Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)

By brooke_demure

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On the run after his poor choices, Megatron, broken and lost, inevitably crosses Texas state lines in his ret... More

Chapter 1 - Move
Chapter 2 - All Hail!
Chapter 3 - Wake
Chapter 4 - Normalcy
Chapter 5 - Filth
Chapter 6 - Lien
Chapter 7 - Rainfall
Chapter 8 - Sunsets
Chapter 9 - Captious
Chapter 10 - Emerald Cut
Chapter 11 - Extremity
Chapter 12 - Discernment
Chapter 13 - Incoming Newcomer
Chapter 15 - Envisage
Chapter 16 - Rust
Chapter 17 - Curtail
Chapter 18 - Obstinate
Chapter 19 - Regain
Chapter 20 - Diving
Chapter 21 - Vale
Chapter 22 - Coincide
Chapter 23 - Acme
Chapter 24 - Abysm
Chapter 25 - Limbo
Chapter 26 - Copilot
Chapter 27 - Retrieval
Chapter 28 - Solder
Chapter 29 - Snare
Chapter 30 - Scintilla
Chapter 31 - Détente
Chapter 32 - Cessation

Chapter 14 - Revitalization

420 16 2
By brooke_demure

Several autobots and decepticons later, Lockdown had returned to his ship, his growing collection of sparks was taking up space, but his mission wasn't over, far from it. 

The bounty hunter stalked the halls, his subordinates retreating out of his path with a swiftness as he reached his private quarters. His face was screwed up pensively and his shoulders terse. 

He kicked himself for not pursuing the decepticon warlord, but the logical part of him knew the odds would not have been in his favor. 

Another thought crossed his mind as he set aside his weaponry; Lauren Ridgwell. Many questions he'd conjured about the human woman. 

Was she an ally to the decepticon cause? And if she was, what use could she be? Or, was she taken prisoner and being held for ransom? Did she have any valuable intel? 

The entire situation struck a nerve within him and he grimaced. It wasn't like decepticons were fond of anything outside of themselves, so it was strange. 

His end goal remained the same, despite whatever answers he'd receive. If she posed a threat, he'd simply exterminate her. Earth was well on its way to failure, one less human may actually do them some good. Such a troublesome species they were. 

Lockdown knelt before his queen with the upmost respect, his head bowed. "My queen." 

"Lockdown, what of Optimus and Megatron?" She spoke hauntingly.

"The humans have their eyes on them, it's only a matter of time." He responded pointedly as he attempted to snuff out his thoughts. 

Quintessa's eyes narrowed slightly. "Something is on your mind. Speak." 

"Megatron has taken a human girl."

A thoughtful look crossed her. "Your objective remains the same; capture both remaining Cybertronian leaders by all means necessary."  

"Their numbers are sparse, they are dead on their feet." He ground out with a glare.

"No rebellion is truly dead until the leaders have been vanquished." Her words were sharp and cut through him fiercely. "With the last two rulers in our grasp, Cybertron can be brough to its knees. Do not fail me Lockdown."

By all means necessary. Rang true to him and he'd honor his Queen's orders. 


Over a week had passed in slow time, Lauren had been confined to the cave in her best attempts to heal faster. Like clockwork, Megatron would disappear at the rise of the sun and then reappear sometime in the darkness. Scalpel skittered in and out at random intervals. 

Her fever had broke and she was only just able to start keeping down solid foods. It goes to say, she was feeling a hell of a lot better. Not quite 'run for her life' better, but at least she could hold a conversation and move around on her own accord. 

With the ability to think clearly, she'd became starkly aware of just how dirty she was. Dry blood crusted to her skin causing her to itch as sweat mixed with dirt and embedded deep into her crevices uncomfortably. Her hair was another problem in its own entirety, knotted to the scalp and saturated with grease. If she could give up anything in the world for a hot shower, she'd do it in a heartbeat, no hesitation. Ah, wishful thinking, but stranger things have happened. 

Lauren sat upright as she unlaced her boots and slid them off with care, allowing her feet to breath for the first time in over a week. Her feet ached and she fanned out her toes, the smell that hit her was less than pleasant and she grimaced at the discoloration of her once white-turned-beige socks. 

The brunette occupied herself with organizing and reorganizing the items within the cave, she'd desperately wanted to leave, but resided to the safety the rocks brought. That didn't mean her curiosity had stifled, however, and found herself (more often than not) wondering about the other decepticons outside.

