🌈Taekook || The Last Goal

By Writeria29

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~ The Last Goal ~ Two Rivals, One Common passion - Soccer Vegas A Wedding Friends Rivals Too many Drinks Ra... More

1. Rivalry
2. Coming Out
3. Confessions
4. Clashes
5. Contrivance
6. Penultimate
7. Vegas
9. The Bachelors
10. I do
11. Consummation
12. Blame Game
13. Walk of Shame
14. Vengeance
15. Confrontation
16. Consequences
17. Moving day
18. Conflicts
19. Divulge
20. Not Again
21. Truce
22. Baby Steps
23. Revelations
24. Acceptance
25. Regrets
26. Possessive

8. Reconciliation

74 9 30
By Writeria29

After a long restless night of tossing and turning - because of Jungkook's weird behaviour for Tae, because of Tae's stupid girlfriend for Jungkook and wedding jitters for Jimin and Yoongi - the boys had all met for brunch the next day.

The food was good and so was the music, but the atmosphere.... the atmosphere was extremely glum. Because two of their biggest party animals had turned into party poopers.

It irked Jimin beyond belief.

He sat beside Taehyung while Jungkook sat opposite him. He looked between the two, who refused to look at each other, concentrating on their food instead.

He had been very happy that his two friends were getting along so well, but now, it seemed he'd gotten too happy too soon. Did they have a falling out somehow? They had looked cozy enough on the flight. What had gone wrong between then and now?

Jimin sighed. He'd have to do something about it and fast. He didn't want this to put a damper on the wedding. He was stressed enough as it is.

The best way to get them talking, would be to give them a task they'd have to do together. Jimin smiled, he knew just the thing!

"Tae Tae." He called, tugging on his best friend's arm.

Taehyung looked up at him, his mouth still turned down in a slight frown.

"We will get the honeymoon suite in less than an hour." Jimin reminded him. "You need to go check in and get everything ready." Jimin raised his brows, looking at him pointedly.

"Uhm... yeah, about that. Do you need me to, you know...." He cleared his throat, uncomfortably "decorate the bed and stuff?"

"Wow. You are so thoughtful, Taehyungie. Thank you so much." Jimin side hugged him, smiling to himself. He really surprised himself sometimes, at how easily he could manipulate people if he tried, he chuckled lightly.

They pulled away and Tae still looked uncomfortable as his eyes shifted between Jimin and Yoongi. He knew Tae was still coming to terms with the whole thing, but he was trying and Jimin was very grateful for that.

"Why don't you take Jungkook with you? He's the best man too, and he knows what Yoongi likes." Jimin looked at Jungkook, who's fork had just clattered on to his plate as he stared at Jimin with wide eyes.

"Uh... I'm sure he doesn't need anyone's help. He's quite capable of handling this himself, right Kim?" Jungkook asked, glaring at him.

Taehyung cleared his throat again "Actually I'm completely out of my depth here." He admitted, looking up at Jungkook from beneath his thick lashes.

Who in the world, could resist those eyes? He thought miserably.

"Fine." Jungkook's shoulders slumped.

Jimin clapped happily and his eyes disappeared into beautiful crescent moons as he smiled widely at the duo.

Not the eye smile! Jungkook groaned. Between the two of them, they'd have him become a simpering mess.

"Let's go check if the room is ready." Tae said softly.

"Okay" Jungkook agreed, getting up from his chair.

Jimin waved them off, mentally congratulating himself for putting the perfect plan in action.

"Let's hope the hotel is still standing by the end of the day, huh? I hope they don't burn it down along with themselves in it." Yoongi commented from beside him.

"Oh, stop it. They will be perfectly fine. I'm sure by the end of the day, they will be hanging out like old friends." Jimin insisted. "Jungkook has a very cute kink, where he needs to be liked by everyone he meets and Taehyung has a thing for cuteness. They'll be back to giggling and inside jokes in no time, I bet you." Jimin said, staring after the two men who were walking away, with as much distance as was possible between them without seeming impolite.

