he had never seen such a thing neither in Quhor nor Volantis. He had seen some men wearing leather as a lair of their armour, but never as something to be worn as normal clothing.

I wouldn't mind owning one. Daemion thought to himself as he kept watching them. Though it looks that it only for certain men. Not for everyone.

As Daemion turned his head forward he saw a familiar face. A woman on a black horse, wearing a long black cloak that matched her beautiful black hair. Princess Amethyst.

Princess Amethyst turned her head and saw Daemion's eyes and rolled her eyes and looked forward and her horse started walking.

What is she doing here? Daemion wondered to himself. Is it safe for a lady, much more, a princess to freely explore the city by herself?

Daemion made his horse walk slowly far behind Princess Amethyst. But suddenly Amethyst's horse's two front legs went up as the horse squealed and roamed down the street.

Daemion felt as his heart started to beat rapidly. She must have lost control of her horse! Daemion thought to himself and his horse galloped after the princess.

After minutes of chasing Princess Amethyst's horse, Daemion finally caught up to her and with one hit on back side of Amethyst's horse, he stopped the horse. I can't believe that truly worked! Daemion thought to himself as he had thought that hitting a horse's backside would force the horse to stop was nothing more than a jape.

But his surprise was replaced with an unnerving feeling as his eyes fell on Princess Amethyst's annoyed face.


"Prince Daemion, Has following me around become a habit for you?" Amethyst asked annoyed as she was somewhat impressed by the prince's stubbornness. He is headstrong... I'll give him that. Amethyst thought to herself, not that she would admit that.

"Your horse roamed, and I thought that it had roamed because of a snake." Daemion spoke calmly and embarrassed as he took in a deep breath.

"Believe me, my prince. I was in full control." Amethyst spoke softly as he took in a breath. "I have been riding since I was younge... much to everyone's displease." Amethyst whispered the last part, to which apparently the Emerald Prince did not hear her.

"I only wished to make certain of your well-being..." Prince Daemion spoke softly. "And to apologize and ask for your forgiveness."

Amethyst's eyes grew, as if Prince Daemion had claimed that he could talk to horses. I have never met a prince... No, any man of royalty, to apologize for their doings... Amethyst thought to herself shocked. Is this a trick?

"I allowed curiosity to get the better of me and my better judgement. I apologize." The Raven Prince spoke as he lowered his head slightly down and spoke sincerely.

Amethyst could feel as her face softened "No, I must be the one to apologize, my prince. I overstepped. Intrude in matters that I do not have any knowledge of." Amethyst spoke softly as she looked at Prince Daemion's beautiful face. "I do hope you would forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive, my princess." Prince Daemion spoke softly. "Please allow me to escort you back to the Golden Palace." Prince Daemion asked softly.

Amethyst gave Prince Daemion a meaningful look. As she knew he was offering something he could not actually do. "And I do not know how to get back to the palace." Prince Daemion admitted with a slight smile but an embarrassed look on his beautiful face.

Amethyst fought hard to not smile, but it was a lost battle, as a smile grew on her face. "I would be honoured to escort you back, my prince."


They rode their horses in a peaceful but yet not very comfortable silence, at least uncomfortable to Amethyst.

She turned her head to the Raven Prince and found him looking around. And that was when Amethyst's eyes fell on an elegant emerald necklace that the prince was wearing. "That truly is a beautiful necklace." Amethyst spoke softly as she looked at the necklace. "But it appears to be made for a woman."

Prince Daemion turned his head toward Amethyst and smiled as he reached for the necklace and squeezed in his fist. "This belonged to my mother. T'is the only thing I have of her." Prince Daemion spoke softly with a soft face, instead of his usual unreadable face. "All I have of her, is words spoken of her, and the hair on my head. And this." Prince Daemion continued softly. "Though my father never speaks of her, he still keeps some of her dresses and her brush."