Had more shown up? What did they turn into? Why was Megatron disappearing so often? Where did he go? What was he doing? Her questions always delved into more, branching off from each other like roots. 

She didn't like being left in the dark, literally. Damnit, she was part of this mess now and part of her felt entitled to their shared conversations even if it did feel like she was crossing unspoken boundaries. 

Stacking up the few remaining cans of food, she made a separate pile for medical supplies. Her fingertips brushed against something soft. Plucking the item from the ground, she was delighted to find a t-shirt, though it was several sizes too big, she was overjoyed at the aspect of a clean, intact top. She must've missed it in the dimness and she hastily pat around in search. Her endeavor yielded her a pair of cargo pants, definitely in men's sizing, but it was better than nothing. 

She folded the shirt neatly and set it aside for safe keeping. Following suit with the pants, her hands graced something small and firm in the back left pocket. Fishing out the small item revealed a rectangular military ID. Her heart sank slightly at the implications it held and she frowned. A part of her wondered if its owner was dead and she quickly snuffed out that thought, residing herself to ignorance for as long as she was able. 

Using her nails, she scratched at her head. Her scalp was flared with tension and the matting yanked painfully. The length was exceeding her comfort zone and an idea struck her abruptly when she sifted through Scalpel's medical supplies. A pair of bandage scissors was found quickly and she took them. Fingering around the back of her head, she decided on the right area and cut. The matts fought back, but she ultimately snipped her way through. She was sure it would look choppy and uneven, but who was she trying to impress? She'd had worse haircuts done by a 'professional'.  

Megatron grunted as he ducked his way into the cave, obscuring the light that trickled in. He spot the femme immediately as she sheered herself, his optics narrowed slightly at the odd sight. "Mutilating yourself will get you nowhere, girl." His tone was pointed and accusatory as he reached her and knelt down to better accommodate to the space. 

Lauren glanced up to his silhouette as she snipped through the last remaining strands of hair. "It's not mutilation and it doesn't hurt." She responded, setting the scissors aside for Scalpel's use while she gripped the remnants of her hair length. "I figured I'd go shorter since I'm roughing it, easier to take care of." 

"You know no hardship, bug." He rumbled as his optics took in her appearance. The shortening of her protein strands was not unfit for her, but odd to look upon and his optics would need to adjust. The fact that she'd cut away part of herself and felt no pain was information alone. 

Dusting rogue hair from her shoulders and ignoring his comment, she responded. "Well, this," Lauren gestured around herself for emphasis. "Isn't exactly ideal for a human, my lord." Her tone was sarcastic in nature. Especially not for a woman. Her mind added frankly. 

Megatron growled lowly, the reverberations bounced off the rock walls as his optics lit the space in a crimson glow. 

Pulling her knees close, she sighed heavily. "I want to shower and go outside. I'm tired of being cooped up in here like a prisoner." She mumbled.

His spark conveyed to him just how she felt and he huffed. "I do not take prisoners, girl." His words were sharp and blatant in their meaning. She got the message clearly.  

"But, I'm not allowed to leave? So, what does that mean? I'm not even sure what's going on and now I'm stuck in here, that's not fair." Her brows knit together and her mouth was downturned poignantly. 

The decepticon snarled, baring his denta. "Nothing is fair and it does not concern you, fleshling."

The defensive nature of his words made Lauren scowl. "I hope you're aware that I'm part of this too, whether you like it or not." She barked out harshly, her tone firm and commanding. "So get fucking use to it, because I did not ask to be here." 

A part of him was pleased to see that fire lash out in her and have her stare him down. Whether or not it was him bleeding into her or of her own volition, he did not care. The sight was refreshing compared to her feeble state in recent times. It was a true sign of recovery. 

Taking in a deep breath to steady herself, she spoke up in a calmer tone. "Just, talk to me so I'm not totally fucked. Will you give me that at least, please?" Her eyes still held his with an intensity, her ever present genuineness never wavered. It was commendable.

"When the time presents itself, girl." Was all he offered her as he moved to leave. 

Lauren sighed to herself, knowing that was the best she'd get and to not push it further. She'd have to trust him to uphold his end and only time would tell if he were true. 

"Come, girl." Megatron instructed curtly. 

