Chapter 3

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I look around the pizza place that we are currently sitting in. There's people staring. And I think Vince notices that I'm being awkward because he looks towards me and gives me a questioning look, "People are staring."

"You famous or something?" I roll my eyes and he laughs, "Just ignore them. Focus on this. Who cares about them," he says casually.

"How do you go about your normal day with people constantly noticing you?"

"It's easier when I'm not in Seattle. More fans here so I'm a lot more noticeable. Sometimes when I'm elsewhere I can get away with it, so I soak those times up. Just like I wanna soak this up, here with you so come on Wren, hit me with a question."

"You know you can call me by my first name right? Skyla?" I smirk, so does he but he just shrugs and ignores me, "Okay fine. First impression of me?"

"Short and feisty."

"Straight to the point," I laugh.

"And then I noticed your eyes. And your freckles. And the frown lines you get between your eyebrows when you're angry," I run my fingers over my face embarrassed, "And then I noticed your ass when you walked away."

"Hey! You perve!"

"What do you want from me? I'm a guy and you have a nice ass, I'm not going to not enjoy the view," he winks.

"You're ridiculous," I roll my eyes.

"Okay your first impression of me?" He asks before taking a massive bite of his slice of pizza.

"Six foot brick wall. The most attractive six foot brick wall I've ever run into. And I run into a lot of walls trust me."

"You're going to be good for my ego," he winks.

I roll up a napkin and chuck it at him, "Your ego needs to calm down. This is really good pizza," I hum as I do a little happy dance.

"You're really cute," he says and I look at him and blush, "Sorry if that's being straight forward but I just had to say it."

"Thanks Vince," I smile, "Okay...Love language?"

"What do you mean?" He questions confused.

"Like what do you like most when you're in a relationship. Like what do you like to do, you have to do it on a daily basis when you're with a girl," I explain.

"Oh easy, physical touch. If I was with you I wouldn't want to not be touching you."

I shiver as his leg bumps mine from under the table, he smirks at my response so he moves on,
"Top six most used emojis?"

"This will be interesting," I sit my slice of pizza down and unlock my phone going to my messages, I can't help but laugh, "Okay don't judge me," I turn my phone around and show him, '🍆🌶️💦🥹😂⭐️'

His eyes go weird and then he makes eye contact with me, "Please explain."

"Okay so the first three and the star are related to reading. It's like a scale and obviously you get the gist of the eggplant and water droplets don't you," he clears his throat and nods, now it's mine turn to smirk, "So I rate the books I read out of chilli spice. Meaning how sexy/many spicy scenes there are," I give him a minute then I get an 'Oh,' so I nod, "And the star for a rating out of five stars."

"Fair enough then. That makes sense. So what do you read like porn?"

I shrug and nod at the same time, "You could say that. It's better than watching it trust me."

He squirms in his seat then runs his hand through his hair, something I've noticed he does a lot, "Well then. Nice to know."

I chuckle, "Okay you're top six?" He unlocks his phone and passes it to me, '😎😂👍🏻💪🏻😘🏒' "Who's the kiss emoji for?"

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