Dunn Deal (A Vince Dunn Fanfi...

By JessBevan

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Skyla Wren Anderson is an Australian brunette with green eyes, dimples and freckles. She's short but feisty... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 2

847 14 5
By JessBevan

I can't help but continue to stare at my phone every ten seconds. Since accepting Vince's request and stalking his instagram which barely has anything on it I've been waiting for him to message or something. And because he hasn't done anything it makes me question whether I should send him something, I mean he did make the first move and send me the request.

"Just message him," Scarlett says as she pours me a glass of wine, dragging me back into reality.

I shrug her off, "Nah I'm good. It doesn't mean anything."

She laughs, "Okay sure. But do you now understand why I said hockey players are sexy as hell? Especially Vince Dunn, that man is a god."

"You're not wrong. Anyway I'm going to drink this wine and go to sleep. I'm exhausted," I say talking a large gulp from my glass.

"Message him tomorrow if he hasn't messaged you? What's the worse that can happen?" Scarlett asked innocently.

"I shouldn't even be considering it. Do you know the guy gets like seven million a year? He also is way hotter then me..."

"I'm going to stop you right there Sky, yes Vince is a god. But you got it going on too! You might be short but saying that some men love that. You have the best thighs and ass, you don't need to wear makeup like ever because your complexion is amazing and don't even remind me about those dimples."

I blush at Scarlett's nice words, "I do have a nice ass don't I?"

She laughs at my joke, "Glad that's all you took from that. Anyway all I'm saying is you're a looker too and he obviously saw something because why else would he send you a request? The guy barely follows anyone."

"I don't know Scar," I shrug and she continues to stare me down, "Fine! If I hear nothing by tomorrow afternoon then I'll message him!"

"Promise?" She asks, holding out her pink for me to promise her with.

"Promise! And you know I never break a promise," I smile at her linking my pinky with hers.

"Yes I know," she grins and then tinks her glass against mine, "Now drink up and then we can snuggle up on the lounge and finish off that movie from yesterday."

"Ah!" I sarcastically groan, "Your just going to fall asleep anyway.

We both laugh, have the last few sips of our wines then make ourselves comfy. I must say tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.


I'm not working today but I always like to come grab coffee after my morning run and that also means grabbing one for Scarlett aswell and running it over to her. What can I say, I'm a good friend.

I go to pay for my coffees and then a hand holding out a phone taps on the machine, I turn around. Surprised to see Vince standing behind me, "What are you..."

"Hi," he grins like a schoolboy. God he is adorable.

"You didn't even order yourself a coffee," I chuckle.

"I'll just share yours," he shrugs. I look down at my drink protectively and then back up at him to notice him quietly laughing, "I'm kidding. I just wanted to be a gentleman. I'll order mine now."

"You didn't have to do that, it's not like we are on a date or anything. You just popped up..." I pause and give him a questioning look, "You stalking me Vince?"

He shakes his head and smirks, quickly giving the lady his coffee order before pulling me to the side as we wait, "Promise I wasn't stalking you. Felt like coffee and was hoping the stars aligned so I'd get to see you again."


"I swear," he chuckles.

"Well I gotta get this to Scar so I should go," I say as I lift the coffee up and nod towards it.

"Why you always running off on me Ducky?" He questions and once again I'm confused at the nickname.

"I'm not but..." he looks at me waiting for an answer, "I just..."

"What are you doing now?"

"Uh nothing," I shrug, "I just finished a run and then I was on my way to give Scarlett her coffee and then I was going to go to the park and read..."

"So you're not working right now then?" He smiles hopefully.

"No I'm not."

"How invested are you in reading?"

The lady calls his name out so I pause and let him grab it, he gives the lady a grin and turns back to me, god his smile makes me weak at the knees.

"I don't know it's a pretty good book," I shrug as we walk towards the door, he rushes to open it so I can walk out first, "You know you don't always have to open the door for me I am capable."

He grins, "I know but my mama raised me right and even though you're capable I think it's a nice gesture."

"Well Thankyou, your mama did well," I smile.

"So if the book can wait what if we went to the park and talked some more?" He asked, giving me a pleading look.

My eyes light up at him, "Really?"

He frowns, "What do you mean really?"

"Because you're you and I'm just little ol me," I say shyly as I sip on my coffee.

"Let's drop this off at your friend and then go talk some more, I'd like to get to know you, unless you don't want to," he brushes off my comment like it's nothing.