Lauren smiled to herself as she slipped her feet back into her boots and got to her feet. Her previous shirt was tied tightly around her torso in a makeshift tube top fashion. It wasn't exactly her style, but it'd been doing its job and she couldn't complain (not that complaining would get here anywhere anyway). Closely, she followed behind the looming bot as the sunlight came nearer. 

Something as simple and easily taken for granted as the sun on her skin was a revelation to her as the alien-human duo emerged from the cover. Her eyes squinted at the setting sun's brightness and warmth licked her exposed skin. The bandages that clung to her abdomen shifted while she walked, but it went completely unnoticed as her sights quickly found the other three decepticons. Lauren studied their appearances now that light exposed them to her. She was a bit surprised at the Varity in appearance. Maybe it was wrong of her to assume they all looked relatively the same, but she couldn't help it. What stood out to the young woman the most was the size differences. Megatron's height was made starkly apparent against his men. 

They stared back, too. Observing her outwardly organic appearance and her overall disposition. Her lack in fear was worn on her sleeve as she trailed after their master. The sight was freakish and saundry. Her pheromones and wafting scent were easily picked up. 

"Soundwave, report." Megatron ordered firmly. 

"Human special forces have recreated our technology with the help of Lockdown. They are building an army, my lord." Soundwave relayed flatly as his optics traveled down to rest upon Lauren. 

"They are playing us at our own game, oh, I'm going to bust some knockoff ass." Came a one eyed bot that she immediately recognized from her previous encounter. "Can't replicate the original." 

Lauren was lost on the information, but listened anyway, allowing her mind to conjure its own plan of action if all was to go awry. Her sights panned around her when she caught the optics of the third newcomer. His optics were narrowed dangerously and, if looks could kill, she'd of been dead ten times over. 

Megatron growled dangerously at the received information. It was already bad that the humans were hunting them with the help of Lockdown, but to build their own mechs was something else entirely. Something else that didn't equate to the decepticon leader; What was Lockdown getting from his work?

Scalpel skittered across the sand, stopping just at Lauren's feet. She glanced down to the small spider like bot as conversation continued above her. "Yes?" She found herself asking slowly. 

"Vu are feeling petder, I zee." He stated, getting closer. 

It took her a moment to mull over what the bot had said before responding. "Ah, yeah. A bit. Thanks." Her response was awkward and slow. Her guard was still up in the doctor's presence, his insect like nature was perturbing and always made her skin crawl even if he was tasked with looking after her health.  

The small decepticon muttered in German to himself as he inched away, rubbing his small prodding hands together.  

Her sutures itched and the bandages were rough against her skin. She picked at the covering absent mindedly as she turned to stare back up the mechs. Lauren was met with a still glowering Blackout and she scrunched up her nose at him. "Is there a problem? Why do you keep staring at me?" Her question came out brutish and blunt. 

Nitrozeus peered down past his leader. "I thought I smelled something, little thang. Keep it up with that little twang accent of yours and I'll think you're a cowgirl." The one eyed bot bit sarcastically. 

She didn't have an accent! Did she? Maybe it was a Texan thing?

Blackout growled. He would not harm the femme, but that didn't mean he had to enjoy her, let alone like the situation. They were all so fucked, a human being brought into the mix just made everything feel all the more hopeless to him. 

"Blackout, return to the Eastern outpost and retrieve more organic supplies for the girl." Megatron's commanding voice carried a knowing threat. The order in and of itself felt like a slap to the face as if to silently punish him for his opposition to the femme's presence. 

"Wait! I can go too!" Lauren interjected abruptly, placing her hand on Megatron's ankle servo. 

"I do not need an insect to monitor me." The decepticon hissed bitterly at her. 

Megatron growled back in a wordless warning. "You will not leave this place, girl." His words were harsh and stern. 

"Didn't you already go to the Eastern outpost? What makes you think there's anything worth getting left?" Lauren reasoned firmly. All the optics pointed at her felt like a spotlight, and not in a good way. "If we go to the Western outpost, we can just sneak in." Truth be told, she was going stir-crazy and wanted an out, while a very small part of her wished to see another person who, hopefully, wasn't trying to kill her or blow her to bits. 

Nitrozeus full belly laughed and her cheeks flushed. "Little lady is funny. Good pick Megatron." The decepticon crouched to be closer to the small woman, using that opportunity to get a better facial scan on her and store her voice likeness. 

