
By aquassb

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What would you do if you read a book and the story seemed familiar? Kandi x Tamika More



569 34 25
By aquassb


"No! I don't want to hear that! You told me I was protected as long as they were anonymous." I yelled to my lawyer as I paced around her office.

"Yes, I did say that Ms.Burruss. However, I advised you that if a person you wrote about was able to find something identifiable from your book they could use it against you and sue for defamation. I'm not saying that's the case for her because I've read the material and I haven't found anything credible but if she's threatening to sue we should take it serious."

"You should've told me not to publish this book! Do you know what this could do to my reputation?! She's threatening to not only take me to court but blast this all over the media...I'll be finished!" I rambled as I ran my hands over my face.

I couldn't believe the message I received from Tamika this morning after being left on seen all night.

She really intended to sue me for something as petty as being written about in my book. I never once mentioned who she was or what she looked like yet I'm still being faced with a potential lawsuit because she can't let go of the past.

To say I was furious would be an understatement. This undermines my entire life's work. I prided myself on being ethical but now she was ready to let the world know that was everything but true.

"I understand this is frustrating and you know I'll fight this until I can't fight anymore but, can I offer some advice?" She asked and I stopped pacing to nod my head at her.

"This seems personal to her and you don't need to tell me why but you need to rectify the situation the best way you can so it doesn't ruin you or your reputation. So meet with her, beg for her forgiveness, and do whatever it takes." She added.

I nodded, swallowing hard as I took a seat on her couch in the corner of her office.

"I-I'm wrong for what I did. Aren't I?" I exhaled, awaiting her response. The question was less about the book and more about our history that she knew nothing about. I don't even know why I asked her that.

"You're well within your right to speak your truth. Whether people agree with it is not up to you. But I promise you we'll make it out of this.." She said reaching across from her place in the chair across from me to hold my hands.

"Thank you, Shamea. I really appreciate all your help.."

"It's what I'm here for. Now! Go home and rest before figuring out how to get Ms.Chapter one to talk.."

"Alright I guess I can do that." I said as I stood up and grabbed my purse throwing it over my shoulder.

"Bye Kandi, have a good day." She smiled.

"Bye Shamea.." I opened the door and made my way out of her office.

I made my way out of the building and got into my car. The minute I got inside I let my head rest onto the steering wheel not believing what just happened.

I woke up this morning knowing I was protected legally but now after leaving my lawyers office I knew that was far from the truth. I was angry that Tamika would take it this far but not surprised.

She's always been petty and I know she'd been waiting for years to make me pay for what she believes I did to her.

Unfortunately, for her I was just as petty. Which was probably what gave us great chemistry. Just as she was angry I shared that sentiment and I intended to show her that no one will own anything that I built.

I raised my head from the steering wheel and replaced it with my hands as I took a deep breath. I refused to cry as I decided my lawyer was right.

A talk was needed but begging was off the table.


I rung the doorbell and stepped back as I waited for the person to answer the door. A couple minutes past and I smiled as the woman I was waiting for opened the door.

"Kandi? Aww baby how ya been?" She said sliding to the side and allowing me inside.

"Hi Ms.Gloria! I've been good and you?" I smiled as I went in for a hug. She squeezed me softly before allowing me to follow her into the living room.

"I can't complain...what brings ya by? I haven't seen you in years but your mom always says you're doing good." She replied as she gestured for me to take a seat on her couch.

Tamika wanted to be petty then I had one better for her.

"Oh nothing I was stopping by to see my mom and I thought I would pop in to see how you've been." I said as I took a seat and she did as well.

"You know Kandi you've never been good a lying.." She laughed before adding "When you and Tamika snuck those wine coolers in high school I almost believed my daughters lie until I looked at your face. And you have that same face today so tell me what is it?"

"Alright, you got me! I'm trying to get back in good graces with Tamika. I hate the way we ended our friendship.." I said hoping she would by this lie.

"Well my daughter is not one to easily forgive and she holds grudges but if you really try to have a conversation I'm sure she would come around eventually.." She said and I nodded.

"Well I was hoping you'd know somewhere she might be?"

She pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something down before handing it to me.

As I pulled into the parking lot of the place she sent me to I realized I was at a restaurant. By the looks of it I assumed it was one Tamika owned.

This was perfect. I could get her to talk to me and hopefully rectify this situation before it gets more messy than it already has.

I took a deep breath as I stepped into the restaurant. The aroma of the food hit my nose before I even stepped all the way in. Damn. I need to come eat here if I don't end up fighting the owner.

It was fairly busy for a Thursday afternoon and by the way the food smelled I understood why.

"Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked as I approached the entranceway.

"Uh—no I'm here to speak with Tamika.."

"Oh? What's your name? I'll send someone to go check for you."

"Oh no! That's fine just point me to where she is and I'll handle it from there.." I said as I stepped back for the podium.

The girl walked around to stand in front of me holding her hand up to stop me from walking any further.

"Sorry I can't just let you back there. Ms. Scott is big on her privacy.." She said and I stared at her hand before laughing at her.