"I know better than to bet against you, love" Yoongi said, leaning in to kiss Jimin, inciting a round of 'awws' and wolf whistles from the rest of their friends.


"Hey! Be careful. Just the rose petals, no leaves or stems. You don't want the thorns pricking their pretty little bottoms while they're humping like bunnies, tonight." Jungkook giggled, looking at Taehyung pulling the petals off the roses they had bought a while back.

They were decorating the suite for the couple.

They had gone out shopping for supplies earlier. A lot of awkward glances, monosyllabic answers and snarky comments later, they had finally fallen back to bickering and teasing each other.

They had bought some battery operated candles to set the mood since the hotel didn't allow real candles in the room. They also got flower bouquets and placed them aesthetically around the room. It was now smelling like a beautiful little meadow.

"Ugh! That is one image I could have lived without." Taehyung shuddered.

"Oh come on, as if you haven't already thought about them fucking." He laughed again.

His crack head laughter echoed through the suite, automatically tugging the corners of  Taehyung's mouth in an answering grin. He hadn't realised, how much he had missed that happy sound in less than a day, until he heard it again. He watched as Jungkook's nose scrunched up as he smiled, his bunny teeth lightly popping out of his mouth. Jungkook was undeniably cute, Tae admitted.

"You have, haven't you? Why, you sly dog!" Jungkook cackled again.

"Can you blame me?" Tae chuckled. "It's weird."

"What's weird? Being with a guy?" Jungkook asked. "Aww man, I feel sorry for you. You don't know what you're missing." He said without waiting for a reply.

"I'm quite happy being the way I am. Boobs and pussies keep me well satisfied, thank you very much." Tae answered.

"You wouldn't know until you've tried it." Jungkook shrugged. "Just saying."

"What, turn gay or bi, like you? No thanks."

"You gotta be bi-curious at the very least. I like my share of girls, I do, but honestly I do prefer being with guys. They just know what to do and when to do it, you know. It's like perfect every single time." Jungkook answered, going back to placing the little candles around the room. He'd have to remember to come back and turn them on before the wedding.

"Who would I be curious about?" Tae asked.

"I'm here, willing to help your curiosity. I'll think of it as public service, adding to our small but growing LGBTQ+ community." Jungkook said with a mock serious expression.

"Okay. Let's try it then." Taehyung said standing up straight.

Jungkook's heart stopped. He stared at him, horrified. "Seriously?"

Taehyung laughed "No!!!"

"Asshole!" Jungkook muttered.

"If I had to turn gay for someone it would probably be someone cute, soft and cuddly like Jimin. Not you, beef bunny." Tae commented.

"Aaaissshh! With that stupid nickname again." Jungkook scrunched his nose in disgust. "I have it on some very good authority that I am cute, you can't fight me on that. Soft and cuddly, well, you wouldn't know unless you've tried, would you?"

"Oh please! There ain't a single soft spot on that toned body of yours, Jeon." Tae remarked.

"Have you been checking me out, Kim?" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

"In your dreams, Bugs!" Tae chuckled and turned away to go back to the task at hand.

Jungkook snorted but didn't respond. Tae had been checking him out. Jungkook had noticed it more than a few times over the last week. Maybe not in a sexual way but he knew he definitely liked what he saw. The hours he spent in the gym were so worth it.

They went about decorating in silence for a while.

Taehyung was glad they were back to talking even if it was more like bickering. Jungkook was back to being his silly self. Though he had dropped the game they had been playing, he was still flirting in his own sneaky way. Taehyung wasn't an idiot, he knew what was going on and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. He liked this Jungkook, preferred all the sneaky flirting and crazy laughter over the silent and sulky Jungkook he'd had to endure at the end of the day yesterday. He had hated how they had parted last night. It was stupid.