Soundwave stood off to the side silently, casting glances back and forth between Megatron, Blackout, and Lauren, ready to step in if he was required to do so. His nature was stoic and much more robotic than his other counterparts. 

Megatron's glare deepened. It's not that he didn't trust her, but the entirety of her species had displayed their openness to violence and violation toward their own. And then there was Blackout. 

It was not that he was only protecting her, but also defending the piece of himself within her. He'd always been selfish and this was no different.

"Who else knows humans better than me?" Lauren quipped, crossing her arms over her chest defiantly. 

Soundwave hummed. "The human has a viable point, my lord. Stealth could prove useful for our integrity." He added in his unmodulated tone. 

Lauren glanced over to Soundwave with hopeful eyes. 

Megatron grumbled for a moment. "Very well. Soundwave, stand in my steed. I will accompany the femme." He ground out with an unwavering sternness as he stalked off. 

Blackout stalked off in the opposite direction, grumbling to himself. 

"Whoa, whoa, she can't just bust into the joint dressed like a cheap streetwalker." Nitrozeus stood back up and gestured openly to her. 

Lauren gaped in shock before her features quickly returned to irritation. "Maybe I wouldn't look like a beat hooker if someone hadn't ruined my shirt smart one!" She snapped up at him. 

"The past is the past. Why do femme's always bring up the old shit?" His tone was flippant. 

"Go to hell." She turned and stormed off in the direction of her cave-turned-studio apartment.

"I'm already there, sweetheart!" He called back coyly as he flipped her retreating form the bird. 

Emerging into the cave she spotted Megatron's form rested against the wall, a hard looked colored his metal features, his jaw clenched and his sharp teeth were on display. He spotted the femme quick as she approached. "Do you crave death, girl?" His words jabbed at her in accusation. 

"Look, if you want me to be honest, the stuff I've been getting isn't what I need. I'm grateful, so don't say that I'm not." She halted his berate in its tracks as she stooped to grab her newly acquired-hopefully-secondhand- uniform. "Plus, if you guys are trying to lay low, you're doing an awful job if you just go around destroying military bases." A dry laugh escaped her at the last statement. For an alien race that so vehemently claimed to be superior, they sure were lacking in some areas. She held the folded clothes to her chest with purpose as she turned to stare up at the decepticon lord. Standing just at his pedes, she spoke up softly, though the seriousness that bled from her words was easily grasped. "I'll be okay. Everything will be fine." The last part was more for her own peace of mind than it was for him. Sapphire eyes studied his face, before she turned and slipped the green crewneck over her head. 

"You must wash, your stench is treacherous." He insulted with a snarl. 

Lauren huffed. "Yeah? And you're rusting. I'm well aware that I smell." She rolled her eyes in an effort to hide her embarrassment. She slipped the much too large cargo pants on, rolling up the waistband as mush as the fabric would allow and securing it off with her belt. She felt like a child playing dress up and sighed at the spectacle that was herself. 

"If my rust warrants your words then perhaps you'd like to scrape it from my metals, bug." His words came out with sarcasm and irritation. 

She tucked the shirt in. "I can't do that unless we can successfully get what we need, now can I? Best behavior big guy." 

Megatron roared in retaliation. "I take orders from no one, human." His threating demeanor was lost on her as she laced her boots, paying his tantrum no mind. 

"Yeah, yeah." Her eyes stole a glance to the outside world. "We should probably go soon. The sun is about done setting." 

The decepticon moved to leave the rock structure, but turned his helm to Lauren. "You have no semblance in what you're doing." The statement was blatant and true. 

"No, I don't, but I'm trying. I can't do this alone, okay?" She came gently with truth. "Bare with me."

Megatron grunted and emerged from the rocks and Lauren followed right behind. His clawed hand stooped for her and she knowingly climbed atop it before being deposited onto his shoulder servo. "Listen to my every word and you'll make it out in one piece, understood girl?" His words were growled lowly for only her to hear. 

She nodded as he moved, his subordinates gathered knowingly to appease their lord. 

"That's one ass disguise, cowgirl." Nitrozeus cracked. 

"Shut your trap." The decepticon leader barked with authority. "Blackout, Nitrozeus scavenge the Eastern outpost for scrap and report back." Was all he offered before swiftly transforming into his newly acquired truck design. The small woman was shoved within the cab, the engine revved before pulling away toward the West. 

