Broken Bonds

By Lilliie09

1.9K 34 27

The name and picture may change. It depends on if I can find or think of anything better. ⚠️NO SHIPS⚠️ If yo... More

Character Descriptions/Personalities
Impending Threats
Mixed Feelings
This just complicates everything huh?
Great Idea Slender
LE DRAMA (I'm not being serious bout chapter names anymore)
There's This Thing Called Sleep
More Depressing Nonsense!
Rising Tensions
Rising Tensions prt2
Two very angry people.
Too close for comfort
Train Ride
Train Ride prt 2
Arrival prt 1
Arrival part 2
A familiar face


49 0 7
By Lilliie09

Jeff's pov:

After my humiliating talk with Slender, I retreated to my room. My head was still full with what Slender told me. I just have to try.... things seem more complicated than that but alright. But trying is a good first step, I suppose. But first thing first, I have to talk to Liu. If I just start making effort without explanation..... well I'm not sure what could happen. But he may misinterpret it. I felt restless while planning what feels like a speech.

I'm going to wear a hole in this floor one day. The amount of pacing I do is ungodly. I'm actually surprised I haven't already. I've been thinking for some time, at least it feels like that. Maybe I could talk to E.J about this? He's good with the whole... feelings thing. My floor probably started crying in relief as I stopped pacing. It felt werid to be so open about something like this. To be so open about wanting to fix a friendship. I just hope E.J will understand.

The infirmary seemed like a good first place to check. E.J spent as much time there as I do pacing. Thankfully everyone seemed content to leave me alone. Good, I'm not in the mood for small talk right now. I opened the double doors to the infirmary and lone behold. E.J in his natural habitat.

His head turned as I opened the door. I could feel his eyes boring into me through his mask. "What's up?" He came through nonchalantly. But I knew he was curious. What can he say? E.J's a curious guy. I took a deep breath, trying to center myself. "I need your help with something." That didn't come out the way I wanted. It came out uncertain, not with the confidence I wanted. Thank Zalgo we were alone.

"It's about your brother. Isn't it?" E.J read right through me. I nodded, my shoulders going up. It was embarrassing how easily E.J could read me sometimes. E.J hoisted himself up to the counter nearby. Gesturing for me to sit besides him. Which I did. "So what's up?" Since we were alone, he took off his mask and hood. His black eyes looked at me, taking in everything I did. "I want to try fixing everything with him." I paused as E.J nodded.

"But I figured I'd need to tell him that first." E.J smirked and slid off the counter. "So you need me to play test rat with you so you don't prepare a speech and lose sight on what you're suppose to do." I definitely blushed at that. "You really had to catch on that quickly." I hunched in on myself. Seriously E.J every time? "I mean if I didn't you'd never say it. I am fluent in Jeff." He teased. I chuckled with him a bit.

"Alright I'll play genipig for ya. My room tomorrow. Got it?" I nodded feeling better than before. E.J was a great therapist friend. Not that I'd ever tell him. I slide off the counter more then ready to leave. When the door slammed open. BEN stood there looking out of breath and slightly panicked. "Silver's hurt!" He yelled looking close to tears. E.J quickly put on his mask and grabbed his bag.

BEN lead us outside, into the forest. Red was by Silver, trying to calm him down. Hero and Dark both had their swords pulled and looked ready to kill. E.J rushed to Silver and Red. I stayed besides BEN. Ready to pull him away if necessary. "Did you see what happened?" Red shook his head, looking more panicked than I'd ever seen him. "No, we were goofing off and then everything suddenly went black. Silver screamed and then we saw he was hurt." He definitely left some details off. But you can't blame him, his little brother got hurt underneath his nose. He's worried.

"There's no trace of anything. Dark and I were going to go tracking once Silver is taken care of." Hero stepped in, sounding a lot calmer. E.J nodded absent-mindedly. Trying to patch up the wound on Silver's shoulder. Silver was sobbing his eyes out in Red's shirt. Mummering something about he didn't know what happened. "I don't know what did it. It's best we take him to the infirmary so I can keep an eye on him. It takes a lot to hurt a ghost, and a glitch nonetheless."

E.J finished the temporary bandage on Silver. Red picked him up and the they headed back. BEN followed them, still worried about his friend. "Do either of you know what happened?" I asked Hero and Dark. They reluctantly shook their heads. "It's like Red said, things went dark. We heard movement all around us. Silver screamed and then everything was back to normal. There wasn't a trace. Like nothing happened." Dark told me. "That's concerning. It takes a lot to confuse one of you guys, let along a group of different kinds. Whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing." The two nodded. "We're gonna go tracking. Want to come with?" Hero offered. I nodded. "Best if you guys have a bit of variety. May not happen again that way."

I figured yall were tired of the slow burn going on. So here's some drama. I wanna thank the two people how commented last chapter. Yall gave me a lot of motivation for this. Stay safe my nonexistents!

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