"Okay," I smile shyly as he places his hand on the lower part of my back, urging me across the road. But when we step down off the sidewalk I slightly lose my footing and he has to grab my arm to keep me from tripping over my own feet.

Once I'm upright again he gives me a concerning look, "You good?"

"Yeah I'm just a little clumsy," I laugh awkwardly.

He chuckles to himself, "How clumsy we talking?"

"There's something atleast once a day that happens, I trip, spill something, drop something or run into something you name it, I'm a walking hazard. Run now if you don't want to get caught up in my clumsiness," I say as we cross the road, his hand firmly pressed against my back like he's protecting me from myself.

"Well luckily clumsiness isn't contagious. I'm also pretty good on my feet and have quick reflexes. Something my job entails so I can keep you safe. Try to atleast," he says looking down to give me a cheeky smile.

I smile back as we reach the door but before he can open it I grab his wrist, "Wait out here? Scar will just bombard you with questions and..."

He nods, "It's cool, I'll wait here."

I smile up at him and walk through the door that he holds open for me. The bell dings and before I even make it to the counter Scarlett is running over to me, "Is that Vince Dunn!"

"Shush!" I quietly yell to her as I walk quicker to the counter and place the items I'm holding on top of it, "Shutup!"

"I will not! Not unless you tell me what is going on and why he is standing outside my bookstore waiting for you. I assuming he's waiting for you anyway," she says excitedly as she keeps peeking towards the front windows.

"He was at the coffee shop," I shrug like it's not big deal, "And then he said he wanted to go to the park to get to know me, in so many words anyway."

"Girl you are so lucky," she says as she pulls me in for a big hug, "We are having wine tonight and you are telling me all about it!"

I laugh, "We have wine every night."

"Well this gives us an excuse! Don't make us sound like alcoholics. It's a good way to wind down," she justifies.

I can't help but laugh, "Oh I'm not complaining. Anyway I gotta go, I'll see you later."

"Atleast show some cleavage or something," she says as she tugs at my sports bra.

"I'm from the itty bitty titty commity unlike someone I know," I point towards her chest, "And I think I already have his attention anyway."

"Yeah well it never hurts," she shrugs.

I can't help but roll my eyes, "I'm going to leave now," I wave at her as I spin around and walk towards the door. I open it and frown when I don't see Vince there. Maybe he...

He interrupts my train of thought by coming up behind me, "Sorry someone wanted a photo."

"I thought you got bored and left," I say.

He pouts his lips and shakes his head, "I didn't get bored. Promise. Now lead the way Skyla Wren," he points towards the park with a smile.

We don't say much as we walk along the footpath and enter the gate that leads into the park. I smile every time I walk into this park, it's field with beautiful trees, a giant chess board, picnic benches and areas to sit with a picnic rug and read. It never gets old and I'm so glad it's so close to home.

"Wanna sit here?" Vince asks as he points to a shaded picnic table, I smile and nod, "You good? Seems you were thinking about something?"

I smile and sit down, "Yeah sorry. I just love this place, it always makes me happy."

I watch Vince as he traces his bottom lip with his tongue before giving me a grin, "I'm glad to hear that. Maybe we can have a picnic one day?"

"I'd really like that," a smile and sip on my coffee.

"So tell me all about you, I want to know everything."

"You sure about that? I don't want to scare you away," I joke.

"I don't think you could if you tried," he winks.

"Okay, you or me first?"

He shrugs, "What if we played twenty one questions?"

I can't help but laugh, "What are we in high school?"

"Hey!" He says chucking an acorn at me, "It's a good way to get to know someone. Get to know little quirks that you wouldn't find out for years."

I smile, "Okay sure."

"Ladies first," he says as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Let's start off easy," I ponder for a moment, "Favourite colour?"

"Easy. Green. It's my new favourite because it's the colour of your eyes."

"Wow. You're a flirt," I chuckle.

"Is my smoothness working?" He smirks and I just sip my coffee ignoring him, "Yours?"

"Yellow. It's bright and happy," I smile, "Favourite tv show?"

"Toss up between friends and breaking bad. Friends is a good comfort show. You can watch it to focus on, while you're cooking dinner or it's good to fall asleep too. Breaking bad you have to concentrate but it's still bloody good."

"Wow. You've thought about that seriously," I laugh.

