Chapter 17

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Vince Dunn Instagram Post:
Weekend getaway ⛄️ @skyla.wren
@skyla.wren commented: That ice plunge was the stupidest thing I have ever done. Never again. Still love you tho 🙄
@randomuser commented: He's so in love! Scarlett replies: Damn right he is!

Skyla's Instagram Post: What dreams are made of 😍#winterwonderland @vincedunnScarlett commented: Stop it you guys 🥹

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Skyla's Instagram Post:
What dreams are made of 😍
#winterwonderland @vincedunn
Scarlett commented: Stop it you guys 🥹

Skyla's Instagram Post: What dreams are made of 😍#winterwonderland @vincedunnScarlett commented: Stop it you guys 🥹

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I smile and lock my phone placing it on my lap. We are on our way back to Vancouver, sadly our little getaway is over. It was so good to switch off and see a side of Vince that he doesn't show to the outside world very often. We horse rode in the snow, ice skated on the lake and I can say now that I somewhat know my way around a pair of skates. We snuggled in front of the fire which turned into more always...Not mad about that. Overall it was one of the best getaways I've experienced in my lifetime. Vince truly excels at all my expectations for a man.

I look over and can't help but smile at him, he's got a relaxed arm holding the steering wheel and the other is on my thigh, his thumb rubbing over my tights. I don't know if he just wants contact all the time or to know I'm close but it's slowly becoming an obsession of mine and I get sad when his hand isn't there.

"I don't want to go back to reality," he sighs.

"Me either," I bring his hand up and kiss the back of it, "Thankyou for this. I had an amazing time. You're amazing."

"You're the amazing one," he smiles, "So question fifty two..."

I wait for him and look at his face concentrating, "Any day now."

He chuckles, "Okay, does your family miss you and want you to come home?"

I take a deep breath which he must notice cause he gives my thigh a comforting squeeze, "Technically that's two questions but I'll let it slide. So firstly I don't know if my family misses me and secondly I don't know if they want me to come back home. Probably I guess. They kind of had my future planned for me."

Vince frowns, "What do you mean by that?"

"They wanted me to marry Robbie...have the whole two kids, white picket fence all that bullshit..."

"So Robbie is the ex? First time hearing his name. Sounds like a dick."

"Well it's actually Robert Jnr," I roll my eyes and Vince chuckles, "But he requests everyone to call him RJ like he is the king of the world. Just because you got given a nickname that was your initials in university and you thought it was cool doesn't mean you get to make everyone call you that for the rest of your life. Family usually calls him Robbie like me. Well like I did."

"And he was a lawyer?" Vince questions.

"Yep," I say popping the p with my lips.

"What was your relationship like?" I frown and he looks at me worried, "You don't have to answer that and tell me if it's too soon. Part of me wants to know but also apart of me doesn't want to know."

"It was perfect at the beginning seriously, I won't lie and say he never treated me right because the first half was amazing. Something that you'd read out of a book. But as soon as he graduated and got into a higher up law firm and had his parents money behind him I guess it all just went to his head. He became distant. He'd come home late after doing god knows what..."

"Did you think he was cheating for a long time?"

"Maybe? I don't know I try not to make myself feel so stupid for not realising sooner but I mean I was one of the receptionists I knew his schedule so when he came home late and blamed it on work it was hard to believe..."

"Wren I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologise please. It's no one's fault but his," I shrug.

"So where do you parents fit within all this?"

"They blame me. Blame me for not putting in the effort which I don't know how I was suppose to do anymore then I was already doing. My mother kept saying that I had my future set with him, he had money, he was attractive and a somewhat nice guy..."

"What did she say when you found out he'd been cheating on you?"

"That people make mistakes," I scoffed.

"What a bitch," he winced and then looked at me, "Sorry."

"No you're right. It's just hard because I miss my family so much but I don't know how to be okay with them choosing his side of my feelings and expecting me to be okay with all of it."

"That's on them Wren not you."

"I know...Apparently he was going to propose so they wanted me to just forgive and forget. So here I am."

"Here you are," he smiles.

"I think it was meant to be. Let's just say if he never cheated I still would have been there and I would never have met you," I shrug.

"You really think you'd still be with him? Even though your relationship wasn't perfect towards the end?"

"Honestly?" He nods, "Probably. I was so blinded by it all and I've always put everyone else first instead of me. I think it would have taken a long time before I realised I deserved better."

"You deserve the very best. I hope I can always give that to you," he kisses my hand, "And if not slap me upside the head."

I chuckle, "Okay I'll be sure to remember that."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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