The Dragons that Fell // HOTD

By cara_de_cema

97.5K 3.1K 155

Rhaenyra and Rhaella get sent back in time and are given one more chance. Things play out differently then be... More

Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Seven -
Eight -
Nine -
- Past -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Seventeen -
Act Two
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
- Past -
Twenty one -
Twenty two -
Twenty Three -
Twenty Four -
Twenty Five -
Twenty Six -
Twenty Seven -
Twenty Eight -
Twenty Nine -
- Past -
Thirty -
Thirty One -
Thrirty Two -
Act 3
Thirty Three -
Thirty Four -
Thirty Five -
Thirty Six -
- Past -
Thirty Seven -
Thirty Eight -
Thirty Nine -
Fourty -
Fourty One -
Fourty Two -
Fourty Three -
- Past -
Fourty Four -
Fourty Five -

Ten -

2.5K 72 3
By cara_de_cema


Rhaella awoke covered in sweat, hunted by nightmares of her past. The same pain she felt that day came back as she got out of bed, poring herself a cup of wine before drinking it in one go.

It had been moons since she dreamed of any of the deaths of her children. Since her outburst with Viserys. The doors had opened with a worried Loren. It was as if she had sensed her discomfort.

"I should call for a bath, and some sweets." Loren smiled making Rhaella nod. "What would I do without you?" She laughed.

Just yesterday they had arrived at Casterly Rock. They had been welcomed by Jason Lannister who had been nothing but arrogant all day.

"We assure you, Princess, we have only chosen the best for the two of you and your court!" Jason spoke his tone filled with arrogance.

Rhaenyra gave him a tight smile before she spoke. "I appreciate it, my lord." Rhaella did not bother to speak.

After that much of the day had gone slow for both sisters. All the man had done was tell them of his wealth, how he could build another Dragonpit.

That night during Supper after much drinking from Jason's part he had blurted out a question to Rhaenyra. "Princess, there are rumors that you are secretly courting Ser Harwin? I believe none of this... You princess Rhaenyra courting a Ser that would not be able to give you a comfortable life?"

"Why would Ser Harwin worry about giving my sister a comfortable life? Have you forgotten that my sister will be Queen?" Rhaella asked her eyes locked with Jason's.

"Of course not! I simply mean..."

"It seems some men believe my father will take his words back! I would watch what you saw Lord Jason! If I may be excused I'm quite full." Rhaella stood leaving the table.

The rest of the table sat in silence before Rhaenyra excused herself as well. Making her way to her own bed chamber where Arkel waited for her outside.

"Have you found the two that I ask for?" Rhaenyra questioned as she made her way inside. "One of them, the others is in essos." Guess she will have to wait to kill him.

"The attack should take place our second night then!"

"No, if we wish for it to look like an accident then we should do it the first night! If we wait until the second night they will know it was planned." Rhaenyra nodded, he was right.

"Remember, no one of us is to get hurt!" Arkel nodded. "I will have a few men make themselves notice here, and when we are on our way there."

"Have you been able to find what the letters my sister has been getting are about? Or who they come from?"

"No, Loren is always there. She does not leave until the letters your sister sends back are gone!" That bastard girl was getting on his nerves.

"Why did your sister choose a bastard as her lady?" She could have chosen anyone and yet a bastard? Targaryen one no less.

"I would watch what you say of Loren. Men have lost their lifes for simply looking at her the wrong way." Rhaenyra warned.

"That still doesn't explain why."

"I do not know. Loren has been Rhaellas lady since she was five and Loren was 8. It was our mother's decision and well Rhaella loves her!" Rhaenyra spoke. "In your Targeryan ways or simply loves her?"

"Simply loves her." Arkel grin. "Her and the Velaryon Fuck. I am surprised the sea snake let his daughter become Rhaellas Lady!"

"I would not speak of her either, my sister has a temper... the sea snake is blind when it comes to our ways. Why do you have so many questions?" Rhaenyra asked her hands playing with her rings a habit she had to get rid of.

Arkel did not answer and simply left the room leaving Rhaenyra to her thoughts. It did not take long for a nock to come. "Nyra?" It was Alicent.

"Yea?" Rhaenyra spoke as she patted the spot next to hers. The Hightower sat and laid her hands on Rhaenyra's. "What is it Alicent?"

Is the guilt finally hitting? Is it you wish to tell me you have been fucking my father?

"I- I wish to visit the town tomorrow?" Rhaenyra gave her a look. "Of course. Would you like me to go?"

"May I go alone?" Rhaenyra laughed "Of course, I should send a knight with you!" Alicent smiled kissing Rhaenyra on the cheek before leaving.

Wiping her face Rhaenyra glared at the door. What was she up to?

For now, she stood leaving her bed chamber with Arkel right behind her. "Where are we to go?"

"You have the rest of the day free. As for me, I should spend the day with my sister!" The knight shrugged and left.

"Princess!" Rhaenyra sighed before smiling at the blond. "Lord Jason!"

"Let me be of company!" Jason spoke as he fell into step with Rhaenyra. The Targaryen with no excuse as to why he shouldn't simply sighed as she nodded.