The ride was silent for sometime as she gazed out at the passing scenery. "Thank you for letting me come." She said suddenly, resting her head back. "I know I'm probably causing more problems than I'm worth, but I am thankful." No reply came and she exhaled as her fingertips grazed the seat. "That guy is an asshole, by the way."

"Nitrozeus is a fearsome ally to the decepticon cause." He informed as his tires kicked up plumes of sand. 

"That doesn't stop him from being an ass. What are the others names?" 

"Soundwave and Blackout. You are acquainted with Scalpel." The sun was nearly set over the horizon. 

Lauren hummed and fit each name to who she supposed they belonged to. 


Blackout tossed various pieces of scrap into a growing pile of human-made waste. His optics remained narrow as he worked. 

"Cowgirl got some balls on her. You saw the way she yapped at you?" Nitrozeus jested as he tore down a support beam. 

"The human femme is insufferable. If I was permitted, I'd skin the flesh from her putrid body." Blackout spat, chucking some scrap aside violently. "She's of no use or purpose as is your flabbing lip plates."

"Don't be like, man. Have a sense of humor." The one eyed bot gestured. 

Blackout growled as he tore through metal. "Soundwave was made aware of his reasons for keeping the femme. The officer will not reveal anything." 

Nitrozeus looked at the seeker. "And you've been holding out me this whole time?" 

"I did not hear the entire conversation, however-." 

"So, all I'm hearing is bullshit?" He grumbled lazily. 

"Soundwave was tasked with protecting the girl." He informed. "Have you gathered any intel on the human?"

"Do I always get a job done?"

Blackout narrowed his eyes as he kicked a human corpse aside in disgust. "Did it yield anything?" 

"Nope, nothing. She's about as average as the other seven billion. What the hell does he want all this scrap for? Garbage." 

Blackout grunted in response as he mulled over everything. If there was nothing that outwardly set her apart from the rest of the Primus forsaken species, then what was the reason for keeping her? Perhaps she was a hostage, but her well treatment and willingness to be around their lord did not support that hypothesis. Soundwave was entrusted with said information and he knew that the officer would sooner die than divulge secretive information. The whole situation made his wires surge and his chassis overheat. Maybe she was a pet, that could explain the partial treatment, but that didn't sound quite right either and if Nitrozeus didn't find anything note worthy, then they were really at a loss. 


"Soundwave to Megatron." 

"Soundwave, report." 

"Humans have a convoy en-rout to the Western outpost. Intersection should be in cycles time." 

Megatron vented, pleased at the apparent opportunity. 

Lauren's hands rested atop the wheel as if she were the one in control. Her eyes studied the insignia admits the wheel, committing it to memory. If she'd known she'd the trip there would take hours, she would've just made Blackout a list and prayed. Her sights wandered toward the radio and she reached out, turning the dial gently. 

It took a moment of combing through the static before she found a station in English. A sigh escaped her as she rested back against the seat, the music played and she quietly followed along with what lyrics she could recall. 

"Which way is right? Which way is wrong? How do I say that I need to move on?"

Her words melted into the song's rhythm and a small smile graced her lips. Megatron listened on silently. 

"And it feels like I am just close to love you."

That moment made her feel more herself than she had in weeks, it was rejuvenating. The decepticon dialed the volume down. 

"You've given me more than I can return. Yet, there's, oh, so much that you deserve." 

Lauren drummed her fingers across the wheel in tandem with the tune. 

"Nothing to say, nothing to do. I've nothing to give, I must live without you." 

Megatron zeroed in on the moving convoy and turned to meet the tail end and swiftly cutting the radio. 

"Hey! I was listening-"

"Shut up, girl. Observe." He instructed pointedly as he encroached upon the vehicles. 

Lauren stared and sat back, her hands remained on the wheel. Her grip tightened and she had to take in a deep breath to quell her nerves. There's a first for everything, right? 

The decepticon joined the convoy seamlessly and noted her strengthened grip and the fresh smell of pheromones rolling off her body. His sparked surged at the connotation. "Ease yourself, bug. You are no coward." 

The outpost came within eyesight and Lauren exhaled deeply as if to expel all doubt from her being all the while she fought off insecurity. 

A uniformed man stood at the gate, directing each set of trucks on their appropriate designations and they soon made it up to the front of the line. "Bay three, go!" 

Megatron took it upon himself to follow the truck in front and swiftly pulled into a load bay. 