"Apparently. Yours?"

"Gilmore girls. I also do like friends," I answer and he smiles.

"Maybe we can watch it together one time?"

"Well I won't be watching breaking bad so friends will have to do. Favourite animal?"


I roll my eyes, "Typical man answer."

Vince shrugs, "I'm a man what can I say. Let me guess yours is something small and cute? Bunny? Koala? Puppy? Otter?"

I rub my hands over my face holding them there, "It's an otter," I say shyly as he lets out a 'Told you so typical girl answer.' Moving on, "Favourite sport?"

He gives me a you serious look, "Hockey. Duh."

"True. I somehow forgot you literally play sport for your career for a second there, sorry," I say nervously as I start fiddling with the rings on my fingers.

He reaches over and grabs my hand, gently brushing his fingers over mine, "Hey don't get shy on me now, what's going on in that head of yours?"

I lock eyes with him, "Because this is strange. Isn't it? Shouldn't you be dating models or a cheerleader or something?"

He squeezes my hand and laughs, "Sky, I'm not in high school or college anymore. So cheerleaders aren't really my thing and just because you're not a model doesn't change anything for me. I like you. It's the third time I've ever spoken to you and I'm actually really enjoying it. If you're not I'll walk away now but if you're willingly to see where this goes then my fourth question for you is movies or books? Wait let me answer that for you. Books. Why do I know that? Because you literally had your head stuck in one for a whole hockey game and work in a book store. Am I right?"

"Yes," I can't help but blush. This guy is something else.

"Thought so. Now on with the game yeah?"

I nod as I let go of his hand, crossing my legs up on the bench to make myself comfy, "Favourite season?"



"When I was younger during winter back home all my spare time would be spent ice skating around on frozen lakes. That's what made me fall in love with hockey."

"I like that, mines spring."

"Hey you already answered my question!" He says sarcastically.

"Oh I'm so sorry, did you want to ask it then?" I joke.

He shakes his head, "Well I already know the answer now. So anyway, why is yours spring?"

"Pretty flowers. I love having fresh flowers on my dining table every morning. And it's always the perfect weather."

"I'll add that to my mental notes," he says tapping his forehead.

"What?" I say confused.

"To get you fresh flowers, so you can be reminded of me every morning."

"Your mama really did teach you right didn't she?" He nods, "Again I'm glad. Remind me to send that lady flowers one day so I can thank her. Okay next question, perfect date?"

"Easy. Build a pillow fort, order pizza, battle at Mario kart and watch movies."

"My type of guy," I say as I smile happily at his answer.

"I certainly hope so, yours?"

"Picnic under the stars with a good bottle of wine. Can't forget the wine," I say closing my eyes at the mention of wine. God you really can't beat a good bottle of wine, if you have that then your night is going to be a good one.

"You a red or a white wine girl? That's not included as a question that's just a bonus one," he rushes out and I can't help hit giggle.

"Okay I'll let it slide. Red if I'm doing something cozy. White if I'm out for dinner and at a lunch."

"Fair. More of a beer guy myself," he shrugs.

"Thought so. Okay night in or night out?"

"Definitely night in. Playing computer games," he answers easily.

"You play computer games? Where do you find the time?" I say intrigued. Because after the research I done last night on ice hockey it's like the players barely have time to scratch themselves.

"I make time. Always gotta make time. Need to wind down somehow. Introvert or extrovert?"

"I use to call myself an extrovert but I think that's changed now. I'm a book nerd. I mean freaking hell I sat and read at a hockey game who does that, definitely an introvert," I ramble on. He laughs but looks at me like he's curious and wanting to know more but I'm not going to give him more, "Favourite food?"

"Definitely pizza. Yours?"

"Cherries," His eyes widen and he gazes towards my lips, "Are you picturing me eating cherries right now?"

"Mmhmm," he says quietly as he wriggles a little in his seat, "Okay ask your next question."

"No I think it's kinda nice watching you blush for once and not me," I giggle.

"Okay okay. Funny. That's funny really," he nods and points to me, "Did you wanna pause on this and go grab something for lunch?"

I nod, "I would really like that."

"Let's go then, pizza? Side of cherries?" He looks down at me as he swings his arm around my shoulders. We both laugh and walk towards the fence around the park and out onto the road. This guy is honestly something else and I cannot wait until I find out more about him. Things that every other person doesn't have privilege of knowing.

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