Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

sun_ve tarafından

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Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... Daha Fazla



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sun_ve tarafından

You stood there looking at the tree for a moment. Hunter stood there looking at it too. You had a quiet moment together just looking at that tree.

It was beautiful. You started to cry the more you looked at it. Hunter glances at you noticing your crying and he looks down at his feet and tries not to cry as well.

He grabs your wrist and continues walking with you.

"Come on L-let's just go." He stutters.

You shake your wrist out of his grasp and glare at him. He looks over at you confused and then furrows his eyebrows.

"Go where? Hunter?" You fold your arms.

He glances at you and then back down at his feet. He doesn't know what to say.

"Look you can be mad all you want at me but I hope you're not planning on returning to the emperors coven." You say.

He nervously looks at you and rubs his arm.

"Well it's not like I'm welcome anymore now that he knows." He says.

"Shit... he always knew." Hunter sighs and rubs his face.

"So where are we going then?" You glare at him and raise an eyebrow

"...The guild..?" He says.

"Absolutely not. Not until I get a damn apology from you." You say.

He glares at you too and folds his arms. It's quiet between you both. Is he really this stuck up on it?

"I'm not letting you think it's okay for that to slide, I know you're angry and confused and upset but you can't blame me for all this." You say.

"...Well... you should have told me." He says.

"You're still on about this?" You sigh.

"Put yourself in my shoes! Wouldn't you have been afraid to tell me if it were me?" You say.

"I don't get why you would be afraid." He glares at you.

"Because imagine the possibilities! What would you say if I just randomly walk up to you and say 'Hunter I found out your a grimwalker'?" You exclaim.

"You think you'd just be all like 'oh cool thanks for letting me know'? Is that how you think it would play out?" You glare at him.

He clenches his fists.

"No absolutely not! You'd either be shocked! You wouldn't believe me you would call me crazy!" You say.

"Plus wouldn't that just be so sudden??? Just me telling you??" You say.

"I just wish I'd known sooner." He grumbles and folds his arms.

"Well that didn't happen, so it's time to accept the situation as it is." You say.

"I am more than willingly able to help and support you now that you know, and help figure this out together but I'm not going to be so nice to you if you keep blaming me." You say.

"Okay! I'm sorry!" Hunter exclaims.

You look at him and wait for him to continue.

"This is just... all too much! I don't know what to do! I'm... I don't know who I am- I'm not even Hunter I'm some other guy- I don't know what to do." Hunter says trying not to tear up.

"What did- why am I- I don't know if I'm me or not!" He starts breathing fast.

"I'm sorry-" He shakes his head.

"I- I get it I'm sorry... it's a scary subject- I get why you wouldn't wanna tell me- I- I'm sorry." He tears up.

"I don't know if I'm real." He breathes faster.

"Hunter." You say and grab his shoulder.

"I don't know what I am..! I don't- who am I?" He shakes.

"Calm down. Calm down!" You exclaim.

"Im still me right?" He says shakily.

"You are still you! You're Hunter! It doesn't matter who you were before you're Hunter!" You say.

"Don't compare yourself to anyone else there's only one Hunter!" You say.

"No there's not! There's tons of me but they all have different names!" Hunter shakes his head.


"T-that's not even my real name.. I'm someone else." Hunter starts hyperventilating.

"Sit down." You say and sit him against the ground.

He continues hyperventilating, and you rub his back and look at him. He's panicking badly. He's crying, he's starting to sob and you just sit there and rub his back, trying to calm him down.

"It's gonna be okay." You tell him.

"All my life I've been someone else." He shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair.

"No you haven't. Look you may come from a different person, you make look alike but you're different in the inside that's what's important okay?" You say.

"Don't go thinking you're not your own person." You say.

"B-but I'm not!" He says.

"Shh- yes you are. You're different." You tell him.

He rubs his face and looks at you suddenly. You look into his eyes, they're so red from crying. You give him a reassuring smile.

"It doesn't matter what you are okay?" You say.

He sniffs and lets out a deep sigh.

"I like you either way. Like yourself too okay?" You smile.

He takes a deep breath in and then slowly exhales. He looks at you again and nods a little. He rubs his eyes.

"...I don't know why I was being so petty over you hiding it from me." He sniffs.

"It's fine." You say.

"...I shouldn't have been like that when I was hiding something from you anyway." He says.