I walked around her, flagging her off, and made my way to the back of the restaurant. I hope she had signs on the door or else I was going to have to knock on each one.

"Hey! Ma'am, you can't go back there!" I heard her yell from behind me as I kept walking.

I read the signs on the door until I seen one with her name on it. I raised my hand to knock only for the door to swing open revealing someone who wasn't Tamika.

"Oh, I'm sorry —" "Oh my God! You're Kandi Burruss! I love your new book! I'm Trina!" She cut me off as she opened the door wider and my eyes fell onto the woman I came to see.

She looked surprised to see me at first and then I watched as her face morphed into irritation before my eyes. I almost didn't hear the woman compliment me because I was too busy staring at Tamika.

"Who let you back here?" Tamika asked.

"No one. I just walked back because I needed to speak with you." I said as looked between her and Trina who was also looking between the two of us awkwardly.

"I'm just gonna—" Trina said as she pointed to the hallway before sliding past me.

I watched as she left before I slid into the door and the hostess finally caught up to me. She needs to be fired because if I was trying to kill anyone they'd be dead by now.

"I'm so sorry boss—"

"—It's fine. I'm sure she didn't give you much of a choice.." Tamika smiled sarcastically as she took a seat behind her desk. I watched as the girl left and Tamika went back to looking at whatever was on her desk.

"You have a nice restaurant.." I said trying to make things less awkward.

"Why are you here?" She asked not even looking up at me.

I gulped trying to think of what to say. Why was I here? I'd convinced myself I came to apologize but now that she was in front of me I wasn't really sure.

"I thought we should talk considering you're threatening to sue me and I haven't talked to you in almost ten years.."

"Don't act like you don't deserve it."

"What? The cold shoulder from you or being sued." My eyebrows furrowed in question.

"Both. You made it clear that this is exactly how you wanted our dynamic to be after that night and then you have the nerve to share that without my permission.."

"I won't lie and say that I'm not wrong because I am, but I just needed to get that out. I admit I should've talked to you but I knew you probably would never respond or wouldn't approve of it.." I spoke honestly.

"So you just went ahead and exploited my personal business without my permission?!"

"No! I mean—that's not what happened. I didn't exploit you! I didn't mention your name once and for your information it's not your personal business it's mine! You think I wanted to leave like that?"

"It's our business! But you don't get that because there was never an our in your book! I don't know what you wanted to do and I don't care! You hurt me and you can't seem grasp that concept!" She yelled as she got up from her seat.

"No I understand perfectly but how can you not see that it hurt me too!"

"I don't give a—" She was cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat by the door.

We both turned to find Trina closing the door that I left wide open. I swallowed harshly as I turned back to face her once again. She was really riled up for no reason.

"Tamika, I really don't want to argue with you. I just wanted to try to get you to see where I was coming from when I wrote this book. It wasn't malicious. I just felt like bragging on my experiences." I explained as the tension in the room grew thicker.

She leaned against the edge of her desk and I watched as she visibly relaxed. She folded her arms across her chest and looked everywhere but at me.

I stared at her almost begging her to look at me but it was like she refused. The air in the room grew thick and I took that as my sign to show myself out.

I turned to leave out the door and stopped as soon as my hand hit the knob.

I turned around and said "If you change your mind about having this conversation civilly just dm me again.." before leaving.

I said I wasn't begging and I meant that.


"Are you okay?" I heard Trina ask causing me to look up to see her peaking in from behind my office door.

"Mmhm—I'm living the dream.." I said sarcastically with a smile.

"Okay so can I be honest?" She asked and I squinted at her before resting my chin onto hands.

"Sure go ahead. Since everybody is stopping me from doing my work today.."

"Alright, so I might have been listening at the door and I think you're being unreasonable.." She said.

"Why do you think that?" I sighed.

"I mean she gave an explanation for why she did what she did and I don't think she had any ill intentions. Maybe she should've asked first but she didn't say anything bad, if anything she made you look like the best woman in the world.."

"Yeah but it doesn't matter because she didn't write about what happened after. She didn't tell the world how she left me heartbroken after I poured my heart out to her—" I paused to take a breath realizing I was getting upset all over again.

"—Just like she didn't mention any of that today when she saw me. I won't allow her to hurt me without her feeling at least a little bit of that hurt back. But nobody seems to understand that."

"Maybe no one understands because you haven't let anyone know what happened. I love you Mik but you have to let people in sometimes." She replied.

She was right I needed to let people in but it was hard. I wasn't use to being vulnerable with anyone and starting now was going to take time.

"I really don't want to talk about what happened tonight but I promise to tell you over some drinks if we can drop this discussion for the night." I said trying to reason with her.

"Fine but on one condition." She smiled and came around my desk to hug me.

"What?" I said as I refused to hug her back.

"I'll let this go and we can talk over drinks later if you agree to have another conversation with Kandi.."

"If that'll get you to shut up.. fine." I said and she started jumping up and down cheering.

"Now I have to do my work so I get out!" I yelled and she rushed out the room with a large smile.

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