Sweeney Todd x reader - Our S...

By Pandaeyes427

12.7K 472 160

WARNING!!!!! This stuff will be dark dark and smutty so have fun with that ;-; Y/n has just moved into London... More

Please read before actually reading 😅
No place like London
New home
Meeting Mr.Todd
Getting to know you
The shadows of London
The past
The Market
Strange noises
Little chat
Familiar faces
The past can be painful
New arrangements
Work work ...
Opening up
A gift
This is different
Giving you apart of me
Back from the dead
Perfect excuse
Hell on earth
Tortured thoughts
Secrets of the past revealed.
The end of the story.....


381 13 4
By Pandaeyes427

Sweeney's POV

The cold breeze drifts across my face, and the feeling is rather soothing as I've been feeling quite heated these past few hours. The opening to the bakery was somewhat of a success, along with my barber business. I had a decent few customers, some left send some didn't, seeing as I didn't want to create too much suspicion on the first night.

"How do you know where to find him?" Y/n asks beside me. We're been walking for the past 15 minutes, trying to find Anthony, who claims to knows the whereabouts of judge Turpin, and seeing as y/n wanted to see him and find out as well, it seemed to be the perfect chance to go along, and with how she offered me to come along, the chance was too sweet to give up.

"He comes around these parts quite often, so I assume that he's around here somewhere" I respond. I place my hands in my pockets as they've started to become unbelievably cold, and I see y/n wrap her arms around her body.

"I see" she shivers.
She and I have been rather quiet since the little murder earlier and i can't really blame us for that. Seeing how she was treated in front of all those people and how none of them anything to help her, boiled by blood and filled me with more anger than I've felt since coming here.
But as soon as my blade hit that man's throat, that anger turned into pure pleasure and with y/n by my side, seeing her thrive as his body struggled to get away. God, the feeling was unreal.

"We gonna talk about it?" She asks. I turn to look at her and give her a questioning look.
"Talk about what?" I ask.
She chuckles with a breath, and I can see the small cloud escape her lips.
"Oh cmon. You know...earlier" she says quietly. She seems nervous with saying this, and I don't know why. Earlier she seemed happy, relived, alive.

"By earlier, you mean when I sliced that's man's throat or the part where you enjoyed it" I say bluntly. No need to beat around the bush. The fact that she enjoyed it was clear was day.
She chokes on a laughs and stutters a bit.
"U-uh......yeah...yeah I guess so" she agrees, quietening down on the last part, probably giving up with disagreeing with herself, or with me.

I come to a stop and let out a sigh, feeling the need to give her a reality check. She too stops and looks at me, then around us. It's completely quiet here, no one will disturb us. I let my hands out my pockets and rub them together, trying to gather some warmth in them. For some reason I feel a little irritated. Mainly at y/n.

"Look. I know that you said that killing innocents was the line for you but after today I don't think that's the case" I say.
"And why's that?" She asks, lifting her chin to look dead in my eye.
I chuckle and look away for a second, only to then quickly grab her fist and pull her down the side of a building. She yelps but I cover her mouth with my hand and she struggles against me.

"Shh" I whisper in her but she still wiggles and grinds against me, making me bite back a groan. This woman, I swear.


When Sweeney pulled me to the side, I didn't even have time to think, instead I was angry at the sudden movement. But when I too heard the footsteps coming towards us, my heart stopped and my breathing hitched.
Sweeneys hand over my mouth relaxed, probably because I stopped making noises.
We wait and wait, and I can feel Sweeneys breath hit my ear, the warmth sending a shiver throughout my body but I try my best not to move.

My body pressed tightly against his feels wrong, feels too intimate and I can't help but shift slightly. I need to move, being so still like this, in this position has me aching for more, which is the last thing I should be thinking off.
"Stay. Still" Sweeney grits out, and I can tell that me moving has him agitated by the sound of his voice. I smile, liking this, liking how I make him agitated. Why? Im still trying to figure that out.