"What do you mean?" You say.

He sighs and goes through his pocket, he pulls out the vial of titans blood he had.

"Back in the cave, when I fell I found some titans blood. I was planning on keeping it a secret from you and I was gonna bring this to Belos." He sniffs and drops it in your hand.

"...I'm so sorry." He chokes up.

You look at the Titan blood and then put it in your pocket and look over at him.

"...it's okay." You say.

"No it's not I was gonna betray you." He sober

"Look! It's good that we found out about how much of an asshole Belos is so you didn't! Okay?" You say.

"I understand that you'd be tempted to anyway Hunter." You say.

"...I just wanted all the discipline to stop." He whispers.

"I know, I know." You say softly.

"I'm so sorry..." He breathes shakily and wipes his face.

"It's okay." You say.

He tugs on your arm, and looks at you. You frown and then hug him tightly. He holds you so tightly, he holds you and just cries softly.

"I'm so sorry Y/n." He cries.

You hug him tightly and rub his back. He keeps apologizing over and over again and you keep telling him it's okay. You hold him tightly and he holds you close to him as well.

It's just silent sobbing and hugging for a good while. You breathe slowly and close your eyes and allow him to get it all out.

"Hey, I know you're getting it all out, but crying too hard will seriously give you a bad headache. Let's just get home okay? Why don't we talk about something else?" You say.

He nods and wipes his face.

"Titan... I'm sorry, I'm not the prettiest crier." He laughs a little.

You smile and hold his hand.

"No one is, it's okay." You say.

He wraps his fingers over yours and nods. He wipes his face again and takes some deep breaths.

"We could make some food together or something when we get back? Eating right now would be nice." You say.

He nods. You smile and hold his hand tightly.

"Maybe we could see if Viney has more of those cosmic frontier DVDs? We could sit on the couch and watch those if you'd like." You say.

He smiles a little and nods.

"If not, we could rewatch it again, im sure you won't mind." You smile.

"You don't have to be this nice to me." He says gently.

"I love you, that's why." You say.

"...do you really though? Because... I... don't know if I'm me." He says again.

"You're Hunter. Who cares if you look like someone else? It doesn't change the fact that you're your own individual person, you've lived your own life had your own experiences, so in reality you are your own person. Okay?" You say.

"...I'll try to tell myself that." He says.

"Good." You say and lean on him a bit.

You arrive home and open the door to the house. Vineys not home, she's at her night shift leaving the house just for you guys.

"We can set you up to room with Steve later but you could stay here tonight if you want to. The couch is actually really cushy and comfy, I've fell asleep on it a few times before and we have spare blankets and pillows." You say.

"That's fine." He says.

"Awesome. I'll see what we can make for food." You smile and go over to the kitchen.

Hunter sits down and watches you. He looks down at his hands, he holds them together and fidgets with them a bit.

"Ugh... I could make um... spaghetti." You say and go through the pantry.

"Okay." He says.

"Okay!" You nod and start prepping it.

He stands up and goes over to the kitchen with you, he leans against the counter and watches you.

"Can I help with anything?" He asks.

"Um... if you could turn the stove on, I need to fill this with water." You say filling a pan with water.

He nods and turns the stove on. You both continue prepping the food together and you instruct him how to do what, and he followed along.

Moments later the food was done and you both were on the couch eating it together. You were going through DVDs to see if Viney had any more cosmic frontier movies.

He watches you and eats the spaghetti you both made together. It's warm and it's helping him settle a bit.

"I don't think she has anymore, we could rewatch the movie again if you'd like." You smile.

"What about something you like?" He asks.

"Something I like? Hm..." you mumble and go through the DVDs.

He continues eating and stares at the black TV screen and then at you.

"I like this! This is my favorite movie of all time!" You grin and show him.

He looks at the box, It's called (favorite movie).

"I've never heard of it." He says.

"Okay well you're about to." You say, and put it in.

You grin and sit down next to him and you start eating your food again. He eats his food and looks as the screen lights up again.

The movie starts playing and you lean back against the couch. You glance at Hunter who glances at you and he smiles a little.

He takes your hand in his and he pulls you a little closer to him. Your eyes widen.

"Woah, hello." You say softly.

"Sorry." He says.

"For what? I'm not complaining." You smile a little and look the other way.

"I just like you." He says.

"I like you too." You say and lean your head on his shoulder.

