We Never Broke Up (A Second C...

By Averyaaaaaa

13.1K 490 8

"So... what about us?" he asked, and I looked at him, a bit bewildered. "What?" I inquired. "You and me... wh... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
New Story Update!! ♥️

Chapter 1

1.1K 26 2
By Averyaaaaaa


I sat there, my heart pounding, as the ambulance screeched to a stop, and the paramedics swung the doors open. They rolled him out on a stretcher, and for a moment, I lost my grip on his hand.

Without thinking, I scrambled down and clung to his lifeless right hand, my fingers desperate to hold on. My cry of anguish pierced the sterile hospital air, echoing down the hallway as the nurses pushed the gurney forward.

They pleaded with me to release his hand but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't let go, it was my lifeline. I stole glances at his face, over and over, praying for his eyelids to flutter open, for his voice to break the silence just once.

The nurse blocked my way, refusing to let me in. Still, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, my gaze locked on his fading figure until the doors closed.

"Please, Lord, just this one time, please let him make it, please." I pleaded through tears, my hands stained with blood as I clutched them together, sinking to the floor.

My hair clung to my skin, drenched in sweat, and the stench of blood enveloped me, but I couldn't care less. Not now. Not when the guy I love fought for his life inside

those hospital doors.


I blinked and found myself in darkness. Pushing myself upright on the bed, i surveyed the room. That night, it still clung to me, haunting my dreams and

invading my thoughts, whether it was day or night. Its memories remained vivid, refusing to fade.

My gaze shifted to the window, where raindrops danced upon the glass. "How did I forget to close it?" I whispered to myself. Tossing the white covers aside, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

The cold tile beneath my feet sent a shiver through me, and the cool breeze brushed against my exposed skin as I walked over to the window.

With a determined pull, I closed the curtains, shutting out the world outside.

I turned, preparing to return to the bed, hoping to escape the relentless memories of that haunting night.

I cast a glance at the lamp stand and flicked it on. I had never been the type to sleep in darkness, but that changed one fateful night, a night etched into my memory.

I reached for my phone, its screen illuminating the room with a soft glow.

It read 3 AM. I sighed and slid back into my bed, pulling the covers tightly around me. I knew what was coming-the same haunting dream, once more.


My legs moved smoothly on the treadmill as I ran, fingers reaching for my Air Pods. With a double tap, I activated them.

"Yes?" My deep voice echoed in the otherwise silent gym.

"Mr. Whitlock, I've tried speaking to the clients repeatedly, but they're still refusing our offer," my assistant's voice resonated through the Air Pods.

I sighed, the weight of the business on my shoulders. "Alright, Schedule another appointment with them for lunch today. I should be in the office in..." I paused to check my wristwatch, "an hour and a half," I concluded.

"But sir, we have a meeting with the head of resources for the upcoming..."

"Cancel it," I interrupted without hesitation.

"Okay, sir," he responded, and the call ended.

I removed my Air Pods and brought the treadmill to a stop, stepping off it.

Grabbing my phone and towel, I made my way out of the gym, wiping away the sweat that had gathered on my neck and forehead.


My phone's insistent buzzing jarred me awake, and I groaned while reaching for it, stubbornly keeping my eyes shut.

"Hello," I rasped, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"Seraphina!!" Clara's enthusiastic yell caused me to yank the phone away from my ear for a moment.

Good morning," I mumbled, choosing to ignore her spirited greeting.

"Where are you? Do you even know what time it is right now? I get that you're a top chef here, but shouldn't you still be here, huh?" She playfully complained, her tone a mix of concern and jest.

I opened my eyes, immediately assaulted by the bright sunlight streaming in through the curtains.

"I'm taking a leave today, Clara. I won't be coming to the restaurant," I said,

sitting up in bed.

"What the heck... why didn't you tell me?" Her voice carried a hint of disappointment, and I could sense she'd miss my presence.

"I'm sorry. I only decided last night," I explained.

"Lucky you. But I'm not jealous, don't think I am, because I'm also a chef, just like you. Bye... for now," she said before abruptly ending the call.

I chuckled as I looked at my phone. Clara was exactly the kind of friend I needed in my life, always there to boost my spirits and give me the energy to

face the day.

A smile curled on my lips as I let out a long breath, taking in the sunlight that now flooded my room with warm rays. I'd dreamt about it once more. But,

well, I suppose I had grown accustomed to these recurring dreams.

They were now a familiar part of my life. My eyes widened in alarm as I glanced at the time; it was already past 11 AM.

"Oh God! Sera, what's wrong with you?" I chided myself, a surge of panic compelling me to spring out of bed and rush towards the bathroom.


I sat there, observing the lady as she spoke, her finger repeatedly pressing the button to advance her presentation.

A throbbing headache gripped my head, prompting a soft groan as I instinctively adjusted my tie.

"I think we should concentrate on expanding our digital presence. Market trends clearly indicate a rising demand for online services, and we should seize that opportunity," her voice continued.

"That's a valid point. Digital expansion is crucial, but I believe we've made strides in that area, haven't we? Any other suggestions?" I finally interjected,

breaking the silence that had enveloped the vast hall.

"I believe we should tailor our services to specific client segments. By understanding their unique needs, we can offer more personalized solutions,"

a man on my right proposed, his gaze fixed on me.

"Elaborate," I replied, adjusting my tie once more.