"Look" Sweeney whispers in my ear and I look over to the side of the building and see a skinny figure holding a backpack. He stills, looking straight towards us and my heart jumps for a mere second, before every muscle in my body relaxes and I take a huge sigh of relief.

"Jesus Christ...." I lean forwards, placing a hand on my chest.
Sweeney walks over to him and shakes his hand, while I steady my breathing and calm myself.
I walk over to come face to face with the blonde boy i met earlier.
"Anthony, you gave us a fright" I say and he smiles sheepishly.

"I'm sorry Miss, it was not my intention. I just didn't expect to see you both tonight......why are you here?" He asks, and me and Sweeney share a look.
"Well, uhm....we're both here actually to see you" I say, and he seems surprised.
"Me? I'm quite honoured to hear that. Do you need something? I don't have much, but I can be off assistance" he rambles and I almost laugh, remembering how he would ramble on last time we spoke.

"Turpin. We wish to know where Turpin is." Sweeney speaks up and Anthony's eye shoot open.
"Oh no no sir please. Last time I-he. He's a terrible man sir, even more terrible for having Johanna there" he panics and I feel sorry for the boy. But when he mentioned Johanna's name, I could almost feel Sweeney tense up next to me, and it gives me an idea.

"That's actually why we need to find Turpin" i rush out and place my hand on Sweeneys arm, in attempts to reassure him that I know what I'm doing. Anthony looks at me and I speak before he does, "we wish to help Johanna"

He smiles and nods quickly.
"Oh! Yes yes, of course then. I'll take you right to her" he walks off before he even finished his sentence, he seems really really eager to get her out, and I think Sweeney does too.
Until I look over at him and he has this strange look on his face.

"Sweeney..?" I cautiously ask and he doesn't responds, doesn't look. I just see his jaw tense and I swallow, thinking that in some way I've made him mad by bringing up his daughters name.
But surely this is good. Find Turpin, get Johanna, then kill Turpin and go from there.

"Let's go" I pull his arm gently and he follows, speeding up in the process.
He seems eager now, and that's good. The quicker we find Turpin, the quicker we can end this.

"How much further?" I whine, my feet feeling sore. We've been walking for a while and we should be close as all the houses have gone from poor looking, to expensive looking.
"Right around here. But we must be quiet, people around here don't like people like us lurking around. Especially at this late hour" Anthony responds, creeping around the buildings and peering his head around the corners.

The building here are huge and clean, making the bakery look like a complete shit hole....which technically it is.
Sweeney hasn't spoken at all whilst walking and I've grown quite concerned about that. I wish for him to talk, be more open so that I can understand him better. But then I'd be a hypocrite again.

"Here here" Anthony whispers quickly, ducking beside a house and points over to a large house at the end of the street. A few lights lingers through the shades but not light enough to see anyone. I look around to see if there are any entrances that I could sneak into, but it's hard with how dark it is out here.

"Okay. Okay, can we get closer?" I ask and Anthony just starts shaking his head again.
"Not really, close you can get is by that fence, but even that isn't good enough"
I nod, trying to think. I don't need to get too close, but close enough for me to find a way in. I begin to walk over, making sure not to make a sound, but my shoes don't exactly help.
"Miss" Anthony calls out in a whisper.

I turn to look at him and Sweeney watching me from afar, both with completely different expressions. But I pay no attention, instead I make my way over towards Turpins house and hide behind the fence that Anthony pointed out. I look over and see some of the windows have their lights and some don't, giving me a perspective of where to start.

My heart is racing, knowing that he's in there, probably sat down having a scotch while he's got a girl hostage up there. Which makes me think. How exactly did Anthony come to know Johanna? If shes being kept hostage then it's highly unlikely Turpin let's her out. And highly unlikely he'd let her talk to some stranger.
Which leads me to think that Anthony saw her from the outside, meaning her window should be one of these at the front.

Question is: which one?

I look closely at the windows, trying to figure out which one could possibly hold Johanna. But each one is the same, so choosing which one is going to be difficult.
But if I can find at least one that doesn't have any locks, then the possibilities of me sneaking in and finding Turpin gives me hope. But I can't rush this, I made a promise to Sweeney. One I intend to keep.