Jungkook watched as Tae smiled to himself while he adjusted the canopy above the bed to fall in a perfect drape on the side. That smile should be declared illegal. The man was a threat to society, Jungkook thought.

He was happy they were on good terms again, but he still couldn't get past the big elephant in between them. The big elephant called Kate.

"So is she joining us for the wedding?" Jungkook asked suddenly.

"Who?" Tae asked, jumping down from the bed, straightening and smoothening the sheets.

"Your girlfriend." Jungkook replied nonchalantly.

"Kate? No. She's in Florida with her friends for spring break and I don't take girls to family events. Gives them the wrong idea." Taehyung answered.
Jimin was family. He didn't want Kate to think they were closer or heading towards marriage.

"But I thought you said you loved her." Jungkook frowned. Had he heard him wrong before?

"I really don't know why I said that." Taehyung admitted honestly. "I mean, I like her, but we're in an open relationship. We haven't really talked about exclusivity or commitment. She's pretty laid back and so am I. We spend a lot of time together when I'm there. But then I leave for weeks together, when I go for matches and camps and stuff. Travelling cross country with all those groupies hanging around..." he shrugged.

Jungkook knew it. He lived like that too. Commitment was hard with distance.

A part of him was bursting with joy but he kept it down, keeping his expression neutral. He decided to drop the subject. He didn't want to bring up stuff that didn't need to be put under a microscope.

"I guess we are done here." He said adjusting the last of the candles. "Good job, Kim." He congratulated.

Taehyung stood back to admire their work and nodded in satisfaction. The pastel bouquets looked perfect and smelled heavenly. Jungkook had placed all the little candles just right. The canopy looked soft like a cloud over the bed. The bed was dusted with rose petals, artfully adding a splash of colour to the otherwise soothing tone of the room.

It was perfect.

"I hope we got everything right." Jungkook said, picking up all the extra trash and stuffing it into one of the empty bags. He watched Taehyung scroll through his phone.

"Fuck!" Tae exclaimed. "I completely forgot."

"What?" Jungkook asked, stepping closer to him.

Tae raised his distraught eyes to him. "Jimin asked me to stock some lube and condoms too. It completely slipped my mind."

"Is that all?" Jungkook asked, turning back to cleaning the room of all the little broken petals and leaves.

"All? Isn't that like the most important thing? Like all of this is totally useless if they can't do anything. Jimin has asked us to be at the pool in less than 10 minutes, there's not enough time to get it, now. Fuck! How did I forget?" Taehyung rambled.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, dude. I'm here. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, okay?" Jungkook assured him.

"How are you going to take care of it? You need to be at the pool too." Tae asked.

"Uhm... well I picked up some for myself incase I meet someone here." He cleared his throat. "I'll just run and go get it from my room."

"What about you?" Tae asked uncomfortably.

"Wow, worried about my sex life, Kim?" He chuckled. "I'm sure the hotel stocks some regular ones for the guests. If I need anything, I'll just take what they have on hand. It's alright." Jungkook shrugged and picked up the bag of trash. He took one final look around the room, making sure everything was perfect and walked to the door.

"Hey, Jeon!" Tae called and Jungkook turned around to look at him. "Thank you. I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it, Kim. Go on ahead to the pool. I'll be right there." With that he left leaving Tae sighing behind him.

Jungkook disposed off the garbage and sprinted to his room. He changed into his swimming trunks, pulled on a pair of khaki shorts over them and shrugged on a plain blue, button down, half sleeves shirt, leaving the front open.

He picked up his back pack and pulled out the bottle of lube and a big pack of condoms he had picked up for himself. He put both in his pocket along with his wallet and key card. Grabbing his phone he headed back to the suite.

He quickly put both the essentials in the beside drawer. He sighed. He'll never get to use them, he thought sadly.

He locked the room and sprinted down to the pool.

The guys were all already there. Taehyung was already in the water, splashing around with Jimin. Their laughter reached Jungkook's ears before he reached the pool. Yoongi was lying on one of the lounge beds watching Jimin with an amused expression.