He blushes and looks down. He finds this crazy, the fact you still look at him the same. The fact you aren't weirded out by him. It shocks him.

"You confuse me." He says softly.

"How?" You say.

He takes his eyes off of the movie and then turns his head directly at you. You turn your head directly towards him too.

"You knew all this time and you weren't even the slightest bit weirded out from me." He says.

You stare at him.

"Why didn't you find it bad?" He asks.

"It's not bad, it's just different." You say.

"And it's not a bad different. It's crazy, it is, but it doesn't change that you're still you if you look at it from a different persons perspective." You say.

"I still love you, Hunter." You whisper.

His eyes shimmer and he melts a bit into the couch. Everytime he hears you say it it feels so good to him, it's like hearing an angel sing.

You smile a little and glance at him. He blinks a few times and then sits back up.

He takes a deep breath and dusts himself off and closes his eyes. You look at him sort of confused, he looks like he's preparing himself.

"Something wrong?" You ask.

"No- um... it's um... ah..." He blushes.

He looks into your eyes and his heart skips a beat.

"I have something for you." He says.

Your eyes widen and you tilt your head.

"Oh?" You ask.

"I um... I made it for you... um... you know how I let you borrow the handkerchief Darius made for me and stuff right?" He smiles anxiously.

Your eyes widen.

He pulls out a little handkerchief in his pocket. It's (favorite color) and it has your name on it, in poorly written sewn on letters. He hands it to you and blushes.

"Uhm.. so I made you your own... I got books about sewing, um... Darius does it a bit and I actually found it quite interesting, so I did it myself." He scratches the back of his neck.

"I um... I messed up on a few letters on your name." He smiles a little.

"Hunter... this is so sweet." You look at him and grin.

His eyes shimmer and he smiles and laughs awkwardly. Seeing you smile is exactly what he needed.

"I- um... it has something on the back of the handkerchief too." Hunter blushes nervously.

"J-just turn it over." He closes his eyes and blushes.

You turn the handkerchief over and in the corner of the back is has 3 words sewn on it. Your eyes light up.

'I love you' it's poorly sewn on and the 'u' is slightly tilted.

It's perfect, you stare at it and flip it over to the front and then flip it over to the back again. You look over at Hunter with your eyes shimmering.

"I-I know! It's um- it's bad- it was um... it was my first attempt at sewing! And um- I... I'm sorry." He blushes and scratches the back of his head.

"Why are you apologizing? I love it!" You say.

He looks at you and his face gets redder.

"I um.. I didn't think you actually would.." He blushes.

"Of course I do." You smile and hold the handkerchief close to your heart.

He sits up straight and holds his hands together and takes a deep breath. He dusts himself off and nervously looks at you again.

"Y-you've done so much for me. Um... especially after today... I um.. I didn't think someone as great as you really existed..! I um... I always thought I'd just be in the emperors coven doing the same thing everyday and u-um..." He says nervously.

"I.. um... Im- um..." He stutters.

You listen intently. You hold your hands together and look at him.

"I....love you." He looks up at you.

You look at him and your face lights up like a million stars. Your eyes widen.

"I love you so much it's insane." He breathes.

You stare at him and your face heats up. Hunters chest feels like it's on fire just talking to you.

"I didn't think that I could ever feel... so much of this love emotion for anything at all, but I feel it so much with you." He says.

"Titan.. I wanna... um..." He scoots closer to you.

He wraps his arms around you and slides his hand to your cheek and looks into your eyes. You look into his and just loose yourself in his.

"I love you...so much." He says breathlessly.

"I love you too." You whisper.

He scoots closer to you, and you wrap your arms around him.

"Tell me again.." he says softly.

"I love you Hunter." You say.

He melts and holds your cheeks in his hands. He looks at you with his eyes half lidded.

"I love you too." He whispers.

"Now you tell me again." You tilt your head and smile.

"...Im... so in love with you Y/n." He whispers, getting a butterflies just from telling you.

He holds you at his side and you listen to him speak. He just continues telling you how much you mean to him as he pulls you close.

"I'm so happy I met you." He says.

"You do so much for me, I'm so thankful for you." He says.

"You do just as much." You smile.

He pulls you to him and hugs you deeply. You pull him close to you tightly and you lay on the couch hugging him tightly for a while, telling each other sweet things.

Okumaya devam et

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