The Vocalist Returns (Danganr...

By InfernoGallade

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*NOT A READER INSERT* Aria Adabat is the Ultimate Vocalist, she has Survived the Killing School Life with 6 o... More

Prologue - 1: Scrambled Code
Prologue - 2: Heart Throbbing School Trip
Prologue - 3: Class 77-B
Prologue - 4: He's Back!
Chapter 1-1: Perfect Leader
Chapter 1-2: Two!?
Chapter 1-4B: Party Till I Drop
Investigation 1-1B: Vocalist's Fall
Investigation 1-2B: Can You Feel The Moonlight?
Trial 1-1B: Demise
Trial 1-2B: Black Hope, White Despair
Trial 1-3B: It's A Me!
Chapter 1-4A: Party Till He Drops
Investigation 1-1A: Game Start!
Investigation 1-2A: Moonlit Beach
Trial 1-1A: Fatal
Trial 1-2A: Peace And Chaos
Trial 1-3A: Encroaching Despair
Interlude 1: Your Fault...
Profile - Aria Adabat
Chapter 2-1: Tropical Freeze
Chapter 2-2: I Am All Of Me
Profile - Silhouette Shamar
Chapter 2-3: Play The Game... Nathan
Chapter 2-4: Palmtree Panic
Chapter 2-5: Tools Of Destruction
Investigation 2-1: Snowgrave
Investigation 2-2: Turnabout Twilight
Trial 2-1: The Aurora Snowfields
Trial 2-2: Ice Flow
Trial 2-3: The Temple Of Ice
Interlude 2: Metal Chiaki
Chapter 3-1: Jungle Hijinxs
Chapter 3-2: Summer Jam
Chapter 3-4: Cold, Heartless Fury
Chapter 3-5: A Despair Filled Farewell
Investigation 3-1: Recovery And Heartbreak

Chapter 1-3: Cooldown Mornings

46 1 0
By InfernoGallade

Dawn of the Third Day - 20 Days Left

Ultimate Vocalist's Cottage

My E-Handbook Deluxe alarm went off... it's 6:10 AM, So I naturally get ready for the morning, and then I step outside, only to find my mailbox glowing indicating that I've got mail.

Hotel Grounds

I open it and read the note, and the words on it ran my blood cold.


The first kill will happen tonight.

Someone will definitely kill someone.

What the... is this a murder warning?

"So you got a similar warning aswell Aria?" A voice sounds from behind me. I turn around only to see Byakuya there.

"Yeah... wait, did you get a murder warning aswell Byakuya?" I ask.

"Indeed, please look at this." Byakuya then hands me a note.... on the note were the exact same words that was on my note.

"I think if we both got these... We could assume that someone is planning a murder. It's likely that yesterday's.... performance has driven someone to kill." Byakuya states.

"Isn't there anything we could do to stop the murder?" I ask.

"I plan on throwing a party tonight, if we keep everyone in one place everyone can keep tabs on each other." Byakuya explains.

"That sounds like a good idea, we should also prepare a safety measure, to make sure no one brings any dangerous items." I suggest.

"Indeed, we'll discuss this with everyone else in the restaurant, now come on." Byakuya says stomping his way towards the restaurant.

Mirai Restaurant

It took a while after Monokuma's morning announcement, but... almost everyone was here.

"We seem to be missing Fuyuhiko..." I notice, as he was the only one to not appear.

"Hehe, Maybe he already got killed?" Hiyoko says with a wicked smile on her face.

"Gyah! Dead Bodies already?" Ibuki uproared

"Don't go killing people off. I saw him outside earlier. However he told me that he would not be joining us this morning." Peko says.

"Why does he have to act like a lone wolf at a time like this?" Mahiru complains.

"Maybe...he's thinking of a plan to kill someone by himself?" Kazuichi suggests.

"Kazuichi! You should not doubt your friend!" Sonia scolds him.

"Well, he's a Yakuza isn't he? That means he's part of the Japanese Mafia!" Kazuichi snapped.

"I presume he's the kind of person who would not come, even if we summoned him. I guess that can't be helped... We should just talk amongst ourselves. Someone can fill him in later." Byakuya says.

"Talk? What are we going to talk about?" Hajime asks.

"Rejoice... Aria and I have decided to throw a party tonight." Byakuya says.

"A p-party?" Mikan asks.

"Indeed. We decided it'll last from dusk till dawn." I explain

"Party until the Sun comes up!?" Ibuki shouted.

"Just so it's clear, we will not allow ANY absences, your attendance at this party is absolutely mandatory." Byakuya coldly states.

"H-Hey... now's not the time to talk about stuff like partying." Kazuichi says.

"Actually, there's no better time than this." I countered.

"But still...we really shouldn't be partying." Mahiru says.

"Um, hold on." Nagito interjectes "I agree with Byakuya and Aria... it doesn't do us any good to stay bummed out like this. In fact, because of the situation we're in, it's probably best if we all strengthen our friendships with one another. That's what you both thought too, right? That's why you both want to throw a party?"