"Perhaps we should also explore strategic partnerships.Collaborating with

complementary businesses could help us reach new markets and clients more efficiently," he suggested.

"Any specific sectors you have in mind for potential partnerships?" I inquired, drumming my fingers lightly on the table.

"Well, I've compiled a list of..."

"You should send that to my office," I interrupted him and rose from my chair.

They promptly stood up, bowing

I sighed as I made my way out of the meeting, the weight of stress pressing down on me.

"Is the car ready?" I asked my assistant as we entered the elevator.

"Yes, sir. The clients will be there in an hour," he replied, checking his wristwatch.

I nodded and retrieved my phone, noticing a new message.

"How are you doing darling? Hope you are not too stressed?" - mum

I sighed, my fingers tapping out a reply.

I am stressed, and I can feel it. But I can't give up on the company. I know how long it took me to bring it to where it is now, and all I want is to take it even further.


"Luna," I squealed with delight as I spotted my dog in her cage. She bounded out and rushed toward me, her tail wagging with joy.

I grinned and crouched down to pet her.

"You've gotten fatter without me,

haven't you? Didn't you miss me, huh?" I teased, gently shaking her before gathering her into my arms.

"I'm so glad you're safe now. I can't imagine you having another bout of food poisoning," I said with relief as I secured her with a seatbelt and closed the

car door.

I circled around and settled into the driver's seat, fastening my own seatbelt.

As I started the car, my phone rang from my coat pocket, and I retrieved it to

answer the call.


"Sera, you're coming to the event this Saturday, right? I know you're a very busy person, and you value your time a lot, but we really need the experts to be there," my manager's voice came through the phone.

"But I thought it was postponed?" I inquired.

"Well, that's what we were told, but they just called this morning to inform us about the event happening this Saturday. Will you be available?" she asked.

"Of course, I'll be there."

"Thank you so much, Sera. You don't know how much this means to us," she expressed her gratitude, and I smiled.

We exchanged goodbyes, and I ended the call. "Too much for being a top expert chef, right, Luna?" I remarked, glancing at my dog.

My phone buzzed once more, and a smile crept onto my face as I glanced at the caller ID.

"Senior," I greeted.

"When will you stop calling me that, Sera?" His deep voice boomed from the

other end.

"When I wish to," I replied, teasingly.

"You picked up Luna from the hospital today, right? Let's celebrate it tonight,"

he suggested.

He always remembered even the little things, didn't he?

I can't believe you remembered."

"Why wouldn't I? I'll buy a cake; you should let Luna know," he said, laughter lacing his words.

"Okay, I'll be expecting you," I agreed before ending the call.

"It seems you'll be getting a cake tonight, Luna," I said with a grin, glancing at my dog, who now had her eyes closed.

I chuckled and continued on my way.


I parked my car in the garage and switched off the engine. Stepping out of the vehicle, I carefully removed my suit jacket, holding it in my hands.

As I closed the door behind me, I was greeted by the unexpected sight of lights illuminated throughout the house.

The maids should have already left for the day, and they typically ensured the lights were turned off. I couldn't help but wonder who had turned them on.

With a sense of curiosity, I made my way gently toward the living room. Soft sounds emanated from the kitchen, drawing my attention. I sighed and placed my suit jacket on the couch before proceeding further.

Standing at the entrance to the kitchen, my hands stuffed into my pants pockets, I observed Callista. Her auburn hair was pulled up, and she wore gloves on her hands

She was struggling with frying something, taking a step back whenever the oil sparked up. It was evident that cooking wasn't her usual activity.

"What are you doing, Callie?" I asked, my deep voice shattering the house silence, apart from the sounds of her cooking.

She turned, alarmed at the

sound of my voice, and smiled.

"You scared me, Thad. I didn't hear you come in," she admitted, then returned her attention to her cooking.

I sighed, growing impatient, and approached her. "I said, what are you doing?" I repeated, my frustration evident.

I was already tired of watching

her struggle.

"I'm cooking... for you," she replied with a hint of defiance.

I reached out, taking her hands and removing the gloves before switching off the gas. I placed them on the counter and turned to face her.

"What was that for, Thad?" She asked, her voice laced with surprise and confusion.

"Whatever you think it is, Callie. You can't just come to my house and start cooking at this time of the day. It's past 9 PM," I stated firmly, looking into her eyes.

"But I was trying to cook for you. You seem tired, and..." she started to explain, her voice trailing off.

"You don't need to do that for me, Callie. You're a friend, not a maid. The maids have already finished their work and left. You don't need to cook for me," I interrupted her, my tone resolute.

She sighed, and I could see a flicker of hurt in her eyes. "I... I'm sorry.

I didn't know it would make you uncomfortable. I was just trying to make things easier for you," she apologized softly.

"It already is, Callie. All I need you to do is grab your bag; I'll drop you off," I said, moving to walk past her.

However, she was quick to grab my right wrist, halting my steps.

"You don't need to do that. I can go home myself; I brought my car," she said softly, walking past me.

"Okay," I replied quietly, trailing behind her as she headed to the living room to retrieve her handbag.

"Have a good night's rest, Thad," she whispered in a hurt tone, her smile forced, and it was clear to me.

"You too," I responded as she nodded and left.

Hi Readers, this is the first chapter of my book, it is actually longer than this but I had to cut it short. What do you think of this?

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