I wait and watch to see if anything happens. It doesn't. It's quiet out here, which is good but still problematic. At least this gives me a chance to figure out my next steps and now I know exactly where the bustard lives.
"Any luck-" I hear a whisper right next to my ear and I can't help but panic and slap the first thing that comes in eyesight, realising afterwards that what I just slapped .....was Sweeneys face.

I cover my mouth to prevent the gasp from leaving my lips, and I just stare at the stunned man looking at the direction I just slapped him in.
He looks at me and I remove my hands from my mouth slightly and give a nervous smile.
Anthony is behind him and he also seems stunned to see me hit the man.

"You scared me" I say trying to defend myself. Turning away, I focus my attention back on the windows but Anthony is quick to speak up.
"It's not possible Miss. The only way in, is the entrance and the back" he whispers slowly next to me, probably trying to make sure that I don't hit him as well.
"The back?" I ask, but he just shakes his head.
"Can't be done. They lock the door." Shit, okay.

"Then I guess, it's either a window...or the front door" I respond. I make that sound easy, but I know it's not. Finding a way in is just the start, and finding Johanna and getting her out is the next.
"How? The judge will know" he asks. And I sigh.
"We don't get in" Sweeney finally speaks and I turn to face him.
He stares at the building with hatred in his eyes,
"We get him out" he turns to walk away.

Dramatic I'd say...
But me and Anthony follow after him. For now we wait. I'm just glad that I've finally found the son of a bitch.

Nellie POV

Where the hell are they? It's been a couple of hours since I saw y/n and Mr T, and after seeing the mess in the cellar, I can tell he's been rather busy. Oh well, at least we got our meat.

"Cheers love. Without you I don't know what I would've done" I say to Toby as he finishes up cleaning up a few tables.
"It's no problem. Tonight was fun, glad we had a lot of customers" he sounds, wiping his apron.
I smile, and look out the window. No sign of them, dammit.

Neither of them had mentioned that they'd be gone tonight and I can't help but feel annoyed at that. I thought that we were to tell each other everything, and with this, it just causes problems for me. I sigh and turn to head for the living room, taking a seat. It's been a busy night and my legs and arms are killing me, so rest is just what I need.

"Mrs Lovett?" Toby calls out.
"In here love" I call back. I see him enter and the poor boy looks tired and I can't help but feel for him.
"Oh darling, cmere" I reach my hand out and he happily takes it, sitting down beside me. He yawns which causes me too as well, and I can't help but smile while doing so.
Sitting here with Toby makes me feel comforted.

"Where is y/n and Mr Todd?" Toby questions but I just shrug.
"Don't know. I didn't even see them leave" I respond. I never saw them leave, i only saw them when Mr T grabbed ahold of that man and then take him upstairs.
I later found him in the cellar with his entire throat exposed, which makes me think that Mr Todd went overkill and I'm going to assume it's because of y/n. Seems like the only explanation for it.

"I did. I saw them leave a little while after they went upstairs with the man, but I never saw him leave" Toby says and I look to him to find him looking towards the door, but there's nothing there. I panic a little, trying to think of an excuse, but before I can think of anything, I hear the front door open and I rise to my feet.

I storm to the door and find Mr T, y/n and Anthony at the door.
"Where the hell have you been? ive been worried sick, thinking you both were in some sort of trouble" I say, waving my arms all over the place.
They all just stand there, not saying anything and I raise my eyebrows, waiting for someone to answer.
"Well!?" I say.

"I'm sorry Nellie...we had something to do" y/n responds and I close my eyes trying to calm myself down.
"Something to do? Something to do...something to do. Well, I needed you both here today, and where were you? You had something to do" I laugh, but not in a humorous way.

"Nell" y/ns voice becomes more serious and I look at her, she takes a step forward and I wait for her response.
"We found him"
I shrug, "found who?" I ask. She smiles and looks over at Sweeney then back at me.
"Turpin. We found Turpin."

Oh for fucks sake.

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