Chapter 16

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I woke up feeling something I'd never felt before. Pure love. At home. Safety. Even though we didn't do much sleeping last night I feel like I've had the best sleep in my entire life. Vince Dunn is someone I never expected to come into my life but man I'm glad he did.

I was currently snuggled up in his side, his arm is wrapped safely around me pulling me closer, I have one of my legs resting up over his legs and my fingers are tracing over his light freakles that dust his chest. This man is absolute perfection.

I feel him stir and suddenly I stop moving, he squints, opening his eyes and looks down at me, "Morning beautiful."

His smile is wide which makes my heart skip a beat, "Morning handsome."

"I like this," he says as he rubs circles on my lower back.

I nudge his lower half and giggle, "I can tell."

"You can't blame a man when he has a beautiful naked lady next to him," he says flipping me onto my back in lightning speed.

"Woah," I say as I stare up at him.

"Yeah woah," he says and kisses me.

"We really should..."

"Really should what?" Vince says quietly in my ear as he kisses my cheek and then my neck, and then he bites my ear lobe which makes me lose my train of thought, "Really should what Wren?"

"No idea," I say as I push him off me to roll him over so I'm now straddling him, "We have all the time in the world."

He brings me down to his level so he can kiss me again, "That we do."


I take a breath as I watch Vince tie my skates up on my feet. The sun is out so Vince is only wearing a long sleeve athletic shirt that is fitted to him like a second skin and I can't help but get hot and flustered over his muscles tightening on his arms.

I don't know if I've always found arms so attractive but I do know for a fact that I certainly do now.

He looks up at me from the ground and I can't help but remember him in a similar situation with his eyes looking up at me like that from last night.

I feel myself blush and Vince must notice because he chuckles to himself quietly as he finishes tying up my skates, "How do they feel?"

I lift my feet up and down and wiggle my toes, "Weird."

"Are they snug?"

"I guess so," I shrug.

He smiles, "Can you wiggle your toes?" I nod, "Good. But does the rest of your foot feel snug and secure? They should feel a little tight but you get use to that. You shouldn't be able to move your foot."

I try to move my foot but I can't, "Yeah they feel like that."

"Okay good, perfect fit then," he says and then he lifts himself up on the bench and starts to put his on.

"Mine are so tiny compared to yours," I chuckle, "I'm so tiny compared to you."

"Only just realised that have you?" He jokes.

"No but I just..." I zone out as I gaze at his arms doing that thing again. God this man is sex on legs and his mine. It doesn't feel real.


"Hmm. What?" I say as I fan myself with my hand.

"You look a little flustered baby," he smirks.

"I now know why you have a fan club Mr Dunn, because everything you do makes a woman's heart flutter."

"You're the only heart I'm worried about making flutter," he winks.

"You're so full of it," I say rolling my eyes. I watch him stand up and walk casually in front of me like he isn't even balancing on skates.

Vince is holding his hands in front of me waiting for me to get the courage to stand up, "Come on baby, I won't let you fall. I promised remember."

I grab ahold of his hands, take a breath and stand, "This is weird."

"Do you want to stop?" He questions as he steps backwards, I shake my head and he slowly leads me to the frozen lake, he steps on it himself and you'd think he's just standing on two normal feet because he is as still as a statue waiting for me to join him on the solid ice, "Come on ducky."

Another deep breath, my skates hit the ice, I feel like I'm about to slip but like Vince promised he doesn't let me fall as he grips me tighter, "Okay. This isn't so bad."

"Nice and slow," he says as he skates backwards slowly.

We glide on the ice and Vince smiles at me, "Look Vince! I'm ice skating!" He laughs at my excitement.

We spend a while gliding around the iced over lake, Vince is so patient with me it makes my heart melt. He's never let my hand go once. But I think I now have the courage to try myself.

"Okay. I think you can let go," I say unsure of myself.

He raises an eyebrow, "You sure?" He questions, "I'll be with you the whole time I promise."

I nod and he lets go skating ahead so he's now fully in front of me skating backwards holding his hands out towards me, "Grab onto me if you need to but just do what I said and you'll be fine."

I take a deep breath on somewhat steady legs and before I know it I'm gliding towards Vince without stumbling, he nods proudly, "You ain't too bad ducky, ain't too bad at all."

I smile and thank him and now he's showing off all his crazy tricks. If I wasn't already in love with this man I certainly would be now.

Skyla's InstagramSo I learnt how to ice skate today and it might be my new favourite hobby

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Skyla's Instagram
So I learnt how to ice skate today and it might be my new favourite hobby. Thanks to me favourite person 🩵 @vincedunn
@vincedunn commented: God I love you. I'll have you shooting pucks in no time.

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