"It doesn't matter why we're doing it. Anyway it's of vital importance that we all stay in one place tonight." Byakuya states.

"You say that with such significance..." Gundham mutters.

"It's decided! We're having ourselves a party!" Byakuya quickly states.

"E-Even so, I'm not sure it needs to last all night..." Mikan timidly says.

"Well if either of us thought that, we would've said so from the start." I say.

"I-I-I'm terribly sorry! I'm so, so sorry for trying to meddle with your plans." Mikan frantically apologizes.

"It's okay Mikan, don't worry about it." I reassure her, what kind of life has Mikan had that made her this apologetic?

"It's important to be flexible in situations like this... perhaps a diversion from all this is just what we need." Nekomaru says.

"Then let's party hard!" Akane cheers.

"Ah! In that case I'll put my amazing cooking skills on display for you guys." Teruteru says, I am slightly concerned about that.

"Where is the party going to be held? Would this restaurant be okay?" Chiaki asks.

"No, this won't do... we need a location that's impervious to interference from outsiders... A place even Monokuma can't enter, what we need is an enclosed space." Byakuya says.

"An enclosed space?" Chiaki parrots.

"If the restaurant won't do then neither will the lobby, that's not nearly enclosed enough." Gundham says.

"Nor will the cottages, with so many people, we'd all be pressed against each other." Sonia added.

Teruteru was ready for a perverted comment, but he stopped himself when he realized I was there, I guess my secret attack was just the fix he needed.

"Then... how about that old building next to the hotel?" Nagito suggests.

"That run down place?" Chiaki asks.

"Yeah.. but if we do our best to clean it, I'd think it'd be perfect. Plus it's basically the only place that meets our needs for an enclosed space right?" Nagito says.

"However..Usami has forbidden us from entering that old place. As I recall it's in the middle of being renovated." Peko says.

And then Usami suddenly appeared once more.

"I have heard your conversation! Heard it all with my very own ears! Ahem I have good ears! Cuz I'm a rabbit!" Usami boasts.

"Oh? So you use your ears? That's Strange." Byakuya says.


"Then what are the reason for those surveillance cameras? Are they for Monokuma's eyes only?" Byakuya asks, come to think of it, I don't think my cottage has any camera's.

Usami then looked down at the ground as she then gloomed.

"Ah! She looks so disappointed!" Ibuki notices.

"Well, it's of no concern. More importantly regarding the old building, you came to tell us something about it." Byakuya says.

"Yes, if it strengthens everyone's bonds with each other, then I will not hesitate to cooperate. So in that case, I shall allow you to enter the old building. I'll cooperate so we can all party together." Usami cheers.

"Together? That's not gonna happen because you're so disgusting. Do yourself a favour and stay away from mirrors. You'll be grossed out by what you see." Hiyoko giggles in her bullying.

"Hiyoko Saionji! I've told you this before! But bullying is not welcome in an Island environment!" I guess Taka's catchphrase is starting to rub off on me.

"Tch!" Hiyoko looked away, with puffed cheeks.

"Ugh! Your kind words make me wanna cry." Usami then ran away.

"Um.. so we're all good with the old building? Then what about the preparations? If it's in the middle of a renovation, don't we need to clean it first?" Mahiru asks.

"I have never done the dirty work known as cleaning before. I am excited to finally experience it." Sonia gleed.

"No way! There's no we can dirty our dear princess's hands!" Kazuichi protested. What a simp.

"Nyeeeh! I don't wanna do it either." Hiyoko yawned.

"What... nobody's gonna do it?" Nekomaru says.

"Why don't we decide just by a random drawing?" Nagito suggests.

"Random drawing?" Hajime parrots.

"To be honest, I already prepared a drawing because I assumed something like this would happen." Nagito explained.

Something about that is suspicious... he suggested we use the old building and then he has us draw chopsticks to see who'll clean said building....could it be... I then shake my head a bit, for now he's my prime suspect.

"Whoever draws the chopstick with the red mark will be in charge of cleaning Okay?" Nagito explains.

"Well then, let us entrust our destinies to the whims of this drawing." Gundham says.

"Well, no hard feelings." Mahiru says.

And thus we all drawed a chopstick each, when I drawed mine it was just a plain chopstick, and then the cleaner was announced.

"Huh? I'm left with the red mark?" Nagito looked surprised.

"Haha.. for someone called the Ultimate Lucky Student, you don't seem very lucky right now." Hajime snarked

"Hmmm, I guess it can't be helped. Well if it's just cleaning, then leave it to me I'm actually pretty good at it." Nagito says.

Something's definitely not right..

"I thought so, you'd seem like you'd make a good stay at home dad." Mahiru says.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Nagito replied.

"Well, I'll handle the cooking. All right, first I'll need to prepare the ingredients, then I'll start cooking at the old building. I Teruteru Hanamura, will go all out! I will prepare the world's tastiest dishes for you all."

