Chapter 7

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This morning was amazing. Vince is amazing. He opened doors for me, pressed his hand gently but firmly on my back when we crossed the street. His reasoning being, "You nearly face planted on the pavement last time we crossed this road," which is fair. Because I did. How embarrassing. But oh well.

We sat down for coffee, after I paid. Yes I paid finally. I was way too quick for him this time. He was disappointed but I felt like it was a huge win which only made him laugh. We shared a pastry and talked. And talked and talked. I could never get sick of his voice, or how many times he says "umm," or how many times he licks his lips. Either when his nervous or when I think he is attracted by something, that something being me. I think.

After an hour of talking he walked me back to the book shop, hand on back of course. Kissed my cheek gently but not before asking if it was okay. And said his goodbyes and left. Is it weird that I miss him already?


I jump, accidentally slamming the drawer underneath the cash register on my finger, "Fuck!"

"Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay? You were zoned out for a sec there," Scarlett says with a worried look as she stands in front of me. The look doesn't last long though when she smirks, "You were thinking about daddy Dunn weren't you."

I scrunch my nose trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my finger, "Shut up."

"Whatever. I'm not stupid."

"Shouldn't you have left by now?" I ask her seriously, hoping she will move on from this conversation. Otherwise she's not going to leave and I'm not going to get any work done. And my work for today is to wrap and write on multiple books for a new thing we are doing, 'Blind date with a book,' I'm so excited about it.

"Yes but not before I gave you this," she hands me a bag, "Something for you to wear tonight. You're still going right?"

I pull a jersey out of the bag, it's Vince's jersey. With his number and last name on it, I try to hold my smiling back, "Uh yeah I am."

"You tell him?" I shake my head, "Really? Oooo a surprise nice."

"It's just I don't want him to feel like I'm just going because he asked. I'm going because I guess I want to go. And maybe you convinced me that it's not all bad," I watch as she jumps up and down.

"Finally! But I'm not sure it was all me. Something tells me a sexy six foot hockey man may have done that."

I chuckle, "Shut up and get of here would you."

"Fine!" She says and brings me in for a hug, "Ring me first thing and tell me all about it. I want to know his reaction and how it is and everything!!!"

"Okay okay," I laugh, "Get out of here."

She holds her hands up in surrender as she walks backwards out the door, "I'm going! Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she says as she winks.

That girl I swear. But that girl is the reason that I'm even doing this, if it wasn't for her and her standing me up I never would have bumped into that sexy six foot wall.


The game was intense. They won. Thankfully. I don't like an angry sad Vince. I still didn't tell him I was here. Not even when he sent me a message saying 'I wish you could be here tonight.' I simply just replied with a 'Sorry the bookshop is better company 😉😂.' He didn't think that was very funny but this banter between us is nice and fun.

And for some reason I just wanted it to shock him. That's why I posted to my instagram on my bus ride home and waited. Because I knew I'd get a bite it was just a matter of when.

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