"Tomorrow we should have a look at the city. It is much nicer than that of Flea's bottom." Rhaenyra would agree. No smell, not as much crime, and much fewer pleasure houses.

"I would enjoy that, My Lord," Rhaenyra spoke. Rhaenyra could see the blond coming up with something to brag about.

"I am an unmarried man, Lord of the wealthiest house... I need a woman that is able to carry the heir to my house." Jason spoke looking at her.

"I am the heir to the iron throne, my firstborn should be the next heir after me. What is your point, my Lord?"

Jason looked at her. "Let's join our houses, your sister and me... Princess?" Jason spoke as Rhaenyra let out a grunt her hands going to her head.

An image of her sister's dead body flashed in her head. Jason holding a blond child as he looked at Rhaella in horror.

"Princess? Should I call for a maester?" Jason spoke quite worried. "No, No! I am fine!" Rhaenyra spoke through her teeth.

Before he could speak like an angel her sister appeared, a sign for help was shot towards Rhaella who simply grinned as she left.

She was pushing her down the stairs. The thought left as quickly as it came as her sister quickly made her way towards them.

"My Lord, I need the assistance of my sister for something!" Rhaella rushed through her words as she grabbed Rhaenyra's hand taking her away.

Jason stood there as he saw both sisters disappear in the garden. "You owe me, Nyra... by the way I saw your lady was well dressed this morning?" Rhaenyra looked at her before bringing her into a tight hug, causing Rhaella to freeze before returning it.

What in the seven hells had that been? The pain felt so real. The memory as well...

As if sensing her discomfort Rhaella guided her to the gardens where the two walked "What took you so Long?" It was Harwin a grin on his lips when he saw Rhaenyra. "I was getting your soon-to-be wife" Rhaella jested before laughing when she saw the red faces of both of them. "It is good my sister is teaching you our tongue Harwin, it is more fun this way" Rhealla smiled before freezing. Rhaenyra looked at her before following her gaze.

Criston Cole.

Stood in front of them, talking to no other than Alicent. The girl was seen looking away from the knight as well as playing with her hands.

"I suppose those two cunts were meant to meet once more." Rhaenyra glared at her sister but nodded. Harwin looked at them his understanding of the old tongue still not that good. The Dornish from the tourney.

"Do you believe if they had been given the chance they would have wed?" Rhaella shook her head. "I believe so, now why don't we go and find the others?" Harwin still lost as to why Alicent and the dornish were seeing each other did not notice the sisters leaving until he heard a squeal.

On their way back to the others a shadow fell behind them. Rhaella's hand went to her dagger. "Princess Rhaenyra, Rhaella!"

"Leandres! We finally get to see you!" Rhaella smiled bringing the girl into a hug. "I apologized, I came as soon as I heard of your arrival!"

"Why don't you join us? We are heading to see the others." Rhaenyra spoke. "I would love to! Is that Lady Alicent?"

"It seems so." Rhaella grin. "Seems she has her eyes in the Dornish."

"Oooh," Leandres giggled. The three made their way to Rhaenyra's bed chambers where the rest of her ladies waited for her.

Food waited for them as they spoke with one another. It did not take long for Alicent to arrive making some in the room giggle.

"What is wrong?" Alicent asked as she saw a few of the ladies looking at her.

"I see you have your eye on Ser Criston!" Lyra teased Alicent. The girl looked down her cheeks red as she tried to speak through the giggles of the others.

"No, no. I was simply speaking with him that is all! He is not who I imagine I will wed."

"Not old enough?" Rhaella spoke. Everyone in the room looked at her. "Simply asking! Tell us Alicent what do you look for in a man?" She added.

"Simply that he makes me happy. I am sure I will wed a nice man that will give me a good life." The girl spoke before stuffing her mouth with sweets.

"Do not be shy! Criston Cole is good-looking. The two of you would have beautiful babes!" Cassandra tease.

"Cassandra!" Alicent snorted looking away as her face became bright red. "I'm sure her babes would look beautiful no matter who the father is." Rhaella tease.

"We should not speak of such improper things..." Alicent spoke.

Improper... Both sisters shared a look. Like sleeping with our father?

The day went by fast with the ladies leaving the sisters alone with Laena and Loren. By request of Laena.

Once the four were left alone the attention went of Laena who was sat by the fire.

"I must confess, when you left to speak with my mother and I was left alone with the king I noticed something." Both sisters gave one another a look.

"What?" Rhaella asked. "Umber hair on the king's bed... the same color as Alicents." Rhaella went wide-eyed looking at her sister.

"Alicent would never... it goes against everything she believes. She would not dare lay with the king only 2 moons into our mother's death? Right?" Rhaenyra spoke in denial making Rhaella look away before she could laugh.

"I mean she has been gone... she is not with you as often as before... she refuses to look at you and me sometimes when father is in the room," Rhaella spoke her tone soft as she looked up.

"She wouldn't right?" Laena looked at them as Loren gave the two pitiful looks. "I must confess since mothers death, Alicent has acted differently."

"We should not think of this, maybe these past two moons have made Alicent think of whatever she and our father had if they had anything..."