"I must have been nine, when I snuck to their chamber. And found, though my father never speaks of her, he still keeps some of her dresses and her brush." Daemion spoke with a sad smile. "And this necklace was next to her brush. And I could not help but it was as if a voice told me to pick it up and wear it."

Amethyst wondered why she felt for the raven prince, though she hardly knew him. Was it for she had known the same pain? Or something else?

After seconds passed Amethyst asked softly. "Would you have had the colouring of old Valyria, if you could ask for it?"

Daemion looked at her and after seconds that he spent thinking, he spoke. "I had always wanted for silver hair of my house. But through the years, I have learned to live with it, and cherish it." Prince Daemion paused before continuing. "It may sound strange, but in a way, I feel closer to her as I my grew out my hair."

No, not strange at all. Amethyst thought to herself with a small smile as she thought of her own mother. "My mother... She was the Empress's most trusted friend. When Empress Feng married the Emperor, my father, my mother by tradition, accompanied Empress Feng to Yi-Ti, to serve her as a friend and handmaiden." Amethyst spoke so softly, that nearly, it was only whispering.

"After the birth of my half-brother, BuGai, the Empress fell ill, which kept her in bed for half a year. During that time, the Emperor took my mother to bed." Amethyst continued softly. "After I was born, my mother was cast out of the Empress's service, and taken as one of the Emperor's many concubines. And I was raised with my half-brothers and then my half-sister was born." Amethyst spoke softly. "My mother passed when I had turned seven years of age."

Prince Daemion remained silent. " I am sorry Princess Amethyst. I cannot imagine what you have gone through." Prince Daemion spoke softly.

"It was not lonely as you might imagine it. I had the luck when Zhea and her family arrived at the palace." Amethyst spoke with a slight smile on her face. "I would not have survived my childhood, through the Empress's cruelties, Jumong and Emeera's taunts if not for Zhea and her late family."
Prince Daemion looked at her with a small smile and chose silence.


They walked their horses back to the main street of Yi-Ti.

As they passed the sworn warriors of Jinqi, Amethyst noticed that the beautiful Raven Prince turned his head in their direction. "Might I ask you a question, Princess Amethyst?" Prince Daemion asked as he was still looking at the two warriors of Jinqi. "Of course Prince Daemion." Amethyst answered.

"Who are those men in the long leather coats?" Daemion asked as he turned his head to Amethyst to look at her with his deep violet eyes. "Their leather coats are fascinating."

"They are the sworn warriors of Jinqi." Amethyst answered. "They have sworn to fight for what they deem to be the right cause. They do not fight in battles unless they deem it for the right cause." Amethyst explained. "They are not sworn to the Emperor, a sigil or a country. They are bound to their own ideals."

"What about the colours of their leather coats? Does it hold onto a meaning?" Prince Daemion curiously asked.

He truly is unlike any man I have ever seen. Most men would remain in the comfort of the palace instead of roaming in a city alone, and if they do, it is to find their way to the closest pleasure house. Not to seek knowledge. Amethyst thought to herself surprised.

"For some the colours are representative of their family, their beloved or perhaps they simply favour that colour." Amethyst answered as she looked at Daemion's face. "Why you ask my prince?"

"I simply am impressed by their oaths. To swear their lives to such a cause. I had never seen such men." Daemion answered honestly. "Had I not been a prince, I would have travelled to Jinqi to swear such an oath." Daermion spoke with a soft smirk.

"You need not to travel to Jinqi to swear such oath." Amethyst smiled. "Such a vow always starts from within one's self. And if you feel as if you are ready for the vow, pledge it in front of the statue of the Lion of Night's great statue in our great temple."

"One of your gods I presume?" Prince Daemion asked curiously.

"Yes." Amethyst answered. "Do you wish to hear some of our tales?"

"I would be honoured." Daemion answered as he turned his upper body toward Amethyst to listen.

