Chapter 15

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Our main dish has been sitting in front of me for the last five minutes but I don't know where Vince has disappeared too and I'm not sure if I should start eating or not. I hate when my food gets cold but I don't want to me rude.

"Wren!" Vince says startling me from my thoughts, "Sorry," he chuckles, "You good?"

He must notice my frown because he looks at me worried, "I didn't want to start without you but I hate when my food goes cold so I was having an argument in my head with myself about what I should do."

He smiled and sat infront of me, pushing my plate towards me, "Eat then silly."


"I wouldn't care. I'm sorry I took longer than I should have, there was a line and then there was a couple fans so I got pre occupied."

I can't help but smile, "That's okay."

"Next time though don't wait for me I don't want to see that confused face when you have an argument going on in that pretty head of yours."

I smile and then go to pick up my fork so I can dig into my pasta but then my eyes go wide at the big shopping bag that's next to our table, where did that come from.

Vince follows my gaze with a smirk on his face, "What's that?"

He pushes it towards me with his foot causally as he starts eating his gnocchi, "A present for you."


He shrugs and continues eating. I don't know if I should eat or look at the present, "Ducky, your doing that face again. Open the damn present."

"You sure?"

"You better hurry. You don't want your food going cold," he jokes.

I untie the bow that's wrapped around the handles of the bag, then I pull out a large box. I think it's a shoe box. Vince bought me shoes? Okay.

I place the box on my lap and then slowly take off the lid. My heart pounds, Vince didn't buy me shoes. He bought me ice skates.

I look up at his dorky smiley face with tears in my eyes, "You bought me ice skates?"

"Well you can't date a hockey player and not have a pair of skates," he smiles and shrugs.

"They are so pretty!" I say excitedly as I trace over them. They are white with tiny little details embroidered on them, flowers, little ducks and of course cherries.

"I had them specially made so I hope they fit. I got Scar to help me with that."

"Vince I don't know what to say," I say through a sniffle.

"Baby don't cry. It's nothing," he says reaching over to grab my hand.

"I'm not...It's one's ever got me something that's so thoughtful. Thankyou Vince, really."

"I'm not just anyone," he grins.

"I'm figuring that out," I laugh, then place the lid back in place before gentle placing the skates back in the box, "Now you just gotta teach me and hopefully I won't fall on my ass or my face."

"I won't let that happen I promise," he says giving my hand one last squeeze before I dig into my pasta, it's a little cold but right now I couldn't care less.


We'd been driving for about an hour and now we are on a dirt road that is winding through beautiful trees which I'm assuming leads to where we are staying for the next few nights.

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