"Wreaking Ball!!" Jin yelled as he ran in from behind Jungkook, curled into a ball, and dropped into the pool, splashing them all.

"Yah!" Yoongi yelled, dusting the water off himself.

Jungkook laughed approaching them. Taehyung turned around to look at him. His gaze moved over Jungkook's wide shoulders and down over his muscular chest and perfect washboard abs. He looked mouth watering.

Jungkook caught him looking at his abs which were visible through his open shirt.

He slipped the shirt off his shoulders and dropped it on the lounger. He unbuttoned his shorts and looked up straight at Taehyung, who's eyes were trained on him. He quickly looked away, a pretty flush on his cheeks. Jungkook smirked, unzipping his shorts and stepping out of them.

The guys cheered and Jungkook giggled as he covered his face shyly.

"Jungkook-ah. Show us what you got." Jimin hollered.

"Hey, you're getting married tonight." Jungkook admonished but Jimin only giggled.

"It's my bachelor's party. I need some spice." Jimin answered.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi who simply shrugged. "It's your funeral, hyung. I'm gonna steal your man."

"If you manage to do that I'll let you take my place at the altar tonight." Yoongi challenged.

"Where's the sudden confidence coming from?" Jungkook asked.

"From the fact, that Jimin told me he loved me and that he had never felt like that about anyone else, ever." Yoongi answered smugly.

Jungkook smiled. "I'm happy for you, hyung."

"Hey! Don't go all soft on me now. Go make my man happy. I need him all happy high and glowing at the wedding." Yoongi shooed him away.

Jungkook approached the edge of the pool.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch their youngest member.

Jungkook pulled off a very good dance move that had everyone cheering. He then proceeded to pose and show off his muscles. Giggling madly the whole time. His ears had turned red but he kept at it till Jimin was snorting helplessly between his uncontrollable laughter.

Taehyung watched quietly from the side. It was all a bit too overwhelming. Jungkook was ripped. Tae knew he was big and toned, it was obvious, inspite of the baggy clothes he wore, but this was beyond his imagination. Jungkook deserved to be up on billboards and magazine covers. God, the boy was sculpted like sin. It made you want to take a sharp shot at your self esteem. Tae had a good physique that he was usually proud of, but right now, he felt like covering himself up. He sank lower into the water.

After a few more minutes of silliness, Jungkook stepped back and dived smoothly into the water and swam to Jimin in a single breath.

Jimin was still laughing uncontrollably. Jungkook helped him climb up on his shoulders, carrying him deeper into the pool like that.

"Chicken!!" Jimin yelled, holding on to Jungkook's head for support while Jungkook grabbed his thighs. Jimin's smile could light up the whole city if not the country.

Namjoon and Jin climbed out of the pool and picked up Yoongi, dragging him to the water, kicking and screaming the whole time.

Namjoon got a grumbling Yoongi seated on his shoulders and walked up to Jungkook.

Tae watched them with curiosity. He had played chicken countless times before, but with girls. This was so weird watching his friends play chicken with boys up on their shoulders. Namjoon was straight like him, but seemed absolutely at ease with having Yoongi sit snuggly on his shoulders.

He realised, that it wasn't about being straight that kept him on the sidelines. It was his discomfort and insecurities. Namjoon didn't seem to have any problems with their sexuality nor was he afraid of initiating any form of skin-ship with them. It was all in Taehyung's mind. He was the problem, he realised. Not them.

Jin came in to referee on one side, while Hobi stood on the other.

"Get. Set. Go!" Jin yelled.

Chaos erupted.

Tae laughed as he saw Jimin and Yoongi go at it like maniacs. They pushed and shoved each other, their expression scrunched up in concentration, screaming and laughing as they tried to get the other to fall off.

Jungkook was laughing so hard, Tae worried he would get himself sick.