"Then I'll just need to pass along the party details to Fuyuhiko." Peko says.

"Let's go about our business then.. after Monokuma's nighttime announcement, we'll meet at the old building." Byakuya says.

Everyone then started to leave, until only me and Byakuya remained.

"Aria, can I ask you to come to the old building earlier? About 1 hour earlier if that's okay?" Byakuya asks.

"Sure thing, we'll need all the preparation we can get." I say.

"I'll get the equipment we'll need, you just spend your day with the others." Byakuya says.

I then left the restaurant.

Hotel Grounds

I heard a voice call me over, it was Mahiru.

"Hey! Aria, I'm going to host a baking party. It's a girls only event though, so I'd love it if you could join." Mahiru says.

"Sure. It's nice to get along with the other girls." I say.

"C'mon then let's get everything ready, oh! Yeah I should give you a heads up, Hajime will join for a bit to observe, as a reward for delivering me a recipe book." Mahiru says.

"Okay then."

Mirai Restaurant

We then got everything ready and then Mahiru and I left to get the other girls. When we came back we heard...

"...-big no-no, This is a girls only gathering! No boys allowed!" Usami yelled.

"I know but Mahiru asked me to come." Hajime says.

"Huh? Why is Hajime here?" Chiaki asked.

"I heard this was for girls only..." Peko states.

"Mahiru, asked me to bring her the dessert recipe." Hajime explained.

"Oh. That's why, you're a special participant." Mahiru explains.

"Uh, why's Usami here?" Hiyoko asked

"Um..Chiaki invited me." Usami explained.

"Yep, that's right. I invited her" Chiaki confirms.

"Whhhhhyyyy!? The snacks will taste gross if that thing hangs around." Cruel as usual Hiyoko.

"Shock! Just from me being here!?" Usami cries.

"But all the girls are making desserts, right?" Sonia asks.

"Oh.. that's right, Usami is sort of a girl too." You...only figured that out now Akane?

"Even though it's a Stuffed Animal?" Peko asks.

"Oh well, at this point, it's mean to kick her out, plus I've already made an exception for Hajime to be here anyway. All right! Let's start!" Mahiru says.

"Yahhhhoooooo! I'm gonna kick it into overdrive!" Ibuki yelled.

"I don't think you need to be so energetic..." Mikan says.

We all then tied our hair back, put our aprons on and started baking, I doubt anything we make would beat Teruteru if he was here, but there's no way to know for sure.

"Mikan, watch your fingers, you can be clumsy." Hajime warns her.

I-I'll do my best, I'll try to live up to your expectations so you don't hate me." Mikan timidly says.

"N-No I mean... I'm just saying lighten up a bit." Hajime cleared up.

"My femininity is hella boss!" Never thought I'd hear Sonia of all people say those words.

"This sort of activity... is not so bad once in awhile..." Peko states

"Hmm.. it's not bad but... ideally it'd be more bowl shaped." Ibuki said whilst admiring her creation.

"Ibuki.... What is that? What are you making?" I asked in disbelief.

"For many years now... Ibuki has always dreamed of making a cookie statue of her boobs!" Did...did I hear that right?

"Om...Nom..." And of course Akane is just eating absolutely everything, I'm surprised she manages to keep her perfect figure.

"I wanna try eating it." She said.

"That... you mean the one on this page?" Hajime asks.

"Damn Right! That looks totally delicious!" Akane cheers

"It looks like a simple recipe, so we should all try to make that too!" Mahiru said.

Traditional Dancer Fragment 2 Obtained

Gymnast Fragment 2 Obtained

Photographer Fragment 2 Obtained

Gamer Fragment 2 Obtained

Swordswoman Fragment 3 Obtained

Princess Fragment 2 Obtained

??? Fragment 3 Obtained

Nurse Fragment 2 Obtained

Musician Fragment 3 Obtained

Eventually the rest of the girls kicked Hajime out, I felt bad for him, then I realized that 2:30 PM was drawing close, so I was quick to remind Peko.

"If you excuse us girls, Peko and I will take our leave now." I tell them.

"Huh? Why?" Mahiru asks

"I'm giving Aria swimming lessons, she wants to learn how to swim, so I obliged." Peko stated.

We then went back to our cottages and then I changed into my bikini I bought yesterday.

First Step Beach

"All right then... so your ready Aria?" Peko asked

"Yes, I would really like to know how to swim."

"Alright then follow my steps." Peko instructed

Peko and I then trained to swim for a solid hour. I think I'm learning quickly. After the one hour has passed we went back to our cottages, I changed back.

Hotel Grounds

I'm thinking of maybe helping Byakuya... then I look at the old building... Nagito and Teruteru are in there, I should check on them, but I also want to help Byakuya... what to do, what to do...

Should I

Help Byakuya with Safety Equipment?


Check on Nagito and Teruteru?

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