Amethyst smiled softly. " As the tale has been told by the priestly scribes of Yin, the Lion of Night fathered a son on the Maiden-Made-of-Light in where the golden city stands. This son was the God-on-Earth, who ruled the Great Empire of the Dawn for ten thousand years, before ascending to the heavens. It was the children of the God-on-Earth and their children who ruled the empire after him, each ruling a shorter time than the last one until the brother of the legendary Amethyst Empress usurped her in the Blood Betrayal and crowned himself as the Bloodstone Emperor, starting a war unlike any that history had seen within itself. It was then when Maiden-Made-of-Light turned her back upon the world, and the Lion of Night came forth in all his wroth to punish the wickedness of man." Amethyst explained.

Amethyst could see the fascination of the Emerald Prince's face. "And some say that it shall be the Lion himself who shall rule Yi-Ti, if the day comes that he ever grows tired of his eternal seat." Amethyst spoke as she looked away from the Prince's face.

"It would not be surprising if The Lion cease the throne for himself. For what I have thus far seen of your country, it is worthy of gods themselves." The Raven Prince spoke, sincerely by the look on his face.

"Whom do you worship, Prince Daemion?" Amethyst asked curiously.

"The gods of my fathers are of the flames of old Valyria. The fourteen flames. But the gods of my mothers are of the seven." Prince Daemion answered shortly as he looked at the Golden Palace, to which they were getting closer and closer.

"That is not what I asked." Amethyst spoke. And Prince Daemion chose silence. But after minutes of silence, he spoke.

"I have seen enough men and women to set sail to distant shores, sacrifice the blood of goats and even their own young to please their gods. To ask for health, wealth, a fair maiden and a healthy son. But never have I seen their wishes to be granted... Not by gods but by themselves. For it has been always the drive and will of a human to achieve the unimaginable." Prince Daemion answered. "I have never been granted a dime of what I asked of them for years. To have my mother by me or bless me with silver hair. But what I had been granted was what I had achieved by mine own hands."

"Some may call that luck." Amethyst spoke curiously. Prince Daemion looked at Amethyst with a soft smirk. "I make my own luck, Princess."

"I must admit Prince Daemion. I had not thought you to be such a man." Amethyst spoke she got off of her horse.

"Now I wonder what you think of me." Daemion spoke as he got off his horse. "Of that, I am not sure." Amethyst spoke back.

"Then perhaps we must go on another ride." Daemion offered.

"I am not quite optimistic about another ride at this hour, for it is getting quite late. And our horse's vision shall decline with the dark."

Amethyst saw as a smirk grew on Daemion's face. "And who said anything about horses?"


The moon of Yi-Ti was brighter than ever. Daemion led Amethyst to the same courtyard he had arrived at.

"So where is your dragon?" Amethyst asked as she looked around and then looked at Prince Daemion.

Prince Daemion also looked around with a still face but after mere minutes he smiled a small smile. "He is close."

Amethyst looked around the sky confused, "But there is nothing close by—" And she left her words unfinished as the Scarlet Black dragon appeared in the sky. "How did you—" Amethyst opened her mouth to ask but again left her question unfinished as she walked back without turning her body, Modread landed on the walls and crawled to the courtyard.

This monster will— Amethyst did not dare to finish her thought. Her eyes grew even larger as she saw Daemion walking forward to the beast as if he were trying to greet the monstrous beast. Her shock grew even more as she saw Daemion trace his hand on the beast's head look into the monster's eyes with a smile and continue to rub the monster's head, as if he were a dog.

After minutes that felt like hours, The Emerald Prince turned his head towards her and spoke with a smirk. "No need to be afraid Princess."

Amethyst took a deep breath in and started walking toward the monster. The monster rose its head and by the look of it, it was ready to attack and devour Amethyst. But its head went down and Prince Daemion spoke in a language unknown to her.

Prince Daemion raised his hand and offered it to Amethyst as she got close. Amethyst placed the back of her hand in Prince Daemion's hand, and Prince Daemion gently placed her hand on the monster's neck. "His name is Modread." The Raven Prince spoke softly.