"Do you think this is why Otto was so against her coming with us? He almost threw a tantrum when he found out Alicent would be joining us?"

"Father would never right? He knows she's your closest friend." Rhaenyra looked down bitting her lip preventing a smirk from forming.

"We should not speak of this for now. We should head to bed the hour grows late." With one last goodbye, they left.

The following day went by fast, Alicent leaving most likely to spend time with Cristin and Rhaenyra in the town with Jason.

By the end of the day, everyone seemed to be tired from whatever they had done that day. Supper had started with everyone speaking to one another.

It did not take long for supper to be interrupted when a letter had arrived from Kings Landing. Jason looked annoyed at being interrupted before going wide-eyed at whatever the letter said.

"Is something wrong my lord?" Rhaenyra asked. "My brother has sent word that is all," Jason spoke before standing. "I am sorry but I must leave!"

Rhaella and Rhaenyra gave one another a look as they saw the blond leave. "What do you think the letter was about?" Rhaenyra asked. "I do not know, if I may I should departure to my chamber!" Rhaella left.

Loren waited for her as well as Ser Erryk. "What has happened?" Rhaella asked as they arrived at her chambers. "No one is to interrupt us, not even Laena." Erryk nodded.

"The Dornish have pulled back!" Loren handed her a letter from Rhaenys. "It did not take a moon cycle as we expected." Rhaella grinned as she read the letter.

"The trip to Dorn will have to wait... we must prepare for another thing. Sent this letter to Rhaenys!" Loren nodded as she left Rhaella.

On her way to the tower, she was blocked by Arkel. Loren tried to pass by him only to be grabbed by the inner arm. "I'll take the letter!"

"Get your hand off me!" Loren sneered. "No, until I get that letter."

"This letter is from the Princess, you have no right to see it." Lorens violet eyes became a shade darker making the knight take a step back.

"Loren I forgot to give- Get your filthy hand off her!" Rhaella appeared. "Did you not hear me!? Get your hand off my Lady!" Arkel grinned as he let go of Loren.

"My apologies!" His tone was flat. "Loren we both can go tomorrow, I should call Ser Erryk to take you to your bed chambers! And I should have a talk with my sister about you!" Rhaella was seething with anger towards the knight. How dare he lay a hand on her Loren.

The walk to her sister's bed chamber had been short. Not a single knight was stationed on the door for a moment she wondered if her sister was not in her room. Testing her luck she went in.

"Rhaenyra!" Rhaella shouted as she burst threw the doors of her sister's chambers only to scream as she turned around. "For fucks sake!"

"Rhaella!" Harwin stood in shock as Rhaenyra covered herself. "I have to speak with you! You keep that knight away from Loren or next time he touches her he will lose that arm by my own sword or that of Erryk! I do not know what his deal is with Loren but I have warned you, sister!

I should have Loren come and bring you tea! We do not want a scandal right now... Ser Harwin, I expect next time something like this is happening the two of you use your head and lock the fucking door!" With that, she exited the room.

Rhaenyra and Harwin simply looked at one another. A laugh left their lips before Harwin locked the door.


"I intend to keep their betrothment the same," Rhaella confessed as she drank her tea. "Except for Alysanne, over my dead body will she wed that heartless cunt of a monster!" She sneered.

"As much as I like Baela with Jace. I will persuade Father to marry Helaena with Jace. We need to keep Alicent under control" Rhaella nodded.

"Lucerys should wed Rhaena... Visenya should take Joseph." Rhaenyra's eyes tinkle at the name of her daughter.

"You will have your daughter Nyra. I would never dare lie about such thing." Rhaella promised as she held her sister's hand.

"I know... but as for Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys. I do not know." Rhaella eyes sparkle.

"You take a lady of each house. You grow your bond with them and you wed your sons to the heirs of said houses." Rhaella grin. "Borros will only have daughters. When the time comes propose a marriage between Viserys and Cassandra. He will be honored and proud to have a dragon rider as the next Lord of Storm ends."

Rhaenyra nodded thinking of her sister's words. "Jason spoke of a marriage..."

"His still trying to wed you?" Rhaella laughed. "No, a marriage between the both of you." Rhaella froze. She would rather die once more than wed that selfish cunt again.

"I would rather join the faiths!" Rhaella grinned drinking the rest of her tea. "Tell Arkel that he seems like a dog he's eyes always following Loren!" Rhaella spoke as she stood and left the room.

Making her way to the garden where she knew Cole would be waiting for Alicent. When she spotted him she sighed before speaking.

"Criston Cole correct?" Rhaella spoke making the man nod before bowing. "You were in my brother's tourney? If I am not mistaken."

"I was Princes! I am sorry for your loss!" He quickly added. "Thank you, I must say I was impressed that you were able to keep your ground with my uncle... I do not do this often but would you like to come to King Landing? I believe they are hosting a tourney for the white cloaks."

Criston's eyes widen at her words. A chance to join the white cloaks? He would be a fool not to accept. "It would be an honor princess!" Criston's smile grew once more.

"Excellent. I will have a talk with Ser Harwin about my decision then."


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