Their noise and splashing had attracted a lot of attention from the other guests. A large crowd had gathered around the pool. People were cheering them on.

Neither was backing down. Jungkook and Namjoon were holding strong, all the while, Jimin and Yoongi were well matched.

Tae saw Namjoon and Jungkook nod at each other and held his breath to find out what they were planning.

The next moment Jungkook swung ahead forcefully causing Jimin to grab Yoongi for support. Both Namjoon and Jungkook let go at the same time and ducked beneath the water, leaving the couple clutching on to each other as the fell in to the water with a loud splash.

"And we have a tie" Hobi declared.

Jin and Hobi collectively splashed the grooms-to-be until they were squealing.

Jungkook came up next to Taehyung. He shook his head spraying water everywhere.

"That was amazing." Taehyung laughed.

"I know." Jungkook agreed, grinning widely at him.

"Hey! Mind if I join you?" A pretty red head approached the two men. She pressed close to Jungkook. "Hey gorgeous" she purred.

"I don't know about him, but I definitely don't mind sweetheart." Jungkook answered moving away from Taehyung and in front of the girl.

Taehyung bristled.

"Actually we were in the middle of a conversation and this part of the pool is reserved for a private party, which you weren't invited to." Taehyung said rudely.

She made a rude face towards Taehyung and turned back to Jungkook, brushing her fingers over his perfectly sculpted abs.

"I'm in room 1609. Come find me, handsome." She whispered in his ear. With a glare in Tae's direction, she climbed out of the pool and walked away.

Jungkook hoisted himself out of the pool.

"Please tell me you're not going." Taehyung scoffed.

"Are you out of your mind? Did you see the rack on that chick? Why would I pass that up? Are you sure you're straight, bro?" Jungkook ruffled his hair.

Tae's mouth twisted.

"Cover for me. I'll be right back." Jungkook giggled as he pranced away in the direction the woman had left.

A few minutes later Jungkook was back. He slipped quietly back into the water.

"Did anyone notice I was gone?" He whispered from behind Tae.

Taehyung whipped around to look at him. "Wow, that was fast. Are you sure you satisfied her or should I go show her what a real man can do?"

Jungkook gave him a dirty look "A real man, huh? Nice! So I'm what, chopped liver? Because I like men too? Real nice, Kim. How original!"

Taehyung was ashamed. He didn't mean it like that, it came out all wrong, and the moment the words had left his mouth, he wished he hadn't opened it at all.

"I-I didn't mean...." Tae stammered.

"Relax. I'm used it. If you must know I got her to give me her number so I can use it late tonight or tomorrow, depending on how things go. She gladly agreed by the way." Jungkook informed him, walking through the water to the rest of the group.

Their drinks had arrived. The party was finally starting.

They each grabbed a glass.

"Guys and my fellow gays, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Jimin hollered loudly as they all cheered and clinked their glasses together.

They downed a couple of drinks until they were all a little happily buzzed.

The music came on and the heady beats mixed with alcohol and the cool water was all it took to get Taehyung to finally relax.

He watched Hobi dancing with Jungkook. Their movements in such incredible sync that it made Tae itch to join them. But he needed a little space from Jungkook. Spending too much time with him, made Tae feel slightly possessive about him. He didn't want to delve too deep into the whys.

He climbed onto one of the loungers, next to the one on which, the couple was currently cuddling. Yoongi was lying his eyes closed, with Jimin tucked snuggly into his side, who giggled silently at Jin's and Namjoon's bickering over a game play.

"So where will you guys stay after we go back to New York?" Tae asked Jimin.

"I'm moving in with Yoongi. He has a big ass apartment that he shares with Kookie." Jimin answered.

"Will Jeon continue to live there after you've moved in?" Tae asked curiously.

"I don't know. It's really up to him, isn't it? I don't mind having him around. But I don't know what he thinks. We haven't really had a chance to talk about stuff yet." Jimin grimaced. "We haven't really talked about a lot of stuff actually." He said in small and sullen voice.