Amethyst gently touched the dragon's neck turned her head toward the dragon's head and looked into the dragon's eye. "Modread." Amethyst whispered and then turned her head toward the beautiful prince's face.

The Raven Prince smirked softly and gently and carefully placed one hand on Amethyst's back and the other on her waist, slowly aiding her to climb on top of the dragon. Amethyst climbed the saddle and sat where she thought that was meant for her. Prince Daemion followed her onto the top and sat in front of her.

"You may want to hold on to me, Princess Amethyst." Daemion spoke softly as he looked at her and then turned his head to the front and spoke a foreign word louder.

Before Amethyst could ask why, the dragon started to move his wings up and down. The Outcasted Princess grabbed onto the Raven Prince's back, locking her arms around his stomach. Only now she could truly feel the prince's muscular form.
The dragon flew into the sky. Amethyst hid her face in Prince Daemion's back, but then she heard him laugh. "I did not imagine you to fear height, Princess."

To which Amethyst only buried her face deeper in his back and yelled: "This is not what I had in mind!"

The emerald prince laughed once more. "You have a beautiful nation, Princess. See it for how I saw it when I arrived." And with that, Amethyst chose to bring her head back and look around.

Her eyes caught a view, unlike anything she had ever seen. The Golden City of Yi-Ti, shined like a piece of gold in a chest of silver. She had lived here all her life, on top of the largest hill in the Golden Palace, with a view over the beautiful city, and she could not imagine how much more beautiful it could get from the top of a dragon.

All her life she had imagined sitting on the Golden Throne, so she may feel the absolute power. To punish those who have wronged her and those who wronged those of the innocent and yet... Though it was not her dragon, she could not imagine how Prince Daemion felt, controlling the greatest weapon of war of all. A weapon that could burn her city down in a night, and perhaps even the cities of Yin and Jinqi by the next sunrise.

After some time that they spent in the sky, they finally flew down and got off of the dragon. Prince Daemion patted the dragon's head and after that, the dragon flew back to the sky.

"You must feel all-powerful." Amethyst spoke softly as she stood next to Prince Daemion as they watched Modread fly away, disappearing in the darkness. "Having such a powerful weapon in your possession is surely an indescribable feeling."

"He is no weapon, nor my possession." Prince Daemion spoke almost sharply, to which Amethyst was taken back. Daemion looked at her and then gently proceeded to explain. "A dragon is not a slave, Princess Amethyst."

Amethyst was lost. "But your house controls them. Through the foreign language that you spoke."

"We do not control dragons princess. High Valyrian merely is the only known language that dragon's acknowledge." Prince Daemion explained softly. "We, my house, merely join with them and they join with us in return.... They are like a limb from our own body."

"I am afraid I do not understand." Amethyst spoke softly. To which Prince Daemion smirked.

"Some dragons, like my own, are born to us. That bond is for life. Modread is a part of me, as I am a part of him. That is how I knew he was close earlier."

"What if one is born without a dragon?" Amethyst asked curiously.

"Then they shall claim a dragon later in their lives. Their bond can be just as powerful as a pair that are born to each other, if their bond is sealed and strengthened." Prince Daemion spoke. "And that part of the rider shall live on even as they lay dead, through our dragons."

"I have heard that dragons live long lives."Amethyst spoke. "What will happen to your dragon once you pass away?"

Daemion smiled a small smile, instead of the smirk that Amethyst was growing used to, and looked at the sky that Modread had vanished into. "Then he shall wait for his next rider."

After speaking that, Prince Daemion turned his head toward Amethyst and spoke in broken YiTish "Today... very... good."

Amethyst softly chuckled. "You have the form, but you do need some practice." And then smiled and spoke in common tongue. "Yes. Today was quite memorable."

"Then will I have the honour to learn YiTish from her highness the princess?" Prince Daemion asked with a slight smirk as he joked.

Amethyst returned the smirk. "Only if you return the favour by teaching me High Valyrian."

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