Lauren swallowed and exited the truck. Soldiers bustled around, carrying various crates of whatever and whatnots. Her eyes studied the surroundings sharply and then her feet moved. 

"Please load your cargo and leave the bay as quickly as possible. We're on a time crunch people!" 

Ducking her head down, the brunette sped her way into the outpost, following various people to get to her destination. 

The stock rooms weren't far from the initial load bay and she made quick due to find the utilities. 

Megatron kept exact count of the kliks that passed, on edge and ready to attack if he needed. 

Lauren made quick due to retrieve an empty crate, dragging it around to the stock room. Everything that looked useful and of need was haphazardly tossed into the wood box; canned anything, soap, medical supplies, rags, any and everything that would fit, went. 

It soon dawned on her that she couldn't move it on her own. A flatbed was her saving grace as she snagged it away from the soldier parking it. With strained effort and her wound protesting, she managed to push it onto the rolling cart. 

Backtracking led her back to the original bay she was in previously. 

With the help of the nearest soldier, she was successful able to load the crate into the bed of Megatron. 

"Who's truck is this? Someone, answer me! Who's truck is 1666 ?" A stern holler filled the air as she rounded the back of the decepticon. "You! State your name soldier." The older man thrusted himself into her space. 

"We don't have a 1666 listed, sir!" Another younger voice called back. 

Without thinking, Lauren turned and stumbled away in a sloppy sprint in an attempt to evade everyone. 

"Hey! Hey!" The older man called after her, but she threw herself into the cab of another truck, pulling the door shut, just as someone slammed into it. "I am ordering you to exit the vehicle!" 

As if luck had graced her, the keys sat readily in the ignition and she revved the engine to life, pulling out of the bay violently. Soldiers stumbled out of her way in panic. Shifting the car into gear, she threw her head out the window and called out to the decepticon. "Follow me!" And like a bat out of hell, she sped off into the desert.

Megatron cursed as he too revved and took off, catching Lauren's tail quick. 

One thing she didn't account for was conflict. A blaze of heavy gunfire ricocheted off the metal of the truck's body and one managed to spiderweb her passenger window. Gassing it, she pushed the limits of speed on the sandy earth. A incautious glance in the rearview mirror reveal Megatron to be securing following from behind, but her respite was short lived when a black ATV shot out from around him and took aim. Ducking her head away from the window as much as possible, she swerved violently, but the bullets inevitably assaulted the side of her truck. 

Megatron roared to himself at the assault, partially transforming and snatching the bed of Lauren's truck, steadying it with ease. 

Lauren huffed, sweat coated her skin and her heartbeat in her throat as she dared another glance back, supplying her with the sight of Megatron slamming his breaks and slowing to be in sync with the ATVs. She wanted to go back for him in some desperate attempt at a rescue, but an unseen force urged her forward in the promise of it all being okay and she trusted it, throwing all caution to the wind. 

The decepticon watched as Lauren sped forward without restraint. The femme's courage was tenacious. His breaks squealed uncomfortably as he drawled himself back, transforming his arm cannons and eliminating the rolling threats. He stayed behind her some distance before he was sure that nobody followed. 

Lauren had since switched the radio on and had the volume at full blast, drowning out the erratic thump of her heart and the churn of the engine.

"I've been looking for a driver who is qualified. So if you think that you're the one step into my ride. I'm a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine. Got a sunroof top and a gangster lean."

A much louder rev captured her attention over the music's beat. With break-neck speed, she whipped her head to the side and spotted Megatron speed past her, taking the lead. 

"So if you feel me, let me know, know, know. Come on now, what you waiting for, for, for? My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode. So start me up and watch me go, go, go, go-"

A small, relieved smile overtook her lips and then a grin broke out as she let the wind grace her sweaty skin. Adrenaline surged through her veins renewing her with revitalization. Her foot tapped the gas, revving the engine. Megatron revved back in acknowledgment. 

The music filled the night and bled into her soul as she belched out the lyrics to her heart's content. Pop music had never been so invigorating when mixed with adrenaline. 

"If you can, baby boy, then we can go all night. 'Cause I'm zero to sixty in 3.5. Baby, you got the keys. Now shut up and drive, drive, drive." 

Megatron could hear her vocals even over his own revving and the sheer pleasure that flooded her tone was something he'd never seen from the femme. It was pure, unrestrained, and free. Her pheromones carried on the winds and he felt his spark pull violently within him and a small part of him wondered if she ever had the same sensation. 