"Yah! What's with that tone of voice?" Yoongi scolded. He turned on his side and pulled up Jimin's face with a finger under his chin. "We will get to it. All the other things, they're secondary. What's important is that we are happy with each other, the rest will all fall into place on its own. We are in this together, okay?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin nodded his eyes filling up.

"Yah! Jungkook-ah!" Yoongi called and Jungkook came running to them immediately. "I told you, I need my man happy and glowing. Does this face look like its happy and glowing?"

"Aisshhh. Sorry hyung!" Jungkook muttered as he plucked a whining Jimin from Yoongi's arms. Jungkook carried him off over his shoulders all the while Jimin kept making cute little grabby hands at Yoongi.

Tae chuckled lightly at his pouty expression. "Go play with the kids and let me have my beauty nap." Yoongi said, closing his eyes again as Tae rose.

He had taken but a few steps when Yoongi called to him again.

"Taehyung-ah." Yoongi opened his eyes in a small slit that looked dangerously like a warning glare. "I appreciate that you're his family. But if you make him look like that again, I will throw you off the roof. This wedding will happen. With or without your presence. Just so we are clear."

Tae nodded mutely. Yoongi was scary as fuck, he thought walking away. He hadn't meant to dig into things or make Jimin sad but he did want him to realise that this was all a bit too rushed.

It wasn't his place, he decided. Jimin was a grown man. In a way, he was more wise and mature than Tae.

Jungkook was dancing with Jimin, spinning him around between himself and Hobi, making him laugh again. Taehyung decided he had watched enough. He wanted in on the fun and he wasn't going to let his stupid mindset get in the way of all the fun.

He caught Jimin in the middle of a spin and picked him up bridal style. Jimin looked at him with his eyes wide. "What? You know I can dance." He spun around with Jimin in his arms. The two of them giggling together.

Jungkook smiled as Taehyung spun around with Jimin. The deep giggles that rumbled in his chest vibrated through Jungkook's. He looked so relaxed and happy. Jungkook was glad he had finally found the courage to leave his inhibitions behind and join them instead of watching from the sidelines.

"Hey Kim! Can you help me?" Jungkook called. Taehyung handed a giggling Jimin over to Namjoon and sprinted over to Jungkook.

"What's up?" Tae asked once he was close enough.

"I think there's something wrong with my eyes." Jungkook said, staring at Tae with his doe eyes big and wide.

Taehyung stepped closer to him and stared deep into them. He was mesmerised by how deep and beautifully expressive his eyes were "Why?" He whispered, checking for dirt or debris as he cupped Jungkook's face in his hands.

"I can't seem to take them off you." Jungkook grinned, feeling giddy at how close Taehyung was standing.

"Aaisshhh" Tae cursed, unable to hold back the blushing smile that spread involuntarily on his face, pushing the giggling bunny away from him.

"Gotchya Kim." Jungkook smirked.

Yeah he had.

Fair and square.


Author Note:

How cute are these two?
I just want smoosh them together 🥰

See you next chapter,

Borahae 💜


Names to teams / mascots / universities/ schools / education institutions have been used only to make the story more authentic. There is no malicious intent behind the usage of the name neither do my books depict or reflect anything that is even remotely real about these institutions except their names. I hold all educational institutions and providers in the highest regard. Hence no offence or malice is intended.

Any and all characters in this book are fictional, any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is purely coincidental.

Pictures/Audio/Video/Song/Lyrics Credit goes to the original source/artist/owner.

No malice or offence is intended to any race, religion or sexual orientation.

I donot promote shipping of any members in real life.

🔞 This book is meant for mature audiences only 🔞

BTS and its members belong to themselves and Bighit/Hybe. They do not belong to me. Their names and characteristics are used only for entertainment purposes.

Kim Mingyu of Seventeen doesn't belong to me either.

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