It wasn't long until they reached camp with the speed they were going. Lauren had occasionally sped up to drive alongside his alt form before falling back to follow his lead. It was if she were challenging him in her own little way. 

Megatron was swift to transform, his form stretching to the stars. Lauren came to a gradual stop, skirting the truck and marking the sand with even tire tracks. 

She hopped from the truck's cab, her body vibrated happily and her eyes gleamed. "That went so much better than I expected!" Her feet carried her toward the bed of her stolen vehicle, curious as to what she'd gotten after going through all the trouble. 

Her body was lit alight with pleasure; it was an array of items ranging everywhere from a whole garage's worth of tools, instant MREs, a rather large rucksack, and several other things. She felt like a kid on Christmas morning. 

"I was starting to think you had your asses capped." Nitrozeus sauntered over, his hands placed behind his helm. "Get what your highness needs?" He quipped sarcastically. 

Megatron grunted down at Lauren as if to say 'respond when spoken to'. "I think. Oh, Megatron, I got something that can help with that rust problem and I can use the truck for parts." 

A satisficed, blunt grumble echoed from the decepticon leader. "You've done well by me, girl." 

Lauren smiled with restrained happiness at the praise, because there was always that little girl buried within her that aimed to please. A yawn broke through her tightly pulled lips as her adrenaline high mellowed. 

"Recharge, bug. Go." 

She didn't need the push as her feet were already carrying her toward her makeshift home. Emerging into the cave, she swiftly made her way back, keeping her hand along the wall in case she lost her footing. She was soon resting herself into the canvas awning she'd repurposed into a kind of sleeping bag. 

Megatron watched her reach the safety of the rocks before he turned back to his men. "Did you follow through with your orders?" 

Nitrozeus pulled his attention from the rocks to face his leader. "Damn straight, gathered all the metal." 

Stalking away toward the spotted pile, Nitrozeus followed with a swagger, his chain swayed with each step he took. "Hey, I don't mean to stick my nose in your shit, but it stinks. Who's the chick? From what I've gathered, she's not much, but hey, what do I know." 

The decepticon lord eyed the pile, taking note of its mass before turning back to look Nitrozeus in his face. A moment passed where Megatron thought against his words, but he quickly righted that and spoke with upmost purpose and authority, leaving no room for interpretations. "She is my conjunx. Anymore questions?" He dared the one eyed bot to step over his invisible line. "Get out of my face." 

The tracker bot stilled slightly from the revelation, but recovered his demeanor in a nanoklik and backed off his boss swiftly, allowing him berth to leave. 

Megatron flexed his claws with the itch of battle as he made his way toward the rock formation. 

He was quick to make his way in, his crimson optics paving the way. 

Lauren rolled over just as the mech perched himself against the wall. "Hm...?" She cooed, blue eyes squinted at the opposing light sleepily. She hadn't even noticed her dozing. 

"You should be in recharge, do not disobey, girl." His words came out grated and rough as he positioned himself into sitting. 

With a rub of her eyes, she replied. "I was just about to pass out, but you woke me up." She rolled to face where he resided. "I've never done what I did today." 

His optics panned down to bathe her in a foreboding glow, urging her to speak. 

"I was so nervous at first, but then it was so fast." And she was thankful for the lives that were spared, but she kept that part to herself. A drowsy smile played onto her lips as she stared up at the mech in question. "I enjoyed getting to drive for once." Her words poked him playfully. "It was like I was outside my own body and something was telling me what to do." 

He vented at her quiet words. "Rest, girl. You will bathe tomorrow." 

Lauren hummed at him as she curled into fetal position and drifted off soundlessly. 

Megatron watched her sleeping form as he sifted through his own thoughts. He had considered that the tracker mech would do a deep dive on her, uncovering any and everything that was uncoverable. Nitrozeus was the best in the business when it came to stalking down prey and bringing long buried secrets to light, but something about him doing it to her sparked bitterness within his processors. Lauren was just as much part of him as he was part of her, despite the fact that she may not know. It was an undeniable, irrefutable fact. 

Humans were so obliged in publishing their interpersonal lives for all to see. He wondered what he could've found, his glare hardened when he realized that there was a high possibility that Nitrozeus could very well know more than he does about his own conjunx. 

His optics found her recharging form once more and he grumbled lowly to himself. 

Make sure to vote on the story! It really helps out! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! ♡

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